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  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    That's a great idea, elimar! I could go for the introductory test drive/gym circuit! I may never have to pay!!!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    I am not doing too well on the exercise front lately. My husband had some back problems in spring and early summer. By late July, we discovered that it was a kidney problem, not a back problem. After several months of doctors, hospital stays and surgeries, it had turned into a cancer problem and by November it was metastatic. He started chemo 10 days ago, so far so good. For the time being he feels well, so that is a plus. There are other complications, i.e. business problems, so my life suddenly got a whole lot more interesting. Anyway, I am determined to get back to my old exercise schedule, which included the gym 2-3 times per week.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Oh Momine, so sorry to hear of your DH's progression. I hope treatment is successful and that peripheral problems get taken down to manageable size soon.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks Eph. It is not a cancer with a good prognosis or a lot of treatment options. The mets are in his lungs, both lungs, and possibly the liver as well (not confirmed). We are probably looking at less than a year, so fixing the peripheral problems may be a bit of a race against time. Anyway, hope dies last.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Momine, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I too hope that you and he can overcome this.


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Loral, thanks.

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    Loral - saved! Thanks.

  • marijen
    marijen Member Posts: 2,181

    Momine, I'm sorry about your husband and hoping there is still some treatment for him. Try to enjoy everyday with him as best you can

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Ah, Momine. I am so sorry about that. It's hard enough to deal with our own dx, but, oh no, our husbands? I would rather be ill to the point of dying, than to lose my man... gentle hug

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That is sad news, Momine, and I am sorry to hear of it. I know that your husband is a lucky man to have you supporting him in whatever comes next. With you being well-versed in cancer treatments, SEs, the whole mind game involved, I have no doubt that your understanding will be a blessing and a benefit to your husband. Just hope you can rally your own strength once again to go through this. Like tomboy said, it is almost easier when it is our own Dx. There is certainly no fairness about it.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Oh Momine, that is sad news indeed. It is the whole feeling of helplessness or powerlessness when it is another person instead of ourselves. I hope you can get the business issues cleared up so that you can just spend time together. (((Heart))))

    Tomboy, glad you're back to "normal ".

    Every time I have one of these scans (yes, the internal and external one) I am in so much pain afterwards. I gotta do something about this, I'm tired of hearing it's nothing. Cause it is definitely something. If it's not my uterus or ovaries, it's gotta be intestinal.

    I wonder if the fosomax could get that low to cause problems. I have to take it on an empty stomach with lots of water and not eat or lay down for  an hour.

    I see the GYN on Tuesday. It is curious that the results are not  posted on my patient Gateway, yet.

    Ha ha, eph. Good one!

    Eli, I like the idea of gym hopping until spring. It certainly is better than what I'm doing.... paying for a membership and then not using it. Bawling

    It see to me, we're just waiting for someone to post something, then we jump back in. I miss you guys.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Miss you guys too. I hope they figure out what the deal is, macatacmv. I really dislike how many of our problems that crop up after treatment, are ignored, or thought little of by our doctors. I admit I get a little jealous when I here another woman here say how great her team is. They should have some place for people to go after treatment for tests, and LE, and yoga , etc, hat is completely separate from the docs who treated us. if you wanted to, not to have to. Fresh eyes may make all the difference.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Tommy, that's why I'm excited about my new PCP.

    I was upset when my old PCP closed her practice, but I'm hoping a new set of eyes and new ideas might make the difference. I'm sick of not feeling good. I told him to read my records with an open mind. I think once I was dx with fibromyalgia everything gets chalked up to that. Or that I'm a bit crazy. Once my doc got me into a stable pattern  she was done, even tho I want to feel better. She said to me last month well you have muscles in your uterus, it's probably the fibro. Aghhh!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I agree with "we're waiting for someone to post something". I know that I come and read at least every other day and I am always so disappointed when this thread doesn't have new posts.

    I am working tons of hours at the new job and I have to say that losing my job last year definitely was not the horror I was afraid it would be. Even though I am working lots of OT each week, I enjoy the job so much, it doesn't matter. And one of the benefits is I think it's helping my short term memory (unless I posted all this a couple pages ago, which I think I might have and it that's the case then I guess the short term memory ISN"T getting better!)

    Miss our frequent gatherings here on the internet but I am also happy to see that some of us are still lurking.

    Can you believe we are already more than half way thru January? Blows my mind.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    ha ha eph!

    I enjoyed the discussions they showed on tv about whether Luminosity (that brain improvement game app.) worked or not. The people were saying I have no idea if it worked or not! But most studies said it did not. So the company ended up saying that it was the fault of the wording of the advertising. Anyway that was my take on the situation. I found the games either way too hard or just boring and never signed up.

    I do know exercising our brains help keep it stimulated, so that is a plus. So I bet with that job your brain has to work overtime with you!

    I just finished binge watching the last 2 seasons of Nurse Jackie. Wow! I was alternately hoping she'd "get what was coming to her" and cheering her on "with her getting over on people". I took offence to the statement that she never did anything to other people. She broke their trust and stole from most of them. That is just what addicts do. I was a bit disappointed in the ending. Recovery is possible! anyway, that's how I've been stimulating my brain.

    Just got the report from my ultrasound. Still have thickening in there, haven't been taking the tami for 6 months. Maybe that's just my normal. But why do I have so much pain? Oh well, I will talk to the doc tomorrow.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    macatacmv, with you

    please let us know

    I love what elimar made here, for us, & I look here for someone to say something! Any old thing!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    RIP Glen Frey...imageSad

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I know-that one was harder for me than David Bowie. Alan Rickman was tough too. "Our" people are dropping like flies :(

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    A weird thing happened to me this summer. We know a certain drummer for Elvis Costello. So, anytime he can, he gets us in. Weirdly, they opened for Steely Dan. The sound quality of EC was just plain awful, sad to say. The band tried, but everybody was wandering around, not really listening to Elvis.Oh well. So and anyway, Steely Dan was farking amazing. That Dan Fagin is a riotous crazy genius! I would never know that without hearing the magnificent wall of sound they produced. And even though I think that I know the words to every single song of theirs, it was an incidental side-line osmosis. I never really meant to, or really sat down to- listen to them. But WOW. The sound at the Bowl was clearly set up for SD's advantage, and it was truly amazing. Most of the crowd was into them, I think, and really didn't give elvis the time of (still) day. I have a new- found respect for their formidable mystical darkish melodies!

    David Bowie did get me.. I got him.

    The one that's really gonna do me in, is Patti Smith. I love and love and love that woman!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Even tho' I look in the mirror and see the proof of the years going by, I am always stunned when another celeb/rocker passes, and they are more and more feeling like contemporaries.

    No one can really explain this, tho'...


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yep, that one is definitely a head scratcher!!!!!!!!!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Look at his fingers. He has definate clubbing, I am sure he has pulmonary fibrosis, if not exactly riddled with lung cancer. Since I am pretty sure he still does heroin, he is in no pain, and also because of heroin, probably really does not want to see a doctor at ALL!

    And it looks like the cancer has already spread to his hands, a rare manifestation of long lasting lung crapcer, called acrometastasis, which I was just reading about today. Heroin is an excellent preservative, and you don't worry about shit. Rich junkie is in heaven.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Any way, that picture and words made me roar out loud! Thanks for the belly-laugh, elimar!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    We haven't heard from anyone in active treatment lately...

    What about mesharon1959 and her recon surgery last month? Hope that went well.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good morning all.

    I saw my GYN last week, she said besides the persistent thickening everything seems okay in my reproductive organs. She said maybe it's scar tissue from my c-section pulling on my ovary. But the nurse had perked up when I told them how much pain medication I'm taking. So then the GYN really looked me in the face and said she could tell by my eyes I really wasn't feeling well. She went next door and got the general surgeon (he does my colonoscopies)

    He came in and said he would like me to get a CT Scan because of my issues (?). So I got to do a yummy barium smoothie afternoon on Friday. Now the surgeon's office called and wants to see me this afternoon.

    I am trying not to be nervous. It either is or it isn't or it's something in between. New motto.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Waiting in suspense, mac. Hope CT was all clear; or at least gives a clue how eliminate the pain. Report back...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Middies to Mac! Middies to Mac! 10-4 check! Status check.........

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Has anyone heard from Mac?

    I am calling to set up an appointment with my onc hopefully sooner than later. Some thickening (it seems to me) in my lumpectomy breast and it's painful down in the 6 oclock area. yuck!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Hi Eph. I haven't heard from Mac, hope she checks in soon. But please, let me know what they say about your breast thickening. It may be just fat necrosis, at least in all my reading, thats what they say.... both of mine have been so painful lately, I am sick of it. I think I am going to go to the emergency room, and tell them about the pain in my chest, I really do think that it is my sternum. The skin over it now has been orange peely looking for a couple of weeks, and I can see a kind of "swelling' there. When I had a mammo last month, it just didn't go up high enough to see it. The one thing about emergency rooms, is that they are very thorough! and do a close work~up. I was supposed to see my onc last tuesday, and completely forgot! And I was looking forward to it! Crap. You KNOW where our imaginations go with lumps bumps and swellings! Fingers crossed for you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Unfortunately, Eph, us ER+ gals still have to be very vigilant even after the 5-year mark. Fortunately, thanks to all the info. we have gotten here over the years we KNOW that, so there should be no hesitating to get in an appt. to see what's up.

    I, myself, haven't noticed any new thickening but, like Tomboy, my treatment side has been more sore than ever. It started after my last summer's mammo and just kept twinging, stabbing, and aching randomly since then. Pretty sure it just my radiation souvenirs because nothing ever looks out of whack on any of the scanning I get.

    Gearing up for several checks and scans next month. It should be my last CT for CRC (cross fingers) and, of course, I am really in suspense on how FAT my liver is NOW? Also, on the edge of my seat for my MO visit and blood work (and how high is my blood calcium going to be this time around?) So, just staying under the radar for Feb. myself. Hope you gals can get some answers.