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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Just checking in. Hope all is well with everyone. I "gave up" the Internet for lent, so will only check in on sundays. Thanks for the info on your US Elmar! I hope mine will be similar. Benign on the polyps on the cervix, but have to go back and get another pap smear. Not enough cells on the last one. Really? My health luck does not seem to be changing much. I know it could be a lot worse, but for crying out loud, I've never heard of that happen to anyone else. Probably the dang tamoxifen's fault some how.

    Barbe, how are you doing? Recovery going well? I hope so. Janis, hope your LE is under control and therapy is started and going well. Will check back in later tonight. Hope everyone is doing well and has a great Sunday!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hi Kay, so good to see you!  Sorry for the ongoing problems, I hate hearing that!  I am sending tons of healing energy your way.  It just has to get better for you soon.  I am doing well, I start the LE therapy on Wednesday.  First time will be a lot of education.  Danielle says she will go over the lymphatic system with me, the more I understand that the better I will be at doing my own massage.  I am really looking forward to starting.

    Happy Sunday everyone....enjoy!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks Kay, I'm healing well and still feeling good except one day I was bedridden with fatigue, most likely my Fibro. Scared me to feel that way again as it sure makes it obvious that I can't work full-time...but I have to!! May go back to work in a month or so....

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700


    Having a redo on a pap because of too few cells is not unusual for someone in menopause.   This has happened to me several times now since I'm well into menopause.  My poor NP, whom I love, finally gave up in despair and sent me to a gyn.  She's slowly losing control of my body parts to specialists.

    Can't tell you if tamoxifen is part of the problem.  I'm doing rads now and will start AI when done.  Obviously being pushed into menopause because of bc is one thing I've escaped.  

    I get that you've given up the internet for lent.  I'm trying to not post too many times here or I'll get hooked.  Reading other's posts have been really helpful.   

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Oh my I am quitting smoking today trying to do all I can for my health and I feel so alone and frustrated... I have so many emotions going on , I feel as if I am gonna go off the deep end ... oh butI know I need to be strong and that this is whats best for me and my health at this time .. wow what a rife the past few months ! sorry to complain ladies ... :) 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Hi Lisamarie, 

    There is a thread that might be of some help to you for stop smoking support.  I've not read it but am aware of it.

    In case the link doesn't work I'll bump up the thread.  And if you miss the bump use the 'Search' option upper right hand of the page.  Type in 'Stop smoking support'.

    Hugs and good luck.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    I think the link works.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks Sharon :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    lisamarie68 - Jump over to the stop smoking support thread.  Those gals are so very supportive and full of encouragement.  They have been super to me and helped me get through the worst.  I quit 7-15-11.  Hope to see you there.  If you have trouble finding it, let me know and I will bump it up for you.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hooked? I'm not hooked. Let's see - internet on my notebook, my phone, my nook. No, I'm not hooked.

    Kay, I know I couldn't do that. You must have great willpower. I went to the movies once with my DH and my phone battery died. I made him give me his because I couldn't be without for the length of the movie.

    Nope, I'm not hooked.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Hi middies!  I meant to check in many times before, but life kept interrupting (nothing exciting, that's for sure). Initially, I thought maybe taking a break would get my mind off cancer, but actually it didn't work that way for me. Basically, I just ended up missing talking about it - it's like you have to get it off your chest :).  I wish I could go back and read everything you ladies have been up to, but I hope everyone has been doing well and up to mischievous things once in a while!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Lisa, it's sooo hard in the beginning, but soooo worth it. I smoked for 35 yrs before BC and I enjoyed it very much. I just couldn't face my hub and kids if I didn't quit though. What amazed me was how much better I felt within a matter of days. I thought I just got a lot of headaches...turns out I don't. I thought I was having heartburn so much because of aging. Turns out that wasn't it. It was weird how many symptoms I put down to other things that were really from smoking. I mean, we all know it, but to experience it firsthand was mind-blowing to me. Good luck hon.

    Janis, I agree about asking if your compression garments are covered. I had to read my entire insurance book from cover to cover because they denied it at first. But then I found it ... the paragraph that talked about mastectomies (I had a lumpectomy) where it said "...peripheral post care for mastectomy and side effects, including lymphedema ..." and when I called our employer's insurance rep and read it to her, citing page and paragraph, she agreed. It comes under my major med, so I pay 30% and they pay 70%. Since garments and bras and all compression aides should be retired after 6 mos to a year, that adds up and any help is good help.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi, I am hoping someone can answer a question I have. In 2004 I had DCIS and LCIS and all they focused on was the DCIS and how treatable it was. They never really talked to me about the LCIS. Now that I have IDC in the other breast I have learned that I was at a high risk to get an invasive cancer based on the LCIS. Does the high risk pertain to breast cancer or any cancer once you have LCIS.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    I have a quick question for anyone that may have an answer of experience to share: I am 3 weeks post surgery (partial mast) I still have my drain. It's down to 60 ML in 24 hrs.. How much longer? I have an appt with my surgeon today. I was told by my surgeon that because I am a big girl 6'0" and over weight is the reason for the amount of drainage. Anyone have any input on time and amounts they expereinced

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Diana, I'm sorry but I don't have information on LCIS. Did you check the main page of BCO for links to LCIS topics on the boards? You might get some good info there.

    Lory, I had my drains several weeks too because I just kept creating fluid! When I got to a certain amount (sorry, but I forget what it was) I told my surgeon I was d.o.n.e and she agreed to remove! The stitch holding in the drain had come out anyway so it was time. Good luck hon .

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Just realized Lory's post was the only one from today...sure hope everyone is okay.

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Lory - I thought when the drain output was 30 cc or less for 24 hours then it could come out.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,292

    My PS drain output rule was 20 cc or less for 24 hours.  I didn't like them but I didn't worry about trapped fluid.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266
    Thank you Ladies for the input. Just returned home from meeting with my surgeon, he said 1 more week and we will be trying something else. He mentioned pulling it out more, then cutting off the bulb and long tube and having it drain without suction onto a surgical pad...Frown  yikers.. it's either that or needle aspiration..thats an even bigger YIKES
  • jdavanti
    jdavanti Member Posts: 3

    Not sure how to start so here i go.   I am 51 and have BC...Just when I think things are great, this...I am scared... I will start chemo in two weeks.  I thought at this age I should be just going through just menopause...wrong.  I will have bi lateral mastectomy in August w/reconstrution.....I feel like i am in a crazy nightmare but after 2 lumpectomyws and still no clear margins I know its not.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Wow jdavanti-why so long for your surgery?  BC is a nightmare!  But eventually you wake up and even tho the horror is still there, it does lessen, just like any other nightmare.  Good luck!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    jdavanti - I have the same question as Eph - why do you have to wait so long for surgery?  That is 6 months from now.  This damn disease is a nightmare - why stretch it out any longer than you absolutely need to.  Best of luck to you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jdavanti, welcome!  I have several questions for you...Was your B/C invasive?  Do you mean IDC?  You list DCIS, but that is always Stage 0, and it is non-invasive.  If you had nodes taken out and are having chemo, you must have had something that was invasive.  Where was your tumor?  I take it they are trying to shrink it down before surgery.  If you say which chemo you will be on, I'm sure some of the ladies here will have had the same as you and can give you additional info. if you need it.

    Denise2730 & MinusTwo, thanks for coming on this thread & sharing the info. about drains. 

    heartnsoul76, missed you, welcome back.  I would encourage anyone to take a break from the boards when needed, but it is so good to know that it is here if you need to "talk."

  • jdavanti
    jdavanti Member Posts: 3

    Hi Elimar, back in Nov 2011 I had biopsy and it came back benign. I had 1st lumpectomy and the tissue came back with a 2cm tumor. They then did an MRI found two more spots on left breast and one of my lymph nodes was enlarged. Another biopsy....lymph node came back non cancer and then the two spots - one was another radial scar towards back of the breast area and a leasion towards bottom front. Breast surg did another lumpectomy and removed both spots and did sentinel lymph node. They removed 2 nodes and those came back no cancer. But she still has no clear margins. first lumpectomy was invasive second time it came back non invasive.  She wants to do a 3rd lumpectomy but i said no and just remove them.  I am waiting for the oncotype to come back but they said it would not come back at a low score and I should be prepared for chemo.  I went ahead and scheduled it...i am tired of waiting for all of these results.  i want this bc out of me.  so confusing.  thank you for listening to me.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome jdavanti - Sounds like you have had quite a ride already. You will find great information, advice, support and encouragement here. Questions and venting, when needed, are encouraged. And good news is always welcomed.

    Hang in there - let us know how things proceed.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    I am trying to make so many changes in life ... I am 3 days smoke free :) the non smoking support has been a blessing thanks for mentioning it to me ... I am praying for everyone here as we all need it . This I think is the most upsetting thing in my life . I am thinking about the lonliness I feel and experience each day . I think about a partner in life . I feel if I dont have anyone now will I ever ? especially after my PBMX .. although I will have immediate recon.. I tell you I feel like I compalin so much .. I guess this is a lot of changes for me in the last year .. I wish everyone to have a beautiful day :) HUGS 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jdavanti, thanks, I can understand better now that you threw in some more details.  Sounds like you have gotten pretty carved up already, and I can see how you decided on BiMx.  Your tagline should say IDC, because that is the "more serious" of the two.  A lot of women have DCIS in addition to their IDC.  I had a small amount, like 5%, so one lumpectomy was all I needed.  DCIS is like "pre-cancer," or highly abnormal cells that have just not yet started to invade.  Most women don't want to give it a chance to invade, so if they have extensive DCIS, a lot do choose the BiMx.

    There is something I still do not understand.  You say your invasive tumor was removed; then they took out a radial scar and the DCIS.  If the margins were clear on the first lumpectomy, and the nodes ended up being clear, why are they wanting the chemo if they will be doing BiMx?  Chemo is not used for DCIS.  Are you talking about just one breast, or are you talking about one surgery per breast so far?  Do you have the pathology reports?  Did your first (IDC) tumor indicate lymphovascular invasion?

    I also am not sure why they didn't give you MRI before the first surgery?  If they had, you might have been spared the second surgery and maybe the third also.  You could have made a better decision early on.  Just hearing your story, I am confused.  If you are also confused, then I really recommend a second opinion because you need a doc who can explain better.  I would want to know exactly why I was getting each treatment.

    The Oncotype results are a tool to find out how much benefit you would get from doing chemo.  It is usually used for cancers smaller than 2 cm, ER+, with no (or limited) node involvement.  I'm not even sure why you have received this test, with your tumor being larger AND they seem to have chemo [planned for you already.  It's an expensive test to do just for the heck of it.  

    You are very new and I want to help.  What you have written DOES seem confusing, and makes your doc seem to be doing things in a weird order, or at least the way you are explaining it doesn't quite add up, in which case you probably don't have a great understanding.  I'm not saying that is any fault of yours, but i am saying you need a doc who can help you to understand better.  Again, I suggest a second opinion before the chemo and the BiMx.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Sorry, wrong thread.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    lisamarie68, You go, girl!  It's no secret that I wish everyone would put down the cigarettes.  My mom had lung cancer, and that gives you much less of a fighting chance than you even get with B/C.  In a few short weeks you will thank yourself that you don't have to cough up phlegm in the morning.  Take your cigarette money and use it at a salon to pamper yourself.  Finally, although the "Stop Smoking Support" thread is very fabulous here, why not join one in real life.  Never know who you might meet, but it won't be a smoker.  Could be a match made in smokeless heaven.  Just sayin'.  I'm a matchmaker from way back.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    CONGRATS lisamarie!!!! 3 days smokeless is HUGE!!!!

    Lory, don't be afraid of needle aspiration as the area is probably still numb from surgery. I had it and couldn't even tell they had a needle in me, but got GREAT relief from the ease of pressure. Don't be in a hurry to get rid of the drains, they are doing you a huge favour. At one point, though, the time does turn and then they become an infection liability.

    elimar, it's rads that those of us with mastectomies get to avoid. Chemo is often still in the works.