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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    Sheila I'm jut glad i'r ok, cuz I usually see posts from u on some other threads too and U just haven't been posting---maybe it is the insomniac thread LOL that's where we.d talk. more  I am happy u are sleeping better tho it's good for u'r body to sleep. OK just checkin" Take care Sheila

  • mnmom
    mnmom Member Posts: 1,841
    edited November 2012

    Hi, I've been on & off here just enough to keep up with all the latest.

    Just thought I'd say Hello & 'still praying' for all

    Crazy hectic with me now the oddest week of stuff happening I can remeber in a long time. Makes it hard to stay focused, or sleep.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2012

    mnmom I Hope it's not frantic anymore and u can sleep and relax a bit.

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited November 2012

    Sheila, thank you for posting about me - I got out of my daily habits when I moved, and I flat out just keep forgetting to come back on here!

    Thank you to EVERYONE who prayed the Novena, b/c lots of good came out of it for me as Sheila mentioned. My life is not where it should be, but after 1.5 years, it's finally headed in the right direction. I firmly believe it was all of you praying that did it for me. THANK YOU.

    And a special thanks to Sheila for once again organizing this Novena!!! I love praying these with all of you, so Sheila THANK YOU ESPECIALLY!!


  • mkkjd60
    mkkjd60 Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2012

    Hello all,  So sorry I missed the novena.  My 21 year old maraton-running, organic kale-eating daughter was hospitalized in ICU with a blood clot.  She underwent angioplasty and is on coumadin.  Between my daughter and my stage iv breast cancer mom, I thought I would lose my mind.  An emotional roller coaster I wouldnt wish on anyone.  Anyway, Sas had added my  mom to the novena intentions and I'm sure you all kept her in your prayers.  Mom has not responded to chemo in some time so we are thinking of a clinical trial.  Please pray for my daughter, Cassie, that she will rise from this illness to greater health and for my mom, that we will find the "magic bullet" in a clinical trial..... and for me, weary Mary, that I can just keep my head above water.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers.  May the impending birthday celebration of Our Lord invigorate and sustain us.  Namaste.

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2012

    MKK - not to add to your crazy life, and I'm soooo sorry, wow you have a lot on your plate......I assume the doctor told your daughter to lay off the kale/spinach etc while on coumadin? Putting on my pharmacist hat and butting in professionally - just want to make sure that was made clear to her as kale and spinach will interfere with coumadin.

    Hat off......I will add you to my Novena I'm doing for the Immaculate Conception on an online group site. You and your mother and your daughter...for healing emotionally and physically for all of you. Please know you are being prayed for by thousands of people there and by all the wonderful people on this site.

    Hang in there.....I'm sorry, wish I knew something else to say :-(


  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited December 2012

    mkk - said a Memorare for you, your daughter and your mom.  God Bless you!

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    Scans this Friday!  Eeek.  Please pray.  Thanks.  Laughing

    - Penny

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631
    edited December 2012

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know that SAS has a virus in her computer right now and its getting repaired.


  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2012

    Penny - prayers headed your way for your scans....Friday let's all send massive good thoughts and vibes and PRAYERS Penny's way!


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    Thank you!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    A nice thing happened today - 

    I was in the waiting area in the hospital (a Catholic hospital) and a nun walked up to me and asked me my name.  She had a book of names and included mine on the list.  I told her I have breast cancer and she said "oh my, and you're so young" (I told her I was 54 and she said she wouldn't have guessed that so I suppose she kind of made my day in two ways - especially since I've been looking so haggard lately...).  

    Anyway, she was kind enough to add me to the prayer list.  

    I told her I was Catholic as well and told her the parish we belong to.  

    She was such a sweet woman.  She had a rather large bandage on her face/side of her nose and had recently had a skin cancer removed but thank God they got it all! She had traces of an Irish lilt to her voice and she really touched me by stopping by to say hello and add me to her prayer list/book. 

    The kindness of strangers...

    I've never been so overwhelmed by that concept as I have been since being diagnosed with cancer.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited December 2012

    Hi LeeA- so you're Catholic too?  Nice to know.  It's kind of cool to see others you've chatted with on this forum too.  I've been praying for your healing, how are things going. 

    I love your story, so often we find blessings where we least expect them.

    God Bless you,


  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2012

    Lee, I loved your story and coincidentally I had a nice story today too:

    The young girl at the DMV today where I was getting my new drivers license had cancer when she was 25 (she's now 29). We got to talking - she had to go through chemo, 13 surgeries, she was stage 4 (not breast cancer but was in her lung and appendix of all places then metastisized everywhere). They did not expect her to live. Her boyfriend left her also.

    She made it through everything and she met a guy while she had no hair and was in chemo....and 3 years later he's still with her.

    I'm standing there at the DMV crying.....what an incredible story. She went through so much and this guy is still with her - and as she said "saw me at my worst." Just when I think there are no more happy endings left in the world....there haven't been in mine, but I did not go through 1/100th of what she went through. She deserves the happy ending with the wonderful guy!!!

    I told her I would pray for her (I'm surprised being in a government building some police didn't show up or someone didn't threaten me with a lawsuit lol) and she said "Omg thank you..."

    No one ever has a good experience at the DMV. I can now say I have.


    (Penny still thinking of you and praying tomorrow/Friday for good scans! I won't forget!)

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    Arrived at UPenn 11:30 this morning for MRI and CT scans. Even

    with prednisone and Claritin in me I still grew hives from the

    contrast dye. Finally heading home at 4pm. Looking forward to

    seeing my girlfriends tonight. I really hope that I don't hear from

    any medical peeps tonight in case it's bad news. Why ruin the

    weekend, save it for Monday.

    Remembering our soldiers today, Pearl Harbor Day, 12/7/41. God Bless them!

    - Penny

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    Hi LindaKR

    I was baptized in my early twenties (which was during the early eighties) after going through an RCIA program at a church in Louisville, KY called Church of Epiphany. I've yet to ever find a church quite like it.  

    I'm an only child and my parents didn't have me baptized as a child because they wanted me to make that choice on my own as an adult.  Neither one of them were churchgoers and when I was in college I became very drawn to the Catholic church via the Catholic youth center.  I have been an on again/off again churchgoer in the years since.  

    My husband, who was raised Catholic, was also an on again/off again churchgoer but started going regularly soon after he started recovering from his bout with dermatomyotis five years ago. 

    About a year ago (on All Saints Day) I started going with him on a much more regular basis.  

    Despite not being a regular churchgoer I have been one to pray novenas (since my husband was so ill) and have found great comfort in saying Hail Marys for years, i.e. one example being based on something I read in an Ann Landers column several yearsa go about a woman who made it a habit to say a Hail Mary for the person who was in the back of an ambulance whenever she heard a siren or saw one passing by with its lights flashing.  

    Anyway, this All Saints mass I thought "wow, I never would have thought, a year ago, that I would be standing here a year later with breast cancer." 

    All that said, thanks LindaKR for your prayers.  You are in mine as well! 


    Hi Cherilynne, 

    I heard a somewhat story in the wig store last Friday.  The woman across from me was buying a wig for fun and it so happens she and I were buying the same wig but in slightly different shades. 

    She leaned across (as we were sitting there) and said "I want you to know that I kind of know what you're going through...I had breast cancer 31 years ago and then again, 7 years ago."  

    Her first husband, the father of her children, left her soon thereafter (she was 26 at that time) and several years later she met the real love of her life and when she was diagnosed with BC again he was diagnosed with colon cancer during the same time period.  She lost him, the real love of her life - her soulmate who didn't care that she had lost her breasts or had cancer, four years ago.  

    Such a sad story yet she remains positive and hopeful.  

    In that 30 minute time period I felt so fortunate to have shared a few moments with such a strong woman.  She said "31 years ago people didn't even talk about breast cancer." 

    It seems everywhere I go I meet someone who is willing to share a story about cancer...  

    Thanks for sharing the DMV story!  ((hugs))

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the story Lee!! It's amazing how many people touch our lives with this same damn cancer but how many lives we also may touch!

    Penny - so far no news is good news, right? They didn't call? So I'm hoping you are clean! Praying for a good update from you :-)


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    I hope to get the results this morning at my oncology appointment.  The doctor probably didn't call knowing she'd just see me today anyway. 

    - Penny

    "For the Lord will not
    cast off for ever,
    but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion
    according to the abundance of his steadfast love;
    for he does not willingly afflict
    or grieve the sons of men."

    (Lamentations 3:31-33)

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited December 2012

    Praying for good news Red.

    My Dexa scan came back normal - yipppeee, but I've developed a new pain in my back between my shoulder blades, going to talk to my PCP about it today when I go in for a check up.  Why does every new pain send me in to a tail spin.  I have to remember my mantra - Jesus I Trust in You!!! Somedays it's hard though.

    I joined the Knights at the Foot of the Cross, a group that has chronic health issues within the Militia Immaculata - I love their prayers, and it helps to know there are others out there praying with and for each other.



    O IMMACULATA, queen of heaven and earth, health

    of the sick, and our most loving Mother, God has

    willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you.

    You stood at the foot of the Cross, uniting your self

    with the sufferings of Jesus, and so you became for

    all the Church a model of compassion.

    I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your

    feet, humbly imploring you to take me with all that

    I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession

    and property. Please make of me, of all my powers

    of soul and body, of my daily sufferings and crosses,

    of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most

    pleases you.

    If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without

    reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you:

    She will crush your head, and “You alone have destroyed

    all heresies in the whole world.” Through my

    prayers and sufferings, let me be a fit instrument in

    your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing

    and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the

    many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help, to

    extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the

    most Sacred Heart of Jesus. For wherever you enter

    you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in

    holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces

    come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus 

    V. Allow me to praise you, O Sacred Virgin.

    R. Give me strength against your enemies..




    IMMACULATA, Mother of the Church, I renew my

    self-consecration to you as a “Knight at the Foot of

    the Cross.” I desire to magnify the Lord with you this

    day in a special way by offering you my sufferings.

    Joined with you in faith at the foot of Christ’s Cross,

    may I ever be an unselfish instrument for the spread

    of the Militia of the Immaculata movement and the

    growth of the Church. Amen. 

    O MARY conceived without sin, pray for us who have

    recourse to you.


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    The tumor in the left lobe of my liver, which was up to 11cm last year is now down to 2 pieces, one is 3x2cm and stable (thank You, Lord!); the other has doubled in size since my last scan 9 weeks ago! It's @2.4x2.3cm. The oncologist is waiting to hear back from the interventional radiologist to see if he still wants to ablate. If he does, assuming it's soon, I get a chemo break until after Christmas! Sweet Jesus! Then it's onto either halaven or gemzar with herceptin. 

    At this point, I don't know what to pray for, except guidance, because in the past, when I've fought for things, they've backfired. LOL - I still have the battle scars from the tykerb to prove it. I also seem to be allergic to carboplatin so who knows what kind of reaction I'll have to the next thing?

    Not the news I wanted, but it could've been worse, so again, I praise God for all His Blessings. I'm in His Hands. Thank you all for your prayers!

    Love, Penny

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    Liver ablation scheduled for 9am December 31st at UPenn. Have to be there by
    8am. It's an out-patient procedure. The nurse said we'll start 2013
    with a bang and a cancer-free liver. Love her thinking.

    Then it'll be decision-time (and more prayers) for which

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited December 2012

    Said a Memorare for you Redwolf, Our Lady will hold you in her mantle. 

  • frankh
    frankh Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2012

    Hello Sisters

    haven't been on for a while. Well I finished the latest lot of chemo some weeks back and received the results of the CT Scan following the treatment. The tumours have stabilised in size, meaning that they had stopped growing in the interim. My Onc was very pleased with the results. In fact he was probably more enthusiastic that I was. Obviously deep down I was hoping that they would have shrunk considerably  but in truth that was unlikely to happen -though one lives in hope ! ! ! So could I ask you all to say a prayer of thanksgiving for what my Onc has described as a successful outcome?

    During the treatment there was a bit of bad news in that my Onc told me that because of the amount of chemo that I had had I would not be getting any more (after the current lot) and in future the symptoms would be treated rather than trying to treat the tumours.

    However at the end of the treatment there was some good news. He told me about a drug trial being organised by a Japanese Co. The trial is most likely starting in the New Year and in his words I "tick all the boxes" and it's almost as if "it was designed for me." You may remember that I am HER2+ and was on Herceptin for 15 months but which stopped working. Well this trial drug is apparently much more potent than Herceptin. It addresses not only the HER2 but also another "growth factor" EGFR (don't ask because I don't know) which usually accompanies the HER2 factor. I have to have another CT Scan at end of January and depending on the results Onc will decide when to start me on the trial. So here's hoping ! ! !

    In the meantime I am getting on with life. I have returned to the office on a phased basis. I have a lot of Annual Leave to take before the start of February 2013 and it's a case of use it or loose it. So working part time and using up my A.L. 

    take care all.


  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    Wishing you all the best, Frank, and saying a prayer for you.  

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited December 2012

    Sent you a PM, Frank.

    - Penny

  • kslansky
    kslansky Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2012

    Frank, Will include you in my my rosary intentions tonight.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2012

    Dear friends on the Catholic thread TheFuzzyLemon is in trouble. The following post below I put on "Fuzzy's Romp Room" (FRR) this morning. The next post that I will bring here is the novena to the Archangels. I have modified it to state "Fuzzy's" name and "us" or"all of us". So, we are praying for each other as well as Fuzzy. We did this same novena and format for Jennifer on Nov 12th 2010.


    Morning Dear Friends, We all are felling pretty helpless over Fuzzy. We know she had an infection, but not if it was her flap. flu, or the nasty bacterial infection of the respiratory tree(like Granny is still recovering from). What we do know is she's in serious trouble. I turn to prayer in times like these. Particularly, novenas. Many of you have been involved on the Catholic thread when we have done novenas. Being  non-Catholic doesn't matter ...prayer is prayer. There is an acceptable alternative to the standard 9 day novena. It's an "emergency" novena done once and hour for 9 hours. We all have are travails, but my instincts say come together now and do this for Fuzzy.

    I'm suggesting the Archangels for this novena b/c each Archangel has a special job. My next posting will be the novena. So, if you are willing , I suggest start as soon as you read it. Most everyone posting here has been checking in frequently.  I'm going to post it on the Catholic thread too. Plus this post.

    Love you all, L&H&P's sheila/sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2012

    St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, be with us today as we pray on behalf of Fuzzy and all here. Protect Fuzzy and us all from whatever could cause spiritual or physical harm. Help us be faithful to Jesus and a good communicator of his divine love on behalf of Fuzzy and us all. Amen.
    Prayer to St. Michael
    St. Michael the Archangel, defend Fuzzy and us in the battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
    Prayer to St. Raphael
    Blessed Saint Raphael, Archangel, We beseech thee to help Fuzzy and us in all our needs and trials of this life, as thou, through the power of God, didst restore sight and give guidance to young Tobit. We humbly seek thine aid and intercession, that Fuzzy's and our souls may be healed, our bodies protected from all ills, and that through divine grace we may be made fit to dwell in the eternal Glory of God in heaven. Amen.
    Prayer to St. Gabriel
    O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for Fuzzy and us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven that Fuzzy and us all may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen.

    ( say prayer once and hour for 9 hours) Blessings, sheila/sassy

  • kslansky
    kslansky Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2012


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited December 2012

    Morning dear friends, I've started the novena three times then screwed up the times. On mark now.

    kslansky--hello we haven't met. Welcome here many good people here that pop in and out. Thanks for doing the novena :)

    LeeA hello and welcome :)

    Penny--the 9 hr novena includes us all, but it seems to me it would be good to do on the day of the ablation. I know you are excited, this is a new approach application. Yet it is old, I read about it in the mid 90's (?). Google Karolinski Institute and Radio Frequency Abalation. My brain surgery approach started in 1994, but MO/Neurologist and local Neurosurgeon unfamilar with it when I brought it to their attention this year. Definitely supports doing our own research.

    frank glad to hear the word stable. Not knowledgable enough re: chemo to understand why the MO would say no more chemo if your body came through the last challenge and reached stability. If you would ask the question, it would be appreciated to be able to understand the MO's reasoning. I know Penny has Pm'd you about the ablation technique. It's worth a discussion with Mo and soon b/c to my reasoning it would be most feasible after reaching a stability point post chemo. Get those buggers before they know what hit them.  In re: to Japanese trial--good luck. Used to be versant on EGRF LOL, now would have to restudy.

    Linda KR you are so good to say the Memorare for all. I know there must be a story behind your devotion. Please, share.

    Diamond Girl /Theresa/ Squid thinking of you if you popin

    mmm5 and mnmom same, but know you will be popping in soon.

    Cherilynn-- the job interviews? Went to a Christmas luncheon. This group used to do a white elephant gift exchange, but for the last 2-3 years it has been donations of stuff to the local SPCA. I know you would appreciate this thought :)

    Namaste ! sheila/sassy