
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Elimar congrats on living life to it's fullest for another year!

    I don't know how I feel about the whole cancerversary thing. Especially since I had to wait for biopsy results through the Labor Day weekend. On top of that I went to the zydeco festival in Louisiana. (Figured I would hit a bucket list thing while I could.)

    I kind of think the day I had sx should be it, because that was when the cancer was gone, or maybe the day I finished rads??

    Oh well....is there a list of cancerversary gifts?...paper is the first year, pink sweatshirts the second? :)

    Feeling chipper today....1: AC is coming in an hour!!!! Woo-hooooooooo!

    2: I had cortisone in shoulder,anesthetic still working, can move and do stuff, yea!

    3. There is a nice man one short block away selling the BEST chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. Not even my favorite flavor, it's so good, almost bittersweet.

    Now for the funny part..I bought a shelf bra tank top at kmart today...I am stuck in it....can not get it off. Will go to OT today, and hope they can get it off.

    May you all find a treat in your day!!!

    ice cream and cookiegal

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Cookie, you should go on Last Comic Standing also!  Such a picture!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have been stuck in clothes before.  DS and FDIL bought me a dress for Mother's Day last year.  I knew it wasn't my size, but they wanted me to try it on...no porblem, it was getting it off that was frightening.  Poor Cookiegal, you have to admit it to someone.  You ladies are the only one's who know MY secret.

  • Janathan
    Janathan Member Posts: 80

    Thanks, Meece.  Yeah, still healing...and overdoing it lately, but finally the wedding is almost here...yay...Saturday'!!  Nope, no more children to marry off...our daughter is the last one.  Empty nest here we come!  Just glad I could go to their weddings...and love all their new spouses.

    Cookiegal...LOL!!  Hope you were successful in getting out of that thing!  I probably would have cut my way out of it out of frustration! :)

    One of my most scary moments was getting my hair sucked into the vacuum cleaner a couple of years ago.  Thank goodness DH was standing right there to shut it off!  Pulled a nice chunk of hair out of the top of my head and I had to do a comb over for awhile, but it did grow back.  DH jokingly told me it'd never grow back. He had me believing him until I called my hairdresser.  Never get your hair too close to a vacuum cleaner.

    My onco said the cancerversary is the last day of your last treatment, but I'll never forget the day I was diagnosed the first time...10/9/2002...because my best friend was diagnosed with rectal cancer the same day 4 years prior...her dad's birthday.  Thankfully she's a survivor and is doing well.   It's been almost a year now since my BMX...7/22.  Won't forget that date either.  Happy to be alive and doing well.

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OT freed me from the oppressive magenta shelf/top. LE wants me in compressive garments, and it was compressive alright.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Yesterday at OT I was doing so well from the anesthetic my therapist said I should go dancing, So I went to a bollywood dancing class at Lincoln Center. It was fun, though there is a lot of humility in having to adapt every moove for my limitations. I used to be a pretty good dancer, and now I am a pretty awkward one when it comes to lifting my arm. Still I did it, and I was proud of my self for trying.

    Also two words Ginger Gelato.....oh oh oh...I love ginger, this was the best!!!

    Tragic delays on the AC front, now not until NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!! Husband is freaking, though heat wave appears to be on the wane.

    Hugs to all...and I hope you have a moment to through your hand in the air and wave it like you don't care.


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Okay stuck in clothes story. We went out for our Anniversary 2010 and I wore some body hugging capris and a tunic that covered my butt. Went to the bathroom and the dang zipper broke on the pants. I was STUCK! I had to walk around with my zipper open on the side and my blubber sticking out. My Tunic covered most of it if I pulled on it but then my boobs were sticking out. What a mess! The restaurant was had nice table clothes that we adjusted so we could eat without over exposing everyone.   

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Not a stuck in dress story, a something stuck in pants story.  I was walking to the bus one morning when this woman stopped me in the parking lot and pointed out that I had a BRA hanging from the back of my pants.  I guess it was on the bed and I sat down to put on my pants, but it was hanging from the back of my pants in flagrante delicto.  Embarassed

    Now my primary doctor is calling and wanting me to go to gastroenterologist because my bloodwork was funky.  Sigh.  Undecided

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    OMG ladies, I am laughing so hard at your stories.  You've made my day! 

    My embarrassing clothes moment was at a wedding about two years ago.  I had on a skirt and hose.  I went to the bathroom and came out and walked across the room to my DH and the lady he was talking with pointed out immediately (thank the good Lord) that my skirt was tucked into my panty hose. Embarassed  I've also had the fight with the shelf top tank top!

    Cookie, I'm glad your sholder feels better and hope it continues to improve and I really hope the Air Conditioning gets there soon!

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Thank goodness the OT came to the rescue, cookie!  LOL.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm feeling particularly festive on my one-year "cancerversary" today.  It;s the anniversary of my surgery.  Personally, the day I was diagnosed is nothing I would want to celebrate; but the day they surgically removed all that cellular evil sure is!  Good Riddance! 


    (Posting the little pic here too, so the celebration can continue even after I change the top pic.)


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Festive is indeed a good feeling.

    Our waitress last night said that I looked festive & it made my evening!

    What a hoot to read everyone's wardrobe malfuntions.

    I can't think of a good one. LOL.

    Cookie glad to hear that you were safely extricated.

    I can relate. Getting in & out of these compression garments takes my breath away at times.

    Everyone have a great weekend.

    BTW: I rode 21.2 miles this morning. A new morning's record for this summer..... so I'm headed in the right direction!!! Whootwhooootwhooot. Still not taking the genuine hills, but tackling steeper inclines all the time.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    By the way, when I got my copy of the final pathology report after the surgery, there was a tiny picture of what they removed and saw under the microscope. Looked like this:


    Let me enlarge that for you: 


                                        WHAT AN UGLY BEAST!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    elimar--YUCK!!! Ugly, indeed! 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    It looks like has facial futures. YUCK and Yuck

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    That's gross, ELimar!

    I had another wardrobe malfunction in a dressingroom once.  I was trying on a dress with a lining.  Somehow I go between the lining and the dress and had arms out...well it must have been armholes, but I couldn't find anyplace for my head.  I struggled and got to laughing so hard I couldn't do a thing but work my way out of it and put it back on the hangar.  If anyone was outside the dressing room they must have thought I had company in there.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Elimar...Its already tomorrow but who cares.

    Congratulations my friend.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Those squirrels are really changing places! It took me a Gravol and a couple of minutes of watching. They don't move in turn, they jump around, but they do change.

    I was stuck in a top in Walmart that SAID one-size-fits-all. I guess I'm not all. I actually had my cell out to call my DH to come in a help when something finally gave...probably the seam!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527
    Elimar...happy day!
  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90
    Congratulations, elimar!  Smile
  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Yeah for E living the free life!

    NM, so glad you are making a great recovery and that you love your new boobies, they aren't foobs because they are 100% you!

    Cookie, I am completely melted and I have AC! I will come see you when it cools off, hope you feel better and better as each day passes.

    Eph, like your new avatar, your hair is pretty and curly, I am jealous not of chemo but of the curly hair as my is hanging like a limp dishrag in this heat LOL

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Admiring the new avatars of Eph & P-Mom...looking good girls!  One day I might get tired of being represented by an innocent looking plush-doggie and post an actual pic...oh wait, we've already had that blue moon this year already...guess not.

    Posted a beautiful beach pic at the top today.  Funny, the last place* I'd want to be is in the hot sun.  My hot flashes (Tamox.) have worsened so much in the past week.  Now that I am no longer taking meds that interact with the Tamox., I can sure tell the difference.  The sweating is almost to the point of embarassment too.  I am now understanding all the posts from last year about fans and A/C and sleeping on makeshift futons of Birdseye frozen veggies.  

    (*The real last place I would like to be is in a fan-cooled State Fair livestock holding area, or similar close quarters with barnyard animals irregardless of sun or shade.  Forgive me, my B/C sisters in farming communities, but the Tamox. seems to have heightened my sense of smell too.  Anyone else have that S/E?)

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I've never had the pleasure of taking Tamox. but I have always had a heightened sense of smell. We dumped several bags of manure into our garden before we planted this year. Over the weekend I did some serious weed pulling without gloves. Yes, a big no-no with LE, but I only used my "good" hand. I washed my hands well after weeding but they still smelled bad. I scrubbed them with a brush, washed dishes, took a shower and scrubbed them again with a nail brush, scrubby gloves and a washcloth. They still smelled. I remember hearing that vinegar will cut the smell...nope. How about tomato juice since it cuts skunk smell? We didn't have any so I soaked my hand in bloody Mary mix. Great...now I smelled like a cow pooped on a tomato bush. Finally, today the smell is almost gone. Lesson learned...wear thick gloves and only use bloody Mary mix with vodka!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Smithlme, a small price to pay for such a monumental lesson!  Hope the family learned the other important lesson first:  Don't let Smithie fix your sandwich!
  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Wardrobe malfunction once again: Okay it was only to the local Family Dollar and it's all my DH fault.

    I hurried up and changed from yard work clothes to run to the store. I grabbed a pair of earrings and ran out the door putting them on as I left. Kissed DH and asked "Do I look okay?"   "Yeah, sure" was his response. When I got home I realized I had on one red and silver earring and one brown wooden earring! Never trust a man to tell you how you look.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I'm pretty sure that with my hot flashes decimating my deodorant's effectiveness that I pretty much smell like a farm animal sometimes. So perhaps being in the barn would be appropriate!

    Must say y'all nearly killed me. We had a computer virus and then I was out of town for a week of psychological torture with my inlaws. This thread had grown by almost FOUR fun- and information- filled pages! But now I'm caught up and will not let it get out of hand again...

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    P.S. Elimar - LOVE the picture at the top. That's my "happy place."

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    my sense of smell is so much stronger (is that the right word) or maybe sensitive since chemo.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Smithlme, I have a stainless steel bar shaped like a bar of soap, that I rub around on my stinky hands and it helps.  My grandma had always told me to rub my hands on the stainless faucet if they smelled of onion.  Not sure how good it would work on cow poop smell.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I know fresh lemon juice helps. Not sure for the poop.Wink

    Good Morning Ladies.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97
    Hey Middle age Friends, I hope you gals are doing well I think of each of you & have you in my prayers, Just not able to get on as much as i want. Working full time again!
    My Hubby took our Dog in for routine shots & Vet notice he lost 20 lbs, it red flag her & she ran test & xray's. He  has a lg Mass in his spleen & wanting for her to call back this afternoon with lab results! She Said she not sure how much the cancer is spread waiting for liver enzymes to see if it in his Liver. I handle my  own Cancer better, But I am having a hard time with Him. I can't stop crying! Please keep My dog Shelby in your Prayers!
    Love ya all!
    {{hugs}} Gina