
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Paulding: Zipedee doo dah, Zippedee yeah!  My oh my, what a wonderful day!!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Paulding, have I told you congratulations yet?  Yipppee  That's my favorite letter-number combo!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Way to start off the Holiday Weekend, P-Mom!!!  Enjoy the bubbly and the bubbles!

                                           happy dance Pictures, Images and Photos

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dang it! I gave myself an earworm when I wrote the lyrics to that silly song---now I can't get it out of my head!

    E-love the cheerleader!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    When a song gets stuck in your head, I heard the only way to get it out is to sing the song all the way through.  Try it.  Let me know if it works.  Also, let me know how many strange looks you get.

                                            Zippity Do Dah Pictures, Images and Photos

    I had to edit the picture, to switch out Jiminy Cricket for the correct one of Uncle Remus, who sang "Zippity-Do-Dah" in Song of The South, Disney's racially-incorrect film from 1946.  The song did win the Academy Award for Best Song the following year.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    You could try replacing it with another song, something that makes you want to jump around.  Then sing all the words and hop around.  Might as well take advantage of a good song while yu got it.

    When i think of Zippity Doo Da, I think of Disneyland.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    HOORAY PAULDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Joni, if I'm going to be honest, I have to say that I was reading your post about that wonderful man thinking "oh crap, she's lost it ... there goes another one" and then I got to the end - the phrase LOL was created for that moment!!!!!  Despite my occasional bitching in here (usually after a few glasses of wine, by the way) I am also lucky to have a good guy, but luckily he's as far from perfect as I am!  PauldingMom, I am sooooooooooooo happy to read your news :)  Here's to you kid

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Paulding!! Paulding!! Paulding!!!

    Way to start our weekend.

    You made it through the waiting process. Harrowing. Now exhale.

    ****Elimar. I had an idea for you the other day.

    I wish that when you post a new picture in our thread-header, that you would also post it here in the 'body' of the continuing thread. Does that make sense? There have been several visuals that I miss when we move on to the next picture. It would comfort my silly nonsensical mind to know that those visuals were always here, for newbies to appreciate, for oldbies to roll back and bask.

    Just a thought.

    I'm easily entertained & I appreciate the effort you go to find us smiles.


    Group hug.  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424
    Content Has Been Removed
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    ((((((((((((((((     roomies    ))))))))))))))))))

    (I've learned over the years that it's always best to do what Faith tells me to do!!!)

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    She posted twice just to make sure.........Wink
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    lol Sheila - I noticed that too, but I've been back and forth to diff threads and didn't know if that was on another site!!  how are YOU my friend?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Faith's new book should be named I am innocentWink

    Im fine Mary...still not even a drop of rain in my part of NY.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good one  eph..werent sure where you were going with that.. congrats, faith, on the almost a book..

    i wasnt sure WHERE you were going with THAT one, Eph.. congrats, Faith, on the almost book, the party, and living one whole day w/out the BEAST forfront in your mind..and many more..light and love, 3jays


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I know I posted it on another thread, but wanted to do it here as well:

    CONGRATS TO LISA on your B9 news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Happy days are here again,

    the skies above are clear again,

    Let's sing a song of cheer again,

    Happy days are here again!"

    (hope I got that right)



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    I completely understand your point, and have thought about putting that ephemeral top pic into the body of the thread.  I think I have done it only a few times so far.  One consideration to do it is that anyone actually reading thru' would see the pic people have made references to  (i.e.  Ha-ha, love the pic) and know which pic they meant.  Counter to that, sometimes I put up a new pic at the top when I wouldn't want to disturb the flow of the thread topic.  Like, "sorry you were put off over the weekend waiting on test results, but here are some jumping dolphins while you wait."

    Also, while I like "decorating" the thread at the top, I don't necessessarily want to dominate by having all those appear in the thread.   I enjoy when others take a hand in the thread pics and do some of their own "decorating."  You have posted some great ones on here, for sure.  Can there ever by too many pictures?  Well, some threads are almost all pictures and they wonderful, so no.  I've just tried to have the pics kind of balance with the text here, enough to keep it interesting.  I really didn't get going with the pics til you, Faith, gave me a tutorial.  Thanks again!

    So, I will try to double up on some pics more often, but probably won't do that with every single one.  Anyone who sees one up there that they just love, then right click on it and save the file onto your computer for posterity. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hope everyone's Holiday Weekend is off to a good start.  I plan to start mine by hauling some yard waste to the dump.  Good times!  Other than that, I'll have the grill fired up most of the weekend.  I don't think I ever went on about how much I love having a gas grill.  I truly use that thing all year long

                                                               barbecue Pictures, Images and Photos

    On a B/C subject, my SNB surgery was over a year ago and that site is still getting uncomfortable twinges of soreness.  Has anyone else noticed that also?  I'm going for a check Thurs. with the  RadOnc (substition for the check I should have had with my BS, but he is in Afghanistan) and will mention it.  Can't wait to tell him my ribs still hurt on the Rads side.  Anticipating his denial that it is Rads related, but I know from several members on here that the rib pain can hover for years, and is not too unusual.  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    probably not related, eph. i had dblmx over 1 1/2 ago, ribs still sore, so rnt snb site. you're right. they said not related. recent surgery ps played w/ ribs again, and r really sore to the touch. he was more honest says it takes yrs.! i still would ck. it out with bs cant be too careful. latest pet scan showed all clear (thANK YOU  god! but does show line where ps was, is new, and sore....   FAITH , could you send ME a tutorial at my p.m...someone posted it, i cant find it.. trying to do pics from photobucket to thread. when i get good at that, then MY OWN pics.. thanks in advance,   light and love, 3jays

  • bluegems
    bluegems Member Posts: 507

    PaulingMom -  I am so relieved for you! It's about time something good happened! YAY!

    Elimar:  I've had left side pain off and on since finishing rads almost 2 years ago. I'm also convinced they overextended my left arm during surgery since I've had trouble doing planks and down-dogs in yoga. I know one rib went soft during rads and there's an indentation there. They weren't concerned, but every now and then, that area makes me want to rip my bra off. My BS is quite fond of reminding me that rads is the gift that keeps on giving. Beats the alternative though! Laughing

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend, all.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, I have soreness in my SNB site, and major soreness in my axillary node dissection site and I'm 5 yrs out (I just love saying that).  Not every day, but now and then and it catches me offguard and I think I did something, then I'll realize where it is and just sigh.  I also have an area in my radiated breast which continues to change 4 yrs after the rads finished and I'm told that's not unusual.  My BS keeps me at 6 mos intervals and has done punch bx, excisional bx, needle bx and multiple MRI's and a BSGI to make sure that rad onc isn't just dismissing it.  What fun we have, huh? On the flip side, I'm down the shore and the weather couldn't be more gorgeous ... sunny, breezy and 80 degrees.  Life is good :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yep, that's what I am talking about...pain that kind of comes and goes in the SNB area.  That area has always been more sensitve than my lumpectomy site.  My theory is that it might be scar tissue adhesions onto the muscle there, and I'm always stretching 'cause it still wants to tighen up in that area.  It's not that bad, and some of you have had a lot more nodes out than I have, so I shouldn't complain.  Just kind of surprised that I'm not all healed even after a year.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, i remember coming to the chat room after my surgery and saying how my underarm numbness would stop after a few weeks, cause that's what my surgeon told me.  and all the loving wonderful women in there saying, gee i hope so, but just in case, don't be surprised if it doesn't.  and - honest to God - I remember feeling bad for them because they still had problems, but MY surgeon had said I would get feeling back, so I just KNEW that I would!!!!  when I said something to here a year or so later about how the underside of my arm was still numb , and my armpit still hurt, she said "oh yes, some people take longer" ... and trust me, I had one of the best surgeons in the Phila, PA area and I still love her to death ... but apparently they just don't want to tell us the bad crap.  thank God, thank God, thank God we have this forum to share and vent and share and vent and .... ok, I'l stop :)

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Few months back i developed a weird pain on my lumpectomy breast. I called the oncologist

    He said that wasn't related to BC that I should call my BS. It happened he was leaving for vacation that day. He called me from home at 9 PM (I love My BS) we talked and the next day I made an appointment for 2 weeks later. Few days passed I was so nervous and scared that my girl friend took me to ER and I asked for a US. They couldn't deny because I was DX with BC. Everything was clear.

    Came home the dull pain continued for days.......

    On the appointment day there was no longer any problems but I did go and see him this is what he said to me

    <I cut you twice than they put poison in your body and radiated your breast for 30 something time of course you will have these symptoms here and there.>

    All I needed was an explanation and I got it.

    Sorry for the long story. I hope it helps

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Funny, my rad onc said the radiation would kill the cancer cells that might be there, but the normal tissue completely recovers after a few weeks.  And he wonders why I was confused and upset when, a week after rads started, the nurse told me that the skin would be permanently discolored, I might have heart damage and would have lung damage, and rib damage wasn't unusual.  And the rad onc wonders why I reported him to the state medical board.  3 years later and still waiting for the board to investigare. . .

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My skin didn't stay discolored, did yours NM?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Yup, right up until the PS removed it during recon.  The PS had to remove that skin because it was so damaged and discolored.  He said that't typical radiation damage.  My rads were done 3 years ago.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hmm, Maybe I ought to look at my boob closer.  Not one of my favorite passtimes.  The texture of my skin is definitely different.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Hello I am new to the board and felt the need to connect with people close to my age, of 45. 

    I am on day 27 since my surgery. Still waiting for my onocytype to make the big chemo decision results no radiation is required.  

    I am doing pretty well. I started the flexibility exercises right away so I have good range already.  I even took a zumba class yesterday. I may go again today if I feel up to it later. Seems like afternoons are the hardest time. I am unemployed so not dealing with work now. Trying to do some things at home for my husbands business. Right before my surgery, a few days before, we made a DVD on how to paint a motorcycle. Got 500 of them delivered last week and we already sold about 20 of them. So making labels as the orders come in. I have to write a letter and send them to the magazines to try to get them to review them in print. Tat is on today's agenda.

    The pain is never really bad just lingering. It's just so constant it makes me crazy. I think when I am tired it gets worse. Like if I don't sleep at night or do too much during the day.

    I did not get any reconstruction yet. I am dealing with how I look ok but it does bother me a little. At first I was almost happy, I seemed so skinny without my huge DD boobs, but now I am feeling like I have these prunes on my chest. When I look down at them I get sad. I keep telling myself it is only temporary.

    I really hope I don't need chemo, it scares me. I am afraid of being sick and of any long term side effects from it. There are so many things they don't tell you when you are dealing with all of this. But if it is necessary i will do it. 

    Hoping for a low oncotype score! 

    low oncotype score!  low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score! low oncotype score!