
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Meece - Congrats on the great scan news!  I hope you celebrated this weekend!

    Cookie - I'm so glad you went to the conference and had a good time.  Do you know if it's in Atlanta every year?  If so, I'll have to plan on attending next year.

    Elimar - I enjoyed men's curling as well.  There was a good looking man on both the Norwegian and Canadian teams.  Mmm, mmm good!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Deborye, LMAO  I have not heard that expression "tub of lard"since my Grandpa left for the otherside of life! I knew before BC that peri and post menopausal women develop fatter tummies because the body is trying to provide fat over the ovaries forcing them into producing more hormones!  Dirty little bastards, I miss a flat stomach and if fat was the only cause of a reoccurance I'd be in big trouble. I think they should come up with a skinny pill that has no SE's!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    carolinachick, If you like a little eye-candy along with your sport spectating, don't miss World Cup Soccer this summer.  Yes, those guys are young (the oldest probably being mid-thirties) but every team has a few hotties on it and at peak fitness.  When they score a goal, the guy celebrates by removing his jersey!  (Not so much since they made a penalty for doing that.)  I'm a soccer mom, and I'll be watching anyway, hotties or no hotties.  (Come to think of it, I'm about old enough to BE their mom.  Eeeeew!)
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I was surprised once again.  I got my mail today and I had a letter from my imaging center letting me know the results.  One week and I have written confirmation!  My old imaging center locally didn't even bother to tell me of the abnormalities until three weeks after the scans.  By that time, my Onc had already seen the report and called me to schedule the biopsy.  Just one more indication that I am finally in the right place and on the right track with my healthcare.

    I am with you, OmnahaGirl, on the skinny pill.  Since my dx, I have become wary of anything that isn't "nature made".  I worry about those little fine print words "has been shown to cause cancer" or "may cause cancer".  Or if they just haven't been forced to reveal what it may cause.

    On the lighter side, don't you love th ads for Prescriptions nowdays.  You have aching feet?  Well, take, "pedi-cure" and your feet won't hurt anymore.  Never mind that "Pedi-cure" has been shown to cause unexplained bleeding, heart failure, sexual importence, pulmonary failure and in some cases fatality.  Your feet won't hurt, so get your doctor to prescribe it.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Meece...they have 8 days to send you a written confirmation. This is something new I think.

    Otherwise they can get in trouble.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Wow, my "other" imaging company would be in big trouble then.  Guess they thought if there were marble floors and high priced art in the waiting room, you wouldn't really care if you gat the test results.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Elimar..after care planning!


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    HI Middies!!!!

    I've been M.I.A. from the cheeto-thread to have been so self-absorbed lately...... and now I interrupt for a very wonderful invitation to anyone willing to get involved.

    Our stage IV sister, whose nick-name here is "Saint" is about to celebrate her birthday on March 9th. I'm attempting to get a 'shower' of birthday cards to her..... It doesn't matter if your paths have never particularly crossed -- she has got to be one of the most deserving gals around here of your support.

    If you're willing to send a card, please PM me and I'll give you her address.

    She and I have met in real-life about 8 or 10 times, sometimes for a day and once for nearly a week. She has taught me much.

    (Her doctors gave her a few days more to live back in November, but the prayers of many & her detmination and obstiancy have kept her alive till this milestone -- just around the corner.)

    If any of you have access to a group: Brownies, church group, book club etc etc. who could send cards or hand-prints or finger painted happy faces, it would be awesome if her mail box were over flowing.

    PM me for her address and tell anyone that you can think of -- here @ BCO or good do-ers in your real world.


    Strength and courage.

    Strength and courage.

    Strength and courage.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Meece, I like your term "sexual importance" above! hehehehehehehehe

    It's like the ads for meds in magazines. One page is a pretty women being very happy she took the meds. The flip side of the page is tiny, tiny print explaining everything that could/would/should happen to you if you take the same med!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Barbe, how I missed that I don't know.  I proofread it before I hit submit.  Oh well.  I thinkit's important!Embarassed
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hey, barbe, should I edit?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    NO! Then no one will understand my post!

    I think it's a very appropriate word...hehehehehe

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Okay...now I will pretend I did it on purpose!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    FYI, I'm sitting here after a long day at work, talking with whiny butts, so now I'm eating eating a serving (read that 1 sleeve) of YES- Girl Scout Cookie-Thin Mints!  My neighbor girl delivered over the weekend-I already wiped out a box of Tagalogs (or whatever the peanut butter ones are) YUMMY! 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh, now I am drooling onto my keyboard!  I want some, please.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Okay EPH pass over the cookies!!!!!!! I am starting Atkins tomorrow and would have loved to put on a pound or two tonight eating those cookies damn itYell
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Luck on the Atkins diet, OmahaGirl.  Hopefully you got in a few last Cheetos.  I think they are a no-no for just about every diet program out there...That''s what makes them so good.

    cookiegal, in reading the brief article from your link, I reflected on the statement,"She says that cancer survivors can emerge with increased self esteem and a sense of mastery,,,"  I kind of feel like that.  It has been many years since I have tried to learn something as in-depth as I have learned about my cancer.  I now know I can read, understand, analyze and synthesize information from countless articles, medical abstracts and people fairly well.  To the point that I have been asked by more than one clinician if I come from a medical background.  I just laugh and say, "Yeah, I have an associates degree in breast cancer now."  I know I have the self esteem, don't know if I will ever feel the mastery though.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    I hear ya elimar- Now when someone says "My sister/mother had B.C.?" I have 101 questions and hopefully even a few answers. 

  • KAJDerby
    KAJDerby Member Posts: 32

    PauldingMom- I love your quote from Erma!  She is one of my favorite reads.

    Omahagirl-Hope your Atkins start goes well.  Mydaughter is doing that and has lost 73 pounds in six months!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OG are milkshakes with Jim Beam on the diet? :(

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Ha! no whiskey milkshakes for a while darn it! I have never had to diet before and now many pounds later it seems somewhat insurmountable, but the Atkins plan is more my cup of tea versus other plans and I am keeping it healthy minus all the red meat etc.

    I too share that sentiment Elimar I know more about pleomorphic LCIS than my oncologist and my BS is a specialist and I update her sometimes.. so now I try not to be snotty with Dr's and nurses but I hate it when they tell me something I know is absolutely not the truth, because I have been taught better right here on this message board through all of you who have their degree's in BC. I guess they don't think we will be so smart! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    You gals ARE my medical sources, and it is what I do (analyze medical records for people trying to get Social Security disability).  Thanks for being so free with all your knowledge!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Re: the Adkins diet - make sure you read the book and do it properly. My MIL did it years ago and she just made it up as she went along, based on her own concept of "healthy proteins." We'd go to Costco and she'd have two foot-long Polish sausages, minus the bun. Bags of pork rinds. Tons of super-high-fat, nitrate-laden foods. It was disgusting.

    This is one of those things where I can make myself crazy: my MIL has done SO many wacky diets, but does SHE have cancer? No. A typical day might be 20 cans of Diet Rite, several cigarettes, no breakfast, no lunch, and a HUMONGOUS dinner ("dinner is the most social meal, so that's when I eat"). And here I am eating three balanced meals a day and my body grows a globule of evil.

    Go figure. Time for some Thin Mints...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Fair enough....but DID she lose weight??? Surprised
  • KAJDerby
    KAJDerby Member Posts: 32

    Barbe1958 - that was funny!!

    Our daughter read everything before starting and keeps up with the menus and recipes online.  She eats so much healthier now.  Lots of salads, just have to watch which vegies to use.  She eats much fewer calories than before and eats better also.  Atkins really encourages fiber.  If something has a fiber content, you subtract it from the carbs and you get NET carbs.  She found some wholegrain tortillas that have very few carbs and makes herself pizza on one.  Net carbs is small because of the fiber.  This is not a diet.  It is a lifestyle change and that is the only way diets really work.  Good luck!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Grace--re:  "This is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change and that is the only way diets really work."

    Too true!  I have been overweight all my life, and have tried diet after diet.  I can't do it.  It's not a matter of will power, its a matter of I do not feel well or healthy or function well when my stomach is growling and I'm lightheaded from hunger 24/7.  I can't sleep, I can't enjoy ANYTHING.  I've lost weight on these diets, but it came right back when I finally couldn't take the starving feeling anymore.  Over the last couple years I've started a different approach--changing my nutritional habits.  I'm starting small, with baby steps--changing to whole wheat bread from white, aiming to eat 2 veggie servings a day and 2 fruit servings a day, now I'm adding exercise with the Wii Fit.  I'm not losing weight very fast, but I'm not gainging either.  I feel better, and I can live with this approach.  The weight may be coming off very slowly (about a pound a month) but I'm sure I'll KEEP it off this way.  

    I'm going to have to look for whole grain tortillas, I love pizza, eat it way too often (but with veggie toppings!) and am not willing to give it up.  But change the way I make it? Sure! 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    NM, People laugh when I mention Wii Fit, but it is quite a work out, isn't it?  My first few days I was lucky to burn 100 calories but my muscles sure felt it.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Whether or not my MIL lost weight is kind of a moot point. She consistently is super-skinny - likes to buy her clothing at "Limited, Too," where the target market is preteens. Is this due to the six months she spent on her version of Atkins? Is it the smoking and copious amounts of diet soda? Is it the compulsive walking of flights of stairs in my home to burn calories? Who knows. I will say that it was stressful to have her around my daughters - I had to find some politically correct way to say that "We love and respect Grandma but do not look to her as a good example for eating and healthy behavior." The Diet Rite, cigarrettes and big dinner thing was the worst. She'd get grumpier throughout the day, starving herself, and then at dinner, she'd have perhaps three chicken breasts, two cups of rice, multiple rolls, some veggies, and more diet soda.

    I can still conjure up a mental picture of her standing at my counter, eating a really big leftover steak COLD with her bare hands. Yes, Adkins can involve a lot of meat consumption, but must you eat like a hyena at the kill?

    (This is my husband's father's second wife - she's only about 12 years older than I am ((so she's late 50's)), and he's in his early 80's. She actually doesn't refer to herself as my MIL - she titles herself my children's grandmother.)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kleenex. the ill effects of that diet just haven't caught up with her yet.  I hate to say it, but sometimes it takes a serious illness/disease to make someone commit to change.  When you read the stories on the forums here, there are quite a few women who changed their eating lifestyles after the B/C-bomb got dropped.  It's a motivator all right. 

    I just realized I live with a whole pack of hyenas!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Kleenex-ain't that the truth! 

    Trying to cut carbs way way down but not having much luck losing weight.