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  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Lord, grace Michelle with only good medical reports.  Lift Maria's daughter's depression and bless her son as he begins life's journey.  Heal Pat's son's fiance and let her rediscover hope & stability in her life.  Give Laura & Paula (and all of us) resources for this earthly life.  Watch over Paula's sick sister and mother. 

     St Francis - please take care of Pat's dog in heaven as you know how precious our pets are to us.

    St. Agatha, pray for us.  Amen.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Amen. Beautiful Prayers Sisters.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    God Bless You All, and so nice to share our Friday nights together. Now I feel balanced.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Prayer of thanks... Thank you Lord for giving us each a second chance to live our lives better and bring ourselves closer to you. Thank you for our famalies our friends, for eachother and all your blessings that we may not recognize each new day.


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    This was my first Fri doing prayers on the board. It is wonderful. Thank you all!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    Amen! Thank you for offering my personal business in the prayers again this week.. I am humbled and thank you so so much. This has been a good week at work... and I " think" I am seeing some growth.... if there is growth... it is our prayers.. THANK YOU !

    Thank you for posting the prayers tonight so  that I could read along and come in praying as the grand finale here...

    My prayers for all is that Our Father hears us. Amen!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited January 2011

    Heavenly Father,

    Please hear the prayers of our dear sisters...

    Bless Diamond Girl's sister...Grant her health and healing....

    Bless Michelle and bless her with good results on tests...

    Bless Laura and grant her abundant blessings in her business...

    Bless Tinkertude's children with health and happiness....

    Bless Pat during her sadness of losing her fur baby...bless her son and his fiancé as well...

    Please hear my special intentions....

    In Your Name I pray,

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011


    Thank you!


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Hi sisters!  I missed prayers last night!!!!  We got to the condo, ate dinner, then my daughter called, so I stretched across the bed to talk to her and once we hung up, I fell asleep. I had a really depressing day yesterday and it just drains me when that happens.  I ended up waking up at 11:30 when I heard Skip shuffling around.

    Sisters, we're thinking about selling the condo. :-(  We have new neighbors down below us and they are noisy.  The condos are cheaply built, so it's not like they probably know they're noisy, but I don't want to get in a nasty situation.  Plus if we sell it, we can cut our debt way down.  So we're discerning it... never knowing what the right thing to do is.  But we love the little church.  We brought St. Joseph up here.

    I'll catch up on the postings later.  Love and peace to you all!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Happy Saturday All :)

    As I was praying with you all last night, I was thinking about how to follow up the more eloquently stated issue of mental illness as not being recognized for the disease that it is. It takes lives, and changes lives...not only for the sufferer but for those around them. I thank God that Pat you and your son were able to intervene for his fiance. Angels were at work that night, and I pray she gets the help she needs to come out of this and have a wonderful life. I have had a lifelong relationship with anxiety and depression, and was so touched Maria at your support of your daughter as she teams up with a new therapist. I was not afforded the same due to stigma and my mother's embarrassment. This is not about putting her down, it is about the recognition that society is changing in our views regarding mental illness. We have a long way to go, but I applaud your "mothering" and staying the course Pat and Maria (and everyone else who has been down this road themselves or with their loved ones.)

    There is an excellent book that I read back in 1999 (still have it and touch base every few years.) It is called Darkness Visible by William Styron. He suffered a life threatening bout of severe depression, and shares this journey as only a writer can. We have lost many artists and wonderful people over the years to disorders of the brain, which is an organ and vulnerable lto disease like any other organ in the body.  There is a clear bio-chemical componant to mental illness as well as life stressors push the brain/body beyond homeostasis, and without intervention (be it medications, bio-feedback, talk therapy, good nutrition, couples counseling, addiction/eating disorder treatment, meditation, support groups, exercise.....I go on and on for a reason,) we become sicker and less equipped to deal with life.

    There is no shame, yet we carry it. It is incredibly important to "normalize" and bring this out into the open. We feel compassion for each other, we think of times where we did not feel balanced, and even if one has been lucky enough to not deal with mental illness, they certainly know someone who has.

    I appreciate you all sharing your stories, and how you are working to help your loved ones. Such a blessing to have your support and loving compassion.

    so in my long winded way, I wanted to continue to send prayers for ALL of us as we navigate the challenges of cancer, living life everyday including the stress of owning our own business in this economy and the responsibility thereof. I have learned an important lesson these last few weeks, and that is I cannot do this alone. It is alright to ask for help, and to not let shame paralyze me. God does not want us to feel shame.

    and so the life lessons continue.


    and Paula, how is your Sister today? You said she was discharged without a diagnosis? There is a condition which is benign called Bell's Palsy that can present as facial numbless and paralysis on one side. These can certainly be stroke symptoms as well, I was wondering if she had CT scans which were negative, and then they discharged her? Does she have a follow up with a Neurologist? Please keep us posted, and continued prayers for your mother. How was last nights Skype?

    and Betty how is your Sister?

    Michelle, are you feeling less stressed I hope? I read Laura's excellent take on certain lab tests, so I hope you are more at ease.

    So working away, and will check back later....


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    Traci...Thank you so much for your kind words. You said it all so well!.. I have also suffered from anxiety and know what a toll that can take as well. I understand what you mean about the "stigma" in my daughters case it was " oh she is just being a difficult teen or manipulating you" , when teens are depressed it comes out more in anger issues then sadness her therapists informed me the other day, that explained so much especially when her anger escalated after my first surgery. All makes sense now. I have a son with Aspergers as well and couldn"t imagine life without either one of my kids. I will do whatever it takes to make them healthy, physically mentally and spirutally.

    I am beyond grateful that I have found these forums. I find such comfort and support!

    Thank you

    God Bless you !

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    You are so right about the anger being a sign of depression in teens. I hear the love for your children, and your son I believe is older? Trying to remember if you said 17 on the previous page. I'm so glad you have found these forums too :) Now, in 2011, we must meet in DC or Va. ! Of course our other Sisters are invited...It's nice to know a few of you are a stones throw away. Have a great night all.

    Sweet Dreams, and Theresa, if you are traveling to your little Church tomorrow, enjoy!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    SQUIDWITCH..It would be wonderful to meet! Yes my son is older he is 18 and my daughter is 15. I believe our children are one of the greatest gifts God gives us. When my son was first diagnosed with Aspergers back in 7th grade I had all the normal feelings like why him why us??etc.. then one day I woke up and thought why not? If God thinks I can handle this then He knows best so that was the last time I said why?/ and now  I look at my son and think wow!!!. he gives ME insight and food for thought some days lol!

    ok ladies off to the hair salon with my daughter getting her hair done today!!!..then lunch! girl time :)

    Have a great day!


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011


    Sounds like such a fund day....enjoy! I love your attitude about children and your compassion and gentle mothering spirit really shined through in your posts. Blessings to your daughter, May our Blessed Mother shine her light on her soul and heal any sadness.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited January 2011

    It has taken me quite a long time to catch up on this thread.  We are celebrating Catholic Schools week here in KS.  I'm going to bake some cookies.

    the highlight of my last week was hearing a great sermon on St. Agnes on Friday.  my priest explained many Catechismal things of which i didn't know.  that wool from a lamb is laid on the tomb of St. Peter on the Feast of St. Agnes.. this wool is then made into collar things for archbishops ordained that year.. lots of other interesting facts.

    Prayers for all my sisters.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited January 2011

    I will be in Fairfax county visiting my grandbaby the 2nd weekend in Feb.  Maybe a quick meeting?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    My kids go to school in Fairfax, where will you be?

    MM5 Thank you for your prayers for my daughter :) We had a wonderful afternoon together. She had  dies her hair blonde in Oct, but now is back to her original color..light brown wasnt a huge change, but I love it and so does she!..

    APPLE It is Catholic Schools week here too. Kids are working on thank you notes to heir teachers. Guess I better get started too! I used to co-teach 1st grade and those were always the best..notes like "You r the bestest techer in the hole wid wrld" lol!!!! gotta love those little ones too!

    Blessings sisters!!!!


  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2011

    Hello everyone,

    I truly felt your prayers Friday night - thank you, I am so grateful.  I couldn't join in because Friday night is when I told my grandson that the dog died (after school, after evening teacher conference and dinner at Applebees).  He was very upset and I stayed with him till he finally fell asleep (and so did I).   He wanted to know when he'll see her again - in heaven; wanted to know why she died - old and sick...."but you're old, Nonna, and you've been sick, are you going to die?"  "Someday but not tomorrow."  "Am I going to die?"  "Yes, someday."  "I'm going to die when I'm 100  - that's a 1 and two zeros."  Just a flavor of talking about death with a 4-1/2 year old!

    And, today went to visit with my son to his fiance in the hospital - she looked a whole lot better than last time I saw her.  Thank goodness for psych drugs -- proves that much of mental illness is organic, or the drugs wouldn't work so well.  She's being set up for intensive outpatient and should be discharged this week.  I hope she does the follow up and cares for herself.  My experience with my bipolar son is that he can't recognize when he is going manic or depressive and needs outside feedback to get the help timely.  I'm not with her everyday and probably won't be able to give that....I pray her family and friends will be watchful.  Again, thank you for your prayers for her. 

    Watched OWN's Miracle Detectives show today - an interesting mix of human hope, love, faith and cynicism.  I never heard of some of the places where Our Lady is supposed to be appearing (like in Ohio) and the other sacred places for healing - all Roman Catholic.  Wow!  Are we a hopeful and prayerful bunch as a community.  Never really got that picture before BC and you guys. I hope our prayers for Blessed Pope John Paul to intercede for a miraculous cure for someone with Stage 4 cancer is heard.  I'm sure the cynic would chalk it up to that person's positive energy!  :o)  But we'd know.

    Hugs to all of you for your fortitude, generosity and strong faith.  As the priest at mass this morning talked about....I am grateful for the blessing of my sisters on this difficult journey.  Thank you,


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    That would be great if we could meet during the 2nd week of February... hopefully, the weather will calm down.

    We've had the stomach virus going around the family... the grandsons are with their father to TRY and keep the virus out of our house.  I'm still coughing, so I don't want another illness.  Becky felt sick after dinner tonight and we spent the whole day in close quarters painting my bathroom!!!! 

    Traci - we did not stay in Colonial Beach this weekend, so we didn't go to St. Elizabeth's.  We had so many things to catch up on at our house b/c of the snow/ice event, and it looks like we're in for another round this week.  I'm so tired of winter.

    There's been interesting discussion about depression and mental illness.  I have mixed feelings on the whole thing.  My daughter had been misdiagnosed as bi-polar since she was a teenager and was on some pretty heavy duty drugs for years... even when she was pregnant.  But the meds only made her worse.  She was in the psych ward several times and her marriage almost crumbled.  When she came to live with us in NJ (with the boys), I didn't know it at the time, but she went cold turkey off the meds.  She ended up seeing a psychiatrist in NJ, who told her she was not bi-polar at all.  She's been med free for a couple of years now, and completely normal and healthy.  The doctors in VA were completely wrong... and she saw more than one... or she was telling them what they wanted to hear or something.  In the back of my mind, I never thought she was bi-polar and told her that many times, but she kept saying I wasn't a psychiatrist.  It's difficult to watch someone you love completely destroy themselves... and I knew her biological father is an alcoholic, so I was thinking she was addicted to the psychiatric drugs.  She looks back on those years now, and is afraid to take any type of medication unless she absolutely has to... like an antibiotic.

    But on the other hand, I know depression runs in my family, as I suffer from it, now more so since I'm going through menopause.  And when I was younger, I suffered from panic attacks, etc.  It was the help of a great therapist that helped me through that.  But I didn't take meds, b/c I was a single mother and needed my wits about me.  So we focused on the spiritual healing, meditation, relaxation, etc.  It took years.  When my Mom had the brain tumor and was dying, I took Lexapro and stayed on it a few years, until I asked myself, why am I still on this?  My doc helped me wean off it.  Then I was on Xanax during the whole BC surgery and chemo rounds.

    So, I if I was to require the help of a therapist again, I think I would seek one who respected my faith and spirituality... there don't seem to be many (with the exception of our dear Ellie!), but I would think it would be worth the hunt for one.

    Of course, having this forum to vent and ask questions and share is very helpful!

    Pax et bonum!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    THERESA I am so sorry your daughter had to endure all that! wow... THank God she is in a better place now. It is very hard to find a good therapist, we are on out 3rd one. It truly is a hard call and I think it is good practice to make sure the therapist respects our faith for sure.

    PAT.Glad your sons fiance was doing better, will continue to pray or healing and peace..

    Ladies it looks like tomorrow we are going to have to put our last cat Nick to sleep. He is very old and he is starting to labor when he breaths.. Thats 3 cats in the last 1 1/2... I am emotionally fried with that and everything that has happened this past year!

    VA Ladies really hope we get the oppurtunity to meet up would be wonderful!

    Blessing to you all


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited January 2011

    I didnt mean to exclude anyone it would be great to meet all of you.!!!!.. that read  wrong sorry!


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Good Morning Sisters,

    Worked VERY hard yesterday...and had the help of two wonderful friends. Each taking a shift, and my girlfriend and I put the futon back together the men took apart (wink.) We needed their brawn for moving, and our wits to put it back together. So again, the graciousness of my friends leaves me humbled and learning a lot about myself and learning to trust others again. My landlord even seems to be taking it all well (both) and so that is important to me. All things aside, we have been together for 15 years, and all relationships shape our lives.

    So Theresa,

    Your daughter's story is equally important. If one is misdiagnosed and put on meds for bi-polar disorder when they are not, the ramifications can be just as serious as someone who is not medicated for their disease. It is sad to hear of her story, and she is not alone.  I absolutely believe that there are many paths to wellness, and counseling (a good one :) is of greatest importance. Meditation, exercise, sleep and diet.

    alrighty, just saw the time.

    Marie...LMFSM and all locals, let's chat!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Ladies Dear Ladies-

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for me. This morning I got the good news that my Tumor markers were low, lower than they have been in a long time. I was always in normal range but the last 2 times they were on the rise (and that caused me great anxiety) even though I knew most likely it was just what they do. 

    Let me tell you about the last few days. So With having a cough for a month I kept thinking that it was most likely a virus and allergies but in the back of my mind hindering me was lung mets symptom and those tumor markers could be a really big sign. I had them drawn on Wednesday and Dr. Usually only calls if theres a problem so every time my phone rang on thurs/fri I was in a panic. I knew I had an appt tuesday so if I had bad news I could hear it then and I would be in an environment to try and deal with it if I heard bad news. So this morning I woke up in intense anxiety thinking I only have to make it through today and hopefully I won't get a phone call.

    So I went to work out this morning and I forgot my phone and when I got back at 10 I had 3 missed calls from my DR. OMG I thought I was going to hyperventilate and I was planning the worst and so I called back and was on hold for what seemed like hours and they came on and said we just wanted to call and tell you that your labs look perfect and Dr. Is so happy. OMG again they never call unless a problem. I have been dealing with lower than normal white counts since the year of chemo and they were corrected as well. I know its because of GOD, the prayers from you all and the constant putting it back to him. I am so extremely grateful. The other good news is that I will hit my 3 year mark in April so am 2 months away and that is very good news for Her2 gals. According to my trial ONC who is an expert from MD ANDERSON and always presents at SAN ANTONIO if we can make it 3 years with the type/grade that I had the chance of recurrence go's down dramatically. I know there are no guarantees however It helps some.

    Anyway I just really have to work on my anxiety now. Theresa I think we have a lot in common, I suffered panic attacks starting at 9 years old then really elevated in my 20's I went to a great therapist and cured myself without drugs, but it was very painful. When I was dxed and then my son the severe anxiety came back and I couldn't cope well so I also went on LEXAPRO, I thought it was very helpful but was sick of all the drugs and it did give me some storage side effects so I only stayed on for 7 months. I have often wondered if I should go back on because of my severe anxiety but just don't know.

    My Husband also suffers depression and he was dxed by a quack (HMO PSYCHIATRIST)  as bipolar and we pushed back found someone else and he spent several years in therapy I think he would benefit from a Lexapro or equiv. but wont take it. The think I have noticed most about him is that if he exercises hard routinely he does much better. But I will tell you long term therapy in combination with Meditation and spiritual work has really helped him and he does not suffer much in the way he used to.

    God Bless all of you, I wish I was close so I could you all a big hug and thank you for praying for me. 

  • TrustMary
    TrustMary Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Just came upon this thread. I am also Catholic. I had a mastectomy three weeks ago and had lymph nodes envolvement. I have been saying a rosary novena to the Blessed Mother in honor of her 7 sorrows. It is a very beautiful prayer and very powerful. I,too, went to medjugorje in the 80's. Had a wonderful experience. I will pray for all of you and please keep me in your prayers.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Maria - I'm SO sorry to hear about your kitty and still saddened about Pat's dog.  I know it's hard for both of you.  I made sure our kids had pets all while growing up - cats, dogs, rabbits, fish, hermit crabs, and I'm probably forgetting a few.  Pets teach us so much about love, responsibility, trust, and respect for life.  The 'dog of my life' died almost 3 years ago & still think of her all the time!

    Ellie - do you have any days/times that work for you during your visit?  I seem to remember you go to Alexandria?  Maybe we could find a time to meet for lunch that week near a metro station that would be convenient for everyone to get there.  Right now, the only day I'm not free is the 14th.

    Michelle - wonderful, wonderful news!

    Traci - you sound better already in your new place!

    TrustMary - welcome and will pray your recovery is smooth.  My parrish is called St. Mary of Sorrows!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    Michelle.... wonderful ! Yes.. us Her2 ladies love to hit three years.... June for me girl!

    Lovely to read all your stories here over the past two days... God is good.. all the time. Welcome everyone new here... and all those reading here that might not post.... that is AOK.... just read and pray with us.... God knows you're here!


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    Also.... I wanted to add, I just said a prayer for the sisters that do not come to our Catholic thread anymore... I hope you'll join me and say a little private prayer for them.

    I will not name them individually... just incase they do read here still... I do not want to single them out. I just wanted to pray for them... that they are healing in their BC journey as we all are trying to do together !
