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  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Thank you, they are some "HOT" firemen....

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    What a wonderfully hot Christmas present! Thank you.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    See, I knew you people would fully appreciate it :D

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Merry Christmas Middies! May 2016 bring health and happiness!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909


  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Hope all had a wonderful Christmas. I read often, post seldom, but grateful to know that there is always someone out there who "gets it." Have a happy and healthy new year.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


    366, it's a leap year....Have a great one....Cheers!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Hey middies! Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a Happy New Year, filled with good health and good times!

    Quick update on my back pain - Emory Back Clinic determined the pain was not related to my spine so after a blissful respite from pain with 1 month's worth of pain pills, I have been thrown back out into the cold, cruel world of "NO PAIN PILLS FOR YOU!". $2200 later, the doctor said I might want to go see a neurologist (or something... she never gave me a name). So basically a lot of money for 20 pills. Well, I guess it comes to $110 per pill. I am pretty tired of doctors.

    The store I wanted to open for a few months has now become a quickie garage sale at my ex-MIL's house. Fine. I just want to get rid of all this nice stuff and I will never keep something again because it's too good to give away, haha. I'll ask my friends if they want it, then off to a charity somewhere. Goodwill makes it so convenient to donate to them with a location practically on every corner, but when their CEO packs away $600,000+ per year I don't really like to contribute to his income.

    I hope you ladies are doing well. It's not easy, though. A tough row to hoe, as my grandmother used to say.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    HnS- so good to "see" you.

    While I miss our middie activities, I also am happy that most seem to be moving on; not getting over necessarily, but moving past.

    I saw a quote on FB that said the rear view mirror is small because you shouldn't focus on what is behind you as much as you should focus on the things that are in your big, wide windshield-the future. That is not the quote but it's what the quote implied-at least my interpretation.

    May 2016 treat us all gently.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    I agree about Good Will. My donations now all go either to the Salvation Army or to the the local battered women's group.

    Elimar - thanks for starting this thread and all the great moments everyone has shared. Happy New Year.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Love you, mids! And elimar, I love the hands!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    HnS, As a person who had many doctors "stumped" with back pain, I have deep sympathy for you now. All I can suggest to you is what seems to help me the most. Since your pain is not the spine itself, could it be the muscle spasms that are at the root of it? Massage has been helping me lately. If you can't get a massage as often as you would like, then a moist heat pack can keep the muscles relaxed. Also, if the docs will relent and give you an Rx for muscle relaxers, that also might give relief. BUT, on top of all that, you MUST get good sleep. For me, if I sleep badly, I just know my back will feel terrible. Getting some good quality rest is essential to the back being able to repair itself, especially if it is related to the muscles/nerves.

    {{{ Side story--and what New Year shouldn't be begun without a healthy dose of doctor distrust from elimar? Years ago, I had an inflamed, nerve somewhere around the T-1, T-2 vertebra in my spine. If I laid a certain way at night, I would end up with a few fingers on my hand that went totally numb. A bad feeling I did not want to live with the rest of my life. Ended up at a neurologist (or neurosurgeon, I guess.) The Dx was made that the nerve was getting pinched because I had too little space between my first rib and my collarbone. His "solution" was that I have surgery to remove my first rib. My reaction was "oh, hell no!" I'm very protective of my skeleton like that! I quit going to doctors about it after that. It continued to plague me, but I found a way to use pillow support to lessen it happening and in a few years, (yes, it took years) I didn't seem to have it anymore. Is there a moral to the story? I don't know. Maybe just to be careful of the "solutions" that are offered.}}}

    I like that saying, Eph. It will not be hard for me to remember because that was my father's instruction when he took me driving on the freeway. (Totally, true, not joking.)

    Thank you so much for the words of appreciation, MinusTwo and Tomboy.

    BTW, the hands at the top are from a famous cave painting in Argentina, from roughly 10,000 years ago (or 6,000, for my fundamentalist sisters.) About 75% of the hands belong to women. How can they tell? Well, women have ring and index fingers of approximately the same length, while men have a ring finger that is longer. (There! Never say elimar didn't give you an interesting factoid to amaze and impress your friends with. You're welcome. Now go and check it out on all of the hands in your acquaintance. Oh, wow, I bet you never knew you had a transgender friend, did you?)


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Haahhhaaaaa! elimar!!! I immediately shot a glance to my own hand and my ring finger is longer, and that coupled with the fact that I am indeed a tomboy, really makes me wonder. I'm pretty sure I am a changeling, but is it also possible my sex at birth was not clear? And a doctor somewhat like the one you mentioned up above, decided FOR me!?!?! Things like that DID happen, as I am sure you well know. I was wondering if your topper was a cave painting, glad to hear that it is. I need to start writing down my guesses her about your toppers, just to see how many I can sort of guess.

    Where IS everybody!?!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tomboy, you would have loved "Mystery Pic." A few Middies that go back some years with this thread will remember a time when we used to do "Mystery Pic" on this thread just for fun (and, of course, prestige and bragging rights.) I can't even remember how it began...maybe because I am always coming across unusual pics or that sometimes people would have avatars that we could not quite make out and would guess at what they were. Anyway, it lasted for at least six mos. at least and was a weekend thing when it was a little "slow" on the thread, and no one would have an o.v. that day. I think the time period must have been 2011-ish.

    Sometimes diversion is the better part of coping with cancer treatment. And by sometimes, I mean most of the time. Winking

  • catfurr
    catfurr Member Posts: 39

    Heartnsoul-sorry you're having to deal with pain med issues. Shouldn't even be questioned. I hear you on getting rid of things and also have a big problem with Goodwill. Do you have flea markets in your area? There are several non profit rescues who have booths in them that are pure money makers! I donate my misc stuff, they sell it and use the profit to offset spay/neuter and vet costs. I feel better donating to organizations like that or Dress for Success.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    Yes - I remember the mystery picture. It was fun.

    There's an interesting article in the January issue of the Smithsonian about the discovery of the world's oldest representational paintings in remote caves in Indonesia. "Scattered on the walls are stencils, human hands outlined against a background of red paint." They've dated the paintings at 35,400 years old - "likely the oldest known example of figurative art anywhere in the world", and a hand stencil with a minimum age of 39,900. It says the pictures were made by "placing the palm against the rock and blowing mouthfuls of paint over it." Fascinating. Very much like the header but w/o the fun discussion of which fingers are longer.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Happy New Year, everyone!!!

    I managed to hurt my right shoulder and was told to lay off the computer for a while. Also I've been real busy trying to get my "old" house cleared out and ready to rent. We were aiming for the 1st, but that deadline has pasted, so another thing I've had to let go of. Anyway it will get done at sometime. It is such a walk down memory lane. We're donating a lot to the local thrift store that benefits the local Community Services. And throwing a lot of stuff out. Why oh why do we save so much crap? I am also clearing out the stupid paper financial stuff.

    I remember the mystery pic. It was really hard.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did this thread go outta business? Well, I don't have much to say either.

    I joined a gym for a one month trial. It's a program thing and I'm not going to give it a plug. Good points, bad's quick and effective BUT it is boring. I'm already bored. I mean, walking is boring too but I don't have to pay any money to bore myself in that way, and that has the benefit of my MP3 playlist. I don't think I can commit to the gym.

    Oh, and for anyone just tuning in, "exercise and active lifestyle" supposedly reduces the risk of recurrence, so it IS a BC topic for those of us finished up with all the active treatment. How is everyone else staying active this Winter?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    Elimar - I'm reading. Yes, that's mainly sedentary, but if the story's good I walk around the house with my nose buried in the book. You'd be amazed how many things you can do while reading - from stirring at the stove to going out to pick up the newspaper.

    Seriously - I bought a Rebounder after reading that a number of ladies on BCO swear by them. I had to get a neighbor to help me stretch it open (heavy duty springs) and now it sits. I still need to attach the handle, so I haven't actually tried it yet. (ahem...only had it 15 days - excuses, excuses)

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    kitty litter?

    Hey about the exercise thing. When I told my MO that I was done with the Tami. She said that I had to exercise very very hard every day. Really was pushing how much easier it is to take a pill. I told her I walk the dog.

    That's about all I do. And now it's cold. whine!

    I just had a pelvic ultra sound. It was my 6 month follow up. Boy, the tech had a 'tude. They scheduled it for 5:30 in the evening, not my fault. Then after drinking all the water, when I got there she said she had an emergency so I was gonna have to wait. She said I could pee to relieve the pressure and come back in 40 minutes. So my DD went to the local Thai restaurant and split an order of fresh rolls and tofu triangles, my DD made me drink 2 more glasses of water. Then we went back to the hospital, the tech was just finishing up with the other person. She said oh you're back? I thought to myself you told me to come back. Then she said that she had read the report from my last scan and she hoped my bladder wasn't too full. I said but they said to drink all that water. She said my bladder was huge. I said no way, it's the size of a peanut. I have to pee all the time. She was really kinda miffed about it. When I told her it is painful on the right side, she jabbed and jabbed over in that area. Sheesh! I know she was trying to get a good picture but have some compassion. When my right leg started to cramp she didn't even let me take a break. As I was leaving I said do you have to work all night? It's probably been a long day all ready. She said no she works 8:30 to 8:30. It was a good idea 15 years ago, but now not so much. Boy, I hope she retires soon. Now I'm all sore inside beside having the other pain all the time. I see my GYN next week.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Wow, she was pretty rude! and you know that plastic sheath thing they put over the 'wand'? That thing has sharp edges! Did they do the two part one, one part is internal, and the second part is internal? No call for that kind of roughness, and I wish people who didn't care to take more care with people, should not be doing any kind of work near humans.

    macatacmv, i was kittylitter for a brief moment, cause I felt crusty, and dusty, and stepped on and shat on, too! Long story from another place, but I got better.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    Tomboy - glad you're back as you!!!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Thanks, Minus! Nice to see a little action here too! I guess we are getting busier as we go along, eh?

    I am thinking about joining a gym near my house that I can walk to, but they want me to have a trainer for a while first. But I think i will for a month or two, because i really want to get my upper body in the shape it usta be. My legs are pretty good, I am up and down stairs all day, and walk a lot, fast when my hip is behaving. I know I am slowly getting my strength back, but I really need someone to crack the whip on my ass!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Tomboy, I think there are 900 #s for that!Winking

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Haahhaha, Eph3 !

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    Glad Eph jumped in. My first thought was maybe I need some of that to make me start exercising but it wouldn't have come out that way.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    LOL!!!!! Eph, you so silly!!!!


    In polling my friends, a lot seem to have jumped on the Planet Fitness bandwagon. I know nothing of that maybe an introductory visit or two there will be next. I could "introductory" myself at a few more places this Winter and by the time I finished with all that, bike weather will be here again.