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  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks Kay , I knowI had the Lcis before my excisional , these are my excisional reports .. this is all sooo confusing ... :(  thanks again 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    lisamarie68,  Overall, it is describing that you had cells growing where they should not grow and looking how they should not look.  These sttrange cell formations were found in the lobe, and were spreading along the interior of the duct passageways, but the good news is nothing is saying that they had broken throught the wall of the duct, becoming invasive.  Sometimes LCIS will never mutate to the point of becoming cancer, but I think you were probably lucky to have cought this early.  I say this because of the word "extensive," in that they found quite a bit of it and the cells were showing mutations of several different varieties.  Good riddance to those freaky misshapen cells!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - Sorry to say this but that picture at the top is really creepy!  Yikes.  That's just my opinion.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thank you ELI... woah i can now breathe and possibly sleep .. I thought the ADH turned in DCIS and I guess I was freaking .... oh HUGS to u xoxoox

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lisamarie68, I would also ask your BS to go over all those terms with you, at your next follow-up.  I'm sure it can be explained much better than my attempt. 

    jo, You are so right, those middle two ladies with their candy neclaces. That IS a little weird

    Yawn, I'm sleepy.  Had to watch Gone With The Wind for the 27th time.  He STILL didn't give a damn.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Love the pic lisamarie.

    Sorry I've kind of been awol. My Nook isn't working right and it's a pain to type on my phone so I've mostly been lurking.

    Welcome to all the newbus (although it sucks that you have to be here). You'll get answers to all your questions here orr just get the chance to vent and know that we all have BTDT. And we have the occasional pocket party where we don't gain any weight on all the wonderful snacks and drinks.

    I have only 3 more boosts to go. My skin just started to get red and peel (and sting). My RO is thrilled because she expected this weeks ago. She said we could stop for a couple of days or - if I'm game plow through. I said let's get it done.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Love your pic at the header, Eli~

    Here is my Sister in Law and I at her wedding reception.  She had green icing leaves on her cake!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Cute pic, Meese!

    Yay Reesie! The end is in sight!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    God for you for plowing through, Reesie!

    LOVE your new avatar Meece!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie,  We haven't heard much from you, but you were quietly sailing thru' those rads.  That is great that you are almost finished and have about average skin burn.  Everybody gets something, but if you are lucky enough to avoid blistering, you did pretty good.

    Meece, You and I go on the Memories thread and wax lips comes up about every 15 pages.  That's what made me post them here.  Your green lips are more alien looking (so, of course, make a great wedding pic.  Forget those traditional cake cutting ones, or holding some flowers...if you get a green frosting-lips pic, then you've really got something!)   Like your new avatar pic too.

    lisamarie68, Cute pic of three generations clowning around.  Smile

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Meece - Great picture.

    Ressie - Good for you for just getting rads done - the end is in sight.!!!! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I love the header! My eyebrows look like the gal on the left as you are looking @ the pic, not quite so dark-but I'm having her do them again this next Friday & they'll be a little darker & then I'll update my pic! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Meece...what a picture.  The green is so....bizarre.  Too funny. head is spinning with my current situation.  I apparently have Truncal LE, some sort of vascular issue that I need the Trental for.  However the Trental can take 3-4 months to take effect, so be patient.  Oh, and double that Gapapentin because now I have neuropathy.  Oh great.  Is everyone else as confused as I am?  Pass the Xanax....pleeeeezzzzzeeeee..........

    Okay rant over.  Eph, I will be anxious to see your new brows.  I bet you are thrilled.

    Reesie, congrats on being so close to the finish line.  You really deserve a break.  I am glad to hear you did not have bad burns.  Bravo!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis...I hate to say I told your doctor so!! So you went to the PT appointment? Make them send your doc a copy of the results. Again, shame on him!!

    Joni, I'm looking forward to a new avatar from you!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe I did not go to the appointment.  It is complicated.........I will call her and talk to her but there are other issues that may keep me from going.  It is a mess and do not want to go into it here.  Thanks for all of your appreciated!  I'll live despite all this!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Janis  }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Understood, sorry if it seems like I've been pressuring you!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    barbe....not at all!  I think you are brave and bold and not afriad to say what you think.  I enjoy hearing from you here.  No pressure at all Sweets.  I love your sense of humor too.  All is well in our world! 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I have no idea how I got so far behind ... 6 pages? I didn't read back so I'll just say that I'm thrilled for those reaching the end of tx (like Reesie), sorry for those not having a good week (like Janis) and wishing a great week for all. I got that much from just this page! Had a good day here ... hub got his tux for dd's wedding. He didn't wear one for our wedding or for other dd's wedding, so first time I've ever seen him in a tux. He looked damn fine :) Looking forward to standing next to him in pictures. April 7 will be here sooooo soon, and frankly I'll be glad to get to the fun part ... mini dramas going on now, but what wedding doesn't have that? In the overall scheme of things, it's going really well.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Just catching up here too.  Love the weird lips pics!  Reesie, great job and wonderful courage girl!  Janis, sorry to hear of all the problems for you Frown.  Keep your spirit and you will get through. Lots of ((((((BIG HUGS))))))!  Barbe, BCO needs to hire you on for all your great info and insights.  Eph3, eyebrows? Heck, I just yank them out anyway. Your beautiful as you are!  Eli, the day would just not be complete without your fantastic choices of pics at the top.  I look forward to each surprise, thanks! Okay, I think I'm caught up for now.  Happy weekend everyone!  Kitty
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Ressie - The finish line is in sight!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Reesie so glad you have gotten through rads with minimal problems, plow through that is what I did.  My tech said you can quite if you want and I said get it over with.  With pain pills of course.

    Eli the lips in the the pic are too funny, but Meece the green is kinda creepy looking.

    Epha hope the new brows turn out good.

    lisamarie love the picture.  Oh and ADH can turn into IDC.  I started out with ADH and 14 years later it turned into IDC.  Does not always happen but it does put you at a higher risk.

    So today DH and I went and bought the lumber to make two more raised vegetable beds.  Came home and got them all put together.  Hopefully I can make arrangements to to get the dirt from the local mushroom farm and then some organic dirt from the brothers company on Saturday then I can start planting my spring garden.  Had broccoli from my garden today and it was so good nothing like the store bought

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Reesie so glad to see your getting thru the rads. Always love your gusto trhu this as well.

    Love all the lip pics.  The green ones are my fav though.  

    Gettn ready for my new ink!  Cant wait.  He did a great job on the drawing so I know the ink will be marvelous!

    Ok just want some feed back here, because I couldnt believe the last pitch for pink.  I watch the Real Housewives of Orange County, I know how come, lol!  Just one of the mindless things I like to do.  Anyway, one of the women was asked by the ACS to design a bag for breast cancer and do a photo shoot with it.  I had no problem with it up until she had deceided to do the shoot hocking the bag topless. I was shocked.  Then I got ticked.  If you want to do something like that have so respect for the woman who have gone thru this.  Maybe I'm just abit overly sensitive to it.  No, I dont think I am.  Even if it were just my sissy who had cancer, I would still be cheesed right now.  I just find the whole thing very disgusting.  


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paula, that WAS tackless!!! How could there not be a woman in the whole production team that wouldn't step forward (or have cancer herself!) to say what a stupid idea that was!! I'm disgusted.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    These reality shows use shock and outrage as ratings boosters.  It is disgusting, but as long as we continue to watch them and support their sponsors, they will be pushing the envelope.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I googled the topic. She is wearing a pink towel on her bottom half (you can't see it in the final print) and is grinning like a bimbo as she holds this HUGE pink bag out towards the camera man. Apparently, she did it without make-up, but hey, if everything's tatooed on......

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I checked it out, too.  She's wearing pink velour sweat pants pulled waaaaaay down.  Yep, makes me want to buy her product.  NOT!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I am going to meet a new GS this moring and I am a train wreck. The stress is overwhelming. I am on day 2 of a migraine, I have TMJ so bad I am suprised I have teeth left, and my face is broke out and itches. How do you deal with the stress. I really Need advice here. Please help me.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I even went as far as leaving my 2 cents worth on thier fb page.  Some dude had the nerve to tell me not to be so hateful and maybe she is doing this for others in support.  I am still on the edge of post on her Bravo blog.  I couldnt believe all the positive you go girl comments on there.  All because she wore no make-up.  Hello is this what you are taking away from this message!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Diana hugs for you girl.  I know at the start of it all its so overwhelming.  For me I just came here alot to vent. Having someplace to come to really helped me alot.I know some gals asked for something to take to help them.  Talk to your GS and see if they can give you something to help take some of the edge off.  I also had a huge support system so when it got to be more then I could handle, talking to them helped as well. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose,  Sorry, I did not see this earlier, but I hope your appt. went o.k.   Getting a doctor you feel comfortable with will go a long way toward helping you relax.  Meanwhile, get some hydrocortisone cream for the itch and take 3 ibuprofens for the migraine (if you don't have a prescription for it.)   The TMJ is something only a GOOD dentist can fix, but most of them can make you a bite guard or splint to keep you from chomping down so hard.

    Let us know what the GS said.  Do you think you will have the surgery in Maine or go elsewhere?