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  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eli- I am glad you see the finish line too. I too will have to psych myself up when it comes time for my exchange and my ovaries out. I wait until it gets really close to the date. I don't want to waste all of my psych incase I need it again in the future. How is your skin holding up. Mine itches like crazy and of course when I scratch it I can't feel it so it does no good.

    The pie contest was the strangest one I have ever entered. No ribbons or anything. One lady (who seemed to know all the ones involved) got a paper that they printed off the internet for her pie and the rest of us got a refridgerator magnet. I drove 2 hours one way for that. I won't be doing that one again. A co-worker and I want to enter the Hood competition in June. We know what the prize is, $10,000.00. I like the local county fair competitions better as we all cheer each other on. We have fun with it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Dianarose, My back/hiney skin is not even a shade darker, but strangely I can just barely see a rads rectangle on my abdomen.  I get rads from the front angle too.  I do have one wound (in the buttcrack!) that is slowly healing.  To be honest, I don't know if that was rads-caused because with over 10 days of terrible diarrhea that area was plenty irritated from just wiping!  It's not really painful now.  Hope the boosts don't blister me.

    Imagining Customer Service at the Butt Store:  "Uh, I'm returning this butt.  There's a crack in it."  "This butts no good.  It's got a hole in it."  Foot in Mouth

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Still at the butt store ... "What's this shit?"  Sorry, couldn't stop my brain from telling my fingers that!!!

    Eli, I ope this week goes quickly for you - moving on to the next challenge without pain.

    Diana, I hope they have a bell or something at your center to mark the last day. It was a big to-do at my place when I had last rad ... then I went home and had a breakdown - done treatment? What? Scared my pants off. I went under the covers for the rest of the day 'cause I was scared to be done, yet exhilirated when I wasn't freaking out! We're such complicated beings, aren't we? All my best to you hon.

    Wine drinkers - I was soooo glad to read in a top wine review blog that they're coming around to the boxes. The inner bags are air-tight and much more efficient at keeping out air and light. I'm a proud box wine drinker. Hey, if I can save about 75% over bottles, I'm all over that!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh Marlegal!  I have a box of wine in my refrigerator now!  I bought it for a party - it actually had an expiration date on it for the next day but it was my favorite flavor and hard to find.  So I bought it, figuring just what you said - no air, no light.... how could it expire? Anyway, that was months ago.  I figure it's still good!

    I found my guitar and yes, it was under the day bed.  Looks like there's other long-lost stuff there, too.  Haha, but no car keys - ooh, that's a hard one to lose.  So much trouble you have to go to.  I lost my house keys about 2 weeks ago so we had to leave the door unlocked when no one was home (with the alarm on).  Finally found them in the door of my car the other day, which is often unlocked.  Ugh!  Thank goodness our heads are attached, right?

    Sounds like our band is complete!  Time to start practicing "Smoke On The Water" and in 6 months we can meet somewhere and jam and of course, drink wine!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Does wine ever go bad? And if it does how do you tell? Does is smell different/look different? Have been finishing off a bottle of Barefoot Bubbly Moscato Spumonte we never got around to for New Years. Like it even if the color resembles pickle juice color. DH likes only sweet wines. I'm liking the new (at least to me) Sweet Reds. Make good wine spritzers.

    Eli and Dianarose - Congrats on the finish line ahead!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli and Dianarose - will be waiting at the finish line for you cheering you on!

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Yes, Luv, wine does go bad.  Some wine can be "corked" before you even open it, you will notice by the color, aroma, and taste.  

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I know wine can turn vinegary but does it ever go bad enough to make you sick? Asking because I know I have some stuff under the cabinet I know that has been opened at least 2 years. I'm not a wine snob so that doesn't matter. And could I still cook with it? I mostly buy grocery store stuff, Sutter Home, Carlo Rossi. DH likes things like Mogen David because what little bit he drinks he likes sweet but his preference is Corona beer.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I don't think wine can spoil enough to make you sick unless it starts growing things in it.

     As a rule: If you wouldn't drink it, you shouldn't cook with it.  

    If you have leftover wine you might want to cook with at a later date, it would be better to freeze it in ice cube trays, then use as needed.  If I have leftover wine, I have been known to reduce it and then make a simple syrup with it over vanilla ice cream.  yummy!

  • annemarieh
    annemarieh Member Posts: 124

    Eli~you all are SO funny!!! Good luck thid week! I'm not sure when my exchange will be. My TEs hold  550, i'm at 400 now. My left side is wierd looking due to the tight skin due to rads. looks like a base ball with wrinkles. Righ side looks awsome, like a boob!! I go for a fill tomorrow, and going to ask for some major saline, and see what his plans are for fix lefty!

    MMMMM! Wine...I like reds in the winter, whites, in the summer! I like Kendal Jackson, Chianti, Cabernets', the only sweet wine I like is zinfendel. So, I guess I like pretty much ALL wines??!! I had a glass of Ruffino chianti at a friends house, and when I went to buy it, it was $27!! NOT!!

  • powermom
    powermom Member Posts: 66

    On the keys subject, I have been known to leave mine in the front door, in the ignition. . .

    One of my trips to the BS, I saw a Mercedes sports car in the parking lot with the keys in the door! Tried to find security to let the know. I was very conflicted on what to do - go get the keys out to turn in, guard the car until owner came out . . . Since I was afraid to become a car thief suspect, I ended up telling a receptionist about it and hoping it all turned out ok.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    With all the schedules and concerns about treatment (and with all the wine drinking!) it is not at all surprising that we lose or misplace all kinds of things.  Who can keep track?

    annemarieh,  There is hope for "lefty" yet.  My rads boob had that hardness for 4-6 mos.  Those interested in learning a new word, that is called enduration.  Finally, it got pliable and saggy just like it's sister boob.  They aren't twins anymore, but at least they are in the same family again!

  • annemarieh
    annemarieh Member Posts: 124

    Eli~thanks for the encourgement! As for the "forgetfullness", my 16 y/o daughter just was'nt getting it, until  I had to text her the other day to ask her what was the name of the hosp was where I had my MX!! I was an EMT for 14 yrs, and I had to let my card expire this Dec, because it was effecting my pt care. THATS how bad it has gotten. Sad! Time to move on!!

  • idahoflygal
    idahoflygal Member Posts: 27

    Thank you Odlie16 .... After reading so many posts of women who have been through a lot more than myself tx, etc. , I feel a little guilty sharing my feelings of fear(s) here.  I am sure a lot of it comes from my family's history and the uncertainty of it all.  Those who have taken care of family members through cancer know what I am taking about. 

    I am sorry for the loss of your mother as well and it is really tough losing your mother and best friend.  I really feel for anyone who has gone through that. Not only was it horrible watching someone you love slowly die from this diease but watching the suffering was horrible.  My mother's body was weak from the cancer since it had spread to her bones and liver.  Then she started needing blood tranfusions and eventually caught a mersa-like infection through her open wound from a TE.  (The wound wouldn't heal) during chemo.  It started eating the tissue in her hand, arm, up to her chest.  She was in a coma for a week and we thought we lost her then. She came back around a little, bearly cognicent, in and out of reality.  I had to make the final decision and tell the doctor it was OK to take her off the feeding tube since it was only prolonging her death and discomfort.  She was moved to Hospice on Monday and died Tuesday. 

    So on the other hand I feel like I have gone through/participated in the care of 3 wowmen with BC (including my own). I think that would make most people a little freaked out if they had gone through that and seen what I have seen.

    Thank you again for the welcome :-)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    A remark I keep forgetting to make is that I have never felt so cold in my life.  First, I came off the Tamox. in Nov., so no heat from the flashes anymore.  Then, I lost 10 lbs. of insulating fat.  Now, just sitting at home (thermostat on 70, which is a bit higher than usual) I have to have several layers of clothing on.  Today, I'm going with a layer of thermal underwear to head out to treatment.  I don't know if this about current treatment or just about my long lost estrogen, but retirement in FL or AZ has suddenly gotten more appealing. 

    For those of you that go WAY back in this thread, you might remember that I went bananas one year when my hubster got me a snuggli for Xmas, and I was very underappreciative.  Well, I might have to search the closets for it.  That is how desperately chilly I am these days.  Only I'm afraid if he ever sees me using it, then next Christmas he'll buy me a "Forever Lazy" suit.  (Cringe!)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - Not sure when or where my "forever lazy" suit came from - but I seem to wear it quite a bit these days.  I think it's the cold dark weather that brings out the hibernation mode in me.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I blame my cold one minute hot the next  on a "broken" thermosat from my thyroid removal due to cancer. Maybe in two+ years when I am off tamox it will be cold all the time!!  Even though I make my own wine, so use and reuse bottles, I like a good rose and reisling.  Have never tried a box but will, humm wonder how you refill that thing???  In the winter a good red rose is good, currently sipping on a Italian white my boss gave me, ok.  I cannot believe how forgetfull I am compared to pre BC, maybe it is age but reading form all of you me thinks the BC has soemthing to do with it at least I would rather blame it on that than age!!

    Hope all goes well for all under treatment, waiting at the finish line for you, red or white or El maybe a hot toddy???

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I'm not a wine lover and rarely drink it, but when I do I go for the sweet ones (and therefore usually a white.)   Hot toddy?  I have a bottle of (red) Gluhwein sitting on the counter...a Xmas gift.  That is a mulled wine that is served warm.  I never had it before and to give it a fair chance, I think that will have to wait til I am off chemo for a good number of days, when I feel the metallic taste get off my taste buds. 

    Right now, I AM wondering how I can celebrate my final treatment day.  Last time when I finished rads (and the post is on this thread back in Oct. 2009) it involved a gymnastic dismount off the rads table followed by the bell-ringing ritual and a frenzy of skipping, all while a volunteer painist played "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down," more commonly known as the "Looney Tunes Theme."  How to top THAT?  The pressure is on.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Hey Elimar.....I'm always cold too.....Have a low body temp around 96...sometimes when it goes below 96 i start freezing and matter how warm the room temp is........

    Maybe your body temp is low/........mine was always low it's not related to chemo or anything

    My sister/friend you almost made it.....Do whatever your heart desires......

    Love & Hugs

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84

    Elimar - congratulations on finishing the treatment, you need to celebrate!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    butterfly14,  Hold that thought until this Friday.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    El hopefully we will both be celebrating Friday! (biopsy result in)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Sounds good, carollynn79!  Now please tell me what is that in your avatar?  Animal?  Cigarette butt?  I'm just not sure.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - I think its a seal.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Cigarette butt, you crack me up. Have a great night.... LorAll

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I am still snorting over Marlegal's question at the butt store!!!

    OK-by popular demand I am about to post my cruise report!  If you don't feel like reading the whole thing I totally get it!  But I tried to make it humorous.  Pictures will have to come later when techno-daughter gets home.

    Once upon a time on 12-22-12, 9:36AM PST, DD & I flew to Florida. When we arrived in our hotel room at 11:45PM 12-22-12 EST, we were starving as all we'd had all day were pretzels & some snacks we'd packed. We never had time at an airport to get anything sustaining. So the 1st order of business was ordering in pizza. My sister was already in the room when we arrived, trying to sleep, so we woke her right up!! Pizza arrived, we chowed down & attempted to sleep. Wasn't easy due to excitement levels.

    AM 12-23-12, we walked down the street to Duffy's (recommended by cruise line employee) for breakfast. Can you say YUCK?!?!?!!? We'd devoured the pizza the night before so that was a bust for breakfast. Oh well, we knew our stomach's would be pooching before too very long.

    Got through all the rigamarole to board the ship & finally stepped foot on deck about 3:30PM. Went immediately to the spa where my sister signed us up for daily use of the thermal suite (hot tub, sauna, steamroom, heated tile lounges). Can you say awesome? I was in there everyday at some point, several days, more than once. It was divine. Plus she signed the 2 of us up for massages/facials on the last day sea day (the 29th). Those were pretty awesome too; the only thing that would have been better would have been if I'd had a cute, sexy massuer instead of a masseuse (I just learned the difference right now trying to spell masseuse). It was however fine & dandy anyway.

    We of course ate our way through the whole week!!! My kid is very petite, but HOLY COW! Can she put away the food!! Not that her aunt & I didn't give her a run for the money.

    We didn't get to parasail or snorkel on the private island owned by the cruise line on the 24th. It was too windy, so it was considered unsafe! It was VERY disappointing, but we managed to lounge around the beach & the water (it wasn't windy at the swimming area, just further out & around the point) & drink margaritas! My sister & I had some tears talking about Mom, but we would just dunk under & know one else knew we were basket cases for a good 1.5 hrs or so!
    The night of the 24th we meanadered through the shops on ship. My sister traditionally purchases a fine jewelry item on each cruise she's been on. Her wish list this trip was blue diamond stud earrings!! (Don't I wish?) We perused the shop's supply but didn't see anything that just jumped out at her.
    I wanted to attend the ship board Christmas Eve service which was billed as non-demoniational so we got to the area where that was being held & I was very disappointed to find out it was pretty much a by the book Episcopalian service-not that I have anything against Episcopalians mind you, but I wasn't looking for a book-reading service, so we left. We made our way to the showroom & lo & behold, the crew was performing "Christmas around the world" with the different nationalities singing & dancing traditional Christmas songs for their countries. It was awesome. They ended the show with the entire crew (those participating anyway) singing "O Holy Night" which put Jen, my sister, & I right over, as that's Mom's favorite carol. We were blithering idiots for a good hour after that, so it called for drastic measures at the bar!!!

    The morning of the 25th we woke to the cruise director's morning announcements regarding an unidentified object being observed by the bridge! Mind you, we are rounding Cuba today & we can see the island off our balconey! Well within just a few minutes we are told that a jolly old man in a red suit is in the showroom & wants to see all the kids on the ship! We didn't participate in that-we figured it was a GREAT time to hit the Lido for breakfast!

    The 25th was an at-sea day & our goal was to spend Christmas as un-Christmas like as possible, so I was in the hot-tub/thermal suite most of the day. I also did my 1st foray into the casino, just to get the feel of the Blackjack table(s) & the dealers. Jennifer & Rachel spent alot of time around the pools & we congregated in the room about 5 & opened presents, which we had purposefully kept small & we had a stocking each that the others stuffed the presents into. It was fun, fast & completely different than any other Christmas we'd ever had.

    The funniest part of the day was: around 3, we met at the jewelry store. My sister had spotted some diamonds that were "under cover" that were to be unveiled on the day after Christmas. We got there & met "Rory" the guest jeweler from Sophia Firoi & yes, the diamonds undercover were blue!!! Well, he ended up taking us into a "private showing" room & Jennifer proceeded to try on varying sizes of blue diamond studs! While we were having fun with that, Rory noticed Jennifer & my matching cougar tattoos (the one we got with Mom in May, the month before she died) & asked us what the story was. We looked at each other, and immediately started crying. Rachel had to explain for us. Well of course he was horrified that he had caused us such stress, especially when he understood the purpose of the cruise, etc, etc. He ended up quoting a pretty decent price for the earrings, which of course was more than Jennifer had planned on paying, but they looked fabulous on her & she decided WHAT THE HELL! So Rory became our ship/excursion buddy. We ran into him everywhere & he would give us hugs. He was in his early 30s and gay, gay, gay, but very cute & fun to talk to. As we were leaving Christmas afternoon to go to the room & do presents before dinner (it was one of the 2 formal nights) Rory turned to my darling 18yr old daughter & asked her how hard was it for a young tween to have fun on the ship?!?!?!? She came unglued! Told him she was 18! He about swallowed his tongue. So, we got to the room, opened presents and got ready for dinner. Rachel wanted to go back thru the shops after she was dressed (while we had been there before she was in shorts, tshirt & her hair in a pony & she looks young!) She had a dress that was essentially a nude sheath with black lace over the top in strategic places, 6 inch heels & she has recently learned how to apply make-up! So I must say, she was drop-dead gorgeous! We sashayed back thru the jewlery shop, found Rory & I thought for a minute she might change his sexual preference!!!! It was hilarious! She jutted out a hip & said "How old do you think I am now, Rory?"

    The 26th was Jamaica day! That was our trifecta excursion day. A tram up & over the rain forest, ziplining back down & then tramming back up & bobsledding back down. It was about a 3 hour tour! The weather didn't start get rough tho'-it was steamy, sunny & pretty nice for the most part--a couple times it got fairly sticky feeling & then a breeze would come up to mellow it all out! DD & sister have both ziplined before so I was the virgin on that part of the gig. It was quite fun & I would do it again in a heart beat. There were 5 stations of varying lengths & it included one section that was a straight down - I could've done without that one. The bobsled was on a track like a roller coaster but it was done in honor of the Jamaican bobsled team in "Cool Runnings." It was fun, fast & I was a total screamer because Rachel was driving!!!!!

    Thursday the 27th was Grand Cayman. We werent signed up for any excursions there. DD wanted to wander off & get into her own kind of adventure, so sister & I just mostly loitered in the shopping area for awhile, went to "Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville" & ran into Rory & 2 of his buddies who were ringers for the gay family on Modern Family- they even had adopted from China, just like me!

    The 28th was cabana day on Mahogany Bay, Roatan, off the coast of Honduras! This was my favorite. My sister had rented us a cabana that came with plush chaise lounges & a humongous hammock, complete with mist-ers! When I hit that hammock, that was it! I told her to just leave me there! We swam in a cordoned off area of ocean that was just for the cabana people! It was like being Adele or something (I'm using her for a size comparison) didn't matter that I looked like a whale; there weren't too many hotties to compare me too! There was a cabana boy too who fetched whatever we requested (which wasn't much! The prices were outrageous, but we had to have 1 drink for goodness sakes!) Unfortunately our middie cabana boys ARE much more attractive than what was reality, but it was still nice to have him at our beck & call! We were supposed to be there for 6 hours, but the captain had warned us the night before that we were in front of a storm & so our time at Roatan was only 4.5 hours---CAN YOU SAY BUMMER?????????? I had to go hit the thermal suite for a couple hours when we got back to the ship, I was so bummed!

    The 29th was an at sea day. Our main form of entertainment was the massage/facial packages which was nice. I had managed to make myself comfortable every night since Christmas at the casino and was up on my gambling money. Ended the cruise with $125 more in my gambling pot than I started with, so I was quite content with that action.

    One of the other fun things that occured was way back on the 1st stop, Half Moon Bay Cay, Bahamas. my sister was walking the beach & the ship has all these photographers that go out on excursions & try to get you to take photos so you'll buy later. While Jen was walking this one dude came up to her & tried to get her to pose, saying things like "America's next Top Model", etc. Well she finally cocked a hip & pouted into his camera! That night, on ship, we ran into him & he approached her to show her, her pictures. We all started teasing him, etc. Turns out he was from like Libiya or Armenia or somewhere with inpronoucable names if you're from the USA! So he told us his name was Nemo, yes, like the fish! After that, we CONSTANTLY were running into Nemo. He snapped us coming & going! On the last day, Rachel sketched a picture of Nemo from the movie, holding a camera. When we went to go purchase pictures, we found Nemo & she gave him the picture. He blushed! he seemed to be very touched, agreed to take a photo with us (I also have one of Rory & us). When DD gets home, I will have her put the photos on FB so I can copy them here.
    My final note is on the 30th, I got to do something that was on my bucket list. I went to the Everglades and rode in an air boat (not quite the one that I remember from the TV show in the early 60s) but an airboat just the same. I got to see alligators in the wild! IT WAS AWESOME. And then that night I got to meet my chemo angel, her husband & their service dog, Buster. It was a trip of a lifetime!!

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    Eli I'm soooo happy for you, Yea!!

    Barsco your gorgeousness that a word? LOL!

    Eph 3, wonderful cruise, felt like I was there with you!

    I like the girlie wines chilled.....maybe by the summer..

    Xoxox Jo

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,961


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eph - thanks for sharing your trip with us. Sounds like it was filled with fun and excitement as well as great therapy for all. I can just imagine your daughter's reaction to being a tween - poor Rory. Can't wait to see the pics!

    Jo - you are too kind. thanks for the compliment

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84

    Eph, Thanks for posting about your cruise, sounds like a lot of fun. If all goes as planned, I want to do a I'm done with treatment cruise sometime in the summer months. Hopefully by then I will have some hair back.