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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Still wired on the steroids, just in case you wondered. Nerdy

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    It IS nice to see you again, Barbe. 'member I was kathec?

    Whoa, elimar! I love that half~evil thingy. When I was born, they assigned me a number. That number happened to have three consecutive sixes. I didn't mind, until once I had to go to a churches food pantry give away. Sadly, there were no cheetos, or doritos, or ding dongs of any kind. But when the lady at the desk asked me my social? Her pencil lead broke and they couldn't get me out of there fast enough. I really should have demanded Cheetos, eh?

    The other part of the story is that one scan or another that I had a year or so ago, the persons literature they wrote about me/it, revealed that I had a large amount of stool in my colon. Huh. Otherwise, calling me full of shit. I didn't think that was very nice! Oh well, they probably put it in there to make the doc who ordered the test laugh. Heh heh, made me laugh too

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    Elimar - "we're misunderstood..." West Side Story? Gee Sargent Krupke ... "We ain't no delinquents, we're misunderstood. Deep down inside us there is good."

    But I'll agree to the 333 for 1/2 evil.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    MinusTwo, That was my incorrect use of quotation marks. I was trying to parrot what gets said about every sassy bad boy/bad girl, mischief maker ever. Alternate: "He's/She's not really bad, he's/she's just misunderstood." I can't even trace the origins to where I first heard that???? Probably when I was much younger and it did not yet apply to me. Hehehe.

    Let's all take a moment and try to remember our innocence. I'm serious. Try it.

    Not as easy as you might think, is it?

    (Yeah, I'm still steroid-trippin', but I think it is finally time to call it a day.)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    kathec, I recognized your avatar!!! Was surprised to see someone else had the same avatar as you. Nice to see you again, sweetie!

    elimar, nuclear medicine is the only way to confirm a lesion on the thyroid as they measure uptake. Years ago I had to eat a radioactive fried egg sandwich, but lately it's been just a drink. I have my whole thyroid out now, it came out in halves years apart. Keep us posted!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Yes, that is a new avatar.I changed from a Maxine cartoon to a pic of me taken on vacay--7 of us from one of the threads got together on a Disney Cruise.It was a blast!

    Eph--I wish the avatars would stay the same up to the point of change, too, for the same reason!

    El--it doesn't look "Main-y" since the pic was taken in the Bahamas--that's my story and I'm sticking to it!And good for you for telling off that tech, and reminding them who is the customer!And if you don't the detailed report, make them go back and read it again and include the details.The images are saved almost forever so they can do that easily enough.And you are not half evil, you are advocating for yourself.

    Old Avatar:


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611


    ((((((( Joni ))))))

  • iammags
    iammags Member Posts: 105

    That is just hysterical!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    My friends, They called PCP this afternoon. They say the lump(s) felt are "oil cysts" that have been in place for several years and are stable. I had the diagnostic mammo on leftie and the ultrasound. My yearly is due in august so I will be checked again in 6 months. Have to say I am relieved but for some reason, I don't feel like there is closure on it. I'll try to just "let it go" until August (will keep close feel however).

    You all still continue to crack me up, even after all these years-as Paul Simon sings, "Still crazy after all these years....STIIILLL crazy....."

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    SmileGood News Eph!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Eph, my first diagnosis in early January was a diagnosed as a "sweat gland" and it ended up being cancer! That's AFTER the biopsy came back benign. Then when they biopsied the lump and it was cancer, they went back and did the first biopsy and said, oops, this is cancer, too! Please put your foot down and at least get a biopsy!!! I am not trying to scare you (maybe I am!) but I don't trust lumps showing up for no good reason. Mine is a very rare Papillary Carcinoma so I kind of cut them some slack on the first biopsy, but am still glad I insisted it come out.

    The best lump is a lump in a jar.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    So glad to hear it's just a little bit o' trouble and nothing more serious, Eph!

    Loral, I like your new profile pic saying. I think; therefore I am. I think I will be happy; therefore I WILL be happy. Power of the mind!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I passed my CT with flying colors!!!


    CT bottom line (Literally, the line at the bottom): Stable exam. No new foci suspicious for metastasis.

    But there is always weirdness, regardless. So, one line said I had a stable lesion on my liver that could represent a hemangioma. So, if it is stable that means it was there on my last scan except I don't recall anything specific being mentioned, and this is the first I am seeing of the word hemangioma. (Well, I asked for SPECIFIC comment this time. Looks like I got them!) Up to 3 other minute lesions were seen that no one seems worried about--and I am not either.

    Have you all been in suspense over how FAT my liver would be this year? Well, I won't say it was my one month trial at the gym, but my liver appears to have slimmed down: "No definite hepatic steatosis is noted on today's exam." What's my liver's fat-fighting secret, you wonder? Don't know...could it be liver Pilates, or could it finally have rebounded from the chemo poison?

    All my other organs were in their right places and were the right sizes and appear to be behaving themselves. Personally, I think they deserve some kind of reward for their good behavior but won't that just spoil them? They are already so entitled!

    Yes, I got report of thyroid US also. Nodules stable, bilateral, benign; and (due to my request for item specifics this year) it appears that there are four different nodules. I have that hunch that my parathyroids might be involved and now can follow up on that at my leisure.

    I am now officially downgraded on both BC and CRC, where the screenings will pretty much be those of a non-cancer-y person from here on. Yes, anything could happen, but the stats look pretty good for me at this point.

    It's been a long time coming too, so please join me in a happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    elimar!!! I am dancing inside for you. My body is too sore to dance outside! Nerdy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    Elimar - FANTASTIC news. Congrats!!! Now you can take your time to research the small stuff. Strange about things appearing that weren't mentioned last time - but I've had the same experience. Scan before last I had "ground glass opacity" in a lung. Now it's "resolved", which means gone, but no body can tell me where it came from or what it was. Oh well, we rejoice w/you at the good news.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Here's me dancing just before heading to work for my Friday night. Next 3 days off, YAY.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Congrats Elimar....image

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, sister-Middies! I appreciate your sharing in my good news.

    My family was quite happy and my husband took me out to dinner to celebrate. I also called my surgeon to thank him (for the hundredth time) for saving my life. I guess I really should thank my RO and my MO as well (but I am still wary of the aftereffects from those treatments.)


    I was reading more about parathyroid disease and several times came across statements about there being a link between that and breast, colon, and prostate cancers. Since I did not have a lot of the risk factors to begin with, is it not strange that I got two of those cancers (and if I had a prostate, it might have been three?) So, with that and my blood calcium creeping over the border of the normal range, you can see why I can't help being inquisitive about my parathyroids. IF I find out that I do have parathyroid disease, I will report back, because of the supposed link. Otherwise, I'm not going to go on about it further.

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185

    Elimar- I am so happy for you! Peace of mind!! We all need this! I can't dance yet, I just had surgery. Lol. 


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    We love love love good news..

    So happy for you Elimar....

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90

    Elimar:; Great news!!!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Elimar, Good Fortune! Great news! Like you, I have also been checking into, for the last couple of years, the parathyroid gland stuff. 'Cause intolerance to heat and cold, and also aching bones, fatigue, and exqusite sensitivity to pain. Actually, I have been feeling quite a large lump on the left side of my neck, in the front midline. And now, a few days ago, there is a lump in the hollow of my throat, matching the diffuse and painful lump atop my sternum. I have been telling all my doctors as I see them, and none have been concerned, until I talked to my Onc's nurse. SHE moved my appointment up by two weeks.

    That website is a great source of info. And the drs I go to all deny that there could be anything wrong cause T3 and T4 on chemistry are fine. But the site says that isn't important..... sheesh

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I went to my MO and that went o.k., with the biggest shocker being that (having stayed away from Vit. D supplements for about 6 mos.) my Vit. D level was only 32. I had been staying away from it because of conflicting info. about D and high blood calcium. Got referral to endocrinologist like I had wanted.

    Went to endocrinologist. I AM getting checked further for hyperparathyroidism (collecting 24 hrs. of urine today, so what better time to type a bit on BCO, in between catches.) Since I am due for my DEXA scan next month, he will complete his eval. of me then. I would like to point out that I was on the right track in thinking that I had too much PTH for the amt. of calcium in my blood. I was (allegedly) on the wrong track by reading, as this endocrinologist openly scoffed at that site as being scammy. All I can say is that site got me to the endocrinologist in the first place, whereas none of my monitoring doctors did. That is true enough.

    Anyway, if you read yourself, best to take it all with the usual graininess, and use it as a tool to pose your own questions like I did. I like the old newsman's technique for veracity as my standard...three sources all in agreement and something is probably true. So whatever I (or anyone) might your own homework!

    I still have to get bloodwork at my MOs every six mos. for two more years. That all the specific monitoring for cancer I have to have now.


    Hope all Middies are well and/or dealing with it. Still wanting the best care for all. Good Luck to you!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I want to add one more thing...I had to call my new endocrinologist with a question about the urine collection and I received some mind blowing news. A nurse told me the blood test I had done yesterday showed my blood calcium as 10.3 (still borderline high) and my PTH (parathyroid hormone) as being over 100 (range being 25-75) with a notation of "may need surgery sooner rather than later." Feeling quite validated right now.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Holy crap, el!!! Nice quick response for sure. I've done the urine collection thing. I've had to use 2 big orange containers before! You'll be surprised how much it all weighs. You can see how fluid build-up can add to weight and why people can "lose 10 pounds in one week" with product A (probably a diuretic!).

    Keep us posted, sweetie.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, I am just getting fascinated with all of this:

    We have all read that Low Vit. D could be "linked" to Breast Cancer.

    I have also read that parathyroid disease is "linked" to breast, prostate and colon cancer.

    Now, I am seeing that there is an inverse relation with high calcium/high PTH--low Vit. D, and reading that your own body will lower Vit. D as a protective measure because it is sensing that your body has too much calcium and so turns off the Vit. D. (But this came from, so how accurate I cannot tell.)

    Well, that makes me think of so many women on BCO that have written that their Vit. D levels were abyssmally low. Did any of them have hyperparathyroidism and was it the body trying to protect itself? Does anyone even check that in the world of cancer? All these things are linked somehow, but all the docs seem to work at only their specialties. How do all the pieces fit together? A mind like mind is dying (perhaps literally) to know.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I'm like you! Always digging deeper. Drives those around me nuts.

    Here's an interesting fact. I actually had half my thyroid removed before diagnosis and the other half afterwards? What does it all mean???


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    elimar, thanks for the heads up, and don't forget your catchers mitt! I wish we had a way to find info that we knew for sure was reputable. For me, the hardest part has been getting any of my docs to really listen. I am literally begging my docs, all of them, to give me a referral to the endoncrinologists. And my reasons. But yeah your bloods are wonky, elimar, mine are mostly good.

    So, I did get a bone scan today, and my radiation onc, promised to call me with the results. Creeped out a little because he took several more what he called "close~ups", of my chest, pelvis, and shoulder? Head? I couldn't tell...