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  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited October 2010

    JanetinVirginia.. i love messing with the docs

    prayers for all and all our intentions

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Janet LOL really I just laughed out loud ..I needed that.

    Betty thank you for your thoughtful post, anxiety is such a problem and always has been for me. I started having panic attacks when I was 9, I always thought I was dying, hyperventilating etc. I lost my Mom when I was 6 and I was alone with her and she just dropped dead in front of me (heart condition) she was 28. No one was prepared for that she was an ER RN and really on top of her game, she used to fly with pediatric patients that had to airported with heart issues.

    Anyway I have fought the anxiety of that PTSD my whole life. I have conquered it once before through therapy etc and spirituality but it came roaring back after bc dx as I was scared to death I I would die and leave my 3 little ones as I had been left. It would be interesting to know how many of us have struggled with excessive anxiety. The interesting part is that when I finally overcame it I had a very good life, many friends, successful career, travelled the world, had 4 pregnancies, etc etc. It can be overcome but it is really hard. I pray that we can find that wonderful peace, just the Grace of Peace there any better gift??

    Ladies I think so many miracles are coming due to our Novena and prayer, I am afraid to say it out loud but my hip had not hurt in 3 days (this is after 7 weeks of pain) Granted I have rested it a bit more, but the respite from pain makes me believe it is not mets as they don't have respites.

    Paula I am sorry for your experience today, people just don't get it, it is so frustrating and I am sorry it happened to you. 

    I am so happy for all that are here and we have a wonderful group, Lets keep praying our list of intentions together, if any have additional requests please let me know and I will update the list.

    Be well Michelle 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010


    I will add Ebann to our prayers for Friday, She is here in AZ and is a really nice lady to many. 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    I look forward to getting to AZ to be with you all! Robin/Firstmate is a friend of mine here on BCO and home and Vegas... I love her... and I just met Ebann on this Vegas trip.. I feel so badly for her. My husbands family live in AZ... so we will probably get there this year or next... :)

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010

    Hi All,

    Apple - your story was my favorite read today - the love and empathy you shared was inspirational.  God bless you and bless your family!

    Michelle - I have my times of feeling like my life has been so horrifically altered because of BC that I feel despair.  I think the after active treatment time is the worst part of this journey yet.  I'm usually a very rational person but this BC stuff is very very irrational.  It makes you doubt everything you know about yourself.  When I get hyper about it, I deliberately stop and put my future in God's hands....I know I have no control over this.  So, I imagine that I lift my burdens from my shoulders and present them in a basket to God.  I pray "Here God, take these worries and fears because I can't bear them myself."  It helps me to imagine that.  God lifts me up and I feel better and more hopeful.  If the cancer comes back, it won't be because of anything I've done or not done.  It just will be so. And, worrying about it won't stop it.  But the extra worry will make my life less enjoyable.  I intend to enjoy as much as possible with whatever time I have left -- months, years, or decades (and I'm hoping decades).  You're not alone in this.  God is also with you - give him your basket of worries.

    Falls, cuts, toe bangs...yikes!  What used to be no big deal gets so much more damaging after our bodies have gone through "treatment."  This very little pill, Femara, I take every morning is doing a number on me, too.  Last year at this time I was a healthy young-looking 57 year old.  Now I'm a creaky, achy, gray-haired old lady who grunts and groans alot.  My birthday is in a week....a 58 year old in a body that feels 78.  I keep telling myself that at least I'm feeling something -- the alternative to the surgery/chem/rads/pills was .... feeling nothing forever sooner!

    Hello NoniJones - keep interrupting our thread, please. 

    Off to bed.  Love and hugs to you all. 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013



    . This is not nice let us know what the outcome is.

    Hrrumpp sheila

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Apple...... sharing your family story was a good thing! I also, an sorry on the number of close family who have/had cancer. You are not a virgin to it are you sweetheart? Hey... how is that new home of yours... do you just love it... the acreage..... I sure love our " space" here .. a little land is nice..... anyway.. Just want to post to you.. I hope you read it...:) hugs.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    oh Paula...

    First you are right. They were wrong and inappropriate to say the least. I am so sorry that you were subjected to that. Truly. You should have had a sheet, and they should have immediately come and attended to you. Your gut sure was right about them, and I know they do not represent the best or even the mediocre. I don't know if there would be an office manager over in Rads, or if it is connected with the rest of Radiology? Mine was in a separate building. I would recommend going to their manager, and they will have one, even if not directly onsite. I know how hard this is to do, but seems like they can't get much worse from all of your interactions so far. Dang it! The next person would be the personal assistant to the head of Radiology. They will direct you to the right person, and it might very well be the head if there have been issues in the past. I would bet some money there have been. Please let us know, as you deserve to be treated better, and this is not only for you, but for the next person on the table. I have a friend with anal cancer, and she would be in a compromising position for up to 30 it may help to spur you on to know you are speaking on behalf of all cancer patients. Best of Luck, let us know, K?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    You are hilarious with your aroma comment. I was LOL'ing over here. Maybe I'll see you fly by in the sky..try to pass over DC on your way, K?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Ok... I know I am foggy these days.. but I miised and cannot find the post from Paula that shares what is WRONG with her... please let me know what I need to pray for..

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Sheila ~ I get to see my rad onc tomorrow.   Thanks for the understanding and informing me how to say it, I needed that.  You're so right, VIOLATED was the word, I can't explain it, but that's how horrible it felt.  Like people have no regard of "MY PRIVACY" and I know this is not CATTLE, so don't treat me like one.  Even my sister didn't think it was an issue! Why not? I can't even go near when someone else was being radiated on the lower leg.  Why was I so different?  Guess what, you know when you are talking to a block of wood (my 2 rad techs) when they don't have anything to continue any small talk. It's pathetic.  I would not want to say, but like "hey, step inside my shoes and see how it feels"!

    Let you in on another thing that happened at the Certified test center yesterday afternoon.  There was another lady who was being yelled at by an older man (who surpervises the test).  We have to remove our wrist watch, rings or bracelets before entering.  They supply you with a small white board, a simple calculator and we bring our driver's license.  That's it.  That lady didn't know and brought a pencil.  Man, she was being yelled at like she was a little girl.  I couldn't stand it and turned around and told her "you do not have to take his yelling like you are a little girl, he's condecending and you do not have to put up with it.  Another woman across from me who had finished and was waiting for her friends agreed with me.  I even said it out loud, "he better not be talking to me this way - oh NO!" and he didn't. 

    Why are people always have to be threatened before they will act proper to one another?  Why can't we just show that we do care about each other and we are not just robots!!!

    I sure will start praying for that.

    Thanks Sheila again, for backing me up. Thanks Traci.  And Thanks Laura, it is one page before. It was my privacy that was violated.  And that my rad techs are more like robot than human! 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Got it Paula... I went back three pages.... and my fog OBVIOUSLY took over...

    Yes, privacy can be ignored with radiation. These people are so blind by it all... they are just roboting us in. The techs are the worse. I was told... " I had to be tattoo'd" with marks with rads.... and I needed all four areas radiated... that is five-tattoo dots.

    I said No. I will NOT be tattooed with those GREY marks... And I did not. My radiation onco ( been doing this at cancer centers for 20 +yrs) told me no one has to be tattoo'ed... it just makes it easier on the techs....... and so.... he would tell them no tats for me.. just marker. BUT... he DID tell me that the " techs would not be so..." into me"... I would not be their favorite...

    well, I did not care....

    He was right....... for the first two weeks.. they acted as if they hated me....

    To bad.....

    (((Paula)))) go gettem girl.... you take control over what you choose for you and you choose what you feel comfortable with.... ( privacy if needed)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I was reading you post, in succession with the others, and I am just shaking me head at how many of us have had cancers in our families. It just makes me sad how pervasive this has been in our lives, and I don't know how that shapes us today or if at all, but it sure is a common thread that we have beyond our own cancers. I'm really glad we have each other, and are focusing on "climbing higher mountains" together (great gospel song.)

    So Michelle, it makes it all the better when I hear the good news about your three days pain free after 7 weeks. Yes, a miracle. You too have had such trials, and I also see many of us have had PTSD in our histories or re-activated by our dx and treatments. This is again where we can really support each other to use both physical and spiritual "treatments" to help get both anxiety and PTSD under control, and managed before it takes over. I agree, lets keep our list of intentions going for personal daily prayer, and I know we have one or more new names from today's posts.

    Let's keep up the GREAT work!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2010

    I will be going to Mass to marrow at noon and will pray for all on our list of intentions.  I go to church at Our Lady of Victory Basilica, home of Father Baker. anyone know of him?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    So please let me know if I miss anyone..we were wonderfully active today. I just LOVE IT!

    Geewhiz, who is having issues with her bloodwork and heart scans. May these normalize so she can move forwards with treatment.

    Prayersareanswered, In the future we could maybe all get together? (future..before or in between our holidays?) I don't have a car anymore, so metro is the ride for me, or if I had a pony, that would work as well.

    Torigirl, praying that you soon will be coming out of that chemo feeling, stay healthy and well while you rebuild your WBC count.

    lovemyfamily, so happy you are part of our family, along with our other posters, Hood, and the return of NoniJones...with your wonderful inspiration post. I will keep re reading it, as there is so much there for me to absorb and really learn. Thank you for sharing your joy.

    and for Laura's Intentions, her dear friend Ebann. We pray most ferverently Lord that she is free of Mets, Judy L. who is beginning her journey, to soon have a mastectomy and start her chemo, we pray that her nodes are clear and her body free of metastasis. For Bridgette who will soon be starting her chemo for Mulitple Myeloma, we pray that her chemo puts her in complete remission, and that she tolerate her treatments with minimal side effects. , and for Debbie who has passed from us to be with the Lord, free of earthly burdens and physical pain. May she be running free and be in complete Peace and surrounded by her loved ones that had passed before her.

    so I will get fitted for my ARMOUR, and am prepared to stand tall in this fight. Never wavering, always steady, always true to self.

    Bless you all, and a final hello to Jan, and Theresa, I sincerely hope you are not entirely wrapped in gauze as your DD practices her First Aid. and a final g'night to Sheila and Paula.

    (I hope I got everyone tucked in :)

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Traci ~ I went through the list of names on this thread and the following are MIA, I hope these ladies are doing OK.  If you are reading, give us a honk.

    Barb - Shanagirl


    Monika - MonikaV (supposed to have surgery end of this month, forgot when)


    I'd like to propose a morning prayer to our Holy Mother that we can say each morning when we first visit this thread.

    WE TURN TO YOU FOR PROTECTION (Sub tuum praesidium).

    (this is the earliest surviving prayer to Mary, probably of Egyptian origin, late second century.)

    We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God.

    Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs.

    Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    PUALA I can take the caps off now, what i read , obviously got my adrenaline going. People with supposed power that abuse others , need to be taken --out of the power position. The only way that happens is reporting. Glad you tried to protect that youngin. 

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy you passed. I was afraid because of chemo/ anesthesia brain you wouldn't.

    I am only to familiar with it. I was receiving pressure from my boss to come back to work which was against company policy. I scheduled the neuropsych test 5 1/2 weeks post last anesthesia because of her pressure. Four anesthesias and one killer chemo and overdoses on chemo and arimidex--unknown at the time.  I failed the test. Had I been given recuperative time and known the affect of chemo/multiple anesthesia affects on the brain, and that there was an adverse drug interaction with one of my antihypertensives Norvasc in all events , I may have not failed. Once it was on paper, I couldn't do anything about it. IT'S DOCUMENTED. My neurologist even admitted he would never take a neuropsych test. No one checked drug interactions on the sofistacated level that needed to be done. No one warned me that it may end my career if i failed. No one warned me that if you piss off the tester , they can manipulate the test results. The question that pissed her off was"name all the colors that you can and none of them can be made up" I responded "red blue and yellow" she stated "well I accept secondary colors" I responded " well those are made up colors" " All colors come from red blue yellow and if you have to be complete black and white because they are the absence of color , but changes the others, and a mix of any of them will give you all other colors." You could see by her face that she was pissed. In my councelors reading of the report he said yup i can see it right here where you pissed her off. So, anyone here or our quiet ones, never agree to a neuropsych test because it is subjective. If you have to take them, give them what they want to hear,  not what is true. Basicaly,  refuse the test. I'm screwed. Sounds crazy--yes and someone will right back it was more then that. Well my counselor read the whole thing. Yes I was depressed, Both my dh and I had cancer at the same time, I had BC with BMX and recon,Yes I had a documented brain tumor, Yes i had a closed traumatic brian injury on the left frontal lobe. I was 5 1/2 weeks post last anesthesia. Lesson learned don't piss off your tester. There are quiet readers that would say it had to be more than that. Well I have already identified all the extenuating circumstanses. What else can I say. I failed by a half point. -----My whole life has changed. AND my husband of 38 years that we were joined at the hip dies. I loose him due to a disease and my career because of a SUBJECTIVE test. NEVER subject yourself to a neuropsych test. If i had known I wouldn't have . But guess who suggested that the differnce between a neurosurgeons ok to work with a brain tumor was okay. Me. I said that only talks about structure not function. ---i screwed myself because I was the good nurse. Well help me pray on that one . Should have put it in the Quadalupe intentions for guidance.

    Nursing was my life since I was 18. It was what I wanted to be from chilhood, my guess has always been because of the polio experience. Out of four children, we were all divergent in our fields, but the basis of our real life is that we were all teachers.  I believe that came from the polio experience. We predated the vaccine by 2 years. Salk had given his own chidren the vaccine in June of the1952. We got polio in September. It wasn't approved by the FDA until 1954.

    So, integrity, honesty and a belief in the right thing to do has left me with nothing to do.  Well that sucks doesn't it. I know all of you will envelope me in prayers for change. A new beginning. Yes ,I need that immensely right now  because I'm not dead, but the brain isn't working right. It may seem that it is, but like I said before I am a two finger typer, that is a whole lot slower way of processing than what I was used too. There was a time if you wanted someone in an emergency, it would be me, now getting out of bed is an accomplishment.. I can have a day that that -wow- i got something done- and then the next day is a bed day. That's really why I mostly post every other day. This is really starting to sound morbid. Well things are moving in a positive direction. I found Ya'll --Squid first and Native Mariner, and SHE. Then Karla of Namaste. Each day brings something or someone new. But i'm still grieving Greg. Thank God that at this time Stephen DS has had to come home because the hiring market isn't good otherwise, he might have been off to who knows where. Michelles novena To Mary of Quadalupe has brought us all so close With more people coming in vs being quiet.

    The discussion of lurking, was acceptable as a term and funny in the overall, but when applied to us childern of the 50-70's was a really bad term. it had conotations that were bad. Thats why for this site I wanted something different. I think we have all come to our own terms as to how we want to address them. We each address them in a different way now, as sugessted by many. The quiet ones I think I like the best. Because you are there and quiet for your own reasons. A few have broken their quietness and joined us. Bless them as well as blessing the quiet ones.

    The goodness found here is very comforting. Each site has it's own culture and focus. Here we concentrate on each other. It's depth vs breezy. Our love of god , jesus, mother mary and our saints. The prayfulness is amazing. The stories. I wonder how many are celtic. Celts live by the story telling. I think I'm getting on the bookend realm of a note. so perhaps should sign off . L&H and faith sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Dear Sheila, I loved it when you typed in CAPS, it got me reading and pumped and it meant that you felt how badly I felt - thank you for your support!!!   In fact, this afternoon, I told a woman (I only call a female lady, when she's carried herself "like a lady", the others, I term them woman, that's the thing I started since I was a teenager).  You've gotta laugh at this one, LOL.

    So I called the State of CAand wanted to verify what is needed to get my CA license to expand my horizon.  I've been licensed in NV for years but wanted more under my belt, besides these are new requirements that was adopted this year.  First I talked to a middle-aged guy, he gave me wrong answers and quickly passed me to someone.  He was mumbling on the phone so when I spoke with this woman, I asked if she belonged to this entity or that, because the acronyms sounded similar when you mumble it.  The woman was already knit picking on my question and said that I wasn't even sure where I was calling.  So I politely told her that I did, but the guy said that he would pass me to NMLS.  So said, "no, he said he would pass you to MLOS".  Well, I said "I apologize if it definitely sounded similar when he mumbled it.  Her attitude did not stop there, no matter what I ask, she would answer with either more acronyms or a condescending manner.  When she didn't understand my question, I rephrased it, then she quickly snapped at me "that's not what you asked".  Of course not, you dumb-ass (I felt like saying), but instead I said, "since you didn't understand my question, I rephrased it. 

    Honestly, why do callers have to succumb to their bad attitude?  At that point, I couldn't care less who she's working for, even at the licensing department of the State.  I told her that it is not acceptable to be talking with people in such condescending manner.  I thanked her profusely for that, then hung up.  My DH was surprised that I was talking that way and the "woman" had my license number.  I told my DH, ever since my BC, I really couldn't care less how the rude person feels or how it will affect my license.  I didn't do anything wrong and she can't sabotage it.  I think THEY need to know that whatever bad vibes and attitude they give out "IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE OR WHO THEY ARE".  Years ago when I first moved to the States, I used to feel guilty about the tiniest things and always had to explain everything.  As I got more mature, I've learned that I don't always have to feel bad about what people didn't do. 

    LOL - This may be my heightened ego at play! Pray it won't spell trouble one day!

    Speaking of the anesthesia brain.  My 1st surgery here (tubal pregnancy), but my 2nd surgery overall, I almost didn't wake up.  Afterwards I told my OB/GYN who did the surgery that "a part of my memory was forever gone - erased".  Then my 2 other surgeries, I think it was better but have bouts of fogginess and my family noticed the difference because I used to have really sharp memory (like an elephant).  And yes, you are right about going through the exam.  I was doubting myself and found it hard to concentrate reading the questions and had to read the answers like 4 times.  It was just triple stressful.

    I also wanted to describe the rads facility.  This company has 6 locations in Las Vegas and they have facilities in other states as well.  The center is not too large. Has about 3 exam rooms, 1 CT room and 2 Rads room.  Overall about 3,000 sq ft.  Machines are about 10 yrs old.  The rad onc rotate between the 6 locations. 

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    OH Sheila and Traci,

    Have you thought about working for the insurance company as their Case managers?  The post can only be filled by RNs.  or  24-hr phone support nurse (RNs only).  Right?  Can you imagine how fulfilling it is?  Especially when people call in when they are most helpless.

    I'm babbling tonight :)

    Good nite!!!  {{{{{HUGS}}}}

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited October 2010

    Michelle, I am happy to hear about your hip! As far as radiation goes and what Sheila went through...NO NO NO!!!!! There is NO WAY that is acceptable, professional or respects your dignity whatsoever. All radiation must be overseen in my state by an on-duty doctor. I would find out who that doctor is, and start there perhaps. I am SO sorry you suffered this. I jsut finished radiation ( and did well with some natural tricks I wil share if you want), so I feel for you deeply here!

    I found my field in Ohio. Its in Norwood, Batavia Ohio. Our Lady of Lights. My jaded New Yorker girlfriend who only steps foot in church for weddings and funerals got dragged there by her friend who went and got the message to bring Christine.... kicking and screaming she went but came back a VERY changed person. She has a Downs Syndrome child and an autistic child, so I believe Mary had a special message for her as a mother. There is something to that place. I want to go and experience it.

    This morning I woke to a terrible message. My good friend asked me for prayers for her 10 year old nephew who was airlifted to the hospital in anaphylactic shock, not breathing from something he ate and had a reaction to. I do not know his name, but hers is Kathy, and she is Catholic too. So if anyone can think of this family, I would so greatly appreciate it.  

    I went to our prayer chapel last night and prayed for us all, Judy EBann especially. I prayed to let Nonni's wisdom soothe my heart, as this cancer scares me and coming to these boards  sometimes scares me even more I have found.

    Have a warm and wonderful day. 

  • SmilingSpirit
    SmilingSpirit Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2010

    Hi, just checking to say may God bless you all today. I'm a newcomer and have almost reached my 5 post a day limit. :(

    Again I'm not Catholic but I have Catholic friends. I'm an evangelical Christian who believes in the power of prayer, divine healing, the Holy Spririt, and that Jesus died for our sins so that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. So we aren't that far apart! I was raised a Presbyterian and did my shareo or exploring churches and denominations. This is the one I'm most comfortable with so I hope you ladies don't mind me posting now and again? Forgive me for interuppting your lovely topic.

    My verse for the day for those that are interested is Isaiah 40:31

    But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Morning sisters in Christ!

    Smiling Spirit - one of my favorite hymns is On Eagles Wings (always makes me get teary)- your verse reminded me of that.  I found it really frustrating too with the 5 post minimum.  It is supposed to only last until 50 posts, but I kept getting cut off.  So I PMd the moderators and they fixed it.

    Sheila - you'd think with the dire shortage of nurses you could have your pick of what you want to do next in your calling.  So explore all options out there when you're ready.

    geewhiz - let us know if you visit the field!

    Paula - I like the morning prayer.  So glad you passed!!!  And do follow through about unprofessional behavior.  Even with doctors -- I always like the ones who meet & talk a little while you are dressed, exit while you change and then come in for an exam.  Makes you feel more like a person.

    Pat - I'm handing over my 'basket' today.  Beautiful post.

    So many beautiful posts -- each touches my heart.  Yes, something very special about this thread.

    Pray HARD today for a breakthrough cure.  I think today is national cancer day?  I'll have to google it.  God bless.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    Smiling Spirit

    Welcome again, please know you are so welcome here, and i so appreciate your vs, it reminds me of a cool Christian song I listen to on KLOVE, I am sure some of you other ladies listen as well There is a little child at end of song reciting this vs. 

    We have other non Catholics here as well and all are welcome. IMO, you are here and guided here for a reason and will probably have something to teach us. Since you list Power of Prayer as your first belief you will fit in wonderfully and hop you can join us on our Friday eve. prayers.

    Geewhiiz...I am right there with you with the fear, and I am working very hard on it. thanks for posting.

    I love the idea of Paula's for Ins nursing or phone nursing, I would love for either of you two to be on the other end of the phone when I was speaking to a nurse....very comforting.

     I am up and off to a bc fundraiser today....I truly don't' want to go and have brushed it off for the last 2 years as I hate going anywhere and being reminded as if I didn't think about it enough. However my close friend is chairing this year, it is at Saks 5th ave, and all the proceeds go to TGEN which is very dedicated to research genetically which  I believe in. But honestly I just keep thinking yuk....don't want to think about it all morning.....sorry just my feelings right now.

    Have a good day 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2010

    PS I fell asleep thinking of Pat's analogy of handing over the basket literally and I finally got to sleep. Thanks so much PAT

  • irrena79
    irrena79 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010
    me too,

    I'm joining today, with a heartfelt prayer to St. Peregrine.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Smiling spirit!

    How wonderful of you to join, and I am sorry I did not say hello the other day, please excuse! You have a beautiful pic BTW. I am Presbyterian raised as well, which I incorporate with other Religions and a desire to work on my Spirituality. When I think of our upbringing, for me I remember our services as story telling and the very real and strong message of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This has served as a core belief for my life. Your verse is beautiful, and you are most welcomed and please post whenever the Spirit moves. I'm hoping that you will be able to post more frequently...but you should be able to Private Message to your heart's content.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2013


    Welcome Welcome, I am so delighted to see our group grow, and I can only think how Laura started this thread, and how it has grown. So you are welcomed with open arms irrena!

    Oh, and to ALL here : we have prayers on Friday nights...10:00 Eastern Standard Time, and our Paula (Diamond Girl) posts our prayers for the evening. We always have our prayer to St. Peregrine, and we have our list of Intentions which started when our Dear Michelle began her Novana. I am afraid I am not going to fully explain Michelles sitting with the image of  our Lady of Guadalupe incorrectly, so I am going to let one of our other Sisters here jump in.

    (I try, but don't always say things correctly as the Catholic Faith is one that I am learning and enjoying immensely..but as I say, it is a whole new language for me)

    Welcome all,

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Hi Pat,

    I'm not sure if I said hello directly yesterday, but I read your posts. Sometimes I think I have talked to someone after reading because I feel like I am right there with you.

    Michelle, you are probably already off and running today, but I thank you for pushing through your feelings and going to support your friend as us as well. I appreciate the challenge this brings for you, so your volunteering is very meaningful.

    I was thinking about our careers Sheila. I actually was very blessed to move into case management a few years back, which does not require any lifting, 12 hour sprints and the like. I do however keep options for my future going, as I too support myself, and have to be realistic about what my body can or cannot do. I have other interests, which are so oposite of my ER days (my true love.) I really like Quality Improvement, as I am always striving to make our services better, and improve patient outcome. I can see you in a Q.I. role, Infection Control Nurse, Insurance case management (Paula :) JACHO ! Or any role where you are making sure that Hospitlas/Nursing Homes are meeting standards, and if not, go girl! Education, Geriatrics (not sure what role, but I love this population,) Wound care/ostomy, Diabetic teaching, and the other wonderful ideas mentioned here, oh, Insurance review, which would include reviewing charts, Union representation for Nursing, just to name a few..

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited October 2010

    so many posts, prayers and events.

    may God Bless us all.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Isn't it Lovely Apple?

    Everyone have a Blessed Day!