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One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?



  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2010

    BRCA1, I felt really thirsty after surgery and when offered some ginger ale and graham crackers was eager to partake. I probably drank and ate too much, too soon because I became nauseous and "barfed" all over my bandages. I discovered that my mother can still move very fast and that my dad is still oblivious to everything, especially if he is reading a newspaper. I felt better afterward and the nurse gave me something for nausea and changed my dressings a bit later. The next day, I think I ate breakfast and at noon, before I checked out, my sister brought some very tasty potato soup. No more problems. If you take your pain medication regularly (as prescribed) you should feel normal fairly quickly. Some friends brought me a home cooked roast dinner with mashed potatoes and banana pudding. That's what I ate for dinner on Sunday night, following surgery on Friday morning. It seemed like the best meal I had ever eaten!

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, I join Meg in declaring my thanks for all of you on this forum!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010

    BRCA1, I was uninterested in food, but ate a little when told to. I found the hospital to be quite depressing....stunningly bad food in the ugly room. It was as though all beauty had been drained away. What helped was visitors, flowers and my happiness at having the cancer out Out OUT. Big enveloping bear hug to you, that will feel soft and gentle through cyberspace.

    Here's wishing all of you wonderful women a gorgeous Thanksgiving meal, great food, beauty and loved ones around you all. You are one of the things I am thankful for.

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010
    fortunate1 and okiegal  thank you so much for warm wishes. My surgery is tomorrow at 10.45 am, I can not wait to be over with it!
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.  You are all high on my list of blessings.

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010

    I am home! Surgery went well, I have my nipples for now (very worried about them and hopping they will not die).

    Got the pain under control today, yesterday was not so good. Overall, I am doing well, breasts not bruised and look good.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ladies!

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2010

    BRCA1, Wow! Congradulations! The hardest part is over. Now you can rest and recuperate. So happy to hear that you are home already.Smile

    Thanksgiving was very good, now's the hard part....trying to get myself back into Weight Watcher mode. Tomorrow? For sure!?!

    Best to you all!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010

    Bravo for you BRCA1! Glad it's over and you have the pain under control. Best of luck with the nipples. Doesn't that sound weird? Everywhere but here, where it's heartfelt and very real. I'll be thinking of you and taking you along with me on my chores today. 

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving packed tight from morning to night. Great food LOTS of family, even great weather...sunny, clear and cold. I am so aware of my wonderful family this year. We repeat it all on Sunday with out of town family coming in. I am cleaning like mad. And am in the studio too, as I have a sale here at home in two weeks. Way too much to do.

    Good day, friends. 

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010

    Thanks ladies! I am doing good, trying to lower my pain medications dose as it cause me stomach problem and even extra dose of magnesium and laxatives don't work, so I went from 10 mg (Oxycodone) every 3 hours to 5 mg every 4 hours. I am not in pain, so maybe tomorrow will try to skip couple of dose and replace it with Tylenol.  My belly look like I am 3 months pregnant and it is feels very uncomfortable.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited November 2010

    Braca, Great news, I'm happy you're not in pain...I used ducolax and it helped. You sound like your doing great, but take it easy and give yourself time to heal! 

    Okiegal, I was going to join WW today, but I'm feeling a little under the weather...maybe tomorrow.Wink

    Fortunate1, Good luck with your sale! Happy to hear you had a good thanksgiving!

    I had a quiet, but very nice Thanksgiving with my son and his girlfriend. I love the side dishes on Thanksgiving, especially my stuffing!

    Shhh, I have a secret. I'm not allowed to tell anyone. My son is going to get engaged in Dec! DH went with him to the jeweler. I gave DS his grandmother's engagement ring and he is putting in a new setting.  He has been dating his GF for seven years...since senior year in HS. Yesterday, he asked her father for permission to marry her...I have never seen him so nervous! LOL

    I hope you are all feeling well and have a great day! Smile

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited November 2010

    BRCA, I'm glad you're doing so well.  It will get better and better. 

    Meg, I won't tell a soul your hush-hush news!  How exciting for your son and for you and your DH.

    Okiegal, I, too, have to get back "on program."  Thanksgiving or The Day of Carbs and Sugar is over. 

    After a week of muggy summer-like weather, it's beautiful here today.  Sunny and cold.  I walked this morning in a heavy sweatshirt and warmup pants.  There was frost on the front lawn when I first looked out. 

    Before you know it, we'll be writing checks with 2011 on the date line. 

    Happy weekend to all.

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010

    Meg, great news, congrats!

     I have a question. Today in the evening I started to have strange sensation in upper part of my breasts, hard to explain, but I will try...It feels like a waive coming on top of my breast. It is not painful and doesn't give me any discomfort but feels like shiver wave without cold . What can that be? Very weird. The rest of breast is numb, so I feel it only at the top part.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited November 2010

    BRCA, either I didn't experience that sensation you describe or else I've forgotten having it.  Prepare yourself for a period of intense interest in your breasts.  You'll notice every sensation, every change in appearance, every everything.  After more than a year my breasts are still mostly numb but I do have itchy feeling and other sensations.

    DH and I are off to play golf with another couple this afternoon.  It's a gorgeous cool sunny day.  High temp. supposed to reach 68 degrees. 

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2010

    Hi all,

    BRCA1, I would guess that your weird sensations are a result of the pectoral muscles trying to adjust to having the implant underneath? Indescribable sensations were part of my healing process too. You'll probably have other unexpected "zaps and zings" or unexpected muscle twitches as your body goes about the healing process. We're here to answer any questions. Hope you are lounging and feeling better by the day.

    A big congradulations to you and yours, Meg9!  (shhh!)

    Sorry about the false alarm. The Thanksgiving leftovers are gone and I'm REALLY going back on WW today! Tongue out

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited November 2010

    Braca, I didn't have the feeling you explained, but I did have a tight feeling for a long time. You will expierence different sensations at this time of healing. I hope you are still pain free!

    Carole, It is cold (40's) and sunny in NY!  I  am trying to get Christmas decorating done before its gets colder. Enjoy your nice weather and golf!

    Okiegal, All are leftovers are gone too! I'm afraid to get on the scale! I didn't make it to WW last Saturday, but I really have to do something soon! I think a new plan is coming to WW!

    I'm almost done with my Christmas cards!  Working at the church the past few years left me little time to decorate and bake. It's nice to have the time and get an early start!

    Have a good day!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2010

    BRCA1, It sounds as though you are doing very well. Treat yourself gently. Carole has it exactly right. I was never as boob conscious! And breast seemed as though I was surrounded by them. I didn't people watch, I boob watched. How's your sister?  Did her appointment go well?

    Meg, love your secret!

    We had our two -yum- Thanksgivings and now I'm back at work. It is cold, frost on the lawn, chapped hands and the buckets of glaze are not looking very appealing. No way out, I have to dunk my hands in that cold gunk. Better get back to it.

  • speech529
    speech529 Member Posts: 148
    edited December 2010

    BRCA1 --I agree with Carol's statement...intense interest in your breasts.  The pecs are stretching out and everything is settling down.  Glad you are home now and in the healing mode.  Take good care of yourself!  This is a great place to come for the daily questions that come up.  Anything more than simple questions, see your doctor!! 

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    Hi and thank you for your answers. Talking about intense interest...I look at my breasts 4 times a day. They look very good so far. I have some new sensations every few hours. Very occupied with my boobs, I hope this obsession will pass some time soon.Embarassed

    I am doing very well and hopefully my drains ( major source of discomfort ) will be out tomorrow morning, can not wait for it! 

    My sister is ok ( thank you very much for caring). Dr told her it is cyst and didn't take any biopsy. How do they know for sure it is cyst? I am still worry about it and honestly I will be more comfortable if biopsy will be done, but what can I do? I know I would insist on biopsy, after all it is 1.8 cm large.

    I have app with my PS on Friday, he will remove all the dressings and I am hopping the botomm half of the nipples ,which covered by dressing now , are doing ok and not dying on me.

  • speech529
    speech529 Member Posts: 148
    edited December 2010

    BRCA1  This is such an intense experience, it takes time to get through everything physically and mentally.  I hope you get your drains out as planned--it makes a huge difference in comfort and you feel so much better!  Take good care of yourself physically and mentally.  Eat well and get rest!  Let others pamper you, too!

  • suz45
    suz45 Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2010

    I was posting a question re: Alloderm when I saw this, so I deleted my other one & will ask here.

    My personal history.. First dx BC summer 2007 had a lumpectomy LB with 21 nodes removed 2 were involved, went through chemo x 8, rads x16. Found out at that point I was BRCA1 so I did an oopherectomy as a precautionary measure. August 2009 found a large fast growing lump in RB (was a cluster of 8) went straight to chemo x 6, rads x 26, then had a bi-lateral mastectomy with 23 nodes removed (we knew I had node involvement under arm in neck & mammary node) All tissue tested came back clear. I was supposed to have immediate reconstruction of a Dorsi Latissimus, but the Oncologists decided I was too high of a risk and wanted me to wait a year. I had my BMX on April 13th and was waiting till this spring.

    Ive been monitored fairly closely and when I went in for one of my routine exams we were discussing my issues with sciatica pain on the left butt/hip. I was sent in for a full body bone scan as I hadn't had any scans since my surgery. I got a call from my onc right before going on vacation & she gave me the all clear on the hip but asked me if I was having any pain on my right side around the ribs... I said no & she said something was showing up on the scan but if there was no pain it was probably nothing & we could do an ex-ray with my Dec appointment.

    Well of course the moment we left for our trip I started feeling a  sort of cramp or muscle spasm mid back around my ribs on the right side... I was chalking this up to my imagination & the fact that I wasn't sleeping in my own bed & so on. Even after I got home I still thought it was my imagination, but because it was staying the same every morning & night I called in & got an ex-ray & follow up appointment the next day (Last Wed).

    Her assistant did the initial visit then I had to wait till she could see me........ it was about a 3-4 hour wait & my back was actually really cramping from sitting so long. I still figured I was gonna be told it was my overactive imagination.......but unfortunately to make a really long storey short I had cancer in my rib bone and I was now stage IV. It was an extreme shock as anyone here can imagine but I'm dealing with it ok now.

    My reason for being here is I still want to have my reconstruction and she is ok with that but didn't necessarily think a dorsi latissimus (both sides) was a good idea as to start its a long surgery and then there is the exchange and maybe touch up surgeries. She mentioned something about a one procedure Alloderm implant. Now I know nothing about this and would love to here any info that anyone has... I'm not sure how any "just implant" is gonna work with me as my surgery is already 8 months old, both breast sites were radiated during different years and I don't know.... whats gonna keep them in place. Basically I don't even know what questions to ask... I just want a pair of nice boobs so I can live my life comfortably. Ive worn prosthetics for 7 months & I really don't like it. Im sure its fine for some... but it isn't me. I just wanna wear the kind of clothes Ive worn all my life & not have to strap on boobs then find clothing to cover the heavy bra's. I was a 36D before any cancer then gained a lot of weight through treatment so I was about a 40 DD then went down to about a 38D at surgery time. Right now Im wearing 2 different types of prosthetics and one is a 38C & the other is a D but looks like a C as well.

    Im thinking if at all possible I would like to be C cup

    Any advice or help PLEASE

    Hugs Suz

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited December 2010

    Hi Suz45 and welcome to our little "alloderm" forum. I think your doctor is wise to steer you away from the extreme surgery of two latissimus flaps. I couldn't imagine undergoing that surgery on both sides although I'm sure many women are happy with their results. There are only about two (?) women on this forum who have undergone radiation and that was after their "one step" reconstruction. The rest of us had either a BLMX or a unilateral and immediate reconstruction with alloderm. I think most PS prefer to use expanders for skin that has experienced radiation. Also, they can go larger with expanders (but I think skin health determines the ultimate size). With the "one step" you would probably be limited to a size B. Of course, everything is up to the judgement of your PS and the techniques they feel are most appropriate for you. Have you made an appointment with a PS yet? Perhaps you have enough skin for the "one step" afterall? I would think the best way to know would be to schedule an appointment.

    BRCA1, what good news for you sister and you. I'm glad to hear it. Can she get a second opinion for peace of mind? Here's hoping you are minus the drains today!

    Meg9, what do you think of the new WW program? I'm doing the old one without meetings. I've paid for so many meetings in the past, I finally decided I needed to do it or just accept being fat. I chose to stay on program and have created a page with little "footprints" to keep track of myself. Each week that I stay on program, I get to color in a little footprint. I always feel so proud of myself! My sister has joined me in the journey, so we support one another. Also, for the month of December, I planned the entire month of dinners (more or less). I'm surprised how much it helps erase a lot of meal planning worry, obsessing, whining and procrastinating! I'm becoming my own "Jenny Craig"! Have a good day everyone!

  • Pink13
    Pink13 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013
  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    Pink13 good luck with your surgery. I am 1 week post op and I am very happy with the result and how I recover so far.

    I only have experience with counting calories. I lost weight twice after two pregnancies, around 20 lb each time. I love loosing weight by counting calories, no extra money and you can eat what you want , even potato chips and chocolate, just little portions and add to total for the day.

    Suz45I think the best way for you to find out if you are good candidate for AlloDerm is to see PS. My doctor examine  me for a while before said I can have AlloDerm done, so I think for doctors it is very important to see your breasts, skin etc to give you an answer. Good luck and keep us updated . Group of woman here is absolutely amazing!

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2010

    BRCA1:  So happy that you are doing so well!  How did they manage your pain post-op?

    Hi to all.  I don't do weight watchers, just exercise and moderation.

    Had tattoos done today.  No big deal.  Will know in a week what they look like.  It was one year ago that I had my surgery.  Glad I'm on this side.

    To all the newcomers, welcome.  Great bunch of women here. 

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited December 2010

    Suz45, Welcome to our group! I had bmx and reconstruction at the same time (one-step). I was told the largest I could be was a B. During the "one step" your pec muscle is cut and the alloderm is attached creating an instant pocket for the implant. My scar is 6 ½ inches across the center of my breast where my nipple was. Some here had nipple sparing mx. My natural breasts were a large C and my PS said there was too much skin for nipple sparing. My friend had bmx and expanders with alloderm and then chemo. I don't know what size she will be when all is done. I also met someone during the summer who was going to have the same procedure... bmx with alloderm and expanders. Both of these women did not have radiation.

    I wish you the best. Please let us know how you make out. BIG ((((HUGS)))

    Braca1, You will feel much better when the drains are removed. Rest and take the time to heal. I'm glad your sister is fine!

    Pink13, Welcome! Good luck with your surgery and please let us know how you make out. We are here to support you! BIG (((HUGS)))) to you too!

    Okiegal, I didn't make it to WW last Saturday, but I am definitely going this Saturday. I don't know why I have to get weighed by a stranger to stay on track! Undecided I will tell you more about the new system after Saturday. Your footprint system sounds great! You're lucky to have your sister to support you! DH sabotages me all the time...he is a junk food junky! I have difficulty resisting the goodies when they are in the house! LOL

    Upcreek, Congratulations on getting your tattoos and reaching the final step!! Kiss

    Fortunate1, Good luck with your firing!

    I saw my OC last Tuesday. It was an interesting last visit was in July. I was mixed up with another patient with the same name so OC did not have my last blood test results. My name is very common and I do not have middle initial. Neither does this other woman. Over the years we have seen the same doctors, but we have not been mixed up before. She is at WW too!

    OC said she thought my reconstruction looks very good compared to some she has seen. I told her I was thinking of getting tattoos, but wasn't sure. She suggested that I do not! She said that I look fine the way I am and that some woman have experienced complications. She mentioned this to me before. Still, I think if I found someone I felt comfortable with I might go ahead with it. One of my concerns is fading and having to get touch ups every couple of years. I don't want to look at myself with faded tattoos and I really don't want to have appointments for touch ups every few years.  When does this end?

    I hope you are all well! Have a good weedend!

  • BRCA1
    BRCA1 Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    upcreekthanks. I think I was not in pain thanks to mix of Oxycodone, Tylenol and nerve pain medications. I needed only for first 4 days , after that Tylenol was enough for me.

    Congrats with tattoos been done!

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited December 2010

    Pink13, welcome! It seems to me that the sizing question creates a lot of confusion before and after surgery. Basically, it's all relative. The wider your chest measurement the smaller the implant will look. It works the same way with bras. A "C" cup on someone who measures 32 inches at the band size would be a "B" on someone who measured a few inches larger at the band. Perhaps it's the same with implants? All I know is that there is a limit to what they can comfortably insert at the time of surgery, plus the implant will be a little "pancaked" by the pectoral muscle pressing on it. They use the high profile implants to counteract these forces.

    I hope you aren't freaking out by the idea of your pectoral muscle being "cut". It sounds so horrible, but what it means is that the pectoral muscle is lifted from the ribcage along the bottom edge and slightly cut at the midline to release it just a bit. Otherwise you would end up with a line and a disfigured implant. I was really anxious about all of this after surgery. Things felt wierd and I felt weak. But a year and a half later, I'm stronger than before (I've been lifting weights). Every movement doesn't feel 100% as before, but it doesn't bother me.

    Finally, I bet Weight Watchers has some sort of "health policy" too. If you have clearance from your doctor to join, it shouldn't be a problem. I would probably wait until after surgery so that your body will heal faster.

    Meg9, it's so hard to stay on program without support and if I have to join to stay on program, I will do it. My sister and I support one another, but we also have a bad habit of straying. It's nice to hear that your reconstruction is winning praises. I always wonder if they are just trying to make me feel better. Bottom line, I'm happy and that's what matters! I keep thinking about getting tattoos, but have the same concerns as you.

    Congradulations UpCreek! Let us know how they look!

    BRCA1, you are sounding very good. Now don't still need to take it easy for a while!

    I found a tiny, little praying mantis in the house yesterday. He's outside now. I don't like bugs in general, but for some reason, I think praying mantis and "walking stick" bugs are intriguing.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2010

    Thanks ladies.  Lots of redness today, not sure if that is normal as I've never had a tattoo before.

    Left a message at the clinic.... 

  • suz45
    suz45 Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2010

    Yes Ive had 4 appointments with my PS so far. Originally I was supposed to get immediate dorsi latissimus reconstruction, then that changed to a one year wait as the cancer was so aggressive. And well now.. I'm just researching a less complicated surgery since I stepped into the stage IV category. I spoke with my plastic surgeons receptionist & she seemed to think they could only do Alloderm at the same time as bmx or it wouldn't be covered by medical??.. I have an appointment on the 15th Dec with her, so I'll have to wait till then to find out more info.

    Hugs Suz

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited December 2010

    suz45, It looks like our group is off doing great things.

    It sounds like you have a lot of questions for the doctors. From my limited knowledge, the one step is indeed much less complicated, and less invasive. Unless the bmx removed all your extra skin it seems that the one-step wouldn't present a problem. The alloderm takes the place of expansion, and the small size doesn't require skin stretching. I think some of us have been reconstructed to a C cup, but a B is more common. I remember posts and websites by a woman - Donna Indelicato - who waited years before finding the one-step reconstruction option and became a passionate advocate for it. You might try googling her. As for the insurance companies are such a mystery. Ask, and then ask someone else, and another, until you're sure you've gotten a definitive answer. My insurance company misread their own guidelines and denied payment for my oncotype test. They never did back down, in spite of impassioned letters from my Onc, but Genomic health waived payment. Help can come in unexpected ways

    Gotta run, but am wishing you well. Write back and let us know how your appointment went. Hugs. 

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited December 2010

    Suz45, Good luck with your appointments.

    Upcreek, I hope you're OK and the redness was nothing to be concerned about.

    Braca1 and Pink13, Thinking of you and hope you are well.

    Okiegal, I started WW on Saturday. They have a new points calculator that tracks your daily points and figures out how many points foods are. Ex. I eat a health bar for snack. I found that it is 3 points...You input total carbs, fiber and fat from the box and the calculator will tell you how many points that food item is. All fruits are 0 pts. and most veggies. No one starts the day with less than 29pts! I don't feel I'm eating less than before and I don't feel hungry...I'm starving!..just kidding,Laughing I'm not hungry. So far (only 3 days) I'm staying on track, except after I signed up on Saturday I went to Costco and ate all the samples. LOL I kept telling myself these samples are so small they can't count! Well, next Saturday I'll find out!

    Hello to Carole, fortunate1 and speech!

    It is freezing in NY.  We had a dusting of snow early this morning. I hope everyone is well and having a good night. Smile