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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    cheezetheday you asked about WBC-I did not realize but mine had been on the low side of normal for years.  Once BC and starting to have my blood checked all the time and getting copies I realized that when rads was over I was at a 3.6 and no body said anything about it.  I knew my immune system was weak because for the last 15 years I have battled fever blisters and take daily meds for it.  So I did research and decided to start taking a Chinese herb called Astragalas that is suppose to be good in building WBC.  I also added zinc and of course by D was low so am taking D3 as well.  I was only taking 1 Astragalas a day for about 6 months and my WBC creep-ed up to 4.2.  I then decided to take two  a day and in one month it went from 4.2 to 4.72 and I have not broken out in a fever blister in about a month.  Even though I take daily meds for it I still will have minor break outs.  So my fever blister breakouts is how I can judge my immune system.  It has not been this good in years.  Hopefully my regimen will continue to work.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, that's funny (weird funny, not haha funny) as I used fever blisters to judge MY immune system too!! When I feel one coming on I know I am about to go into a Fibromyalgia flare. I sleep as much as I can and try not to get stressed to try to ease the hit. I almost wanted to mention it to a rheumatologist once, but thought he'd think I was silly!! It's a SOLID warning for me.

    Was it on this thread where I said that my double mast was BETTER (as per two bco women) and neater than my two friends who had plastic surgeons? I had a general surgeon. He had a lot of pride in his work. My incision is neat and clean, no bulges or sags.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I got a call today from the PT office my BS recommended for my LE therapy.  When they called to schedule, I had seen the RO later that same day and they said no LE until the vascular problem cleared up.  So the gal from PT said she would call to reschedule later.  As I posted earlier, I saw my RO last week and he totally downplayed the need for any LE therapy.  He insists on staying on the Trental for the vascular issue as well as doubling the Gabapentin for the neuropathy.

    Anyway the PT place called again today and I had a nice talk with the gal.  I explained my "rock and a hard post".  My BS and Oncs are not at all two different cities.  She found out that the evaluation will be covered for me, and we decided it is better to go and find out than to not.  So, I have an evaluation with an LE therapist this Friday.  If Ineed therapy they will just inform my RO that this was recommened by my BS.  GOOD!  This has been really bothering me and I feel better already knowing I will find out for sure if this is indeed LE and how to treat it.  Yippee!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    janis,  So, a common sense solution prevails!  I think this is what your BCO buddies have been steering you toward all along.  It can't hurt to have a LE therapist LOOK at you, and the actual massage is very light and non-aggressive, so not sure why the RO was so hesitant about it.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb that is funny, odd, haha.  I do the same when I feel the fever blister coming on I always need lot's of sleep.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Hi - new to this thread, am 54.  The astralagas is a good tip.  Whenever I do not get enough sleep I get hit wham with something evil and usually a high fever.   Now that I know there was cancer, finding it finally in mid-July 2011, I am very interested in what was missed in blood work.  And all I can do to build immune system.  Thanks.

    The lady with the BC bag was clueless.  They all are for supporting her 'effort'. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Haha, Tamox.  No endometrial cancer for me this year. I got a good TVUS today.

    Me (to Nurse):  So, did I get a good result?

    Nurse:  Well, they didn't detect any fetal movement.

    Me:  Whew!  That IS good news!

    Now that I have actually had a Transvaginal Ultrasound, I am in the camp of saying it was one of the EASIEST scans ever (with only the DEXA scan being easier, IMHO.)  It seemed less intrusive than a PAP smear.  It was not pinchy, like the endometrial biopsy (the other way to monitor what Tamox. is doing to the uterine lining.)  To me, a paper cut is more aggravating.
    I realize everyone has a different pain threshold, and that some of the techs might be more rough than others, but I'll say if you can get through the average PAP smear and pelvic exam without cringing, the TVUS is nothing to fear. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    LOL Eli on the no fetal movement.  And really glad your US came out good!

    I do feel MUCH better having made the decision to go for the evaluation.  I was really torn about it, and just did not fully trust my RO.  Not sure why he is treating me for this "vascular" breast problem.  It is good and red, so clearly has good blood supply.  He actually told me that he did not believe that there is any proof that massage therapy works on my type of LE.  Really?  Now you know why I feel better going to a qualified LE therapist for HER opinion.  Betting she will not agree with my RO!  I know i feel better already.  This had really been bothering me.  I appreciate the gentle steering by the way, from everyone!  Big thanks.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hi Essa, welcome!  What surgery did you have?  Are you on an AI or Tamox. now?  Herceptin?
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Thanks everyone. Two to go!

    Janis, I'm glad you're getting closer to an answer.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis, So glad you are finally going for the LE evaluation.  It is best the let the experts decide if you need therapy or not.  What do ROs know anyway???  Keep us posted.

    Welcome Essa - You have found a great group of ladies.  Sorry we have to meet this way - so much good information and support here. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I met with the new bs today. I really liked her. She treated me like a person and not a file. She anwered all my questions and never looked at the time. She called the mammography in the next building and got me right in to see if they thought they could do the biopsy for the calcifications. It took a long time, but they were able to magnify it so that biopsy is scheduled for Thursday morning. She went over my patholgy report on the first biopsy with me. It says tumor is present in 3 core fragments-size range from 0.3-0.5. Invasive carcinoma. ER+90% PR+90%HER2-. She basically said if the calcifications are b9 then I bought myself a lumpectomy and I know the other if it is not B9. I did get an email back from the doctor in NY who does all his surgeries with laser. His site is My daughter is an RN in NC and said I should call tomorrow. Now I am confused again.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Happy that you have a better rapport with your new BS Dianarose. Sorry your still confused with the new info.

    In defense of my RO -she is very proactive with regards to LE. I didn't have any nodes removed but she is radiating them on my right side. Because of that she did some general baseline measurements and sent me to a LE therapist before I started rads to get some basic LE info, get a more precise baseline measurement and get fitted for a sleeve. I wore it for a week before rads started (supposed to be two but started faster than that) all through treatment and am supposed to continue for three weeks after. Then I'm supposed to see the LE therapist again for follow up.

    Reading what everyone else goes through on here really makes me appreciate my team.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome Essa.  So sorry you have to be here, but the gals are great around here.  If you ever need anything, just post away.  Someone will be able to help.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Essa welcome to the group

    Reese so glad your RO is proactive.  I never even heard of LE until on got on this site.  Good thing I have had no problems.  Even though I realize I could later on.  At least I am aware of it now.

    Janis so glad you feel better and are going for the Eval

    Dianarose-confused????????????? I just hate that feeling

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Janis, I don't know what your vein issue is, but I had cording and inflamed veins during and after chemo. This was no problem in relation to LE therapy.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Reesie, it sounds like you have a great team.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Essa a big welcome!  I hope you find this place as wonderful and helpful and supportive as I do!

    Momine.....I cannot for the life of me remember the long name of this alleged condition.  He actually initially diagnosed it OVER THE PHONE as he got a descroption of the redness and tenderness from his nurse.  He saw me a couple weeks later, and based on the other symptoms he also said I have neuropthy.  He did acknowlege that I did have some LE, but disagreed that massage therapy would even help "my type" of LE.  Just two weeks earlier my BS saw me for my 6 month check up, told me upon exam I had LE and needed therapy right away.  When I mentioned this to my RO, he still insisted that I needed to postpone any LE therapy for the time being.  Talk about confusing!  This is why I decided to go in for the evaluation Friday.  For my peace of mind.

    Reesie so glad you are almost there, so close!  I am happy for you.  Enjoy NOT going!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    SO glad you are getting assessed finally Janis!!!

    30% of breast cancer patients who had surgery involving lymph nodes get LE. It can present up to 20 years later. Remember, lymph nodes are taken out with breast tissue during a lumpectomy and/or mastecomy. That breaks the lymph chain. This is serious shit people!!!! An RO is NOT the member of our team that should be deciding what we do!! My surgeon doesn't "believe" in LE. Yet I got truncal LE. That's another point. My arm measurements haven't changed, yet I have LE in my torso. So there! Another thing to worry about! I should wear a torso compression but I get SO hot now I cannot imagine having something holding in my chest!!!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Janis, if it was something like "flevitis" it is simply inflammation of the veins, very common in connection with both chemo and rads. LE is also caused by inflammation, so as far as I can judge, the presence of any other kind of inflammation would make an LE therapist a good idea, not the opposite. I am glad you are getting an eval. Many docs do not believe in LE and are less than helpful where this problem is concerned.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I imagine "vasculitis" was part of his long word, too....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Just curious, would an LE thrapist be knowledgable enough to tell you if you shouldn't have therapy?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Of course Meece!!! My PT only saw me three times and then told me I was on my own. She taught me to do the treatment myself, but if I didn't even need the treatment, then she would have assessed me and told me I was okay. They are far too booked to waste their time with someone who doesn't need them. They work with measurements so if nothing changes, they haven't done their work!! Are you thinking of getting assessed?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have considered it.  I don't go back to my onc until August and right now, I feel OK.  I had a real weird symptom for two days last week.  Now, I am fine.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks Barbe, I was working from the Greek. Never know if English uses the Greek or the Latin for a given medical term. Inflamed veins really suck, btw. Mine flared up again today and I wonder if they will ever get themselves healed again. The docs are supremely uninterested in this, to them, minor problem.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    barbe....see, the Truncal LE is less common than the more common arm LE.  I have what you have, in the breast, chest wall.  Also my underarm but not my arm.  No hand or finger swelling.  I was told by numerous "experts" here that I should at least go for an evaluation. 

    Meece, barbe is correct.  A trained LE therapist can diagnose and recommended what treatment may be required.  I think they can also recommend the compression bras or garments.  Barbe do you know if they are the ones who recommend the garments?  I guess I will find out.  I just know that this has been bothering me for weeks.  I am basically going against my RO's orders, but the gal I talked to yesterday said that my BS gave me a referral, so I am fine to come.  GOOD! 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis Im glad to see you are listening to the LE therapist.  I was lucky and my BS (just like yours) believes it to be something we need to be on the look out for.  All the stuff I have read about it says (just as barb put it) can come many years later.  Your RO sounds like my PS in the fact that they think that if it hasnt happened by now, that it wasnt gonna happen.  That I wasnt crazy about so if it did rear its ugly head, I would seek a different option as well.  Good Luck!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Janis, any redness is something to keep a very close eye on.  If there is any sign of infection then LE therapy would not be advisable at the moment.  There are some wonderful, knowledgeable women on the LE threads.  You might try posting there.  I'm glad to see you are being evaluated soon.

    Gentle hugs.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sharon...thanks.  The redness is not bad, and I was already treated with antibiotics for what my RO originally thought was cellulitis.  Actually again his Nurse Practicioner diagnosed that.  She rechecked a week later, no difference, hence the new meds for the vascular problem.  My sister is an RN in another state.  She has said that redness is one of the symptoms of LE.  I am sure the therapist I see Friday will know for sure.  She is a licensed LE therapist so that is good.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Do you know the name of the med for the vascular problem?