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  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2011

    Looking forward to novena too.

    Kay, Gina & others going thru treatment - I'm thinking/praying for you & hope you have a restful weekend.

    I've just been very busy trying to play catch up on so many things after having been behind since Sept - finally getting strength back.  I just about made it through allergy season, but it got me this week - another sinus infection/antibiotics :(   So sick of that.

    But here's the good news!  My daughter just got engaged - and he's CATHOLIC!!!  YAY!!  Since college she drifted away from the church and for a while started going to one of the mega churches (the pastor lives in $10M+ house!)  Now they have appointment w/priest next week to set the date, start pre-cana workshops & she seems very content to be coming back 'home.'  I think it's that little inner voice of the Holy Spirit that you can't ignore.  Please don't get me wrong - everyone has their own spiritual journey and Christians are Christians.  But I really hope that my children follow the Catholic tradition throughout their lives.

    God bless all.   

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011

    Wonderful news Janet!  Congratulations!

    Thanks Theresa and Shiela, I am much better.  I do respect and trust the doc and as you say that makes all the difference.

    Looking forward to starting novena tonight.  I believe I bought my son a rosary for his communion when we were in Italy blessed by JP II.  I am pretty sure it is in one of his desk drawers in his room.  I am going to see if I can find it to use it for the novena. 

    Got to mass for the first time in a week this morning, felt good.  Had the miraculous medal novena after.  Remembered everyone at it.  Also heard today is the feast of St. Barnabus.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.  Namaste.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2011

    Popping in to say hello, it's been awhile since I have posted here! I still follow the thread and appreciate the posting of the prayers. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2011

    Did the DIvine Mercy chaplet for all of your intentions today, and for all of our Fathers.

    Janet I am so happy for you, that is something they will hold dear in their marriage forever and it sets a beautiful foundation for marriage and family. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Theresa ---you did the icing with taxotere and i said it was like your own clinical study-------just read a few pages on the taxotere site---------you were your own clinical study. Keep track of what happens to all your nails--------icing is recommended --plus multiple other things. I'm beginning to wonder more and more about the center I was attached to. No recommendations. Multiple post about icing and icing gloves and nail hardeners.

     Dermatitis on my hands started in 2001------diverticulitis and resultant resection.  I finally picked up on the fact that it only occurred when something was going wrong with my body. This last go round, I had this palmistry book, I looked for a connection . It's on both long fingers. Book says it 's associated with the PINEAL structure in the brain. The influence most prominent with the pineal gland is insomnia. DUH. If I had tracked the insomnia and the dermatitis. It would be very interesting to do timing. When I went through BC just prior to it , my hands started all this weird stuff which continued throughout the BC experience. I can't say anything with assurance b/c no documentation on a daily basis. Each doc had their own body part. BUT I will definitely consider a beginning of a new site of hand problems as something to look into. Aromasin is now starting to cause more hyperreflexia and nodules on joints, particularly the 2nd joint aka proximal Phalange joint aka PIP. Starkly, on the 5th on the left, But other 3 are following suit.

     Anyone on taxotere ,please go to that site-----------or any drug go to the thread here associated with their chemo. We seem to be getting better info here than from our doc's or drug company's

    Had a PM from Paula. She's still having a tough time getting over her mom's passing. Wants everyone to know she thinks of us often, but is not ready to come back yet. She is praying daily. I let her know of our new novena. She has several going right know. Also, let her know we are praying for her.  We had a wonderful talk by phone  about a month ago.  I would suggest PM'g her and see if she will talk by phone. This medium is great , but different than our voices.  My instincts are that those of you that know her , it would be a good thing, but I could be projecting because of Greg. So whatever your judgement/ sense/feeling is---go with it. Nonetheless, she needs our support in prayer. Namaste sheila

  • Beaglesgirl
    Beaglesgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2011

    Last week when I was feeling very bad my good friend sent me this...

    “But they that wait upon the Lord

    shall renew their strength;

    they shall mount up with wings as eagles;

    they shall run, and not be weary;

    and they shall walk, and not faint.”

    Isaiah 40:31


    Wishing everyone renewed strength today!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    That was a lovely reading from Isaiah, Laura!

    Janet - congratulations on your daughter's choice!!  It really does make it easier when you are the same faith as your spouse.  Both of my children married out of the faith, but my daughter's husband came to church with us today!!!  Pentacost, so fitting.  I hope he continues.  My first marriage was to a Catholic and it was a horrible marriage, but annulled.  My current marriage is to a Catholic convert and is very good!!  We are on the journey together and on the same road.  Makes is much easier. :-)

    Sheila - yes, I was my own clinical study!  I thought it was so interesting how it worked out and I had not intended it that way.  I still have pins and needles on the balls of my feet, especially first thing in the morning, but my nails are perfectly normal.  Thanks for letting us know about Paula.  I'll email her too.

    Said a Divine Mercy Chaplet yesterday and Rosary today for our intentions.  Funny, Father's homily today mentioned Pope JPII ... he told us a story of when he was in the seminary and a group of them went to Rome and on the last day, they were allowed to go to a special Mass of JPII's... there was a Czech delegation and a Hungarian delegation and the American seminarians.  When JPII came out, he looked at everyone, the then young seminarians and decided he was going to say Mass in English!  They really got a kick out of it.

    Another "coincidence" JPII story.  Becky took Liam to the public library on Friday, the day before our novena began.  She said he walked into the library and looked at his children's section of books and the first book he pulled out was a book on JPII.  He gave it to his Mom and said "He looks like a nice man, I want that book!"  Out of the mouths of babes!!!

    John Paul II, intercede for us!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2011

    Happy Sunday Ladies-

    Divine Mercy Chaplet for all of our intentions today, I even had my kids and Husband join in as well. Where 2 or more are gathered in my name...... 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2011

    Have a beautiful Blessed Monday ALL!

    (Michelle, I shall join you all on Facebook...So Pleased for you)

    SAS (BIg Hugs to you my friend)

    Funny how our scheduled tests, MD appointments can bring one back to reality! I think my break was not wanting to deal with this for a bit. I know I can't run completely away, and then something like a scan can bring it all back. It just is.

    I have been making sure I say hello to God in all of the flowers and plants as of late, so have been praying in my way.

    Love you all Dearly friends,


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2011

    Good morning Ladies

    You are all in my prayers, even though I have not been posting much. school is almost out for my DD and thing should settle down a bit..

    Have my 6 month check up thursday with breast surgeon and Onc.... how quick time goes....

    hope you have have a peaceful day!

    God Bless


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011

    What coincidences Theresa!  I don't believe in coincidences. 

    Good luck on the six month checkup Maria!  I think that will be wonderful, but also a little scary for me to get to that point.  It will be 3 weeks between appointments for me this time and that is the longest I have gone since mammogram at the end of Feb.  That doesn't feel very long to me though.

    Summer is almost beginning in my house.  Thursday is my DD's last day of school.  Looking forward to the lack of responsibility/stress that no school brings to me as well as DD.  Much more pleasant weather this week, in the 70's and low 80's all week.  Last week it hit 96 and 98 and set a record.  Why does it always do that just before school ends?

    Thanks for the update on Paula. 

    Saying rosary for all intentions and fathers.   Namaste

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Kay-------------doing better???????? so happy you realize what a prize in a doc you have

    Theresa ---OH teacher , My teacher------After doing the novena , I went back and reviewed the prayer site from the beginning. I reviewed your description of how to say the rosary. Realized I'd been doing several things wrong, but figured I'd be forgiven. What should the rosary be started with? based on your posting it should be the Apostle creed-----I don't rmember that, I thought it was the OUR FATHER.

    Is a chaplet, saying five rosaries? Please explain again?  --------I find, as I say the rosary my mind wanders in prayer---------Is this normal? I also find as we continue these novenas, I can control this wandering better ---is that normal? I also find that their is a particular person that will come into my mind at the middle of a prayer--------so if that happens, I have decided to keep them there b/c there may have been a reason-----is that normal? Some of this may seem self evident , but since you actually know and I will not get my knuckles rapped. L&H"P and thanks

    Squid thanks for the hugs ------I miss you sssssssoooooooo much

    Laura -b--Not sure if I'm on the right explorer to transfer your prayer to the prayer site, but it should be there. will try.

    Have we heard from Betty Kindone lately--------It was one of those DUH moments for me, figuiring out her screen name-----I kept thinking---KIN- done rather than Kind---one.

    Anne- and--------------is the weed pulled . I have this great weed growing around an elephant given to me by a patient-------looks just like out of Jumangi. We never talked about good weeds. Sometimes you can have a good weed.. The good gardener gan recognize a good weed and make use of it. ANd they can become beautiful things. I had a few bosses that way,

    Janet--------my son is not getting married in the church, but I have no loss of belief that GOD is involved and that Christ is prevailing. Christ is in both of their lives, just differently. I left the church in 72, Son asked to make his first communion and comfirmation, and was active in the Catholic group in college. So, I may have not have been active  But there was something active. So, It's somehow is in his being. His intended is not active in her church---------so , I figuire let them grow together in their belief. They are both kind , giving people, that are respectful, and highly productive. They live Christ's message. There are many of all religions that don't follow the beliefs of their way. These adult two, I could not ask for better Christians.

    Tink ------clap clap clap many claps---fairly sure you will get that- lovey Namaste sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    mm5------your intentions are on  the board,  hope you had time to read the thread. Our times with our counselor meant so much to us, plus we always went on the night that a local restaurant had a ground round special. LOL It was a complete evening.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Ladies..

    thinking of you all

    Love Maria

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Sheila!  No problem ... and no knuckle rapping!  Yes, God knows your heart! :-) 
    1. The Chaplet is not saying five rosaries, but a special prayer you say with your rosary beads ... called the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  Here is a link that explains how you say it:

    2. Yes, it is very humanly normal for your mind to wander while meditating on the mysteries of the rosary.  I say the rosary on our morning commute and believe me, I have many opportunities for my mind to wander.  You just gently bring it back to the meditation.  In the evening, as time permits, I say the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

    3. That's a very nice intention to keep the person who popped into your mind while saying the rosary as part of your prayer.

    I've been so busy this week.  I joined weight watchers online to help motivate me to lose weight.  I get so discouraged but have been reading that it takes a long time for the weight to come off (menopause and tamoxifen) with diet and exercise.  I just have to some how keep at it.  Giving it to God!!!

    I have not heard from Betty lately.  Hey, I never figured out her name either!  Kind one ... how nice!!

    Maria - good luck tomorrow!!!  I'm sure you'll get a glowing report!  Do we have the same Onc?  Denduluri?

    Kay - I hear you about summer time in the house.  Christian's last day of school is tomorrow, so we're having a pizza party for dinner (yeah, I know, weight watchers!)  But I promised him the pizza party BEFORE I signed up for WW, so the calories don't count, right? ;-)  Next year Liam will be going to Kindergarten.  They're growing up so fast!

    God bless you all ... you are in my prayer intentions! -- Pax et bonum

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2011

    Theresa..hi there! yes we do. I see her and Dr Sebastian on Thurs since they are in the same building figure get it all done in one day!  thank you hugs!"

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Maria - I'll be over in the medical building tomorrow afternoon ... GYN day.  I feel like all I do now is go to the doctors.

    I have a friend who lives in Palm Coast Florida and there are numerous wild fires in Florida.  I was surprised when she was describing her environment ... smokey and raining ashes ... even her house has smoke.  They're talking about evacuations.  I'm keeping her and her husband in my prayers.  Never heard a news story about it.

    Sheila - are you near the fires too?

    Here is an excerpt from one of the Office of Readings today.
    St Cyprian's treatise on the Lord's Prayer

    Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. This is not that God should do what he wills, but so that we may be able to do what God wills. For who could resist God in such a way as to prevent him doing what he wills? But since the devil hinders us from obeying, by thought and by deed, God's will in all things, we pray and ask that God's will may be done in us. For this to happen, we need God's good will - that is, his help and protection, since no-one is strong in and of himself but is kept safe by the grace and mercy of God. Moreover, the Lord, showing the weakness of the humanity which he bore, said Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, and showing his disciples an example, that they should do not their own will but God's, he went on to say nevertheless, let it not be my will, but yours.

      But it is the will of God that Christ both did and taught. Humility in dealings with others; steadfastness in faith; modesty in words; justice in deeds; mercifulness in works; discipline in morals. To be unable to do a wrong, and to be able to bear a wrong when it is done; to keep peace with the brethren; to love God with all one's heart; to love God because he is a Father but fear him because he is God; to prefer nothing whatever to Christ because he preferred nothing to us; to adhere inseparably to his love; to stand faithfully and bravely by his cross; when there is any conflict over his name and honour, to exhibit in discourse that steadfastness in which we proclaim him; in torture, to show that confidence in which we unite; in death, that patience in which we are crowned - this is what it means to want to be co-heirs with Christ, this is what it means to do what God commands, this is what it is to fulfil the will of the Father.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2011

    Thesesa---------------Librarian- i transferred your prayer to the thread- i brought back this couplet because it spoke to me so intently as a past nurse,

    Give us the gift of accepting the weak and the sick,
    not hastily and impatiently but with love and reverence.

     Though i said i started each day as a nurse with HOPE. What this couplet means is what nursing is about. Somewhere God instilled that in me as a nurse. So,I was always in trouble with the bosses. Whatever their ---the patients need , I was going to meet it. It brings back so many memories. One woman who had not been allowed to eat for weeks>>>had gone thru clear liquid's>soft> now cleared to eat whatever she wanted. It was an almond joy bar---------Her family said we will just buy it. I said no we can do this. And because of creating a network by kindness.-----Got it done, our  nutrition staff brought her and almond joy, which wasn't allowed by rules but we got it done.

    Thousands of small  things done kindly to others, may at one time become, to another person in time,  important

     When I was and Greg were going through our time in my old hospital ----all those times I treated others with respect -----came back to us.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Thank you for being Librarian, Sheila!  That is a beautiful couplet ... wonderful acts of kindness never go unrewarded.  It might not come right away, but it does over time.  You and many more nurses have done wonderful things for patients in need.  I remember nurses who treated my family members with gentleness and kindness and also bent some rules in times of need.

    I don't know if I told this story before, so forgive me if you've read it.  But when my Mom was living, she had our little dog, Maggie, who was getting old and sick.  Mom told me that when she died, she wanted Maggie to be buried with her.  I was shocked and asked why would I put Maggie down?  She said she didn't want to burden anyone with her medical issues.  I said I'd take care of Maggie if Mom died.  I think Mom must have known something was wrong with her health.  Anyway, time passed and Mom's health was going down fast with her brain tumor.  Maggie also got sicker.  So Mom and I took Maggie to the doctor's again and the vet was telling us it was time to put Maggie down - she was suffering too much and it was too much on Mom.  So Mom and I put her down and had her cremated to bury in the yard.  About 3 weeks later, Mom passed away from her aggressive tumor.  We were talking to the folks at the funeral home and sheepishly asked if we could put Maggie in with Mom, as she wished.  (Kind of "coincidence" they passed within weeks of each other)  They said it was against the rules, but since Maggie was coming back in a little box, they said they would sneak her in down by her feet.  A wonderful act of kindness, bending the rules, and Mom got her wish.

  • frankh
    frankh Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    Hi all

    The Redemptorist monastery in West Belfast has a solemn novena each year at this time of year. There are 10 sessions each day and in total each day about 15000 people will attend. The masses are relayed out to the hall and a marquis and there will be people out in the monastery gardens if perchance it's not raining which is a rare occurrence in Ireland lol. The homilies given are usually brilliant. People send in both petitions and thanksgivings.  At one part of the mass a small selection of the petitions are read out and then the prayer to Our Lady of perpetual Help is recited for all the petitions. After the Communion a small selection of the thanksgivings is read out and another prayer is said. I have put in a petition for myself in my battle with cancer as well as one for all those fighting cancer and I think particularly of my warrior sisters on here. There is a video Cam set up so you can log on and watch live. The website address is Here we are 5 hours ahead of New York so you can work out your own time zone if you wanted to watch one of the masses however you can log onto the web cam anytime though I think that there would be no point between midnight and early morning (our time) when there will be no one in the church. I have been attending it for this past lot of years. The atmosphere is incredible. You can also send in petitions and thanksgivings via email. I thought that you might be interested in knowing about the novena.

    Times of the sessions:-

     Monday - Friday are 7 00am, 8 15am, 9 30am , 11 00am, 2 00pm, 3 30pm, 6 30pm, 8 00pm, 9 30pm amd 11 00pm 

    Sat and Sunday are 7 00am, 8 15am, 9 30am, 11 00am, 12 30pm, 2 00pm, 3 30pm, 5 00pm, 6 30pm and 8 00pm. 

    BTW the monastery church is being renovated at present so you will see that it is a temporary structure being used.

    Take care all and keep the prayers going.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Welcome back Frank!  How was your holiday?  Thanks for the information about the monastery!  It's magnificant!!!  I looked at the webcam and it was black... I guess they don't have anything going on at 1am.  That would be a nice place to visit for anyone with insomnia.

    Frank - you can close your eyes for this paragraph :-)  Well, I had my annual GYN appt with my new VA GYN.  Since I'm on tamoxifen, I need to see her for a pap every 6 months now.  BUMMER.  But she said everything looked good.  Thanks be to God.

    I complained about my weight and she said to stop eating.  harharhar.  She said to eat watermelon and grapes.  Swell.  But she was serious about cutting the pasta, breads, and to retrain my palate.  I guess I have to have a different mind-set about the food I eat.  I definitely need God's help with that!

    Rosary/Chaplet Novena continues:

    Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.
    Pope John Paul II

    An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.
    Pope John Paul II

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2011

    Hello my dear Catholic friends,  I am still here praying with you all.  I haven't post on this site lately but I read most nightly.  I have been so busy lately time is getting away from me.  I am doing good just got TM done and they are normal.  Thank God.

    I have been going to the grotto on lunch and praying for all on this site.  I know Mother Mary hears our prayers and intervenes for us through her son Jesus.   (((Hugs)))  Kind One

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited June 2011

    Hi Dear Ladies

    I am going to miss prayers tonight but wanted to add that I am saying either the Divine Chaplet or a decade each day for all of our intentions.

    I hope all of you are well. I have been low lately just about everything and am really wondering if it is the zero estrogen affecting my mood or I am just down. I am saddened by the losses here and the struggles. God please bless all of my sisters here and hear their intentions.


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    I am here for prayer and can post them in a few minutes.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011
    The Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

    --Reinhold Niebuhr

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    in all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your paths.

    Proverbs 3, 5-6

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011

    Hi, Theresa, I am here too.  Praying for all especially those undergoing hard times right now.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kay - thank you for the prayer ... boy do I need it ... one day at a time.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworms destroy them and thieves cannot break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
      ‘The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows that if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be all darkness. If then, the light inside you is darkness, what darkness that will be!'  -- Matthew 6:19-23

    "Physical condition or advancing of age are not obstacles to a perfect life. God does not look at external things but at the soul."  -- John Paul II

    My brothers [and sisters], you will always have your trials but, when they come, try to treat them as a happy privilege; you understand that your faith is only put to the test to make you patient, but patience too is to have its practical results so that you will become fully-developed, complete, with nothing missing. -- James 1:2-4


    Holy Father and Lord,
      you willed that Christ your Son
      should be the price of our salvation.
    Give us grace so to live
      that through sharing his sufferings
      we may be strengthened by the power of his resurrection.
    He lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
      God for ever and ever.


    May the Lord bless us and keep us from all harm; and may he lead us to eternal life.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited June 2011


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Amen -- good night Kay.  Good night everyone reading.  Sleep well.