
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cheetos Pictures, Images and Photos

    O.K. Middies, it's time to put down the Cheetos.  After all that holiday binging, we cannot just reach for the bag with a clear conscience and disregard for our waistlines. Here we have a pic of some large ladies enjoying the sumptous snack.  Is that politically incorrect?   No, because they are EXTRA-PLUS SIZE MODELS who HAVE TO EAT CHEETOS to maintain their weights for their careers and livelihood.   But, we are NOT in the same profession, therefore cannot continue with our two-fisted gusto for the "cheese that goes crunch."   I'm not saying Cheetos have to be off-limits, but I have a hard time sticking to the one ounce serving size once the orangey goodness hits my tongue.  You will have to use your own discretion and will power to eat them only sparingly, if you have a few unwanted holiday pounds to shed.

    Was going to wait until tomorrow to start into the dieting topic but here goes: I am no expert.  I will assume that every one of you knows as much and more than I about the food pyramid and counting calories.  We know the good choices, even when we make bad ones.  We have to stop or cut back on the bad ones, that's a no-brainer.  (Barbe, I heard you are cutting out sugar.  How's it going so far?)  We have all heard that being over-weight increases the risk for B/C, so vanity aside, that alone should motivate us to lose a few lbs.  I have to point out that there is no one way or one successful method to lose weight...if there was, we could ALL simply do that one.  Instead, we have to find real parameters that can work for us individually.

    I'm going to open up the discussion with a tip that helps me to not overeat on a day-to-day basis if I am trying to lose weight.  I stop eating at 7 p.m. That's it.  I just don't eat from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.  For me, it's the late night snacking that is the killer.  What helps me not cave in to the snack urge is if I brush my teeth right at 7 p.m.  Then, I don't want to eat and have to brush them again.  I make my laziness work for me in this case!   If I cut out the nighttime eating, my daily calories go down automatically.  I'm not binging at 6:30 p.m., but I'm not starving or depriving myself during the day with tiny portions either.  Also, I don't need any late-night fuel close to bedtime 'cause even if I'm dreaming about a triathalon, I'm not going to burn those calories off overnight.  I know my tip sounds very simplistic.  It is.  Anyone can give it a try at the low introductory cost of FREE.

    Please come forward, ladies, with some actual dieting tips, activities, etc. that are tryable; not just something you have heard of, but something you have actually done and have had success with.  Like I said, I don't think dieting is one-size fits all, but if we share some ideas and modifications to our behavior on here, maybe a few others WILL benefit from the same ones.  (Sorry this post came out as a novella.)

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    oh my god that is the funniest picture ever.....yeah with the holiday over it is time to bring in the diet noise.

    My best luck has been frequent smaller meals that have a combo of protien,carb,fiber(veg/fruit/whole grain),fat. When I eat that way I am much less likely to get hungry and out of control. Keeping healthy food in my house and tote bag helps. When I do those things, actually the weight comes of pretty easily.

    Portion control is much more realistic for me, than restricting types of foods.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I walk everyday, rain or shine (don't usually have to worry about snow, but I walk on snowdays too).  My motivation: my dog-she WILL NOT let me not walk at least once a day, and she would prefer several times per day.

    My downfall-I don't regularly eat a nutrious breakfast, or any breakfast, so that's one thing I'm going to attempt in the never ending battle of the bulge! DD & I just bought 10lbs of oatmeal (!) at Costco-oh boy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Ok, here's my 2 cents worth--I'm one of those people who see "die" in the word "diet". To me, Diet = deprivation.  I do not do deprivation well. 

    So I've been working with a diffferent approach.  I work on my nutrition and I do not diet.  My current goal is to eat 3 servings of veggies a day.  A couple years ago I did a food log for a couple weeks and analyzed it. Won't bore you with the details.  I started adding things to my food intake, the first being 500 mL of water every day.  I set one goal per month.  If I don't hit the goal I work on it a second month.  If I still haven't got it I move on to another goal.  I've been doing this for about a year, and I feel better and have more energy, fewer colds and such, even if I haven't lost much weight.  

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    I think putting the picture of the cheetoh gals on the fridge would do it for me- my goodness ladies!!!!!

    I have lost 1 lb per month since dx which is not bad b/c I have been a slug since dx. I have eaten anything I wanted but cut out sugar-thats it (except for 1 tsp of raw sugar 2x daily w/ tea) . I figure the pounds will go quicker w/ some exercise and no steroids. Oh, I only have 1 piece of fruit after dinner. Thats it. When I read all that stuff about being as lean as possible due to the decrease in recurrence if you r lean - ugh- it made it seem like a must be done kinda thing. Maybe I'll like being skinny tho?

    Be well middie girls! Valerie 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    elimar, it may not be correct, but it is funny.   Now this is what I think about the serving size suggestions.  Lets say that you break it down into say 10 servings per package, then it would be 150 calories, but if you ate the whole bag in one serving, then it would still be 150 calories.  After all it does say one serving 150 calories.  So what is the problem?  BTW I can not see your picture in the heading, but I can see the M&Ms and the S&Ms and the Cheeto ladies.

    Ladies I am so far behind on posting, there is no way I can go back.  I have finally read all the posts, but there has been lots of activity.

    I have gained weight since DX but I know I am retaining fluid also.  Also, I know that I will not try to lose weight while doing rads, but after that I am going to turn over a new leaf.  I can follow the South Beach Diet better than any.  I don't follow it exactly, but it works as a good  guide for me.  I try not to eat after about 6:00, and sometimes at night I just do a smoothie with Rocada Cheese.  You can add fruit or any kind of flavor.  I  really like them.  My problem is that I do not want to cook after I get home from work.  The smoothie is filling and will keep me satisfied until breakfast.

     Well, it is back to work tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it.  I wish I could be off another week, but I guess it probably wouldn't help.  Am having some back pain from Neulasta tonight, so I think I am going to take a pill.

    Welcome to all the newbies, glad you have found us.


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    What a brilliant start to the new year.

    This thread opened up after my season of biking. This past summer I rode 827 miles in hill country. 

    The good news: I'm sure it was good for my heart, organs, brain & attitude. 

    The reality: I lost a total of about 5 or 6 pounds. 

    Which of course have crept back in full glory. 

    But I figure if I can dedicate myself to that summer season every year, it keeps me from gaining gaining gaining gaining as I age. 

    So that's my 'yoyo' approach. 

    (So date I am unable to continue the biking when I return to my 'real life' here in sedentary OH) 

    Much love to all those in 'awaiting the news land' and to all a good night. 


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I wrote about my diet secret before, but I can refresh the memories.

    December 1st Macy's fitting room big and bright, full mirror you cant hide. Im trying some clothes I see myself standing with a bras and underwear. My reflection in the gigantic mirror. Terrified what I saw, a big  big tummy that when I sat it rested on my lap. I tried to call someone it says Low Battery.......thats all I remember I got home no dinner the next morning my strict diet, since then I lost 8 pounds I was 172 now I weigh 164.

    Cut all snacks, no eating after 8 except an apple and water, those days I remember you were having your Cheeto crisis.

    Ladies thank you for listening to me. I wouldn't bring the subject with this kind of details but I see

    most everybody here want to loose weight.

    I walk a lot which the extreme cold is stopping me.

    I learn how to eat instead of the whole package of walnuts now I only take 6 and I eat slow.

    The same thing with anything else. I could finish 9oz of Hershey Kisses in one sitting now I take no more than 4 and the list goes on and on.

    Maybe we need a new thread and report our accomplishments each day.

    Thank You


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I've looked at one thread called "Motivation" but there are lots more in the forum called "Fitness and Getting Back in Shape."  Definitely check into some of those if you need ongoing support.  I think they do have one that is like a logbook for your progress.  I just thought it only fair to bring it up in this Mid-Age group because I felt a little guilty dangling those Cheetos in front of everyone's faces.  We have those Mid-Age metabolisms that don't burn it off like they used too.

    Veggies Pictures, Images and Photos

    Just thinking to share some tips and get back on track after the holiday eating. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I am going to try, not to cut out my favorite foods but cut back on them.  I am going to look for the lowest calorie "margerines", sour cream, etc and use them instead of the fattier ones.  My biggest, an probably most difficult will be to cut out Pepsi, or at least cut back on it.  The past few months I have ordered water at most restaurants and if I go to fast food places, I never refill the cup, and I don't get the supersized one.

    My issue is a little bit of weight, a lot of inches.  I have inherrited my grandma's and mother's happy arms.  You know the kind, they keep waving even after you have stopped.  I would like to reduce the inches on my upper arms.

    I love vegies and could eat lots of them at every meal.  I just don't.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have puny, yet wiggly arms.  I have a set of 3.3 lb. hand weights with the cute name of "Smart Bells," and a set of 5 lb. weights (that make no claim of intelligence.)  I try to do a little arm work 3-4 times a week, easily done while the t.v. is on.  I do see some muscle tone in my arms, but my connective tissue and collagen (even in the arms) has taken too big a hit from middle age, so the wiggle remains.  Heavier weights are not the answer...don't want a big muscle, and heavier hurts my joints anyway.

    I have to be realistic.  I look at Madonna, age 50.  She spends HOURS on fitness daily with God knows how many personal trainers, yet STILL has a bit of the bat-wing going on.  (Madonna, sorry if your reading this, but it's true.)   If she can't get rid of that, what chance do I have? 

    Muscle, never in large supply to us females, gets downright elusive in middle age.  I want the tone and I want the muscle to keep my metabolism up.  Weights are something I have only used in the past 7-8 years.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have heard that muscle/lack there of is also hereditary, and I have NO relatives who have ever been inclined to get toned muscles.  So I wouldn't know what my inclination would be.

    My GP said I should try light weights as well.  She said for me not to get into body building though, because it might raise my blood pressure...or at least that's what I got out of what she said.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here is my tip:

    On New Years Day I FINALLY threw out all my "fat clothes"!!!! Woo hoo!!!! I threw out jeans that were a size 16 or more! I only kept the 14s and I have only one pair of 12s (?) that I don't fit. That is my goal. I have hung on to these clothes for over 10 years! Doi! The thought of having to buy fat clothes again is my motivation.

    As for sugar, I've done well. Had only one pre-made ice-cream cone last night and my gut was in such an uproar that I'll be surprised if I ever have another one!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Are you lactose intolerant, Barbe?

    I am going to try to cut back on eating out.  It means packing a lunch for work.  I think I will start taking salads.  I love them.  I also won't be stocking my desk drawer with high calorie foods.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have been defined as lactose intolerant which is why I can take these prescription iron meds and not get constipated. The pre-made icecream cones are NOT a ton of cream and/or sugar as they are prepackaged plain vanilla ones. (not Hagen Das!!!) I think it's the steak we had for dinner. I am REALLY off meat since being on these iron meds. Go figure.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I couldn't take iron for the constipation factor alone.  Talk about not feeling good!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    how cute is that little salad!!!!!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Those Cheetos gals made a lasting impression on my brain.I am off to the gym ladies anyone going to join me?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    You are right, we can "diet" all we want, but we can't be truly fit without some exercise.

    In my youth, I used to think that "neighborhood walking" was just a boring hallmark of middle-age (like golf!)  Now, with my aged wisdom I know golf is for all ages, and the walking IS for Middies, only now I AM ONE.  Doing aerobics in the early 80's on a hardwood gym floor, with only non-marking sole shoes (not Nike air-whatever with actual CUSHIONING) took a toll on my knees.  My running days are over, so yes, I walk.

    Walking is still pretty boring.  MP3 music helps.  I live in a sub. so the blocks are irregular, but I have driven over the various routes to check the distance and can choose between several from one to three miles.  My dog bugs me to go every day.  In summer I go 4-5 times a week, but haven't been able to buck up and go during this past week of cold and snow.

    Here's the word, straight off the ACS site:

    Women who exercised the equivalent of walking about 1 hour a week, at a 2-3 mile-per-hour pace, had a lower risk of dying from breast cancer than women who got less than an hour's worth of physical activity each week. Women who did a little more than that -- the equivalent of walking about 3-5 hours per week at that pace -- had the lowest risk of dying. Women who got more exercise than that also had a lower risk of dying, but not as low as women in the middle group.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527


    The women who exercised more than 5 hours a week had a higher risk of dying???????

    go freakin figure...sound like a statistical margin-of -error glitch.

    I do like walking and will do it in the cold...brrrr so cozy inside today tho!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It's probably lower by a decimal percentage...more walking, more time to trip over own shoelaces and get inter-cranial bleed from hitting head on curb???

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    That's what would happen to me, I would trip over my own 2 feet, bonk myself on the head and bleed to death. These days I have 2 left feet. Maybe it's the fact, I just can't feel my toes. Still numb and tingling.Whoo Hoo...love those side effects.

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Hi ladies - just checking in after being off for two weeks.  I don't know if I'll be able to catch up on everything, but I'll try.

    I'm aiming for 30 minutes of activity five days per week, along with eating 5 servings of fruits and/or veggies every day.  I'm also keeping track of my fat intake and trying to eat less than 35 g of fat per day, which has shown to be good for triple negatives.  I definitely fell off the bandwagon over the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year's binge, so I'm dragging myself back on today.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    ha! elimar ha!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Hi ladies,

    I too will try to eat healthier and increase the fruit and veggie intake (I hope V8 fusion actually counts for two).  Trying to get more exercise in but it is hard in the frigid cold.  My friend (co-worker) and I are going to try to get in at least two 10 minute walks inside our building every day.  Before BC I walked several miles every week, am hoping as I gain strength and energy I'll be able to get back up to that goal.  I need to get back on my Wii fit too!  The only healthy diet tip I can contribute is to not skip breakfast.  I try to make sure I eat something for breakfast every morning to get my metabolism going.  Good luck to all of us!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    OMG, Elimar, I can't believe you posted that photo of the two of us having our Cheeto party without my permission!!!!

    Although I do have plans to do healthy things at any moment now, I must admit that I made an exciting discovery on Saturday: I found White Cheddar Jingle Balls by Cheetos at a grocery store! The big snowball-sized balls I've been coveting since Elimar festooned her Christmas tree with them back in early Dec.! The expiration date is in February, so I'm going to put them aside for my Miss America Party (after disguising them so my husband won't eat them). Maybe I'll string them and wear them as a necklace, like one of those candy necklaces, and see if anyone comments on my large "pearls."

    My biggest downfall foodwise is that I cave in to my husband's and daughters' desires for what can best be described as "Carnival Foods." And frankly it's often just easier to make a batch of processed whatnot. I personally actually like vegetables and whole grains and fish and chicken. So my big plan is to make our dinners healthier and get them on the table earlier and insist on having the TV off while we eat. I'm going to be SO popular here!

    The other thing I want to do is to get moving more. It's going to be a bit of a problem for the next couple of weeks, since the Y is packed with people excited about their New Years' Resolutions and we're scheduled to get "frigid" temperatures here that will make taking those middle-aged strolls a dicey proposition. So perhaps I'll crank up the Wii and/or use the stairs in my house...

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    elimar -

    desdemona222b, well that is odd.  BTW, how is your big rabbit friend HARVEY doing?

    You talking about my little schnauzer, Ranger?  LOL.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I am back to Yoga tomorrow and in the gym. Since my scar revision surgery in October I gained back 10 flippin' pounds! Not good when the PS tugged my stomach even tighter. I could literally bounce a dime off of my stomach when, what's left of the skin, bloats. It is soooo tight and uncomfortable.

     I can't believe what fantastic shape I was in the first weekend of October when I did the Komen 3-Day. What happened?????? Hmmmmm....cookies, fudge, lack of any and all exercise...and Cheetos!!!

     The only way I can get weight off and keep it off is to eat smaller portions and do cardio....lots of cardio. Running and the elliptical kick my butt, but they take the poundage away.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Keep the responses coming.  I'm "borrowing" a few of the tips submitted so far, and all of them have been very sensible too.  Some of the best weight loss advice I've ever gotten comes courtesy of MadTV.  Have a look...
