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  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Janis, That was just completely rediculous and I do hope you are doing ok after all that. I agree with Lori that it took a great deal of courage and I hope you will share the experience with those in charge so they can make sure that NEVER happens to anyone else. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, yikes!  That is awful.  I am so sorry you experienced that.  I don't know what to say about it.  I have never heard anything like it.  You do deserve a whole bottle of wine.  (((hugs)))

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Janis - that was just inexcusable for them to treat you that way and in the hospital non the less.  So sorry for your experience.  It makes us who had great doc. and techs during the process feel lucky.

    I have not be on for quite some time.  Been dealing with a lot of nueropathy pain in my legs and feet.  My GP persribed gabapentin, the generic form of Neurontin.  I have been on it for over a week now and boy does it help.  The major side effect I am dealing with is drowsiness.  I just need to get at least 8 hours of sleep and a bit of caffeen in the morning and I am good.  A couple of days I was crashing by noon.  One day I went home from work at lunch and took a power nap.  Have football game tonight, I am just helping with spirit ware sales this time.  Last week I chaperoned and boy that was a killer walking up and down the stairs.  I have to put limitations on what I can do now.

    Last week we had pink out the park for the football game, both teams participated.  This was for Breast Cancer awareness.  Also, we had a pep rally with a purpose too.  The assistant Basketball and track coach who is 32 has breast cancer and is undergoing treatments.  I talked with her a bit last week, they had a problem with the insurance and are taping out of $20k out of pocket, so the school and community is ralling around her and doing fundraisers to get money to help pay for her treatments and bills.  Said sorry but she is powering through with a positive attitude and her faith.

    Tomorrow is Bands OF America in Arlington TX, doing nothing but enjoying the performance.

    Hope everyone is well, as I have not had a chance to catchup on posts.

    Luv Ya


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - Yikes!  What a horrible experience.  You have been through so mucgh already and just did not need that.  Hope you are going to report this incident.  No one else should have to go through that.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I want to know where reesie is and how her leg is doing?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    This is not related to reesie, but I have been thinking it for over a year now...


    Over the two years that this thread has been going, there have been quite a few who just stop posting one day and are never heard from again.  You can't notice it right away, but then weeks go by and you wonder why no more posts.  I remember some at the moment, NebraskaGrandma, cmharris, and more recently heartandsoul, but there are many more.

    These women were not Stage IV, so I don't automatically think the worst.  It just would be nice to know that that they were taking a break for a while (or longer.)  It's no crime to not want to read B/C stories every day.  Anyone reading this post, you have to realize people will wonder if you are o.k. if they don't see you around for weeks, and I am not saying that departure notices are mandatory, but they are nice.  A goodbye, or a see you later, is thoughtful for those you posted with, isn't it?

    Just the really extended absences, I mean.  If it's a week's vacation, and you mention that, it may encourage me to stop by your house and remove the valuables.  (Posting on discussion boards sure doesn't pay the bills!)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, my heart goes out to you!! We have to trust the system, but sometimes it doesn't deserve our trust. The angle of the bed is common for a biopsy in a small room. As soon as you said that I knew you were in a small space. The dim lights took me back to all the biopsies I've had.... for my thyroid one, my DH passed out andslid to the floor at the 13th injection attempt!!! The doctor was forcing the needle in so hard I thought it was going to come out the back of my neck! Result? INCONCLUSIVE!!!!!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Barbe - Inconclusive after all that, OUCH!  I hate that word, what does it really mean, not the dictionary version.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    E - I'm here (I even guessed brownie on your mp). I even mentioned you on Chrissy's thread lol. I'm walking with only one crutch now (according to the orth onc supposed to be rid of them). Typing has been toough on my little cell phone though and I've been having connection problems with my Nook (maybe I should ask Claire about that lol).

    Well I finally found the PT guys business card and have an appointment tonight (they're gonna help with my arm too - range of motion is mminimal). Three weeks later but better late than never.

    I find out Monday when my bmx date is - hopefully she can work with the gyn and do a two for one like we scheduled before. I don't have a choice this time though - if they can't then I just do the one and wait for ooph or just keep getting Lupron and wait for natural meno.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    Janis and Barbe you just scared off all the newcomers who need biopsies.Wink
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis I can't believe the horrible experience you had.  Hope the wine helped and you are better today.

    MJBmiller glad the neaurotin is helping.  DH has neuropathy and it helps him.

    Today is my one year cancervesary and Jo is coming for the weekend and we are celebrating tonight.  Tomorrow we will meet up with the Texas gang in San Antonio and visit with Chrissy and show her around.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    YEAH for Sherryc! 

  • Here's to many more healthy years Sherryc!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie, slow & steady will get you there.  Don't rush it, it's not worth the setback.  I will really be wishing that you get the o.k. for BiMx on Monday.  I think you need to find a garment with giant pockets, and take the gang with you because we will all be so eager to know.

    Sherryc, two words for your One Year Cancerversary...


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Yahoo Sherry!!!!  Have fun with Jo and dont party to hard!

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Janis-COMPLAIN real loud.  You might want to call the state if the place wasn't clean.

    Reesie good to hear from you.  Hope you get your 2 for 1 in. I hate going under anesthesia any more than nessecary.

    My DH and I are going to Lancaster this week-end for the Barbershop Harmony District competition.  Hope everyone has a great week-end

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Have a great time jan!
  • Carebear50
    Carebear50 Member Posts: 3

    Life was just starting to get easier, children moved out looking after themselves, grandchild to share time with, turned 50 and bam! Breast Cancer hit, so much to take in. Chemo 8 rounds, Radiation 6 weeks, 5 days a week, blood counts aren't good so give myself shots of a drug that should  help, I REALLY dislike needles and I have small veins so they usually take 2 - 4 tries for the IV.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Carebear50!  You've gone through most of the hard stuff already.  did you have mastectomy, or were they able to shrink your tumor first and just take a lump?  Are you on Tamox. now or what?

    I know some of the stories we have could frighten Newbies, but it is somewhat true that if everything goes perfect, rarely do you hear about that, so Newbies please don't have nightmares on our account.  Around here, we make the best out of our procedures, but nobody says we have to like them; so sometimes we have to vent and share the horror.  

    I think we can all agree that it sure ain't no day at the spa!

  • Welcome Carebear50! I'm sorry you have to be here...

    You and I were diagnosed the same week. I've had my surgery, radiation, and just started tamoxifen this week....Hoping and praying that the side effects aren't too bad.

    The ladies on here have helped to keep me sane these last five months for sure!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    welcome carebear!

    I had my follow up surgery on Wed. Feeling so much better now. Last drain finally out, skin sparing skin removed, and feel like I'm finally healing. Next week is not too bad w/appts. Will get the heart echo, chest films, and labwork on Tues. Meet post op w/ps on Wed. and hopefully get some pt going. Would love to have some range of motion in my left arm. I may even go for it next week, and chop the hair. We'll see.

    Hope all is well w/my sisters. Congrats Sherry, what a time to celebrate!Smile

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Jessie/mjbmiller - I am going to be at Bands of America in Arlington tomorrow as well, with the Mansfield High School Tiger Band! We play at 11:45, right before the lunch break. Are you guys listed as "Frisco"? Playing at 9 am? What does your student play? I have a freshman color guard girl and a junior playing mellophone. This year's show is SO fun for me: my color guard girl made the "rifle line," so she's frequently in the middle of the front doing dangerous things with faux weaponry or flaggage. My junior gets to go up on a giant teeter-totter and play her horn in the second movement, and then she's right up front in the corner at the beginning of the third movement, so I can actually tell it's her for those two brief moments. I am not chaperoning, either - just going to prelims in the morning and HOPING we get a chance to play finals. We wear obnoxiously noticeable polos that are black with yellow trim (I'm wearing mine in my avatar above). I have a purse that is in a bright yellow tiger-print - super tacky and obviously made with materials never found in nature. How much of the morning are you going to attend?

    We're playing in South Grand Prairie tonight in the totally-not-formidable-sounding "Gopher Bowl." I often chaperone, but tonight I'm just going to be happy fun mom, hanging out with my husband and friends, all decked out in the aforementioned band booster finery. 

    Last year, our band didn't make finals at BOA Arlington, which was sad and surprising, as although we rarely win anything, we "usually" make finals. Two weeks later, we won at the Carrollton Tournament of Champions. So subjective - unless you're a big power school like Marcus or LD Bell and you can spend big bucks on props like gigantic flowers that light up...


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    P.S. - It's not just "Pinktober," but also here in Texas, it's "Bandtober!" All high school marching band, all the time, if you've got a kid or two involved in that. Such a fabulous distraction from "Pinktober" for me - maybe one day I'll embrace the pinkness, but so far, at 3 1/4 years out, not feeling it just yet. I am still unfortunately a smart-aleck if a grocery clerk asks if I'd like to donate to Breast Cancer - can't help but say I'm still paying for treatment for it, but thanks for asking... But I love me some band band band! :)

    So Happy Bandtober Eve to everyone!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Happy Bandtober to you as well, from a mother of 2 in the Band of Vikings. Yes, it is a wonderful distraction!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis,  HOW AWFUL!!!!!  I'd be at the center's office in person with these complaints regarding such unprofessional care!  The health department should be in there too.  SPIDERS!!!  Totally unacceptable!  Get your BITCH on and go in there and give them a piece of your mind.  Be sure you document all of this, date, time, doctors, place, etc.  If you have any adverse compications this is grounds for a law suit!  I wouldn't even pay the bill with such terrible care.  No need to be nice to these people, they certainly were not caring to you!  HUGS and Healing thoughts for you.  Kitty

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Wow Janis, you really got Kitty's fur ruffled!!!  But you know what?  I kinda think you oughta get your BITCH on also!!!!!

    Kleenex-I so love you've posted so much lately!  Happy Bandtober to you too.  It's Happy Soccertober at my house, 24/7 it seems! I LOVE FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • stage1
    stage1 Member Posts: 285

    We have to stand up for ourselves!  Things like this will happen over and over again, so the ladies are right.  Let them know what happened. 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    reesie - glad to see you here (or should I say read you?) I really hope you get to do your twofer. I'm right with you in that pocket on Monday. Then take care of yourself. From the brief time we spent together, you seem like the type that would try do too much to soon. I still have my white carnation. It's displayed next to my Stage IV Traveling Pants pin. Next time I visit DB for a week in NY, I'll try to make a detour to NJ so I can hook up with you, Kay and Dotty.
  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Greetings everyone.....the last thing I wanted to do when sharing my experience is scare anyone off.  For the record, this was a thyroid nodule biopsy.  Much different experience from my core needle breast biopsy.  That was done at a different location and not at all painful.  Barbe 1958, I think you understand the difficulty of this biopsy having experienced it yourself.  I was gone all day, but my navigator, Nanette called while I was gone and left a message asking me how it went.  I called her when i got home and told her everything.  She works for the same hospital and was stunned.  She plans on investigating and said she appreciated me sharing as clearly they need improvement.  I am busy right now and also dealing with the burns on my breast and underarm.  I am not sleeping well and have so much to do.  Right now I am not even going to bother pursuing the whole thing.  It is over and done, and I do believe Nanette will be very thorough in her follow up.  I just don't have the energy to invest in it right now.  Other than some residual soreness in my neck/throat, I am okay.  This too shall pass.

    Sherry, I am so thrilled for your one year anniversary and can't imagine a better way to celebrate than with good friends.  I hope you have a fabulous weekend.

    Reesie, glad to hear you are improving and still able to keep us posted.

    St. Jude.....I am so happy the surgery is behinbd you and the last drain has been removed!  What a relief.  I hope you get stronger each day.

    Elimar...thanks for always keeping us on our toes, thinking, and laughing.

    I want to thank everyone who was in my pocket yesterday, and ALL of you for your comments and happy thoughts.  I appreciate all of you so much!

    Big hugs my friends!!!!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    reesie, so relieved to see you back on here!  i've missed you.  Smile