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  • Beaglesgirl
    Beaglesgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2011

    Sick from my 2nd a/c tx today. But somehow the prayers are working... I don't feel as much fear. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

    My 1st grader came home on the last day of school with a finger rosary that he made me... I was so proud and renewed in my knowledge that I have much to do here yet... Fight for my life for starters.

    Love to all

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Kay I'm soooo happy they found the source...and the wow about it was, you didn't get to another treatment.  Having good doc's are a blessing.

    Yes, I'm a nurse, but a traumatic brain injury, falling in a patients home has put me on the sidelines permanently. Thats when they found the incidental brain tumor on the opposite side, a meningioma like Apples, but so far mines behaving itself. But I'm willing to work with Gods plan, my acceptance didn't come easy, but i'm reconciled now. Thank you for your thoughts on Greg. His journey was not easy and his passing wasn't controlled. They tried. So, I'm dealing with baggage that my mind is not dealing with well. But being here with S&B's of Faith has been my saving grace.  Over and over , I just can't see how people that have no faith in anything can deal with what we all have been exposed too.

    Kay and sandy The futility of war and the aftermath. And then to have it repeated over and over, century after century, decade after decade.

    Jaynce you were in our prayers for the last two novenas, But I encourage you to come here. Even as the most recent example when I got on my rant about war you can see how everyone just enveloped me with their love. Come and lets put our arms around you too.

    Beaglesgirl--Laura  I was just thinking tonite of PM'ing you. Glad too hear from you. Your son's rosary is likely to be in your life forever. How beautiful.

    Speaking of Apple she did a thread to keep everyone updated on how she's doing. I'll try to post the link

    Everyone keep praying for Squid

    Theresa whose coming up in the Saints That would be a good candidate for our next novena. We talked of PJP2nd.

    Namaste sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Elmcity Jaynce----Your prayer is still on the prayer thread , but i re-posted to the intention thread, So it's there when we have our next novena :-)__sheila

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Sheila - thank you for the mission. :-)  I have an idea, so all of you let me know what you think.

    We were thinking about doing a novena for JPII's intercession for us to our Lord; for our personal intentions, intentions of our deceased and living fathers, and for a special intention of curing a Stage IV cancer patient.  I had suggested us saying the Rosary for 9 days, but since he had a devotion to St. Faustina of the Divine Mercy, and it's summer and everyone is so busy, may I suggest we say either a rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet or both every day for 9 days.

    That's a pretty jam packed novena as far as intentions go!

    But I figured we can all easily say a rosary or chaplet anywhere ... driving, on the beach, gardening, doing laundry, etc.

    So, I'd like to start the novena on June 11, feast day of 2 saints, Blessed Jolenta (Polish) and St. Barnabas (walked with the apostles -- so fitting for JPII); then end on Father's Day June 19, since JPII was our earthly Papa for many years, and we're praying for our personal fathers.  It is also the feast day of 2 saints: Venerable Matt Talbot (patron of alcoholics/addictions) and St. Romuald (who was a troubled youth turned saint who experienced years of spiritual dryness).

    I think we all can relate to at least one of the saints!!  I will post their biographies in the next post.

    I am going to add my daughter to my intentions - she was laid off yesterday and needs guidance for another job or her husband to pick up an additional p/t job so she can stay with the boys during the summer (save money on cost of day care).  God's will in that situation.

    Blessings to all today.  It's the feast day of St. Justin, Martyr.  As our priest said in his homily this weekend, we are all called to be martyrs, even though, by the Grace of God, we are not physically persecuted for our faith in this country, so many others are, and we are called to martyrdom from the world of sin all around us ... Just say no to sin and temptation for the love of Christ!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    June 11
    Blessed Jolenta (Yolanda) of Poland
    (d. 1298)
    Jolenta was the daughter of Bela IV, King of Hungary. Her sister, St. Kunigunde, was married to the Duke of Poland. Jolenta was sent to Poland where her sister was to supervise her education. Eventually married to Boleslaus, the Duke of Greater Poland, Jolenta was able to use her material means to assist the poor, the sick, widows and orphans. Her husband joined her in building hospitals, convents and churches so that he was surnamed "the Pious."
    Upon the death of her husband and the marriage of two of her daughters, Jolenta and her third daughter entered the convent of the Poor Clares. War forced Jolenta to move to another convent where, despite her reluctance, she was made abbess.

    So well did she serve her Franciscan sisters by word and example that her fame and good works continued to spread beyond the walls of the cloister. Her favorite devotion was the Passion of Christ. Indeed, Jesus appeared to her, telling her of her coming death. Many miracles, down to our own day, are said to have occurred at her grave.

    June 11
    St. Barnabas
    Barnabas, a Jew of Cyprus, comes as close as anyone outside the Twelve to being a full-fledged apostle. He was closely associated with St. Paul (he introduced Paul to Peter and the other apostles) and served as a kind of mediator between the former persecutor and the still suspicious Jewish Christians.
    When a Christian community developed at Antioch, Barnabas was sent as the official representative of the Church of Jerusalem to incorporate them into the fold. He and Paul instructed in Antioch for a year, after which they took relief contributions to Jerusalem.

    Later, Paul and Barnabas, now clearly seen as charismatic leaders, were sent by Antioch officials to preach to the Gentiles. Enormous success crowned their efforts. After a miracle at Lystra, the people wanted to offer sacrifice to them as gods-Barnabas being Zeus, and Paul, Hermes-but the two said, "We are of the same nature as you, human beings. We proclaim to you good news that you should turn from these idols to the living God" (see Acts 14:8-18).

    But all was not peaceful. They were expelled from one town, they had to go to Jerusalem to clear up the ever-recurring controversy about circumcision and even the best of friends can have differences. When Paul wanted to revisit the places they had evangelized, Barnabas wanted to take along John Mark, his cousin, author of the Gospel (April 25), but Paul insisted that, since Mark had deserted them once, he was not fit to take along now. The disagreement that followed was so sharp that Barnabas and Paul separated, Barnabas taking Mark to Cyprus, Paul taking Silas to Syria. Later, they were reconciled-Paul, Barnabas and Mark.

    When Paul stood up to Peter for not eating with Gentiles for fear of his Jewish friends, we learn that "even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy" (see Galatians 2:1-13).

    June 19
    Venerable Matt Talbot
    Matt can be considered the patron of men and women struggling with alcoholism.
    Matt was born in Dublin, where his father worked on the docks and had a difficult time supporting his family. After a few years of schooling, Matt obtained work as a messenger for some liquor merchants; there he began to drink excessively. For 15 years-until he was almost 30-Matt was an active alcoholic.

    One day he decided to take "the pledge" for three months, make a general confession and begin to attend daily Mass. There is evidence that Matt's first seven years after taking the pledge were especially difficult. Avoiding his former drinking places was hard. He began to pray as intensely as he used to drink. He also tried to pay back people from whom he had borrowed or stolen money while he was drinking.

    Most of his life Matt worked as a builder's laborer. He joined the Secular Franciscan Order and began a life of strict penance; he abstained from meat nine months a year. Matt spent hours every night avidly reading Scripture and the lives of the saints. He prayed the rosary conscientiously. Though his job did not make him rich, Matt contributed generously to the missions.

    After 1923 his health failed and Matt was forced to quit work. He died on his way to church on Trinity Sunday. Fifty years later Pope Paul VI gave him the title venerable.

    June 19
    St. Romuald
    After a wasted youth, Romuald saw his father kill a relative in a duel over property. In horror he fled to a monastery near Ravenna in Italy. After three years some of the monks found him to be uncomfortably holy and eased him out.

    He spent the next 30 years going about Italy, founding monasteries and hermitages. He longed to give his life to Christ in martyrdom, and got the pope's permission to preach the gospel in Hungary. But he was struck with illness as soon as he arrived, and the illness recurred as often as he tried to proceed.

    During another period of his life, he suffered great spiritual dryness. One day as he was praying Psalm 31 ("I will give you understanding and I will instruct you"), he was given an extraordinary light and spirit which never left him.

    At the next monastery where he stayed, he was accused of a scandalous crime by a young nobleman he had rebuked for a dissolute life. Amazingly, his fellow monks believed the accusation. He was given a severe penance, forbidden to offer Mass and excommunicated, an unjust sentence he endured in silence for six months.

    The most famous of the monasteries he founded was that of the Camaldoli (Campus Maldoli, name of the owner) in Tuscany. Here he founded the Order of the Camaldolese Benedictines, uniting a monastic and hermit life.

    His father later became a monk, wavered and was kept faithful by the encouragement of his son.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2011


    I love your Thoughts for our next Novena and the combination of intercessions to JPII and ending on fathers day with the rosary will tie perfectly in as well

    I read the thread often but do not always post, so for all my thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray often for just the strength to accept his will. It is difficult sometimes but I know if we accept our path will be easier. For those that are facing unemployement I always say a special intersession to St Joseph for he as the protector of Mary and Jesus would have a special understanding of how hard unemployment woes face families.

    Friends I have a special prayer request. My grade school son starts exams this week. He has a mild learning disability so he is very worried about exams. Please send some prayers up that he remains calm and uses all his talents during the exam and receives good grades as the fruit of his labor( he has been a studying fein).

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Skip asked me to post this for one of our intentions:

    This is a link to a website that tells about a young intern at the National Catholic Rural Life Conference.  He graduated from college on May 21.  On May 23, he was diagnosed with cancer (tumors in abdominal cavity), Stage 4.  He's at the Mayo Clinic for surgery and chemo. 

    Hi Frank!  Yes, prayers going up for your son.  My daughter had a learning disability too in school.  It's so tough.  I think she got it from me, I'm dyslexic but never diagnosed...  had to learn to adjust.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited June 2011

    I understand now Shelia. I knew there was more to it. I am still sorry for your loss of Greg. I am behind you !


  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited June 2011

    Beagles girl, how are you feeling? xo

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2011

    Hello Dear Ladies

    I have been reading but nothing inspirational to post. I have been reading though and praying for all of you.

    THeresa I just went to Joseph's caring bridge site and was beyond moved by his very faithful words.

    What an amazing young man. Sheila you are so awesome just love you, and all of your thoughts and your sharing.

    Blessings to all of you. For those of you that know I have been working hard at Mother's Grace and we are on Facebook, so come over to our business page and "like" us. We went to Alabama last month and helped with some of the victims there and now are adopting a Catholic Church in Joplin seeking support.

    I would love to start another novena if any of you are so inclined.

    Blessings Michelle 

  • Beaglesgirl
    Beaglesgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2011

    Feeling awful, now added neulasta pain. Plus my hair is coming out in huge clumps. I'm not really sad just having moment of physical despair this afternoon. Prayers needed that this will pass swiftly.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited June 2011

    Praying for you Beagles!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Theresa, Thank you for the information on ST Jolenta.  It is very interesting to me because I am of Hungarian descent.  My fathers name was Bela.  I don't often here about Hungarian history.

    I read everyones post evey night and my prayers are with you.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone, I have been a little quieter than usual on the boards, between work and radiation I am soooo tired.

    I couldn't think of a better place to ask for prayers for Miles Juarez (my best friends nephew) battling cancer for the second time - he's a senior in high school - and little Sophie Sparks only 5 years old and it looks like she has fought the good fight and is very tired.....

    The Catholic communities here have come together in prayer and support for both of these children.  Please google their names and read their stories, they have both been in the news the last two weeks.

    Praying for a miracle for both....

  • Unknown
    edited June 2011

    Beagles. Prayers and hugs coming your way. I do hope you feel better

    Gina oh how sad for those two young lives. Miracle prayers on their way

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Theresa sounds like a good plan.

     Michelle will pop in soon. Thanks for the sweet thoughts. A beginning for your foundation to help restore a church. Read Theresa 's note above we will start on the june 11th . It's quite a good plan

    Laura Thanks

    Beagles Laura. neulasta--feels like wolves gnawing at your bones. It would so confuse the nurses when I would say that. prayers headed your way

    Frank --we did the st. Joseph novena awhile ago. It is here on the dicussion boardsome pages back.  if you are so inclined to do the novena . One day I will transfer it all to the prayer board.

    Betty glad to here from you

    Bless us all sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Anne --It's tough----just be the good person you are and let time heal the jealousy. There are so many approaches. Try and Identify a mentor at the same facility, that was promoted from within, and that was successful. That person will understand the culture of the institution, better than an outsider.

    Ask the primary person responsible for your promotion for dinner, just the two of you. Ask why you were chosen. She should then talk about what your perceived strengths were. Take that as a clue to run with. Ask them where they see the group in one year. Ask what they perceive are the weaknesses of the group---also gives you something to work with

    Have a staff meeting and talk about how you feel and the staff feels about the promotion.That will hopefully clear the air. Ask them for their support because you are all in it together.

    Then ask them what they want to work on to improve things. Do no more than three, One to start out might be better. Let the group define priority.i.e. which one they want to do first. Ask for a volunteer to lead a group , support them in getting it done.

    Show no favoritism. Don't comment to anyone about anything negative about a team member. Identify good work and give praise. Never reprimand anyone in the presence of others

    The institution might have someone that can help facilitate the meeting after you get it started. Very often this person is used facility wide to help  in all meetings and keep things on track.  

    Think about what you liked best about the unit and the worst--------encourage the first, fix the second.

     Be visible , but not hovering.  If people aren't getting lunch make that a priority. Workers that aren't hungry don't growl as much.

    Hope something here helps, just keep plugging away at the good stuff and bring your team along with you.   L&H&P sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Anne --It's tough----just be the good person you are and let time heal the jealousy. If I remember correctly you are a nurse? There are so many approaches. Try and Identify a mentor at the same facility, that was promoted from within, and that was successful. That person will understand the culture of the institution and management, better than an outsider.(see below)

    Ask the primary person responsible for your promotion for dinner, just the two of you. Ask why you were chosen. She should then talk about what your perceived strengths were. Take that as a clue to run with. Ask what they perceive are the weaknesses of the group---also gives you something to work with. Ask for a couple of names or a few, that they perceive as good mentors.This will tell you who the boss is happy with the way they run their unit. Discuss whether you should approach them, or would having them(your boss) approach the person you would like as a mentor first be a better plan. If the boss asks them it will be seen as a request they likely shouldn't refuse, or it does give them an option to decline and avoids an awkward moment between you and the other person.

    Have a staff meeting and talk about how you feel and the staff feels about the promotion.That will hopefully clear the air. Ask them for their support because you are all in it together. Make a clear statement of how you expect to lead. This will take thinking time for you. Keep in mind whatever you say you must live up too. Remember how the first Bush was sunk by his words "NO new Taxes"

    Then ask them what they want to work on to improve things. Get the group to offer suggestions, but let them know only one will be worked on at a time. Let the group define priority.i.e. which one they want to do first. Ask for a volunteer to lead a group , support them in getting it done. Attempt to get meetings for this group on off duty time with pay,so, they don't feel like they are neglegting their team.  This also prevents the ones actively working from feeling overburnded, because they have to watch extra patients. Establish a timeline of how many meeting they would be expected to attend-------1.problem definition with beginning recommendations for change.  2. problem correction and how it fits within P&P of the hospital------you might be able to do the research and bring it back to the group.  3. recomendations for implementation.  You prepare the final report with the premission of the group leader----Group leader may want to do this. Then you present it to the Boss. 4. group mtg to solidify implementation .  Combine 3&4 if possible. Present at next staff meeting. Staff meetings are generally once a month. Try to make the process flow that the groups is done with their task in less than one month--3mtgs. or no > than 5 mtgs. 3 is good ---likely will get approval for pay------5 mtgs likely not. Leave at least one month between implementation of a new processes, otherwise staff will feel overwhelmed.

    . Have a representative from each discipline----then no discipline will feel like they are excluded. As one project is finished make sure application of change is well taught to all. Encourage staff to approach "meeting team members" that developed the changes to be available as resources for questions and clarification. Does two things----1.staff involved in meetings feel valued and their time was appeciated by showing that they have knowledge to share. 2. ensures other non meeting staff has somone to answer their questions, so, they are getting it right. OUTCOME--everyone is involved. 

    Then go to the next identified priority. New group --new people---new leader. Staff will feel that they all have input then. ____Not just a few CHOSEN ones.

     Be present at the meetings , but volunteer to be the note taker. Let the group leader really lead. It will enhance the groups feeling of autonomy. It helps you see/ hear/ sense things that will help you improve and support their recommendations. It also will give you a great understanding of what they want to accomplish. Keep your input to a minimum --be silent as much as possible

    Show no favoritism. Don't comment to anyone about anything negative about a team member to anyone , not even assistant managers. Prevents loose lips from gossiping. Identify good work and give praise. Never reprimand anyone in the presence of others

    For the first meeting----The institution might have someone that can help facilitate the meeting after you get it started. Continue leading the meeting, if things stall facilitators are trained to get things moving again or back on track. Even better have a private meeting with them and ask for suggestions  after you have defined for them what it is you are trying to accomplish. Very often this person is used facility wide to help  in all meetings to keep things on track.  The intial meeting should be the only time you need this person.

    Think about what you liked best about the unit and the worst--------encourage the first, fix the second. Sometimes this can lead to a "QuickFix". See below.

     Be visible , but not hovering. Smile allot. Frowning makes staff worried that they have done something wrong.

    If people aren't getting lunch make that a priority. Workers that aren't hungry don't growl as much. There was a study that defined that > than 50% of  all workers in the USA don't get lunch or eat at there desk. Wrong. It creates conflict between those that actually take lunch and those that don't.

    In a staff that is respected , feels valued, feels they can make change of problems, feels there is no favoritism you will see minimum complaining and turnover.

    Lets see if I can remember what I used to call a stellar day in nursing. 1. you got to pee got a break.  3. you got lunch   4. no one died. 5 you got out on time.--that was on 12 1/2 hour shift--------4 was unusual, but 1  was desperation only, .2.3.5----rarely happened.

    Hope something here helps, just keep plugging away at the good stuff you want to do and bring your team along with you.   L&H&P sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2011

    love to all, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    Laura, love your new pic!

    I apologize for being so absent. It's about being back to work full time, being tired, and trying to get my blessed swim in 5 times a week :) Working on my beautiful garden and enjoying each gorgeous shoot, flower, bud and leaf and seeing God in the garden. Oh, how I love it!! I just am a tired, but happy Traci.

    Much love to Everyone!!

    I truly pray that you all are doing well, and sorry for not being up to speed.

    God Bless.



  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2011

    oh, and Anne,

    I just peeked and saw your post after looking at Sheila's response. Jealousy is such an unfortunate response to someone else's rewards for their hard work. Enjoy your success, own it, don't "talk it down" to make those who are jeaous feel more comfortable. Shine, glow and show them why you got it. Be gracious in all things, They will come around, and if not, that is their lesson to confront. Be clear, set boundaries just like you would with ....children :) It will get better, promise!

    most important, don't change who you are for anything. I think as women, we tend to want to please all, and what we really need to do is congratulate those who are rewarded, and look to ourselves to see the source of our own jealousy, then take the steps to move towards what we want. Hard not to take it personally of course, but we must cheer each other's successes in life.

    you earned it!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Okay let the jokes on stellar day in nursing begin-----1. you got to pee-----twice i was incontinent because I held it to long and then couldn't----then had to have scrubs brought from OR, I then learned to keep extra pants in my locker. 2 taking a break only put you behind wasn't worth it. 3 you got lunch----I used to take two pb&j's in baggies--pinned them to the bulletin board in the combined nursing/patient nourishment/ drug dispensing room. The joke was staff became familiar with how many PB&J's were left on the board as to whether I had lunch and dinner on a 12 1/2 hr shift. If one or both sandwich's were there the next day and I wasn't they had a clue and threw them out per my instructions. I did the PB&J's because they didn't need refrigeration and could be eaten on the run.   5. 12 1/2 hr shifts were usually at the least 13 for all but one ---sometimes as much as 14 1/2. Computer charting actually prolonged things vs shortening. I was into teaching my patients about what was going on with them. Loved by my patients and advocacy, nemesis of my boss. My mistake was I never looked at my paycheck vs hours. Don't have a clue how many thousands of dollars she shorted me. Their were people that kept track ---they knew to the hour of what their pay should be and got it corrected. I knew she did it to others, but I was just too------?--------to pay attention.

    Nurses and teachers have the highest rates of neurogenic bladders in older age because they didn't respond to the call. -------Google it 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Squid-----------------------god love you --------are you back loved one----sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Anne----Everything Squid says is so on mark. Try to put it on your mirror and read it every morning until you don't have to read it anymore because it's you. There will come a time that you are no longer playing a role of a manager you are a manger

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2011

    I've been reading faithfully every day and taking each intention to heart esp. Kay, Skip, Jean, Frank, elmcity, Laura Beagles, Liz!.

    Michelle - thought of you the other day when "Here Comes the Sun" was playing in a store.

    Traci - good to hear your updates and grow garden grow!

    Theresa/Sheila - our rocks! 

    Anne - alas relationships do change from co-worker to a leader, but you can make it a positive one.  Think of yourself as the coach of a team (which in most professions that's what means).  Try to step above the negative until people have time to adjust to your new role -- and focus on inspire, motivate, organize, show compassion, new ideas, etc.  Do some team building and build in fun to show them you still care about them even if there is now some distance.  Over time if one or more continue to disrupt the "peace" of the office, you'll need to consult with them for the sake of the whole team's working relationship - just like a coach. Managing people is a real challenge. And, congratulations!!!!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2011

    Beagles... praying for you!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Anne----I love this group we seem to be so in sinque vs sink with each other. So, happy that Squid dropped in at this moment and Janet's words were so managerial that it tells me she has been through exactly what you are going through and has been at it many years. The same with Traci's.  I'm happy some of my words will work, it's a standard business approach, applied to nurses.

    Two eh?  Well that's good to know, I'm sure if Squid pops back in she will have a suggestion as well as Janet.  My suggestion since you have identified the source of the gossip------negativity----jealousy. Consider having  a  talk with each one and lay down the ground rules. Which are" if you are that unhappy seek another position , stop negative talk, or I will follow company procedure for dismissal. " That becomes the verbal warning ---which is odd because you have to put it in writing and have them sign it. That sometimes stops it pronto.  Then the next level is a written warning that they have to sign. If the two feed off each other separate them. Also, It could be that they are so intimidating to other members of the team, the only way to go froward is to get rid of them. Based on what you have said right now, I think they are workplace Bullies. Ask your Boss and HR for the policy regarding workplace Bullies. Many companies have them now because it has been identified that they are a negative force for everything------people changing jobs because they just can't tolerate being bullied anymore, lost productivity , lawsuits etc. Each company would rather (except in nursing) would rather get rid of a Bullie because they don't want to lose a solid participating employee that cares. Because once a bullie is recognized , the waste of training dollars for a new employee, who then is bullied with no long term commitment to that workplace is going to leave. Each company knows exactly how many dollars that will be expended on training a new employee.------------ASK HR what the turn over rate is in your department maybe relevant may not.

    What was your observation of these two before you became manager----------did they seek control of other staff-------could be overt or covert. I won't go in to detail here , but ask your boss if you can talk with HR about the characteristics of each type of behavior-(google workplace bully overt and covert)------the bottom line is their behavior seeks to usurp the power of the boss -----which in this case is you. If you are miserable as your sign off in the first message said. They have accomplished their goal. Which also tells me that the rest of the staff is intimidated and believes no change can be made. And could be the reason the last manager left or maybe it was coincidental to many things.  Again , another bottom line all the powers to be may not recognize they have two Bullies that are disruptive to the team. It becomes problematic if the Bullies have played the other end of the game well .i.e present themselves to management as team players with all the right perceived actions and words which work place  bullies are good at. So, it then puts you in the position of saying these are the two that are causing the problem for our team. If they have inculcated a perception of team players with the powers above and an allegiance over time to delude the powers that they are great workers. Then getting rid of or changing their behavior is going to be hard. I'd give a call to the last manager and ask why they left. Also, ask about the two people in question. This call is private and non reportable. If your uncomfortable doing it ---don't

    Power becomes imminent. BUT your bosses chose you over them. SO, that's encouraging.   They didn't choose one of the bullies, but at the same time they didn't warn you that there were bullies. So, that tells me management does not perceive the problem. But they saw in you the best person to fufill the job.

    SO, what action can you take---1. gather facts by looking at personnel records.2, Talk with Hr about Bully Policy. 3. Take action immediately on negative comments made by the two by verbal warnings according to company policy. 3. follow rapidly on any infringement of policy to support dismissal. Then dismiss them. -----------alternative ask HR to move them as rapidly as possible to other locations outside your managerial control.

    Well all of that sounds good to me since it was another night of no sleep with Aromasin

    Good luck --hope Theresa , Janet and Squid pop in  L&H&P sheila

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited June 2011

    Hey squid, are you okay?

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi all!  Checking in real quick.

    Anne - looks like you got a boat load of good advice!  Good luck to you!  I have a work nemesis ... it's a daily cross.

    Traci - Hi!  Hope you can join our novena!

    BeaglesLaura - Prayers for your strength!!  Sheila is spot on with her description of the neulasta pain --- wolves gnawing at your bones --- I hated it!!!!  My onc cut back the amount for me since my blood results were ok.

    Sheila - you're still having insomnia problems! :'-(  I'm having trouble falling asleep, but once I get there, I'm ok.

    Hi Janet, Maria, Ellie, Frank and everyone else!  God bless you all.

    I have another summer reading link, but left it at work.  Skip finds all these good articles... perks from working at the diocese, I guess.  I'll post it tomorrow.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2011

    Hi Ladies

    Need some emergency prayers I will also add them to the Novena. Am really struggling in my marriage right now. The pressure of my husbands career issues have really caused some serious issues between us. I have had him on several novenas and I am still praying that something works out for him as it is now really hurting our marriage ( I am scared that our 23 union is on the verge) it is also causing serious issues between he and our oldest son (14) I feel like something is breaking and I need immediate intervention.

    Can you please add us to your prayers

    THanks Michelle 

  • frankh
    frankh Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    Hello all

    Thanks for all your prayers.

    Well had my 3 weekly dose of Herceptin on Wednesday and by coincidence my 3 monthly CT Scan on Thursday.

    In the space of 2 days got through 4 shirts, 3 because of blood staining lol.  Wednesday morning went and gave bloods and saw Onc. Nurses rarely have a prob getting a good vein with me and then afterwards she put cotton wool and plaster on where she had taken bloods, vein just pumped on and blood seeped thru onto shirt sleeve. I don't live far from hospital/clinic so as usual went home for lunch and changed shirt. Came back and received my H. When nurse removed the canula and put on cotton wool and plaster more leakage so when I got home on Wednesday afternoon shirt changed 2nd time in the day.  

    Thursday afternoon went for the CT Scan - or as SIL calls it my Scam lol. Same thing happened when nurse removed the canula where she had put in the dye. Blood seeped thru and stained shirt. So when I got home changed my shirt for the 2nd time that day - that was 2 days in a row lol. Obviously each time the nurse replaced the cotton wool and plaster and kept pressure on for a while longer. Not blaming the nurses I just have good strong veins - every one of the nurses in that clinic is just overflowing with TLC. Now there are 3 shirts steeping in cold water to remove blood staining lol.

    Sas not sure what you were apologising for but you have no need to apologise to me for anything. When you are fighting cancer you are allowed to blow off steam on occasions.

     With regard to war I totally agree. I lived through 30 years of "The Troubles" (what an understatement ! ) in NI. Over 3000 people killed and 000s seriously injured and that's in a population of 1.5 million. Multiply that up for say the population of London (England) or Canada or the States and it will give you a better perspective on the scale of it all. And all for what, for what ? ? Is there now a united Ireland? Is NI's position in the UK more secure within the United Kingdom? No to both questions. A compromise of sorts has been reached. VIOLENCE SOLVES NOTHING.

    Well that's my little rant for the day lol.

    I may not be on again for a while. Going on Saturday to Malta (island in the Mediterranean). Haven't had a holiday abroad in over a year because of a few medical probs lol. So treating ourselves to a week in the Corinthia Hotel, supposed to be quite a good hotel.

    Didn't mean this to be so long it has become longer than St Paul's letters to the Corinthians  lol

    Take care all and keep the prayers going