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  • jcolford
    jcolford Member Posts: 70


    Canadian healthcare may be free which is great but it certainly limits us to choices in oncologists. In my area there are only 2. That being said, I am certainly willing to travel to see specialists that focus on TNBC. The difficulty is to find them. I go for my biopsy on Friday and will finally see the oncologist on April 4th to come up with an action plan.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jcolford, I wondered if you were limited like that. I'm in U.S. but my area has somewhat limited provider choices also. Best of luck with the biopsy procedure; and I know you will feel a tiny bit better once you get the plan in place.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Finally got my platelets up enough to start Ibrance. Today will be day 5. Side effects have been nausea and chills. Not sure about fatigue as I went straight from chemo to Ibrance so I already had the fatigue. Will see what my counts are on Thursday. Praying this is my miracle drug

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    yay for platelet progression! Rooting for you always, D!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    my day has sucked so far! Checked my bank account and there was no money but there were two charges to a pay pal account. I don't have a pay pal account! Some asshole in Ohio got my card number somehow and went shopping. Been on the phone all morning. I will get my money back but it could take weeks. I needed more stress, not

  • VelvetPoppy
    VelvetPoppy Member Posts: 644


    I am so sorry your identity has been stolen. Did you report it to the police? I had my identity stolen about ten years ago. Some one got a check, made copies and went on a spending spree all over the U.S. He used a variation of my name, my address, phone number & driver's license . The only thing he didn't get was my SSN. He was never caught and created a banking nightmare for me. All of my credit cards had to be changed and my bank accounts. I couldn't write a check or use my debit card at any of the local stores. It even impacted my husband because all of the accounts were joint. I now have security checks, and no longer put my name on any of my cards. I make merchants card me. If they don't, I call them on it. The thief managed to spend more than $14,000.00 in one weekend (and then he stopped) and mess me up for six months. Fortunately, I wasn't liable for any of it; the stores took the losses, which increases prices to consumers.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Velvetpoppy- this was done with my debit card so it has been shut down and pay pal shut down his account. It's up to pay pal to go after him. They will give me back my money. Your ordeal was much worse. Thankfully I only had $500 in the account. Just didn't need more stress. He said to be careful of places that want you to give them your card and they run it through. At a quick glance they have the 3 digit number on the back. We have a store here that does that. Won't be using my card there or gas stations that do the same thing.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Spring must have sprung in middie land. Hope everyone is chugging along and counts are ok and treatments are gentle and life is mellow!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, Eph, it's all my fault. For me, BC seems very much in the rearview, and I hope it stays that way; which, because of that, I don't need to do all the therapeutic writing that I used to flood onto this thread. I would apologize for not being as neurotic and ailing as I once was, but I don't think I could do it convincingly. (I'm not implying anything about others dealing with BC, I am stating how I once was.)

    Did want to wish everyone a lovely Easter weekend, with or without the spiritual overtones, as you please.


    (Anyone finding this Jesus Spaghetti Casserole offensive should probably know that I initially tried to find Jesus on a HAM, but that level of blasphemy just was not available via Google images.)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Good likeness. He is the Bread of Life so I am sure spaghetti fits!!

    I am so happy that your view is from the rearview mirror. As is mine. But this thread needs to be sent to BCO Hall of Fame or something to recognize it's amazingness as well as your writing skill!

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281

    Hi middies (is that what you call us?) just diagnosed a month ago, surgery supposed to be may 18th, hoping to get it changed sooner. Just wanted to introduce myself.

    Married x 2- second one is a blessing, needs a bit of tweeking at times though. Two adult daughters 30 and 32 both live about 2 hours away so not too bad. have a border collie named Dexter (yes from the tv show, loved the name; however dog not a psycho). Work fulltime as a NP and have 700 patients so I keep busy. Husband retired airforce and has a little business sealing driveways now.  Overall a good time to get cancer (if there is one) as he is home and can help me through this/ with this (don't know final stage yet or what the treatment will be and for how long). Finally over the initial shock. Found a website called "beyond the shock" Great Name for it" but then very lucky to find this site and all the wonderful women (and men) here! 

    Happy Easter to all those celebrating!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tpralph, welcome, and I will say that you are the FIRST to say the timing of your diagnosis was good. I, myself, have said there is never a good time for it, but will admit that it would have been a lot worse for me if my kids were not yet driving back when I was having my treatment. Nice that your husband can be there 24/7 for support as needed. Some ladies don't have family/friends to fall back on, and that makes it truly harder. Keep us posted and let us know if your surgery gets moved up.

    p.s. I named a gerbil Dexter once. He was evil and bit to draw blood. The name really fit him.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Eli - so glad you are able to put the neuroses & illness behind you - or at least behind you for now. Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are - with apologies to MeatLoaf - so I'm glad you're not looking. I like the spaghetti idea better than the ham.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Tpralph, welcome to the middie world. Some of us started on here back in 2009 when we were all going thru what you are just beginning. Some have joined in over the years. I hope that in and of itself gives you encouragement. My 8th year of diagnosis date was the 2nd of April. 8 yrs ago, I was consumed with fear and felt it for a very long time. I did have a support system, but not a significant other; single mom (daughter was a freshman in high school), my mom was single but blessedly lived less than 2 miles away. I felt like I didn't have the ability to let myself be taken care of though and because of that, it took me a while to recover. I am glad to hear you say that if there was a ever a time to get it, it's now. You will need to talk to those who have been through it. Depending on your treatment, there should be boards that will be for people starting chemo whatever month you may be starting it (if indeed you start it). Actually boards for any part of your treatment, hit search. Questions, someone will be able to help or direct. We don't all check in here daily anymore, but I for one, come in every week or so, mostly to see what's up with some of my favs. Best to you through this process....

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi everyone, hope everyone has a great Easter 🐣. I am on my week off from Ibrance. I actually get 10 days off due to low platelets but they started coming back up. MO is changing me for the 125's to 100. I actually feel pretty good. Going to make pies with a friend today. God bless e

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Happy Easter everyone

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Happy Easter!

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281

    thank you Eph and elimar! Yes scared depressed anxious all of the above just like you were. Looking forward to not being afraid everyday and having a bit if time when I don't think of it.

    Congratulations on 8 years Eph! I hope to be able to say that to someone else someday! I can only imagine going through something like this and being a single mom with a teenage daughter. I had two and bit I remember those days. The hormones abound!

    Making turkey dinner with all the trimmings today and pumpkin pies. Both brothers and their boys are coming so should take my mind off things for awhile. House will be loud. Enjoy your day everyone

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Tpralph: there does come a time when bc doesn't take up all of your thoughts and feelings. Forgetfulness sneaks in a little bit at a time, here and there, gradually, but it will come. The active treatment phase is hard with bc being the center of everything.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Eli - love the well. DianaRose - glad to hear you're feeling pretty good. Tpralph - I second Native's post. It's hard to imagine BC moving out of your only focus. Do keep us updated with your surgery coming up in May.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    MinusTwo, That is just me "wishing well" every woman from this thread, past and present.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    hmmm, I had a post yesterday in response to MinusTwo's mentioning the well. My post was witty, well-written, and wonderful, but it doesn't look like I hit send!!!! Now, I can't remember what I said! But thanks for the "well wishes" Love ya all!

  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    Hi from Maine, Just checking in and am happy to see the overall level of happiness/contentment amongst the ranks. I have popped in over the years, mostly between 2012 and now. The continuity of this thread is WONDERFUL!!! Thanks to all of you who keep it alive, even when bc fades to the background. I am getting better at having my feelings about a change or a new treatment or a progression, and then. getting back to "regular life", in all its many forms. Hugs to all, Mam

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good for you, MameMe! Hey, pop back in and let me know how you "like" (as IF you could like it!) the Doxil. Let's say how you do on it, then, instead. I kind of take notes now for my Stage IV BFF. She went from Xeloda to Afinitor to now Ibrance. Doxil is one she has not experienced yet.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Facebook came up with a post from a year ago saying that today was the anniversary of my surgery in 2009! 8 years ago today (the 7th; calendar is flipping to the 8th as I type!) The time seemed ridiculously long during the whole thing, but it's been EIGHT years and those have just flown by! To those who are still in the midst of the chaos there can be light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there!

  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    Congratulations, Eph, the years do fly, don't they??! So glad to see your smiling face here. I love every little good thing in life all the more now, like a decent cup of coffee, new buds coming out, being able to hang sheets on the line, or feeling our cat settle down on my lap. Yay for what we have and can do.

    Eli, so far, no problems with the Doxil. Its only once a month. I had two pain free days right after the infusion, probably due to decadron in the chemo mix. That was dandy! I see the onc team today, maybe more on this later. THanks for asking. Yay for May

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Nothing like an upcoming visit with the oncologist to bring one back here, is there? Sorry I haven't been here for a while but I hope all the middies are doing well! At least as well as can be expected with this major disruption in our lives. It's kind of annoying how family and close friends think we're okay, isn't it?

    I have an appointment tomorrow and of course, I have some issues I want to discuss. I don't know about you guys, but I'm always hesitant to bring up something because she always wants to schedule some kind of test. Plus, I've been a bad girl and forgot to get a follow-up mammogram 4 months ago for a biopsy I had 6 months ago. And I was supposed to get a bone density test because I was supposed to start on Aromasin but her office kept scheduling it within the 2-week window of contrast dye from some other scans she was giving me. So I'm not on Aromasin yet, either. And there's a rash on my bad boob I've been meaning to have the dermatologist look at. YIKES! She's going to be mad! She's going to write in my chart "non-compliant"! No, don't write that! Just write ADD!

    Elimar, I was just looking at the age-ish range for this thread and realize now I have grown out of it, too! Let's just skooch that age range up a smidgeon...

    Well, when I get nervous I go shopping and I have a 45% off coupon that's absolutely burning a hole in my pocket. Plus it's good on clearance items, too! They may be Christmas items but Christmas will be here before you know it, right?

    I almost feel like I shouldn't go tomorrow since she's just wanting to check on my progress and I have nothing to show her. But I do have a few questions and I would like to have my tumor markers checked and it's too late to cancel so I may as well bite the bullet, stiffen my spine, shoulders back, chin up and take my well-deserved tongue lashing...


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Heart & Soul - I vote for holding your head up & asking your questions. If she wants to know what kept you from doing the other tests, just say LIFE. We don't want to think about BC every single day as time goes on.

    As for the age - I'm so glad the Eilmar told me a long time ago it was "...ish". I like that a 40-60s have this place to post & I still follow the thread. I don't post much, but I do read.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I am an ISH! Love this thread. I think that one of my fun things to do this summer will be to start back on page 1. How long do you think it would take to get to real time? I watched 2.5 seasons of MadMen in one night not too long ago!