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  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited May 2011


    I am so sorry the fevers have not gone away yet! Did the docs do a culture in the ER when you were there earlier in the week? I hope the source of this is found very soon and hope you are feeling better!


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited May 2011

    I didn't go to the ER, I went to the chemo clinic.  They took lots of cultures, but they all came back negative.  They gave me anti biotics any way though.  Now today, something came back.  I don't quite understand what they meant.  They found white blood cells in the urine.  So apparently that is evidence of an infection, but not necessarily a UTI.  So now I have a second anti biotic and  they're worried because my heart rate is up.  It was 135.  It did come down to 115 after some more fluids.  I think this is the last time I'm escaping without getting admitted.  I'm there for chemo on Wed. so if I'm not back to normal by then, I think I'm getting admitted.  I really don't want to do that.

    I feel absolutely fine now though.  Thanks for the concern.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited May 2011

    I'll be around for prayers tonight.   Is there a plan?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited May 2011

    Are we skipping for the holiday weekend?  Prayers for everyone tonight.

    Hope everyone gets to enjoy their holiday weekends.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    I love you all_, but I weep, I saw a movie called "Agora" and it was about 4th century Christianity. Wasn't anything that we would want to associate with Christianity. I googled it, it was true. Through wickpeedia. I would associate it with the time  way before of the Inquisition., but that went on for many many years. The Church fought the science for many years and did bad things to people that disagreed with them. We cannot forget that history.


    Believers of any following ---Have used Gods name for  killing in in his name. It has to stop. If Men Chose to Kill==========Leave Gods name out of it. For some reason men have a propensity to kill and maim. Stop it. Shame on you. Do you not get that life is valuable. If we stopped all the wars and killing based on gods word ---We would have no wars. 

    ALL women of the world stand up against war and killing. Forget the pink. Forget all colors  accept--Peace.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    I so wish I could send that paragrph out to the world , I have know idea how to do it. Any one that does bless you

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited May 2011

    Missed prayers last night because my power went out for 5 hours after a big storm moved through here.  But I can't complain with so many suffering from the awful tornadoes this week.

    Kay - so worrisome!  I hope they will postpone next chemo until you are recovered from whatever this is. Take it EASY this weekend - don't be tempted to do anything but rest & relax.

    Lord, we are mindful this weekend of those who have served, those who are in harm's way now, and their families.  Amen.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited May 2011

    yes Janet the weather was wild here last night wasnt it!!!!

    KAY... I am so sorry you are not feeling welll and still running fevers. I pray they get to the bottom if it soon.. sending hugs and prayers!!!

    To all my dear sisters.. hope you all get a chance to enjoy the long holiday weekend!

    much love and prayers!


  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited May 2011

    Kay, I hope you are feeling much better very soon! You are in my prayers.

    To all those who have served and who actively serve now, I thank you for your service and pray God's blessings on you and your families. I pray that wars will be ended and that you may all return to your families whole and unharmed to live your lives in peace.

    May God Bless each of you, my sisters, on this Memorial Day weekend and may he continue to keep you safe.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2011

    Shelia, those last two posts from you are a bit strange. I am not sure I understand...

    I hope you are not asking, of wives, to withhold sex from their husbands? I am sure I misunderstood... but I am also not sure what it had to do with St. Peregrine or prayer?

    Just trying to understand....:)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    First off - Happy Memorial Day in advance and God Bless America!  Thank you to our service men and women and those who have gone to their rest.

    Kay - I'm sorry you're not feeling well, or hadn't been feeling well.  When I was on chemo and after chemo for awhile, I had problems with my heart racing.  My primary care made me do a stress test and everything was normal.  I blamed it on chemo.  I'm "normal" now. :-)

    War - it has always been with us and will probably always be with us until the coming of the Lord.  Where there is greed, there is war.  I think women are just as guilty as men when it comes to greed.  Mothers and Fathers grieve when one of their children is killed in war.  You're right, Sheila, in that Holy Wars are not holy at all.  It's all greed ... someone wants something that someone else has.  It's like all the other evils in the world ... murder, rape, abortion, euthanasia, robbery, assault, terror ... it's all because of our greed ... wanting something, not wanting something.  We need to pray.  Because the evil is with us and assaulting us, we must pray and send blessings on our brave soldiers who try to keep the evil at bay. 

    Saint Francis said:  "While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart." He explained, "If you own possessions, you need weapons to protect them and so we do not own anything and we are at peace with everyone."  Francis preached nonviolence, and in response, people threw rocks at him. For the first five years, he was ridiculed by everyone. He, in turn, blessed them, loved them, prayed for them, and eventually reconciled them with one another.

    As a Secular Franciscan candidate and living with a professed SFO, those words on the surface can be easily dismissed in our relative peace here in the U.S.  However, when you look deep into them and in our daily lives, it's more difficult to practice what was preached by Francis.  We all own possessions.  We all want to protect our possessions.  What if someone broke into your home and not only stole your valuables, but stole your body, assaulted your children and stole your peace of mind?  It's a very, very difficult road to walk, that of Christ and nonviolence.

    We are so blessed in this country.  We are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but we are blessed and are under the protection and patronage of the Blessed Mother... The Immaculate Conception.

    God bless you all!

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited May 2011

    Sas, I feel your passion.  Do you want to say more?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    ILmfsm and Laura I was just in and angry mood--------All or Most wars in history are engineered by men. But Laura/ LMFSM--- I know it's not your husband's __it's the geopolitical machine that we appear to have no control over. There are wars all over the world. There used to be a group that would publish sites and stats every year, but I haven't been able to find them since 9/11. The bottom line is when did you here about a female leader causing a war. Or that the soldiers were primarily women.

    Men have this thing---------they want to fight, they cause more killings, they wreak havoc with all societies. Why is this? It's not just now it's always been this way. Men have destroyed our economy out of their own greed and tried to make us believe it is in our own self interest.  .

    Back to all the wars, we talk about Iraq , Iran, Afghanistan , North Korea, All the Drug Cartels----------Almost 100% men. There are many other wars going on , but we ARE PROHIBITED from knowing about them-------whether it's the Patriot Act or State Department or whomever in government that does not want us to know how many are going on. Don't know. 

    How do we change this---------women say no---no more war or your out.  War is a choice. Apparently the Men see only one choice, and it's been going on for millenniums. It's like "get over it"----Stop the killing and maiming--------and stop using religion as an excuse. None of the most powerful religious leaders in the world ever supported it. Christ, Mohammad, Buddha----no there's was a message of love , peace , respect.

    So, there I went again---------Those That lead us to war grow up and figure out what the word cooperation means. And don't play they game that diplomacy has anything to do with it, because if it really did we would have no wars already. Shame on the our Leaders--pure unadulterated selfishness and self -centeredness

    This in no way is meant to slight those that follows there leaders call. I'm saying we shouldn't have to have a call , if all the Leaders in the world would just learn to play nice.

    Laura-your question of what am I saying --how does that have anything to do with St Perigrine and praying. Well if all the resources of the world went into helping those in need to survive what ever afflicts them vs bombs and killing. We would live a safer, more godly life. For example, read the book by Millard Fuller----"The theology of the Hammer" who started Habitat for Humanity. He has affected 100's of thousands  in numerous countries. All based on the premise of getting people to cooperate. He's done it without killing anyone. He does not force religion on anyone. But if people want to benefit from is progam, they have to work together. They have to put in so many volunteer hours, before they can have their own home. So, there is a plan, there is a group effort. everyone's involved. ------They get it done.  No rifles, No bombs etc.  Your unsaid message is that I should take these thoughts someplace else. Well Catholicism should be out in the for front of leading the world to resolution conflict, and we are not------That frustrates me to no end, because it was Christs message. Milliard Fuller has taught thousands how to follow Christs message. Why don't more leaders get that it works.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited May 2011

    HI sas--no husband for me.... divorced 7 years ago. . .still got my beautiful children though

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    LMFSM------lets us pray for an end of war, so that no more children have to grow up and go off to any conflict. Bless all our men and women and children that have died as a result of war On this special day that is dedicated to them. -Amen

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Amen Sheila - sending prayers to our Blessed Mother to intercede for us.  A Mother who knew the agony of violence to her Son.

    Her Feet Shod with Holiness
    And, if our faith had given us nothing more
    Than this Example, of all Womanhood,
    So mild, so merciful, so strong, so good,
    So patient, so peaceful, loyal, loving, pure -
    This were enough to prove it higher and truer
    Than all the creeds the world had known before.
    Virgin, who lovest the poor and lonely,
    If the loud cry of a mother's heart
    Can ever ascend to where thou art,
    Into thy blessed hands and holy
    Receive my prayer of praise and thanksgiving
    Let the hands that bore our Savior bear it
    Into the awful presence of God;
    For thy feet with holiness are shod,
    And, if thou bearest it, he will hear it.

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited May 2011

    Teresa, love love the poem,  I did not know that one--I will add it to my favorites.  I am with you sister Sas,praying praying for peace .God bless all my bc sisters xo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    If anyone feels I should delete these I will.  think the real reason besides what I was thinking and writing,------------ Was today would have been Greg's Birthday and I realize now it's been working on me for days. Theresa thank you for the wonderful poem .You always come through with the wonderful words. It caught me of gaurd that it's Longfellow.

    Love you Greg  sheila

  • lady4law
    lady4law Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2011

    Thank you for the Novena. Recently I was in Rome, and was informed Padre Pio was the cancer saint, could we be blessed with two?

    As Iam waiting for resutls on Friday's PET and CTs, (great long weekend) I spoke with my Priest after Mass yesterday. He prayed over me then told me to offer this up to St Rita. I mentioned Padre Pio, but also asking John Paul the Great (new name for John Paul II) to interceed for me.

    Father said, anyone - just PRAY and turn this over to someone. I tend to offer up most of my problems to the Blessed Virgin.


  • mnmom
    mnmom Member Posts: 1,841
    edited May 2011


    Thank you for your loving kindness & spirituality & guidance. I am growing strength daily in many areas of my life. Thank you all for your prayers.

    One of your sisters

  • frankh
    frankh Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2011

    Hello all

    Go to the clinic tomorrow (Wednesday) for dose number 8 of H. Then have my 3 monthly CT Scan on Thursday. A bit unfortunate about the days as it means that it will be the 22nd June before I see the Onc again to find out the results of the CT Scan. However I have no reason to think that it won't be anything other than good. At worse I would hope that it will show that the tumours have not increased in size, at best that the tumours have decreased a bit more. Last CT Scan showed a little decrease in size plus evidence of some necrosis - parts of an organism dying while that organism is still alive.

    So please say a prayer that the results are good and maybe also slip in a prayer for number 2 princess that she secures a post following graduation.

    Take care.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Sheila - we're with you sweetie ... it's a tough time for you.  Laura was right, your writing was different from your normal posts and it all makes sense now.  Prayers for you and Greg. :-)

    Ellie & Sheila - I like that poem too and was surprised it was Longfellow! :-)

    Lady4law - prayers for your good reports too!  Welcome!  Yes, I agree with your priest, pray to as many as you can! :-) 

    Our novena prayers continue to have effects ... I had the intention of a coworker's husband who was diagnosed with melanoma... all other tests were good, so it has not spread, so they are going to Disney World to have a fling before he starts treatment.  Thanks be to God.

    I got this little prayer in my email this morning and thought it very fitting and "coincidental" for our forum thoughts these last few days.

    Prayer for Peace
    To Mary, then, who is the Mother of Mercy and omnipotent by
    Grace, let loving and devout appeal go up from every corner of the
    Earth - from noble temples and tiniest chapels, from royal palaces
    and mansions of the rich as from the poorest hut - from
    every place wherein a faithful soul finds shelter - from blood-drenched
    plains and seas. Let it bear to her the anguished cry of mothers and
    wives, the wailing of innocent little ones, the sighs of
    every generous heart: that her most tender and benign solicitude may be
    moved and the peace we ask for be obtained for our agitated world.

    Pope Benedict XV, May 5, 1917 Eight days later, Mary appeared To three children
    at Fatima, Portugal

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi Frank! Yes, prayers for you and Princess #2! :-)

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited May 2011

    Frank,  You will be in my prayers as will Princess #2. I pray that your CAT scan shows total death of the tumor! I am also praying Princess 2 gets the post she wants! Keep the faith!


  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited May 2011

    Sheila, thinking of you sister, you be who ever you want to be and say whatever you want to say.  Love to all my sisters and brothers! xo

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited May 2011

    Frank will be praying for you!!!

    Sheila.. hugs and love to you sister! prayers for you  and Greg too!!!!. we are here for you always!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2011

    LMFSM , TINK ,THERESA. MNMOM , LAURA-------Thanks so much for your support, I did edit my posts on war and took out the really strident stuff. The book on the "Theology of the Hammer" came with my first donation to Habitat for Humanity.

    Frank Good Luck. And sorry, first time we get a permanent guy to our thread and I get strident. I apologize.  When I talked of my Greg in a later post,. He died in Aug 2010 from Lymphoma and leukemia. We had been married for 38years. So, I'm still having my moments

    Theresa I reposted your Prayer for Peace and LOngfellows poem to the prayer thread --the librarian LOL

    Kay so wish they could find the source of your infection. But they are throwing an antibiotic paintball because you said you only had WBC's in your urine-------No bacteria and nitratre level normal and no RBC's --- If it's only WBC's it could be a contaminant from collection. But if it works---who cares. One question do you wear any fake nails? Secondly, did they do a throat culture. This is the first year since about 1989 , that I have heard far a wide of Strep in adults. I haven't gone as far as looking at the CDC M&M report that tracks things. Symptoms in adults and children can be subacute meaning not really noticable , but in a low immune state can't tell you if you can be positive and subacute---but perhaps a culture could.        Do a head to toe with help, even a boil that you can't see because of location could be a culprit. Are you on any stomach acid reducers acid--They can allow bacteria into the digestive track that normally would be killed by the acid----that would lead to a couple of other tests. 

    Hope the paintball antibiotic kicks it.

    Sandy------reposted your prayer to the prayer thread ----the librarian

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited June 2011

    Thank you Shelia for being our librarian! You are so kind to post our prayers on the prayer thread! We really appreciate you and couldn't get along without you!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011


    Thanks for all the concern.  Are you a nurse?  I was in the hospital for a couple of days and they have figured out the problem.  It was never an infection of any kind, bacterial or viral.  They checked me for everything.  Throat swabs, nose swabs, blood tests from the port and from my arm, urine tests.  They left no stone unturned.  Everything was negative.  I am allergic to Taxol (hopefully, that is the most likely, but it could also be the Herceptin I'm allergic to, much smaller chance.  I hope it's not the Herceptin because I think I really need that, but will take a while to find out.)  The way they confirmed it was a CT scan of the chest.  My lungs are covered with a shadow that looks like broken glass on the CT scan.  It happens much more with Taxol than Herceptin, so fingers crossed.   It is apparently very rare though and i am really grateful that I have a wonderful, intelligent, determined onc who really made the diagnosis very quickly.  Thank God I didn't have a seconde treatment.  Now I'm on prednasone to get the lungs and breathing back in shape.  Feeling much better already.  Go to the onc tomorrow to find out where we go from here.  Thanks for all the concern and prayers everyone.  It is very much appreciated. 

     Praying for you Frank and Jean and Maria and Sandy and everyone and their intentions.  Shiela, I understand your frustration with war.  I have the same frustrations.  So nice to hear about your relationship with Greg.  I can tell how much you miss him.  But what a wonderful time you two must have had together.

    Take care everyone. 

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited June 2011

    hi all, will remember all of you in my prayers. i can feel the love and prayer here, and ask for some prayers in return.

