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  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Kay------so sorry about the LE. It's such a trial. Try to avoid flying. I know you are getting good advice from all angles. LE as Laura says sucks. The Herceptin thing, Is this expected unusual ? Out of my frame of reference. The only thing that I can offer is consider a Macrobiotic diet(it's an art). It's difficult to learn at first-----trust me---I tried when my dad was on dialysis. It's basically, complex carbohydrate diet with low animal protein. I did it with him in 1987. In the early 90's the recommeneded diet for renal patients became almost the identical thing I did for my dad. Except, the severe reduction in low animal protein. It's essentially the japanese/ chinese way of eating-----lots of veggies little meat. The reason I suggest this --or at least the american version with reduced animal protein---is, When the heart isn't working so well, we can reduce some stress on it by making sure the kidney's are working well. Ask for a certified nutritionist/dietican consult with empahasis on heart and renal. You may not be able to do anything about what the Herceptin is doing. But you can control your diet. It may seem premature to do this, but it is proactive versus nothing. It will allow you a feeling of some control.

    One of the funniest things was when I was making Khombu/ lotus root soup, Stephen about 2 1/4 years leans back and says "No good Mom". Well I was learning. Khombu is seaweed LOL. Three weeks on the diet , we reduced his BUN by 33 points, creatinine came back to normal and  electrolytes. Instead of taking off 6-9 lbs with a dialysis trip, he went to 0-4. That was stunning. Then I found out he was cheating in the middle of the night. Just think if he had adhered to it, but he made his choice-"I want my meat and potatoes".

     This is NOT written to worry you, but as I said earlier , it will give you some control over something, Since everything else seems beyond your control.  Namaste L&H's sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Theresa-----so much news oh my-------What a dear thing your son has done.

     I transferred your prayer to the prayer thread.

     The AI's and Tamox predispose us to infections. Strep is nasty. So catchy too. Here's a gargle for the first sign of a sore throat.  We thought it was Grandma's, but I found it in a folk medicine book 30 years ago, at that time it was dated from 150 years before that, so likely much much older. Do not use if allergic to any components.

    Fill a glass bottle about the size of a standard individual water bottle, cork stopper versus metal. Fill  bottle with cider vinegar, pour into small sauce pan so that vinegar is about one inch deep, cover bottom of pan with salt, cover bottom of pan with red pepper seeds. Boil for several minutes. Cool completely. Strain into bottle. The boiling releases the capasian from the red pepper seeds.  Shake bottle before use. That mixes the Capasain back into solution. Stuff tastes AWFUL, but it works. The first time might even make you gag, but if you can get beyond that, the way the tissue feels after is one of those amazing things. It's a hurt that then starts to feel so good in the places that were been attacked.

    At the first sign of a sore throat gargle, it will feel likes it's burning , but only where the bacterias attacking. Rinse fore mouth and even brush teeth b/c it's acidic. Do this every 1/2 hr for awhile 2-3 hrs. If done early it can stop the progression or reduce the problem majorly. If the infection is allowed to take hold full blown, it doesn't do much. I've always kept a bottle in the frig. It's a love hate relationship, but the first time you stop a sore throat from progressing, you will be a believer.

     Theresa-----The controversy that Namaste has created on again, I so wish you could read it all. It's now got a second thread started by someone else. They are continuing into some very heavy theological stuff. Much has concern for me. It wouldn't be fair to the topic to either site to  quote small parts b/c they are into about 250 + responses now. PRO/ CON. Each responder quoting things from Old Testament to New testament, to Councils, To Papal Encyclicals/ to Papal letters. Way beyond my training. Each responder sites that which supports their premise.  What a stir. Any suggestions.  I believe in what I wrote, but don't want to lead anyone astray. I have even thought about writing the Pope, He wrote a paper for PJP2nd in 1989. His paper seemed to support what I was saying. It was at times ecumenical, then I'd go duh?  What I have found out is that PJP2nd has been reaching out throughout his papacy to all other religions. Ratzingers paper on prayer in 1989, was written with John Pauls approval.

     I didd a topic thread and suggested,  they create a prayer archive like ours and an intentions site for novenas , to be run off in the same fashion. It was either wiped out or held for review. OR I could have pushed a wrong button. But don't think so, when I hit submission, it took several tries then it was accepted. The next time I looked for it , it was gone.  Well, any thoughts would be appreciated.

     Hope you feel better, Namaste and Pax et bonum  sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Sagina--------your proverbs quote had a meaning behind it? Is it related to your thyroid news? Whatup Lovey Nmaste  sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Sandy 105 Hello---where are you, miss you

    Michello hellooooooo,

    Namaste and pax sheila

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Hi Sas, no I just really thought of all of us as moms, daughters, aunts, sisters, friends, wives, grandmas, housekeepers, workers, cancer fighters etc etc.....with God's strength and dignity I think with all we do, stress or worry about, we can wake up each morning knowing that we are His children and take the day with all the laughter we need. 

    Hope you are well.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Sagina------I get it now--------I didn't want to assume, do me a favor somehow put it together and we'll transfer it to the prayer thread. The two concepts work well together, the first proverb is nice, but without your explanation, todays woman may not get it , I didn't. You are great with words. Await the outcome. L&H namaste sheila

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited January 2012

    Thank you sas! The heart thing happens about 10% of the time according to my onc. Sometimes it comes back immediately, but mine didn't. I really trust your advice as a nurse and friend. I have already cut way down on meat and chicken, both in frequency and proportion. I went to a nutritionist as part of a class for foods to eat during cancer tx. I will look into getting a referral for an individual consultation. Someone on another thread told me to watch sodium, so I am doing that as well. And I don't fly much any way, but am afraid with the LE. I told my DH I didn't want to go visit my DS at school in Minnesota in the spring because of it. If I can get the LE under really good control, maybe I will be able to make it. Thank you so much for the advice.

    I don't know about the other thread, but I think other Christiians don't like the idea of novenas. I have been told they consider it like praying to false gods. They especially don't understand Catholics devotion to the Blessed Mother.

    Still praying for you and your twin. Hope you are both doing well. Please let us know when you will have surgery. I want to light a candle for you on the sx day.

    Hope all are doing well. Everyone and their intentions are in my prayers. Namaste.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited January 2012

    Love the quote, Sag, Thanks! xo

  • michelleo13
    michelleo13 Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2012

    Hello everyone. I'm still here!  I haven't been posting much as I've been busy with daily radiation treatments and enjoying time with my girls while they're off school on Christmas vacation!  I do read the posts daily and pray for everyone here as well!

    I am now halfway through radiation treatments and so far have had no skin issues. Thank the Lord for that!

    God bless you all!

  • dreaming
    dreaming Member Posts: 219
    edited January 2012

    Namaste according the Oxford  dictionary: Common greeting from India, in the  Sikh culture/religion means one god.

    in Pakistan is used by Sindhi Muslims.

    The real reason I am posting is for members that are interested on St Father Pio, there is a web site to order images,prayers , etc.

    I have followed him since I was a little girl, and pray everyday for his help and blessing.

    That Jesus protects you and Our Lady covers you with Her Blessings.

  • HantaYo
    HantaYo Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2012


    Hello to all.  I have PMd ESTEPP a couple times since 12/31 and when I didn't get her usual prompt response I searched for her most recent activity which was on this thread.  And, what good news in her post of 12/30-She is on a trip to the Carribean this week.  I hope she is having a great time.

    Well, as I searched for her post I could not help but notice the comments about Namaste!.  Yes, I am the Karla that Sas has quoted.  I am so sorry that some have found controversy in something that is such a simple and beautiful statement of cherishing and respecting.

    Meanwhile, I will be patient for contact with ESTEPP when she gets back from her wonderful trip.



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Hanto yo, Karla dear---------it's sheila------- from the day you wrote what you wrote, till this day it has changed my life and many here, I bless you always and always tell your story of the Sherpas and the translation often,  Always saying it came from your story. Sighing off very quickly in case someone is here for prayers. But will be back with you NAMASTE  and Pax sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Fri . night 1/6 2012, Love to you all. We have the joy that Karla has come to the thread I sssssssoooooooooo hope she stays here. She is the person that brought Namaste into ny heart. The story has been periodically told. It's in the prayer archives. But having her here to tell her own story. That would be a blessing. Namaste.-------L&H&P's sisters and Frank,

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Karla the controversy is not here about Namaste. It is on It is a pay site. So, unless your willing to pay about 80.00$ you can't read the responses. Bummer. The basic, that I don't get is that there are Caths that posted that talked about different Gods. Basic Cathecism says there is only one GOD. Your translation from the Sherpas was a hit between the eyes We are all one. But there are posting Caths on That perceived what I was saying as, that there was a different god within each of them. your post so many months + year ago. God is within us each of us, we just need to recognize him , if we accept him in another. Well that statement sent a flurry of responses. I so wish you could read the responses. On that site a thread closes and is locked at 200 responses. A second thread has started by someone else. I only posted once on the 2nd thread. Will likely go tonight and see what happened.

    Karla, so glad you are here. Happy dance, Happy dance. Your story has changed many. I wrote a note ever so long ago. We have a Prayer archives----your story is there. I'll bring the story back here plus the link. You have gladdened my heart, you showed up just when needed, Bless you Namaste and Px sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012
    Jun 16, 2011 03:11 am sas-schatzi wrote:

    Their is a nurse Karla on the Nurses thread who described that when she was on a trek in the Himalayas. She would observe the Sherpas greeting each other with hands as folded in prayer. Their greeting was Namaste. She asked for a translation. They told her it meant "I SALUTE THE GOD WITHIN YOU" After hearing that story, it so gripped  me, within the deep soul of me. The strength of the statement in analysis goes to the heart of our belief in God. For if we believe that this statement regarding God-- being within each person. Then he is a part of our being. If that be true, then we are each joined together with him, and therefore we are each apart of each other. So, what happens to the one, happens to all. Yes Paula, thank you for reminding me. A periodic telling of the story helps my forgetful mind. Namaste Sheila

     Edit----introduced long before the date above Karla, but always was having trouble finding it , so, put it in the Archives for easy retrieval. Then I brought back here from my first post for the site.

    I don't get it, I see God in everything. If you could see what some wrote you, would be dismayed. Maybe I'm an innocent or ignorant. They talked of the hindu as Heathens. I did not do well with that at all. Kept a civil tongue. Very hard.

    I was thrown off for 24hrs. For calling someone, a 30 y/o,  a shithead b/c they said 60 y/o's were expendable and don't even try to resus(resusitate) 75-85  y/o'ds.  DUH ---she shouldn't be a nurse. Patrick tried to assure me that is not in the training of NZ nurses.

     It's a bizarre place b/c of the extremist point of view. Those that were supportive in many cases did write support. Patrick  from NZ was my Night in Shining Armour. He has great biblical/current hx knowledge and was able to fend the shield of what I was trying to say. The success of the thread pro , I give to him. The con element believes, it is pagan, nonCatholic , ergo a threat to our beliefs.

    That's tough(tuff), when even Ratzinger in 1989 affrimed that there was much that we needed to do in concideration  about prayer when we were dealing with the whole world. He was charged by PJP2nd to write a papal paper. PJP2nd reached out in an ecumenical way to all. Now Ratzinger is Pope Benedict. --------I learned this --RE: Ratzinger writing the document on prayer for Pjp2nd through this discussion.

     We here aren't into dogma. BUT we are BLESSED with having Theresa as a resource for concerns.

    I'd rather believe in what your words brought to me Karla , than anything a papal scholar could. They have brought solace to my heart. They make me feel love each time, I say it to someone. Those are GREAT feelings.

    Their is apart of me that thinks of you Karla, each time I write the word. You brought into my life. The translation being the most important "I SALUTE THE GOD WITHIN YOU".

    Thank you ever so much Karla, one never knows how one's words will affect another. You changed my life. You have changed many more. Blessings. Namaste and Pax sheila 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Kay--dear friend------ diet renal and / cardiac are going to limit sodium ----some  great advice from another friend, it dovetails into the overall of what I suggested. DH may think what I'm suggesting is radical. BUT it is something you can control. Lots, of veggies, high value vegetable protein, low animal protein. If your a milk drinker switch to Rice milk. Google " Estrogen and milk risks". There are other choices like almond etc. I chose rice b/c what is it we first start our babies on.? It took a couple weeks to get used to and it's fine----plain----------personally don't like the vanilla, each to his /her own. When you read about estrogen and milk risks, It will PISS you off that the government did not make us aware of the risk. I used to be a milkoholic. Makes me wonder now?

    The Flyining thing-----the changes in pressurization can cause LE, The first articles came out about three months after my sis  flew down here 1996. Whitin 24 hrs of her flight, she noticed swelling, Elevated her arm almost the entire visiit. Flew back. Has never flown again. She's not near anyone that does LE therapy. Actually, she is is in what I call a medical wasteland. She has real medical problems, but substandard doc's. That's a whole other discussion. Anyone lurking, seeking a place of retirement -------do it where top notch medical care is available.

    Kay, I suggested a permanent thread for Like our intentions thread --transferred same intro------- wiped out----------- Catholic is supposed to be for matches. But the number of people asking for prayers is basically----------30 to 40 %--------- well thought it would be good to to what we do. I was blocked.-------------I wrote to the mods on something else( this was after the fight to get the discussion on Namaste). I wrote"LIT" drop down came up as" hostile inquiry"------I didn't even finish the request. But I guess I'm pegged as Hostile.--------

     After living on BCO, CM has been a shock. Isn't that a rocker. I would have expected enveloping arms as we have here. UH no. It is very strange. Not sure how anyone make a match. Novenas on a Catholic thread should be a given. I have said, We on the Catholic thread with are novenas are fromidable.

     Bean--------progress only brings back memory's of all the screw ups from a time I need to heal from------we are into the 7th week of the doc's order and no insurances autorization, but  correct paper work only left his office one week ago------and not quite sure about that.  My RN CASE MANAGER on the insurance side is ready to spit nails. I expected sx 3-4th week of Jan. ---now can't see it happening till end of FEB. duh------it's shows no sign of malignancy, how many of us haf heard these &%#@!@ words. Well, I believe in a time an place for demise. It is known by God. After the last three years with all the screw ups. I have decided----------His will, will be. sounds radical, but I can't quote anything biblical---------but there ia a season something. I have regained strength after Greg's death. If I now have to face my own I can. I bless God for not making me do both at the same time. God as allowed me to regained my sensibilities and control everyday over what we went through. Each DAY is a gift. Am I using it right---------well may be not, but .....................Kay sweetie we will work out spring details once , I know------then we can figuire out who else we want to in vite. eh? Namaste and Pax Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Dreaming -------I think you are a first time poster----------oh become a full time poster please- Thank you for your post RE; ONE GOD and Namaste---------I believed the church believed in one God until on CM they stareted talkinging about multiple gods and different gods, and pagan gods-------I thought what universe am I in

    We are an ecumenical group, we receive all. Try us an see. Namaste and pax

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Michello--------hope the rads tx's continue well and enjoy those kids------ Were probably the same age and I have no grands in site for years.------Don't fly-if you had any lymph node dissection--------don't

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Dreaming---please tell us the story of St. Father Pio. He means much to you, thats important. If brought you  him here. There's a reason, you brought him here. We are story tellers. AND

    You have a devotion to St.Father Pio. My thought is may be we are meant to do a novena to him. Please share, your belief in him. You would not have posted without a belief he could help. If you have read any of our past posts, you know we can be strong into novena's

    Thank you for coming to join us Namaste and Pax sheila

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited January 2012

    Sending love to all my bc sisters!  (and Frank) you guys inspire me! xo

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Sheila - I wouldn't get too wrapped around the axle about the Namaste greeting. From what I read, it literally means, "I bow to you." I've also read, my soul bows to your soul... the God in me bows to the God in you. In its simplest form, "I bow to you", I don't see an issue. We are all called by Christ to be humble - the first will be last, the last will be first. We are all images of our Creator, God. I am not a student of religions (trying to get more of a grasp of my own!!) so if there is another deeper meaning to it, I don't know.

    Personally, as a Christian, if someone came to me, bowed and said, "Namaste", I would honor that, fold my hands in prayer and say something like "Peace be with you" or "Pax et bonum". Or something equivalant in my own faith language. That way, we would be honoring each other in our own faith expressions.

    We are called, by Christ, not to judge others. We are called to teach Jesus' truth, but not judge others when they are different. So if others are judging you on that online site, I would agree to disagree and humbly bow out. There are some people who refuse to listen... leave them to God in prayer.

    I remember when I was on the Catholic dating site and found Skip. It was a conservative Catholic site, and I was and am a pretty conservative gal. Skip was talking about music, which is another hot topic among opinionated faithful. He caused a stir by talking about some music thing and being a guitarist. I remember coming to his defense because some of the others were being judgmental and unChristian. The fervor eventually died out and I had stopped commenting, but it sparked our getting to know each other and the rest is history.

    But it's my personality to stear clear of controversy most of the time. My daughter has more of a chihuahua personality and if someone says or posts something unChristian or says something derogatory about Catholicism or any subject she strongly believes in, she'll take the bait and educate! :-)

    Oh and thanks for the sore throat recipe!

    I am soliciting feedback if anyone would like to PM me or post here. I went to the eye doctor's yesterday, the first time since BC. Never had any eye issues. She said I have developed small cataracts in both eyes. I know they run in my family, but no one has gotten them until about age 70. I'm 51. I understand Tamoxifen can cause cataracts. So this, I feel, is the straw that breaks the camel's back. I already *feel* 70 years old with aches and pains b/c of the Tamox and/or chemo, but I don't want cataracts in my 50s!! I didn't take my Tamox last night and plan on calling my onc tomorrow to discuss going off it and maybe my primary care doc. I'm praying for discernment on this.

    Michelle ! So happy you're tolerating the radiation so far!!

    Kay - I hope you get better soon. It's always something, isn't it?

    Happy Epiphany to everyone!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Thank you Theresa-------I always love your very reasoned and calm approach to everything. You are such a wonderful teacher. I'm sure your CCd kids adore you. I have learned to back off the controversial items on It has taken time, to realize that it wasn't healthy. They give more latitude to those talking drinking and partying.

    I did hope , perhaps there might be a match for me. I remembered you saying ever so long ago that it was where you and Skip met. Didn't remember that it was over guitar music.  I play guitar to, but now only in my living room for myself. Who knows. Time will tell. Time and retrospect tells us all so many things. Namaste and Pax. Sheila

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2012

    Lord you have promised us life in abundance. Let us feel the Sons light on our faces today as we take every step for the glory of You. Amen

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Dear Sheila - I wouldn't give up hope on CM!  I was on the Catholic online dating site (St. - no longer exists) for a few years before Skip and I found each other.  I learned a lot about myself and the men that I'm attracted to.  I dated a few and after a few months, had a funny gut feeling that they weren't the right ones, and broke off the dating.  It's uncomfortable doing that, but it provided me lessons in tact, kindness and sorrow.  So after a few no-gos, I decided to just stay on the boards, post, read, learn and not make it a "find a husband" thing.  I wanted to learn more about my faith and talk to others who were also single.  I remember thinking Skip was "safe" (a non-dating friend) because he lived in Idaho and I was in Virginia.  Love knows no distance!!  Poor as he was at the time, after his fleecing divorce, he had frequent flyer points and got a free flight to Virginia to meet me. 

    One thing I fussed about to my priest was the lack of support for single/widowed/divorced/annulled Catholics in the community.  All of the women's groups, even, met during the day when the rest of us were at work!  Not that I could have done any socializing to any degree since I was a single mother of teenagers!!!  So the online avenue worked for me.  I put my situation in the hands of St. Joseph, since he was such a wonderful choice for a spouse for Our Lady, and he's been there for me ever since.  (For our non Catholic friends, Catholics do not worship any saint - even the Blessed Mother.  We ask for their prayers and intercessions, just like we ask for a friend for help and prayers.  We worship, adore and love totally our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God the Father, incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary....)

    CCD has been a blast, thanks be to the Holy Spirit for inspiration!  And my daughter for helping co-teach.  It's a non-sacramental year, so the kids that are there are there because their parents put value on their religious education --- they're not just going to get the sacrament, whether it's First Communion or Confirmation.  So most classes, everyone shows up.  Of course, it seems half the class have parents who won't take them to Mass.  It boggles my mind, but maybe the little ones will help evangelize their parents! :-) 

    Beautiful prayer, mkk (Mary, right?).  Jesus, the light of the world!!!

    We had a senior member of our fraternity pass away this weekend... please keep Sharon's soul in your prayers as well as her family.  May her soul, on fire with the love of God, rest in peace.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2012

    Theresa-thanks again--------I haven't even looked at matches on CM b/c of Bean---It has put such a hold on advancing forward. But have developed multiple friendships male and female b/c of on- going discussions. But after being there awhile I think you are both iincredibily blessed to have found each other on that site b/c thier are so many radically extreme Catholics. May be that's putting it way to strong. DUNNO

    There are people that have no intention of seeking a match. They are there b/c it's a social outlet for them and they like the dialogue. .Those have become friends or stalwarts of defense.

     Like BCO, but different topics all Catholic related  or social related. Their are people that have been there years looking for a match. I'm completely naive on this, I tried to make two matches, for other people. Wrong, completely. Both women took the suggestion, then turns out the guys aren't as they presented themselves as. .  So, I'm out of the Matchmaking suggestions. I have limited myself to Florida.  Based on your experience may be I should -expand--- would be good. Kind of silly though if I  won't look at the matches. I will have to say Damn the Bean ---------no symptoms, but there is an unknown. No fair in trying to bring someone into the acutely unknown. Bummer.  Namaste and Pax Thank you sheila 

  • dreaming
    dreaming Member Posts: 219
    edited January 2012

    Sas-schatzi, Father Pio  of Pietrelcina was a Roman Catholic priest , he was canonized June 16 /2012, he was famous for bearing the stigmata,he has the gift of healing,had the gifts of levitation,prophesy and miracles.

    There is a web site Father Pio Devotions.

    I only posted the information, in case somebody will like to pray for help.

     I am a very conservative traditional Roman Catholic, that attends Latin Mass, do not like to mix my Faith with customs or believes from other religions.

    Thanks for the invite, but I stay away from religious and political sites.  Asking that God blesses you and Our Lady protects all.

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited January 2012

    Thank you, Lord, for our guardian angels! "For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go." (Psalm 91:11)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Sheila - you make me giggle - Damn the Bean - full speed ahead!!  Yep, matchmaking can be pretty tricky and it seems the matchmaker is the one to get burned.  Please keep an open mind about male friendship despite the Bean.  It's not for us to say what's fair - God might have someone for you who doesn't care about the Bean but cares about you.  Or God might just want you for Himself! :-)  God's will be done.

    Dreaming - thank you for reminding us about Padre Pio.  We had someone come to one of our SFO meetings and he had relics - and one of his gloves.  What a blessing!  As I get older, I'm appreciating more and more the richness of our Catholic faith.  We could spend a lifetime learning and never know it all.  Every book I read, every class I attend, every conversation I have just commits me more and more.  My SIL is becoming Catholic this Easter and it's just a blessing to see his growth in faith.  He was never baptised and barely raised Christian.  But he's the first one up on Sunday morning to dress the boys and get to church early.  As a police officer, he chose St. Michael as his patron saint and we bought him a medal.  So many people have preconceived ideas about our faith.  I want to learn enough about other faiths so that when/if I'm questioned about mine, I can make an intelligent response with respect to theirs.  I don't think I'll ever be an apologetic like Scott Hahn or other learned men and women, but want to know what I need to know and trust the Holy Spirit will guide me to that font.

    Penny - beautiful!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    D'oh I almost forgot!  The sonogram showed that my son and DIL are having a boy!!!  He's so happy.  This will be grandson #3!

  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2012

    Congrats Theresa!  What a blessing to have another grandson on the way! 

    Dreaming, I haven't considered Padre Pio in so long!  Thanks for the reminder!

    Redwolf, hope you are doing well.  May God continue to watch over you.

    Sas, as always, I pray for your health. Do not put off joy.

    To Lovemyfamily and all of you, may the Light of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to lead us to a joy filled existence, confident in the graces of God.

    Please continue to pray for my stage iv mom.  Your prayers thus far have resulted in tumor regressions and for that I am thankful to you for your constant remembrances and to God.

    Love to all here, Mary