
  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Kleenex -

    LOL!  You've got me cracking up.  Gave me a life-sized picture of that hyena noshin' on a cold steak - huyulk!!

  • deb1
    deb1 Member Posts: 3

    Hi to all of you and I to was just recently diagnosed with BC I still remember the call after the biopsy like it happened moments ago. Part of me still wants to deny and the rest is so danged angry I dont know where to turn. I have had a partial and am waiting for my first oncology appt next week and I still not sure what to ask. All I can say is i am grateful that they got all negatives for my lymph nodes and that there was clear perameters around my 3+cm sized tumer. But am still scared to death all i keep think is it could come back as there is a large history of breast cancer in my family. I guess i should stop whining there are others a lot worse off than my diagnosis. I keep wanting to say  i did this to myself cause i had hormone therapy after my hysterectomy but i also know that it isnt all my fault. oh well any advise for next week would be appreciated.

  • Lynbob
    Lynbob Member Posts: 27

    Welcome Deb {hugs}  I am sorry you have had to join our group but you are in a good place for support and advice on what to expect and what to aske your doctors.  I could have written those first two sentences myself {hugs}

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, Deb.  This is the "In place" for us middle-agers who got "that call".  I was going to have a lumpectomy to get rid of the nasty cyst, when I got the call at about 9:00 the night before to cancel, so I could come in and get my options.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    deb1, Next week you can expect to hear lab. findings about the malignant tissue they removed.  That is going to determine your options for course of treatment.  Have someone go with you if you can or even record this doctor visit.  They should not mind.  Take a list of questions.  Write down your answers.  It just keeps things clear when you go home to think and decide.

    As far as the HRT, you can't go back in time to undo it, so try not to stress on that part.  Take the support of friends, family and your online B/C sisters whenever possible.  Become a part of your treatment "team" as much as you can, because it really helps to feel like you are actively doing something to beat down this B/C beast.

    Good Luck to You.  Report back.  Questions welcomed.  This thread has people in a variety of situations, so someone here can probably help.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    deb1, I also did HRT for 15 years.  My tumor was estrogen positive, so that is probably why I had BC.  I was on a very low dose and you know you hear about something causing cancer, but you trust and you feel better because of the HRT, so you take it.  I don't worry about how I got BC, because I can't go back and who knows it may not have been the HRT.  It could have been the DDT that we sprayed on each other as children or a million other things.  In the end, we will never truly know.    You just have to move forward and take care of the present.  Good luck to you on this journey.


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Just want you all to know I did read everything and am careful to eat well. The modifications of the Atkins diet has made it much more healthy at least in my mind. My Dad did it awhile ago and dropped 30 pounds in less than 2 months and has kept it off.

    Deb1 welcome to our little corner of the world where we support each other and we also laugh alot because I think we all feel that laughter is the best medicine. Hope you like cheeto's, and thin mints because we eat these almost every nightInnocent

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    OmahaGirl, don't you wish we women could shed the pounds as easily as men can?

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    My DH eats all the time and he hardly ever gains weight.  If I ate like him, I would weight 400 lbs.  He can cut out soft drinks and lose 20 lbs.  I can cut out soft drinks and I will gain 20 lbs.  It is just not fair.

    I usually tell people I am eating my way to bypass surgery.  It is so much easier to gain than lose.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I am actually grieving over a TREE at the moment, weirdly. When North Texas had that foot of heavy, wet snow a couple of weeks ago, a HUGE tree in my back yard lost about 1/3 of its crown and many large lower brances due to the weight of the snow. My backyard faces sort of west-southwest, and this tree shaded my master bedroom and gave my tiny Texas backyard a nice shady green feel. A tree trimmer is in the process of removing it now, and I think I'm going to go into shock. My thermostat was fried as I was growing up in AZ, and now the idea of all that uninhibited sunlight streaming onto my house is freaking me out. In addition to this, I'm down to just one box of Thin Mints - not enough to get over this.

    On the funny side, the tree trimmer has put a sign in my front yard to advertise his services, but it's directly under a tree that now looks like a psycho attacked it with a chainsaw. It's a live oak that was very full, and the snow took out a branch in the middle of the top. It actually looks better than it did with the big broken branch hanging from the top, as they have removed that and attempted to thin the remaining branches in an attractive way (not), but it does NOT look like an advertisement for quality tree trimming.

    I'm going to probably have to get some medication for my "Inverse Seasonal Affective Disorder" this summer - I already droop when it's endlessly sunny and hot, but without this tree, I might just lie on the floor of my pantry and refuse to come out...


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Ooops - is that a forbidden weather-related entry, or is it just a disturbing non-sequitor?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    A little weathe-related tale can be tolerated once in a while.  I just asked that we don't get into the daily reporting and/or forecasts.  My neck of the woods had severe ice storms two years in a row, taking out whole trees, dropping limbs on rooves (sic), taking out power lines, weatherheads, and blowing transformers.  A transformer box next door to me caught on fire and burned for 24 hours, catching a tree on fire intermittantly, but the sleet kept putting it almost out.  The first year, my home lost power for eight day, with temps. in the single digits.  We had to be taken in by friends for some of that time.  All the hotels were full of displaced people.  The next year it was only out three days, but I booked a room at Sleep Inn right away just in case.  It wasn't Katrina, but it was insane!

    I didn't lose a whole tree, they survived looking freakishly broken, and costing me about $300 to trim off the dangerous hanging limbs. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Meece, another great avatar...your clamshell makes angel wings!
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I am a little angel, except when my halo slips and begins to strangle me.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    You are indeed a little angel!!


  • deb1
    deb1 Member Posts: 3
    Love emLaughing
  • deb1
    deb1 Member Posts: 3

    thanks and a big thanks to all on here is so nice to feel your not alone. My husband tries to understand and so does my mom but theya rent the ones with the beast in there life and they just cnat fully understand, but they sure do stand by me.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Let me add, your mom and your husband do have the beast in their lives, but not in the way that we have.  I know that when I was going through this, I couldn't see how anyone else was being affected.  I had no husband, my parents were supportive, but I had no idea how they were living in fear of losing their baby, and my children were good kids, and helpful, but maybe more so because they were afraid of losing their mom.  Even thought they were not going through the treatment, they were going through a torment.  I think it has just recently really been made clear that they were affected by the beast when DS said that he has been talking with the daughter of another of our BS sisters.  She said that it was helping to talk to someone who has been there.  Anyway, the truth is, we can talk about things here that we cannot talk with our parents, spouses, or children about, and we can receive the understanding which helps us endure the endless dr. appointments and decision making associated with BC.   But as much as we need hugs right now, our loved ones need them as well.  ((((((((((((((HUGS to all my BC Sistahs)))))))))))))  Pay it forward.

  • olivia218
    olivia218 Member Posts: 50

    Meece - 

    Well said - I totally agree!! 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Elimar, you crack me up even when perhaps you're not trying to. LOVED this:

    "...dropping limps on rooves (sic)"

    Generally, if I'm in the midst of a rant and haven't got the patience to re-word to avoid having to decide how to spell a word (roofs? rooves? rooftops?), I'll throw in this: (sp?) to indicate I know the spelling is suspicious. But this: (sic) is generally used by someone providing a quote from a third party with errors, so that the reader knows that it isn't the writer but the person being quoted who made the mistake. Never thought of using (sic) on my OWN writing to distance myself from questionable grammar and spelling! Fabulous! It's sort of like referring to yourself in the third person, and excellent way to avoid being responsible for things. Did you also notice that you said "limps" instead of "limbs"?

    We had two trees totally removed - wish I'd gotten video of the circus performer type who climbed up into my tree with a chainsaw and removed limbs from around himself while hanging from other limbs. 8 foot ladder, 25 foot tree. They trimmed four other trees in the back and two in the front, and tried to make reparations to two other trees in the front. Team of 3 guys, probably 13 hours of work. $900! With the end result being, in my opinion, ugly, but I suppose it's better than broken trees. Some of the other trees in my backyard were close to touching the house, and were already close enough to provide a pathway for squirrels and roof rats, which are always looking for a way to get access to one's attic.

    Glad we have perhaps one day of almost-ice a year. Ice storms are NASTY!

    Meece - love the concept of the "halo slipping and strangling" you. 

    Have a fabulous weekend, ladies!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm gonna get you to edit all my typos...I now use spell check (which doesn't catch everything and my eyes, without reading glasses, sure don't!)  I fixed it now. Elimar is not perfect. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I got back from my walk.  Felt great.  Haven't been going much during Winter.  I have the picture of crocuses at the top now, but in my neighborhood only the grren leaves are showing on those and on the daffodils, so it'll be at least a week til Spring flowers are a reality.

    In the mail was the registration form for Relay for Life.  I have donated when high school kids did it, but I have not walked in one myself.  Giving it some thought.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I walk the Survivors Lap in the Relay. I think it reinforces the cause for the people walking who don't have cancer.

    I can't see crocuses as we still have at least of foot of snow on the lawn. Driveway and roads are bare though! Eee Haa!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Elimar...I took a nice walk too. Don't I look little thinner!   LOL

    I have a technical question for you. What do you do to change the pictures?

    Thank You


    EDITED to correct spelling and words

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sheila, you can just go to your topic (One you started) and hit edit.  Click on the picture and upload a different one.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good point on the Relay, Barbe.  Girl, you were really Winterized, if even the bare concrete is lookin' that good to you now. ;-)  Hope you'll soom be seeing these...

                Daffodils Pictures, Images and Photos

     Seyla, You are thinner.  You look like you have been eating like a bird!  You have some breadcrumbs on your chin.  (Inside joke.)  Change the picture?  Click on edit, then right click the picture, and then can put in the new photo properties.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Thank You elimar for noticing my thin body.

    if I edit i was afraid to have the old picture and the new one in the same post.

    I don't use photobucket, don't even know how.

    I just google images copy and paste.

    Is it the same thing you are telling me to do. maybe I should do a little practice before I mess up the thing.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Just popping in with a report on the shower-of-birthday-cards of support for our sister, Saint.

    We were talking yesterday and she has received the first 'wave' of cards..... little does she know what will continue to unfold.

    Thanks to all who jumped right on the invitation.

    If there's anyone else still willing to join the fun, please PM me for her address.

    She was so 'tickled' that she literally giggled. The timing is perfect -- as she had a really tough week. (She is a stage IV sis from WI, that I've had the pleasure of spending lovely chunks of time with thru the last couple of years.)

    Hope that everyone has a super-Sunday!!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I know some of us have been cutting back on the Cheetos since the holidays, and trying to eat healthier.  Now, our gal Meece has started a weight loss thread.  There have been a few other threads out there, but here you can get in on the "ground floor" so to speak, and you will most likely be familiar with some others posting there. 

    Meece, come post a handy link for our Middies.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh yeah, the name is E-LAB PROJECT, began by Seyla888 on her Stage I thread.  It stands for Eat Like A Bird.  (If you incorrectly assume, like I did, that we should eat three times our body weight each day, you are wrong.)  That's where my inside joke came from a few posts ago.