Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2011

    Sweet Mary - protect me and my family from this horrid disease; ease my fears and anxiety and wrap your loving arms around me to console my heart and the hearts of my friends also suffering with this disease.  Intercede for us, Mary, with your son, Jesus Christ, and ask him to give us the courage and strength to walk with him down this path. Give us the courage to hand over our worries, to offer them up to God our Father, and to give us the peace we seek to accept Your will. Amen

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Any one else have problems not being able to get past the survey

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord,

    I humbly ask for your protection and forgiveness. I am working hard to come back to myself, which means coming back to you. Please help me with my fears, and keep me steady as I ask for assistance.

    Please Lord, hear our petitions and keep watch over my sisters with their struggles. Everyday we are fighting in one way or another, and we are blessed to have one another. Please hold us each in your heart and keep us safe. Please heal our physical and emotional wounds, and restore us to health. Please bring in our relief/substitutes so that we may rest, be it husbands, friends, family. We all need help, and we are learning to ask.

    God Bless my Dear Sisters, and everyone who has shown me their love today.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    So many lovely faces here tonight :)

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Michelle, Traci, Theresa -- may the Lord comfort and blanket you in special peace tonight and feel His love knowing in your hearts He will show you the way in all things that are troubling you.  Amen.

    For all my sisters - may your hearts be lifted through these prayers I offer for you and know there is nothing to fear with God in your lives.  Amen.

    Good night sisters. Tomorrow will be a brand new day.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Father - we come together as sisters, though we've never met, sisters in Christ who share a common disease.  Our disease does not stop at breast cancer.  Our disease penetrates our mental well being and physical well being.  If it be Your will, please cure us... one by one as we touch the hem of your garment.  You know the depths of our hearts.  For those of us going through treatment, bring healing.  For those of us with impaired immune systems, bring healing.  For those of us with coughs that won't go away and keep us up at night, bring healing.  For those of us suffering from anxiety, bring healing.  For those of us suffering financial troubles, bring relief.  For those of us who suffer with difficult careers, bring peace and knowledge of Your will for us.  For those of us suffering abuse, bring justice.  For those of us trying to find Your will, bring enlightenment.

    We ask, beg, implore and thank you for these gifts through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Immaculate Mary, pray for us.

    St. Francis, pray for us.

    St. Clare, pray for us.

    St. Agnes, pray for us.

    St. Agatha, pray for us.

    St. Peregrine, pray for us.

    Angels protect us.  Deceased loved ones, pray for us as we pray for you.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    Ladies,Feel the LOVE and except the Blessings from the Lord.  Amen 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Beautiful prayer traci..... Just beautiful

    I pray and throw myself at your feet dear lord show me guide me and please let me hear you and have complete faith! In that faith I pray for healing and peace!

    I offer up special intentions for miraculous works in the lives of traci and her living conditions, Theresa and her vocation and physical healing,and for Laura in her healing and business endeavors.

    I pray for Paula and her financial recovery and healing, please send expeditious support!

    I pray for all on here tonight and their healings with the anxiety of bc.

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2011

    Amen and thank you all for your virtual hugs tonight.  I, for one, needed some hugs!


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Thank you sisters for being here tonight.  God love you!

    Good night, sweet dreams, stay warm!! :-)

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Wow Theresa You could be a writer of novenas, I am deeply moved and want you all to know I am so Humbled by your prayers and faith

    God bless you and may the holy spirit fill our souls this evening

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2011

    It took me over 6 tries before I can get in, I didn't want to do the survey but ended up doing it and it still won't let me in.  So I changed browser and then just got in.

    Thank you for all of your lovely prayers.  Michelle, thank you.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited January 2011

    Amen Amen Amen....

    Theresa, you do speak beautifully...

    I hope Theresa, Traci, Paula, and Michelle feel the love of our Lord tonight along with each and everyone of us that are praying for them and for our intentions...

    Sleep well my sisters,



  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Beautiful prayers here!.. Thank you for letting me be part of this wonderul board!!!

    God Bless you all and may you all find comfort and peace with each new day


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Maria - welcome to the Catholic thread!  We have Friday night prayers at 10pm.  Come as you are! :-)  Post whenever you like. Laura (Estepp) set up the thread and it's been a blessing!

    Michelle - Tori - thank you for your compliments.  In my next life (tongue in cheek), I'd like to be a writer...I think it's too late for me now.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I only woke up once last night coughing!  Normally, it's been every hour.  I was so happy and rested!!  Thank you Lord!  One of the ladies at work told me that she's on her 3rd round of antibiotics for this cough/cold/virus/flu thing... and she's not a cancer patient.  It's really nasty and won't let go.  I'm shocked that no one else in my house got it.

    Traci - I might have a lead for you.... I'll PM you.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Prayers work, and I am honored to have been blessed with everyone's prayers and love. Thank you so much.

    I am now in possession of the keys to my new apartment.  I know I have been in real bad shape for a long time here. Terrified, knowing I am being exposed to bad conditions, yet also knowing I had no easy way to get out. The next hard part of course if getting out smoothly, and I may still need to file with the DC Renters etc...just trying to lay low and start shifting my things as dark comes. I think it is going to take awhile to heal, and I must put my faith in God, family and departed loved ones that they will support me on this journey. 

    God has been the one seeing this to fruition. I know full well that I had intended to push through for another year or so, and had said to myself..."unless something has happened in the apartment today...." Then the horror when I saw the huge brown puddle, the soaked through box springs, the soaked rugs..some of my clothes...having to take the next day off. I have kept on the path because of this very strong message from God. I have wanted to just slide back into thinking it would not happen again, but this was not the first time. Second flood in 8 months, and I cleared the drains myself in the front, getting a ladder out for fear of more flooding. And then I payed them.

    My self esteem so low, feeling so dis empowered that I cleaned up after them (literally) many times going to get them food, I groom their dog (I do love him :) and have picked my landlord up off the floor more times than I can recall in her drunken stupor. It is time for me to pick myself up off the floor. Time for me to take care of myself, to honor myself, to put my best foot forwards at work and in my life. Time for me to find my self respect.  

    God has intervened, and my family and friends and BC sisters have been phenomenal. My father is so happy and relieved, he has been so worried about me.

    So my prayers are for a smooth transition out, emotions to a minimum, no attempts at retaliation necessitating action on my part (have plenty of witnesses however,) and a healthy year of full time work.

    I fully plan to continue to turn my life over to God in my most sincere and humble gratitude. I have learned many lessons in this past week, and have been challenged beyond what I thought I could handle. My patients too, teach me every day about resiliency. You all teach me about life and the journey we are all on together. One day at a time.

    Thank you all again for your Love, your support, your fervent prayers, and genuine concern. Clearly, I was not able to do this on my own, and my shame is starting to dissipate.

    One day at a time.

    and thanks for listening, I promise to get back on track with listening. I have been a bundle of nerves, but will get myself quieted. I am going over to the new apartment with rugs in a bag, taking my dog to see her new home, and bringing my Bible, Angels and Cross to make sure God knows I recognize his work.

    Bless you ALL.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited January 2011

    Bless you Squid! I am happy to listen! xo

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Traci!  That's great news - and happened so fast!  Good for you for a new start!  And if the first landlord gives you ANY trouble whatsoever - turn it over to some legal help.  You don't need that aggravation. 

     It's amazing to me how God works in our lives - through circumstances, through other people.  Michelle - I too had a job that required lots of travel - domestic and international.  It certainly isn't all glamorous and missed a lot of time when my children were younger.  After my ex died, I said I wasn't travelling anymore and fortunately had support for a number of years from my boss.   He retired and when the economy tanked, I was offered an early buyout and took it.  I was upset at first and I sure miss that salary - but it was the grace of God.  No way I could have kept that pace with what turned out ahead.  And now I have a lot of time to devote to my son/daughter because they never outgrow need for a mother.  When I watch the birds at my birdfeeder outside the kitchen window I have to smile - because God is the one taking care of those hungry birds in winter - He's just doing it through me!  I try to look at every thing that happens that way.  He will find a resolution for you Michelle -- and all of us for the challenges we face!

    Theresa - glad the cough is improved and you can rest/sleep better.  Your prayers last night were beautiful by the way! 

    Maria - welcome - I see you on the Tamox thread too!  We 'get by with a little help from our friends' here:)

    God bless. 

  • moyapeter
    moyapeter Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Hello, I am new to this board.  I was shocked when this popped up on my screen, as I have been wondering if there was such a board on this site....  because I have needed to find a prayer.  The prayer to find a way back to prayer.
    A little background:  When my son was 16, he lost his best friend to leukemia.  She was an angel who smiled through her nearly 3-year battlel.   Of course, the sadness was tremendous... but I kept praying.  Then last year, a very dear friend's 11-year-old was diagnosed with leukemia... For his entire life, everyone had mentioned what a special person he was...  But he lost his fight within four months.  I have not been able to pray since Jonathan's passing...  I find myself angry and saying, "Why bother??? Jonathan's family and friends all prayed countless hours for Jonathan.  God had His plan, and your prayers to Him did nothing."  I want to pray.  I really do, but I can't.  I want to pray for his family, and I want to pray for mine, especially now that I have been diagnosed with bc... 
    Does someone have a prayer for me to get back to prayer? 
    I HAVE found it possible to pray to St. Agatha on occasion! :) And I will try St. Peregrine now, too!
    Thank you for any help... Everyone here seems wonderful.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Hi moyapeter.  We can start by praying for you!  I've found myself mad at God too.  Even Mother Theresa was filled with doubt many times in her life - dealing everyday with the worst poverty, sickness and death imaginable and asking why and where was God.  Be patient with yourself -somehow faith seems to find a way.  I can relate to the two young lives lost to leukemia - my sister died at 16 just a few months after she was diagnosed.  There is no way to understand.  Someone posted a quote from Proverbs a while back, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  I try to hold on to that.  Others will be along too and maybe know a special prayer that will help.  I'm glad you found us.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    Moyapeter You could just start by saying Thank You Lord that I found this site and all these sisters of bc that will pray for me.  Start small (like a mustered seed) and you will find your faith will grow we will be right here with you.  Prayers Betty

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2011

    Maria and Moyapeter ~ welcome to this thread.  You will find caring and peace here.

    Moyapeter ~ thanks for your intro.  Until I was dx and found this board, I wasn't praying either.  I can say that I'm now back to prayers, it will start with baby steps.  Just the basic prayers (Our Father, and Hail Marys)...then one day, I had the urge to borrow the Catholic prayer book from the library and it snow balled from there.  I bought my first Bible (Catholic edition) and then other prayer books.  Just like what Betty said, start by saying "Thank you Lord..."

    Theresa ~ thank the Lord that your cough is better.  Everything will improve once the cough calms down especially during your sleep and your body will get the rest it needs, Amen.

    Traci ~ Thank you for updating us with such good news.  I had no idea that it was that bad for you and Delilah.  So sorry that you had to go through that.  I wish I could be closer and help. If I could pitch in one more thing, please remember to take lots of pictures of the condition of the apartment.  Best if your camera has a digital date and although it is tedious, make sure you document everything, dates, witnesses and phone numbers.  I pray that you will have a real smooth transition, good weather for the move also :)

    Apple ~ if you are reading, please let us know how you are doing?  Thinking about you.

    Tori, Michelle, Theresa ~ thanks for your prayers.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    Thank you all for your prayers and holding me up. I will be over at the new place tonight, as the woman turned off the heat last night. Bitter cold, and I know I HAVE to be doing this. Another neighbor came over to express her concern for me knowing how much I have taken on with them. Imagine her surprise when I said I was moving. She was very happy.

    Two friends helping me today as well. Quietly walking out with bags of "stuff." Delilah loves the new place, and I have a hard time feeling like I deserve it.

    I have opened my Bible over there, and have started to read. My dear friends who helped me by joining on the lease have shown me that I want so desperately to be an instrument of God, and I am taking baby steps in giving over to Him. It is very scary.

    I HAVE to trust in God. It is the only way, and I will someday understand this. I have compassion for the circumstances of my landlords too. They are both sick.

    I loved the silence over there. No TV in the background as my babysitter. I look at all of my beautiful books as want to read again. Study. Learn.


    I want to welcome you and was it Betty? (kindone) that posted about desire being prayer in itself? Send it out into the ether. Ask questions, talk of your sadness and anger at the loss. Tell God your struggles. Your prayers did and do matter. Like a ripple in a pond...and even if you don't feel it, and I think we all can understand. Just show up.

    and my most Sincere wishes for Healing for you and Janet in your losses.


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Welcome moyapeter!  Like the other ladies said, just the desire to pray is the opening for the Holy Spirit.  Start slowly, keep the desire, and your prayer life will blossom.  I totally understand where you're at.  I lost my strong and healthy brother to pancreatic cancer when he was in his 40s.  God doesn't pick favorites.  Just because we pray doesn't necessarily mean that we're more highly favored than someone who does not.  The benefit to prayer is not for God but for US.  The benefit of prayer is for us to get to know God better, not to bribe Him into doing favors for us.  Prayers are always heard but not always answered the way we want them answered... but goodness always comes from the bad if we have patience and wait on the Lord.

    Father Sam told a story at Mass today in his homily about a woman whom he visited in the hospital - she was in her 70s and in hospice.  He said he was speechless when he walked into her room.  She had a disease that took away her arms and legs and she was saying the rosary with her mouth.  She wasn't in despair that she had this horrible disease, but had been in despair b/c her 4 adult children and moved away from the church and she was worried about their souls.  She told him the greatest blessing happened when she got the disease and had to stop working and stop helping in the church and just prepare to die.  She offered up all her sorrows and pain for her 4 children.  Don't you know, all 4 came back to the church?  I saw that happen in my life too.  Neither one of my sisters were practicing Catholics when my brother was dying.  Don't you know that his suffering and prayers brought them back to the church, they had their children baptised and had both of their marriages blessed?  My one sister does weekly adoration now.  She has made a complete turnaround.  So you never know what one person's suffering will do for another soul.  God brings good out of the bad we create.

    Traci - so happy to hear about your new digs!! ;-)  I bet Delilah is so happy too!  God works in mysterious ways, but He does work!!  Yes, it's good to pray for your sick landlords... you never will know what goodness will come of it.  But it's time for you to move on.  Yes, yes, trust in the Lord, He'll take you on an amazing journey.

    Still have the cough, but at least I'm sleeping at night!  Praise be to God.  I spoke with our neighbor (young mother) after Mass today and she said someone has been sick in their house for 2 months now.  I said it's just as bad in our house.  Once we get it, we can't get rid of it.  Little Liam was throwing up last night.  Food or virus?  It's always something.

    We had family movie night last night (without Skip - he wanted nothing to do with it!) :-)  Becky, the boys, Lucy and I watched Nanny McPhee Returns.  Very cute.  We all snuggled on the sofa, pellet stove burning away, Becky made popcorn... very cozy.

    Janet - that's exactly why I chose to leave our NJ home and jobs and come back to VA.  The cancer made me open my eyes to what is important to me.  Even though my job is still stressful and the commute is awful, being able to snuggle up with the grandsons and watch a movie makes it all worth it.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Thank you all for the warm welcome!!! This is a wonderful board!. So nice to have a place to talk andpray together. What a journey we are all on but with Him we can all make it. He has given us eachother to lean on and I am so grateful for that!.  

    question about Fri prayers at 10 is that here or do we have to go to chat for that?

    Hi JANET .. :)... yes I am on Tam board too!!! choo choo!

    "Put your troubles in Gods hand and He will put peace in your heart"

    Blessing to you all and may you all have a peacful night!


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    Have you tried Robitussin Ac? It has codeine in it, and a small amount really does the trick for suppressing cough. I work with a few MD's who have had lingering coughs, so maybe it's the flavor of the month (or two.) Your Nanny McPhee night sounded wonderful!!! Sort of like when we would watch Mary Poppins and eat popcorn made on the stove. Yummy! I enjoyed your words of wisdom regarding prayer.

    I am running back over to the new place to sleep. I had some help this morning and afternoon which was so wonderful I am still going over in bits and parts, trying to keep the need for professional help to a minimum. I have a nice futon frame that needs breaking down and re-setting up. I believe the original company where I bought it will do that, and the the somewhat wieldy mattress, futon and top bed mattress. I will sleep on a makeshift bed on the floor for awhile, and that's fine by me. I have a lot of my clothes there, as well as my coffee maker. I go where the coffee is :)


    Nice to meet you and welcome! Looking forwards to hearing more about you and your prayer life. Our 10:00 prayers are here. We did try the chat, and some did make it in. I cannot access chat, so I just pop on at 10:00 PM.

    alright, have a wonderful day tomorrow all!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Thank you!..

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited January 2011

    Welcome tinkertude and moyapeter!

    You've come to a most wonderful place to feel the love of God and the love of the wonderful women here who are so selfless with their prayers and wise words of advice....we are so lucky to have found each other....

    Traci!  CONGRATS on the new place!  Don't forget to "bless" each room yourself, and if you can get a priest over there to do the same....There is just something about getting your home blessed that can bring such peace...

    Theresa-glad to hear the cough is better girl...I've been fighting off a scratchy throat thing the last few days...hoping and praying it doesn't turn into anything ugly.... 

    Moyapeter- I've always been the "praying" type of person, although it hasn't always been the kind of prayer that most would think (Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.)...I did a lot of just talking to God, thanking him for the day, thanking him for the little things that went on in my daily life...even just singing a great Christian song is another way to I did that a lot.  I do the other prayers as well, but just do what you can for now...take those "baby steps" as DiamondGirl said...

    I will be starting radiation the first or second week in February.  I have an appointment with my radiologist this week, so I will let you know how it goes.  

    How many of you ladies are doing tamoxifen or an AI?   I know that is the next step and I want to hear from you about it if you don't mind sharing...

    Prayers were beautiful Friday all speak so beautifully...

    Sleep well my sisters...


    peace and prayers,



  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Good Morning Ladies-

    I have had the most frustrating weekend not being on this thread as the survey loop hit the MAC users (safari) and we could not get on.

    Janet I read your beautiful post from my phone yesterday and just sat at the kitchen counter and cried It filled me with hope and understanding. It was so nice to have someone understand and empathize and know there is hope. I really felt your prayers this weekend ladies and I believe we should continue to rotate the prayers for each of us on Fridays (whoever needs them just step forward, don't we all??) 

    Anyway I just want to say Thank you to all of you.

    Janet - How old are your children now?

    Traci I am so happy that you are in your new place, Thank you LORD! (sent you a PM)

    Welcome to Maria!!

    Prayers for all of you this morning-Janet, Theresa, Laura, Traci, Maria, Pat, Betty, Paula, Tori and all on this thread. May God keep you in his peace.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Thinking of all my sisters this morning!!! Wishing you all a day filled with peace and joy and Gods many blessings.

     My kids are braving the cold and on the March for life walk today, prayers for a peacful walk and safe return

    Prayer of Thanksgiving for , my family, these wonderful ladies and another day granted to me... Thank you Lord
