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  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010


    wed. is fine

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    I think I sent her a pm it was done. but all this is in the last 20 minutes or so.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    I pm'd michele just incase I didn't. I'm out of inspiration tonight. Maybe that should be an intention. Not doing too good on the smoking. I figuired if I could get rid of the smoking, a lot of other health problems would fall in line.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I heard a rumor that we have an Intentions thread? Well, you spread the rumor, so it must be true.  I hear your pain on the nicotine front and I have no answers. 

    may I share? my left tissue expander hurts like a  (fill in the blank) thumbs down

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Have you been doing you foob massage?. What are other symptoms? redness, heat, swelling, which side of fall? details? Remember it took me---still not recovered from catching Greg it's 9-10 weeks. Evaluate one step at a time.

    Please go see thread directions above.. Want feed back-----------can be modified---Theresa says looks good......but waiting for everyone else

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2010

    I am so sorry for those of you who suffer the addiction of smoking. I have seen this first... well.. second hand. My sweet mother suffered for years... and finally she was able to quit at age 52. She gained 80 pounds and now, at age 67 is on full time oxygen. COPD.

    My mother is a wonderful, Godly woman who is so deserving in this life. But... just because she started smoking years and years ago... not even know it could do addicted. Addiction is a horrid thing.

    Food........ it is all addiction.  I pray for everyone suffering... as it probably NEVER started out with your doing.... not really. BLESS YOU !

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    not sure if this is r/t LE therapy? It is the side I fell on, and was hurting when I swam today, then it stopped again. started back up after scooping armpit LE exercise tonight. no redness, I put weight watchers popsicle on boob to ice it. My boob is not any thinner :) but seriously, it's sharp stabbing burning I have taken pain meds....still bad. misery.

    Laura, yes, I hear you on the addiction front. I don't drink anymore...weight does up and down, caffeine...I have that need to soothe myself that I don't get internally. I am a work in progress...i also have the anxiety issue...

    i'm hanging in there, might be up for awile with this pain,,,oh boy.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010



    thanks for your thoughtful work on the intentions thread.

    I am going to pray the Novena as I wait this out....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2010

    ((((( Squidward)))))

    You know.. I love my coffee.... don't do soda...

    I think I am an odd duck. I can have 3 cups of coffee daily... for say.... 6 months. Then not have any during the summer months. I do not even get headaches... my friends think this is wierd. It makes me wonder, how much of addiction.. is in our heads, and how much is physical? My mother tells me food gives her so much comfort. But cigs. were a need.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    lAURA --thank you dear ....I know it is an addiction. Started the first week of nursing school. Someone can analyze that one, I have been analyzing it my whole life. Since I was 21 vs 18 , it makes it even more of an interesting analysis. Hopefully the rest of my genes came from mom who lived until 89 and was still addicted to smoking. Had only lost her cataracts. Well that aside.

    Opinion on Intentions thread . Is it a go on all fronts?. I have been thinking about the thread for weeks. But Theresa hands on her hips reminding me of Aunt Em for some reason from Wizard of Oz. --It's done. It's open enough to others. But clearly states our intent for use. It will make tracking so much easier. And when we want to send it to Benedictines, Carmelites, ST Pius ,we can do as we wish. Forgot already who has the onc rad doc who leads a prayer group. That can happen too.

    My dad used to play the ponies, he then would send these envelopes to different prayer groups, mostly cloister groups monk or nuns. I asked him onetime since money was so short why. His answer " sshhhss It's my insurance".  I wonder what an ecclesastical type would do with that one.

    Squid don't know what to say. first reaction  is see your PS.  Follow the symptoms , get the rule outs done. Stop the exercising until you have more info from someone. But if you're not happy with their answer seek a different opinion. The bb pellet I found in left breast after catching Greg, I have an answer because 2nd opinion doc ordered a PET. Foob okay, brain tumor maybe gone, but found 3 cervical and 1 thoracic, 1 lumbar new lymph nodes. New chapter. Botttom line one doc not willing to do a f/u, get a second opinion.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    Squid elevate on two pillows , laying on your side. If it hurts change position until there is no pain. Limit activity for a few days. Honey pm me if we need to do more talking(((((((H)))))))s

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    I know squidwards fought a few battles. one blessing is quitting drinking was easy. i was tired of my behavior, and was trying to deal with anxiety in social situations. neither of my parents smoked or drank much. i would go over my friends house and her parents smoked and drank a lot. now my friend has issues with drinking and i crave nicotine...i guess we each took away something. we used to take their cigs and drink their alcohol. i don't blame them, but i do worry about kids and the unbelievable things they are exposed to. strong faith,athletics, playing an instrument, art..volunteerism and job at 16 can go a long way to help kids make it nowadays. there is way too much permissiveness and parents befriending their kids instead of doing the harder thing and being willing to set boundaries and be unpopular. i had a very good foundation, we just fell apart after dad's illness. i know you all are great parents, i'm talking about the kids i see in our clinic and surrounding schools etc very different demographic and some kids parents have to work 2 jobs but our media , TV, Hollywood is very messed up

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Squid--you ok honey. you're probably one finger typing. Are you sure you shouldn't take some pain med , . Leave the board for the night and take care of your arm. first few hours of swelling can be critical to outcome--s

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    i am one finger typing i sent you pm

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    o.k. night all, I will try and close my eyes. Love you all :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Laura your right on ----what is in our heads and what is an addiction. Though smoking has been defined as one of the worst addictions -------the problem is I enjoy it. I can make every case against and...... I have 9 cousins with BC none but my twin and I smoked. Twin quit many years before BC. It's a risk factor. I think my greastest risk factor was the fall I took in a patients home. Smashed my head and face , jaw went right, neck the whole thing went crunch many levels, hit every part of my body includiing left boob. After incident report made out I looked at the thing for completeness. And added elbows are okay. All the trouble started after that. If the meningioma is gone , it was likely related to the trauma of the fall. But the hx of origins of meningiomas of recent times debunks relationships to falls. WEll , that's the problem with recent medicine Whats good today is bad tommorrow.

    As far as caffiene, only a couple of days of withdrawal is needed. But it is recognized as a problem for some and can even be given IV when needed. As a post op nurse it was a common question to ask how many cups do you drink a day and when was your last cup? sometimes that was all it took post op to get rid of the headache.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Whew, sorry I was MIA for 2 days and it took literally an hour to catch up.  So many posts and I'm thinking about all fo you !

    Janathan ~ so very sorry about your sister's passing.  My deepest condolences.

    Janet ~ thanks for the reminder, I'm with HMO and Las Vegas being such a small town, there's no other place that I can go to.  Although I am not happy with them, I'm constantly praying to our Lord Jesus and ask him to intervene and have Him see to it that everything will be correct. 

    The rad tech (the #1 cold one) is now tiny bit nicer, I noticed that when she comes in to get me out of the rad table, she would even pick me up by the back of my neck, that was the first last Friday.  She apologized twice about the machine being down and I was most patient with them. I think I am recognizing that there is a "hint" of her getting better with me.  I can't say much about the rad onc yet, I mean he's nice but not overly reassuring with my LE symptoms.

    Theresa ~ thanks for noticing my issues.  It wasn't the smoothest week.  I think that as much as I would like to forget and be positive on my treatment, the arm numbness really doesn't help at all. 

    Michelle ~ sorry to hear about your son's episode, it must be stressful for you.  Just like what happened to our son 2 weeks ago, I can just imagine.  Glad that he's all ok now :)

    Mary ~ very nice picture.  I think that we should all have our pictures on the avatar too.  So we can put a face to the name :)  I do have a prayer for family strife, will post it tomorrow a.m.

    Sheila ~ thaks for the explanation, that's what I thought, but who is the sister of Faust?  Someone you are upset with ?  (I will check out your Intentions thread tomorrow a.m., too tired right now, I slept 4 hrs).  And thanks for remind us about taking care of ourselves, i.e., drink enough water, sleep well, exercise - LOL, I haven't done any of the above 3 very well.  Need a smack on the butt.

    Traci ~ Nice story about your dogs, but I was sensing something deeper in the tone of your post! Is something bothering you?  You sounded lonely and ...something else I can't put a finger on it.  (that was your Saturday afternoon post). Then I read about your SE from your fall.  I know that you are not feeling well (comfortable with SE), is it brining you down?  I think I am dealing with a similar problem as you right now.  My SE is from rads, and your SE was from the fall.  Itgave me a negative emotional build up and I didn't like it.  Traci, I can only pray that Lord Jesus will lead you out of this misery quickly. 

    Good night all! Amen.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    Paula hope being MIA meant you were having some fun and relaxation.  Sister of Faust was my 2nd last boss................. Intentions thread is done. Forum>prayers and spirituality>Catholic intentions.

    Language otional to change. ..............How bad is the numbness , and is this told to you as being usual? Ask to see your rad record and ask what the normal dose range is? ask them to show you where you fit in that dose range?

    Teach me --what was it about your dx that caused them to recommend rads.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited November 2010


    I have posted the updated intention list on that specific thread please let me know if anyone would like me to alter/add/delete any of their intentions.

    I hope we can meet weds eve to pray the St. Jude together and call out these intentions by name, there are so many in need.

    Sheila I am concerned about your health, you should give us the update on your PET I would like us to be praying for you heavily. (and Jeannine as well) 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    Hi Paula,

    Yes, Saturday I was down, just life, being tired, a little I probably sounded a bit melancholy, or a lot? :) I told my friend yesterday that Saturday was really off, she has depression too, so we sat out in the sun and took the last swim of the season together. I then aggravated whatever is happening...I know I was quite uncomfortable after PT so I will keep my arm quiet in a sling today.

    the good news? I already had a PS appointment tomorrow that I scheduled months ago. I am also due for my one year MRI, and the pool is closed.

    and Paula, Rads were tiring for me. I was trying to work part time, which I would equate to having a family and kids...lots of energy expended on top of daily radiation. Take super good care of yourself. Is your family taking on the responsibility of preparing meals, cleaning? rest is very important, and your rads has been stressful. I am glad one tech is getting a little better. even the seemingly small gesture of helping someone up, holding the back of their head..are incredibly important. human touch.

    let us know how it went today, K?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    thank you for updating, I saw the changes last night during prayers. our Jeannine has certainly been on my mind.

    Sheila, when do you have your f/u PET?

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Extra prayers today for Sheila, Paula and Traci.... I'm worried about you guys.

    Paula - I sound like a broken record when I push for a second opinion... I know you have an HMO, but from what I remember back when I was on an HMO, you do have the right and option to call your insurance company and request another doctor if you are not satisfied, and you have many good reasons to give them.  Part of your "downness" is probably from mental fatigue.  The mind plays a big part in our healing.  But even with my internal radiation (1 week), I was drained for a long time.

    I've read in other threads where so many women are unhappy with thier rad oncs.  Why is that?? I just love mine.  It's so important to have good feelings from all our cancer doctors.

    Sheila: I love the story of your Dad and the ponies! :-)  Not a bad idea... helped to alleviate any "guilt" he may have had from gambling and at the same time, helped struggling religious orders! (teeheehee)  It's very similar to DH's penance .... he told the priest that he has a hard time driving in traffic, a naughty word slips out from time to time.  Father told him for each time he said something naughty to another driver, to put 25 cents in the poor box that Sunday.  Sometimes when he picks me up after work to begin our commute home, he'll tell me he had a 75 cent drive down Glebe Road!!!  So we have our usual stipend for the poor box as we leave church, then DH dips in his pocket for all the quarters he collected during the week and deposits those as well.  For DH and your Dad, I guess it softens (makes amends) the venial sin a bit, makes them mindful of what they're doing, and for your Dad, giving thanks for his windfall! :-)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Theresa ---tis true, tis true. It was an Irishmans philosophy. (Imagine--Barry Fitzgerald saying it) Theresa he never had any guilt from gambling. He was small time. There were many a time, he had mom stay home , sending food and coffee from the restaurant, and she was a very good handicapper. This was done when serious bills needed to be paid. Darned if she would win either the exact amount needed or just above. Then the offerings of thanks were made. God works his plan for different people different ways.

    sometime I'll tell the story of track money and my nursing career.:)

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited November 2010

    Hello sisters,

    Walking around work today with a rosary around my neck.  I need to remind myself to trust in our Lord and our Blessed Mother.  God bless all my friends here and all sisters facing the beast.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    lmfsm--I do the same at night in case I fall asleep.

    To all I'm back on the merrigoround of tests because of nodes in neck back, and elevated alkalinPhos. like I said new chapter

    Squid I so hope I'm wrong. Did you see doc yet?

    Theresa go back and read my last post to you I added a bit about gambling. .... The sister of Faust was an analogy about my second last boss. I saw her do so many bad bad things to all, notice i did not say evil. Her quest for power, was equivalent to that of Faust. 

    Michelle The thread worked good. Able to pull off easy.

    Laura you mentioned about  making known that a prayer being answered by st. Jude needed to promulgated someplace. Would the Intentions thread be appropriate? We have the ability to reenter the intion posting I.E like the st. Jude Int. tha Michelle wrote. Could , for example, answered by st____and date below intention. Satisfy the need

    Since you are of the belief pre John, and you have knowledge of the church since. I think I'll pm you

  • prayersareanswered
    prayersareanswered Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2010

    Dear all,

    It has been a while....I apologize for the silence but with me being back from hospital and then Halloween week end with my two little ones, it was impossible to stay on the computer.

    Hope all is well with everyone. I am doing quite well. Felt quite tired in the last couple of days. Have been missing you. I feel so much loved, so much understood, so much  taken care of, so much prayed for on these threads. Although I cannot come as often as I would like to, please know that you all have a place in my heart.

     I am seeing BS tomorrow for post op and pathology report. Please keep me in your prayers for good news on the pathology report.

    I would like to share a prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint of Miracles, as I do have faith that miracles happen and can happen in our lives. God bless you!

    O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for (request); The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen

    Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    Your alk phos is elevated? I forgot if you have a PET coming up soon? Please let us know! I did make it to work today, and took the precaution of putting my arm in a sling as my wrist is still unhappy.

    Thank you ALL for your concern. I did talk with the PT for my LE, and she alleviated some of my concerns...she told me my muscles were pretty messed up from the fall, and that they are also quite shortened as I have had my TE's for a year. So we talked about the quality of pain that I had last night, and she said she was not surprised, as I am opening up the lymph channels through a very tight area, and I started a firestorm in my boob. and it may happen I will be aware of not over swimming on the weekends as I switch over to cross training, and keep working through the muscle issues. I have an appointment with my PS tomorrow (that I had scheduled months ago.) I hope she doesn't give me the old what have you been doing, or worse, not doing when she sees my boobs. My PT mentioned they are sitting up high because of the shortened muscles, I am just so used to them being high up there. ooooooooooo, I just had another stabby!

    So thanks so much for the love and support, last night was tough on me, and Sheila, I just rolled over and didn't move my arm for 8 hours, and that helped.

    Not easy is this thing called life!

    Theresa, Glebe Road would be a buck fifty for me :)

    OH! and I forgot, in addition to trying to see all of the ladies who live locally in between the holidays, I was thinking Paula's initial suggestion of a yearly retreat/meeting would be fun/easier if we could all arrive by Train.  What do you all think? Or we could get our own car and take a tour together...that would be a hoot, and a TOOT! (sorry, that was baaaaaad)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    What a lovely prayer, and the images are very sweet too. You will absolutely be in our prayers for a good pathology report. We have been thinking of you, and praying for you in the Novena. I'm so happy you can feel the love from us. I know others may not understand our devotion or camaraderie on BCO, but we do :) Blessings for tomorrow, will you let us know?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2010

    SO SORRY for your pain. It breaks my heart to see so many of us hurting... sorry Squid!

    I follow the " New Mass" ( Norvus Ordo )... but do know some of the traditional Church's teachings ( pre Vatican ll) because our son went to Catholic school in a St. Pius Society School. I do not, however, claim to know all the pre-vatican ll teachings Sheila..:)... but I can check on things if you want me too.

    Ladies... I do not ask for prayer.. but patients. I am dealing with "stuff" and just cannot be here like I want... not on the whole BCO site. So I want you to know, I do read my PM's as often as I can...

    I will post a prayer on the new pray intent site. Thank you Shelia! This is how I hoped this thread would go... for praying.

    xxxooo... all my love!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    Thanks so much for your concern...I think I will be fine, now that I know my limitations better. I meant to tell you how much I liked your pic! You always seem so happy in your pictures. Take your time, it's great to know you are with us, even when you cannot post. I hope that the "stuff" is working itself out or least in the direction you want or need it to. I was so tickled too when I saw someone post on the Intentions Thread last night. I had asked Sheila how we would incorporate individual prayer requests...and would like to hear what you and the other Sisters think.

    We are meeting here on Wednesday (time to be determined) and we have our Friday night prayers as well. (Oh, and if anyone wants to make the Friday night prayers any earlier, we can discuss as well.) I have more flexability now for Friday nights.

    Nice to see you all here. Hi Lovemyfamily!