Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    I never was a Victoria Secret fan.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Me neither, the bras look uncomfortable and too fancy.......

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dang it! You forgot to tell me to wear a hat!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli, Ithink the radiated breast is bottoming out again. ugh.  I called today and made an appt for June 19th.  Thought I would feel better if the PS took a look at it.  It still looks good but lefty is definatly lower than righty.  After my revision surgery they were perfect.  But not in any pain and I look great in my clothes and my bathing suit so I am going to enjoy the summer.

    The talk of hearing aids reminds me of my house.  DH is hard of hearing and refuses to wear his hearing aids.  Thank goodness he will wear wireless headphones to watch TV so when I get ready to go to bed I plug them in and hand them to him.  That is is sign I am going to bed. haha  If I want to read the same thing and go to my bedroom.

    Does anyone have big plans for this weekend.  Going to my son's in West Texas as my DGD is having a dance recital.  Looking forward to seeing her dance.  She is six and loves to put on a show.

  • DragonGirl
    DragonGirl Member Posts: 68


    Those bricks.....they're down here....please come retrieve them.


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Got my official date for my exchange and oophorectomy, June 5th. Wasn't prepared for the date to be that soon. Very stressed about another surgery. Just when I am feeling better I will be feeling like crap again. Seems to be a pattern.

    Question with this whole brca testing. The doctors ask about breast cancer on your mothers side and when you say no you are told there is no need for the testing. It can come from our fathers. My dad died from cancer, his 2 sisters and 2 of his brothers. My nephew died at 3 from cancer. How are they determining who should get tested??? Although most men will not get breast cancer they can pass the gene.

    Barsco- I only bought one VS bra and it was so uncomfortable and way over priced. I never had the right body anyhow.

    I have to work all weekend. I hope someone has some fun for me. That would mean double the drinks and cheetos for someone.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Diana, I had the genetic testing and there was no prior bc history in my family at all. I was in a clinical trial for my chemo, so I don't know if that had any bearing or not. As the mother of two girls, I was eager for the test. Since I had already had my own dx, my insurance did pay the cost of the test. I hope and pray for negative results for dd.

    Lots of extra work hours lately cutting into my fun computer time. Hopefully not for two much longer.

    Heading to our trailer at the Jersey shore from noon Fri till Tues. I am sooo ready for a break. Will prob work a few hours on computer while away, but it will be at my convenience.

    I hate having to skip reading a page or two when I come in less frequently. I miss the extra laughs and I miss the daily updates. Of course my swiss cheese brain doesn't retain a lot of that info anyway,but i can pretend :)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Dianarose - It was found that the BRCA mutation that I have WAS passed to me from my dad (much to the surprise of the counsellors) There is a great deal of cancer on your Dad's side. Did they ask about it at all? Might be a conversation to have with your dr so that he/she can see the whole picture. Will be with you in your pocket on the 5th. I guess the sooner you get in, the sooner you get out right?

    Sucks that you have to work all weekend. However, I have been eating enough Cheetos of late for all of us. Once that bag is open,those poor little orange morsels don't stand a chance.

    Marlegal - sounds like a trip to the Jersey shore is just what you need. Relax and enjoy. Say hi to Snooki and the gang for me!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Dianarose,  Your dad's side does have a strong history; the only thing I can think of why they might not feel the need to do BRCA testing is it might depend on the KIND of cancer all those relatives had.  If it was not breast, ovarian, and prostate, it might be less likely to be linked genetically.  I have never come across the actual guidelines that determines who needs testing, and just from reading it seems to be another one of those "at the discretion of the doctor" kind of deals.

    Have a good time marlegal.  I would dearly love to be headed to any seashore this weekend, or anywhere, really.

    Sherryc, The PS can give his professional opinion, and I hope it does not mean more surgery for you.  Also, I hear ya.  Even if something is needed later, let it wait and enjoy the summer.  It is so destructive to our delicate psyches to have non-stop scheduling for all these kinds of procedures all the time.  We just have to give ourselves time off, and with recon there should be no danger to give yourself a summer break.  Enjoy all the dancing this weekend.  Smile

  • DragonGirl
    DragonGirl Member Posts: 68


    I can not answer your question, however, as I recall the Memorial Sloan Kettering Website has extensive information about the genetic testing protocols. My suggestion would be to seek further information from a reliable source and bring what you find to your doctor. Then discuss. At the time I was diagnosed I had no knowledge of any breast cancer history in my family. My maternal grandmother, I thought, had died of ovarian cancer.....turns out it was vaginal cancer. My paternal grandmother died of colon cancer. I don't know why I passed the litmus test, however, I was quickly instructed to see a specific doctor who specialized in genetic testing, and get tested. I have concerns that much of what goes into determining whether some women get tested or not is some ignorance on the part of doctors who don't keep up with the current literature, as well as concerns about insurance costs (some doctors that participate in HMOs for example, are discouraged by insurance companies from ordering costly tests). I'm not saying this is what your doctor is doing either way, I'm just stating that it is important you be a well educated advocate for yourself and your family. Can you make an appointment to consult with such a specialist on your own? If so and insurance covers the initial visit, I say go talk to the specialist no matter what you find on the internet. The genetic research is changing so quickly!

    Subsequent to being diagnosed and getting tested (BRACA negative) I sought a second opinion regarding treatment at Sloan Kettering and happened by chance to pick a doctor that is a pretty well known specialist in the genetics of breast cancer. If you PM me, I will give you his info. Even if you don't live on the East Coast, his office staff are really nice and they could probably get a name for you from the doctor for someone closer to the area in which you live.

    Turns out I do have a genetic mutation called the Chk 2 variant which predisposes one to have a 20% chance of getting BC. This variant is as far as the research so far, not related to the BRACA mutation. I only know I have this because I received more extensive genetic testing through 23 and Me as part of the study they are doing with the manufacturer of Avastin. 23 and Me does provide this testing without any prescription (but they do NOT test for BRACA) for about $99.00 You send in a saliva sample. You could Google their website. Remember though, they DO NOT test for the BRACA gene.

    I had never heard of the Chk 2 variant before I received my results. I did some research into it, as you have to beware that the information 23 and Me provides, comes from perhaps a limited set of data/research and may not always be necessarily valid or reliable in the entire scientific community's opinion. However, as it turns out the National Institute of Health's webpage on genetic testing, also a very good resource, confirmed the information that 23 and Me provided as to the Chk 2 variant. My doctor is skeptical about the usefulness of that research. It has no real clinical application right now, there are no drugs designed specifically to target the genetic mutation I have. Affinitor does disrupt the mtor pathway (a chemical pathway that takes place during cell replication and cell apoptasis (cell death). As you know, cancer is just cell growth and replication gone awry, will normal cell death being disrupted. So, in my eyes, Affinitor is a good choice of drug for me because the protein that Chk 2 encodes for is part of the mtor pathway. As I said, there is no clinical or research evidence to show that this drug will help me because I have that mutation, but I figure it COULD, so why not try?

    I digress and probably got way to scientific for most folks here. I have a background in science so don't feel badly if none of that makes sense to you.

    My point however, is that I do try to read and understand what I can, so that I am as well educated participant in my care as I can be. I love my oncologist and he has seemingly always been right with his advice, however, I read and check up on him all the time. He happens to be a great guy who will admit if he does not know the answer to my questions and will read whatever I bring to him for review. He is fine with my seeking a second opinion whenever I want and will talk to the other doctor if I so desire. He does seem to keep up with the current research but not all oncologists do (my very first oncologist, god bless him, he was a good man and in his time a very good doctor, but by the time I got him he was old and not keeping up....he did however correct his won initial mistake regarding my first treatment plan). Bottom line, never be shy about double checking what you are told or seeking a second opinion, even if you think your oncologist is a living God! If he really is that good, he won't care what you ask or if you question his judgement or decisions.

    I hope I didn't confuse you! Do some reading, and look for a specialist in your area to consult on the BRACA testing. Know that there is all sorts of other research being conducted and that BRACA are only two mutations that they have been able to find, there are more lurking out there no doubt. 23 and Me can be fun if you check out the website you'll see that they are generally directed towards providing genetic profiles for people interested in their family tree and so on, but some of the tests they do is relevant to BC, and other cancers and other medical problems. BUT, if you decide to and can afford to get their testing don't assume the results will have any real life value to you right now in terms of treating your BC or knowing with real specificity your daughter's risk of getting BC.

    This is why they require the counseling prior to getting tested...BRACA negative does not necessarily mean one is genetically free from BC risk. The science is still in its infancy.

    Again, PM me if you want that info.


  • DragonGirl
    DragonGirl Member Posts: 68


    An answer to your question succinctly put at this NIH webpage

    Apparently there is no specific criteria for being "eligible" for BRACA the history pertinent of course....

    If you have time, this NIH website also has a really good, simple tutorial with pictures about targeted therapies for Breast Cancer (how they work) which encompasses some of that information I was babbling about. Use the options on the top bar of the webpage to find that.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Hi ladies! Been overwhelmed with the little stuff lately.

    Had to take care of my neighbors three poodles for 5 days - that was crazy.  It's the cutest thing to walk around with three small, fuzzy dogs.  Brewster is 18 years old and very active.  Then they have the cutest little white toy female named Trixie, and an abused chocolate male that he rescued named Rusty (whose trust I had to win over).  It was fun, but similar to herding cats.  He paid me $500 - woo!

    My nipple on my good breast is still itching - my BS told me to come back on Friday if it is still itching by then.  Remember the good ol' days when we just ignored every little thing?

    Does anybody taking Tamoxifen have severe fatigue?  I'm not sure if it's the Tamoxifen or this cough that has been hanging on for 5 weeks now - of course it's not bad, just tiresome to have to cough every 10 minutes for-evah!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    DG - thanks for the link. It provides detailed info that is easy to understand. I knew that there were likely other gene mutations that might contribute to bc, but was unaware that testing for them was available. Perhaps my head has been stuck in the sand a little more than I like to admit. Do you know if the testing is available world wide?

    HNS - that was quite a task for you to take on 3 dogs. Would be an interesting 5 days that's for sure. Not a bad paycheck though. Cha-ching! Have you had your cough checked out? 5 weeks is a long time - yikes! That may be part of your fatigue for sure. I am on tamo and do get fatigued every now and then, but usually can get through a few days before it reallly hits me. Here's hoping that the itch disappears or turns out to be just an itchy boob.

    Happy Hump Day to all!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Marlegal have fun at the shores.  I'll be laying around the deck at my son's place hoping to get a little sun on my very white legs.

    Dragongirl thanks for the info.  I did not realize there were other mutations out there.

    HNS 3 poodles that was an interesting task.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I have been doing boot camp since the first of April.  We meet 5:30 to 6 am M-F.  Ages range from 23 to 56.  It is kinda funny because we have the young group that does everything fast, the middle group, and then the three old ladies ( I am in that group).  We are the slowest but get it done.  Our training changes things up every day do it is never boring. Here is a sample of one of our workouts

    run 1/4 mile for warm up

    100 jump rope

    100 squats

    100 mountain climbers

    100 crunches

    100 high knees

    100 push ups

    100 bridge pulses

    100 walking lunges

    100 triceps dips

    100 jumping jacks

    Sometimes I think I have lost my mind, but I actually look forward to going every morning and I really push myself because I want to keep up with the young ones. LOL  but at least I can still wear my bikini and my grand-kids are not embarrassed to be seen with me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    HnS, Your persistant cough is worrying me.  Radiation and some chemo scars the lungs.  While is usually shows up sooner than over two years out from treatment, have you actually had a chest xray to rule out something like that?

    DragonGirl, Thanks for the link to the fact sheet.  By the way, I am in the camp of always wanting to know HOW and WHY my doctors come to their decisions for me, and if they get too wrinkled up about explaining that, they don't stay my doctors.  Don't worry about getting too scientific, either.  We've all learned a lot more big scientific words because we were made to by this freakin' disease.

    Geez Sherryc, I am tired just reading your Boot Camp Workout!   I don't think I could have done 100 walking lunges even on my best day 20 years ago.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Sherryc - bravo for you for doing that workout! Even more kudos for putting on that bikini. I don't think I have actually worn a bathing suit for probably 10yrs at least. Keep up the good work!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Barsco, 21 years for me (my daughter turns 21 in a few months).

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Barsco and Sherry - I don't even own a bathing suit. I only dip toes in friends' pool. Gosh Sherry I'm with Eli - I couldn't have done that 30 years ago. I managed to sweep off part of patio and move house plants back out to normal position now storms passed and I'm pooped.

    HNS - Eli and I are both concerned about your cough. Allergies? Acid reflux? If you can't find an acceptable answer - no cheating LOL - I would check with you MO or PCP. Don't know about anyone else but my RO dismissed me after 2 week post rads check since I was recovering nicely. My DMIL raised poodles when DH was a boy. Apricot. The one dog DH says I can't have. LOL. I want a boxer but don't have yard space for one. My actual backyard is tiny, just right for my rat terrier.

    We have no particular plans for weekend. DH actually off so I know our behinds planted on couch on Sunday watching Indy and NASCAR. I may get something to BBQ. I think he has plans to finish the decorative shutter replacement. I've been asking for lessons on using the edger. I know stupid taking on another task but he doesn't do it and our driveway and walk are disappearing. Our yard smells divine today. He cut back my rosemary bush that was out of control. More like baby tree. I would think it would not survive winters but must be just sheltered enough. I need to make something with rosemary and I grind up bits in garbage disposal. Most of my goats will not eat it unfortunately. I have one that will eat anything I bring out. And she has taught others to at least try something. She was the only one that would eat celery and now I have several that will.

    Thanks Dragongirl. I, too, bookmarked the site. My gyno. asked me about BRCA testing but my family hx is pretty straightforward. Both DF and DM were heavy smokers, he passed from bladder CA. DM they think was either stomach or pancreatic but never ID'd source as it was sooo quick - a few days. Not BC - had a mammo in hosp. which was her usual source and where I go. So with my age of 59, previous HRT and no family hx he was OK with it. No other relatives with CA. GM lived to 92, GF did pass in 1964 from non-Hodgkins lymphoma but that WAS 1964. Prob. would have lived many more years today. Father's side much more positive for heart disease. I actually have a pretty small family and have lost touch with most of them. Now my #2 stepfather was a diff. story. I think most every family member (though I think it might be lessening 4 step-siblings without at present so only 1 out of 5) has had cancer. All his brothers/sisters/mother and many cousins. Don't know if any studies ever done. There is sure something there.

    Diana - When is your daughter getting her testing? Prayers here for her and for you. Working all weekend is the pits. How are the bakery plans coming?

    I ramble, typing and trying to cool off. TTFN.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    luvmygoats: so the old myth that goats will eat anything is just that, a myth?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    They most definitely will not eat everything. Some weeds they bypass altogether. I have some kind of weird thorny tree coming up in fence line that "miss eat anything" sniffs but won't touch when I walk her outside her pen. Love trees - elms, hackberries, oaks. They love dandelions, the giant ones and thistles thorns and all. Won't eat stinging nettle which is a bummer. Told they LOVE poison ivy but don't have any where they are. Mostly they have just a little grass. We have been waiting for hay baling season as DH bought a utility trailer to store it on. He's willing to buy it out of the field which is major work but won't have to off load into my tiny storage shed or garage (which did not go over well with him). Hoping to get a better price. I do worry they will eat a plastic bag that blows it. They will knock you down for Doritos, potato chips, bread or bananas peel and all. When I get the chance I get them a bread "fix" at the day old bread store. A $3.00 bag - inflation has taken a toll; used to be a $1 bag. But many times the hog farmers beat me to the spoils - its bags with tears, squashed.

    Sooo - now we've had our agri lesson for today. Know nothing about any other species. I was a city girl until 15 years ago. Thought I wanted a mini donkey until I went to the State Fair and saw how really hard they are to handle. Even my little bucky boy is tame but then by goat herd standards mine is small potatoes.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    This article explains so much that none of my doctors ever have. I may be wrong, but I strongly feel that is the same amount of men were affected by the bc beast things would be a lot different.

    My daughter is waiting for them to schedule her appointment for testing.

    I went to Poland Maine today to look at a commercial convection oven. New they cost between 4-5 grand. I scored and got it for a thousand. It is only 3 yrs old and looks like new. I got my 6 burner gas stove, commercial mixer and sink at a good price too. Just called Coca Cola and waiting for the rep to call me back. They will pay for your sign and supply a cooler if you sell their products. Works for me.

    The whole surgery thing on the 5th is going to push back opening up a bit, but I am trying to do as much as I can prior too and I am still working my regular job until I can open.

    I very rarely read any of the paperwork from my appointments since reading my path reports. I happened to read one I got the other day from the cancer center and started to cry. It said, NED!!!!!! That is the best word ever.

    Luvmygoats- do you make goat cheese? It is a big seller around here. We use a ton of it a work.

    Sherryc- that workout looks mighty painful. I know I couldn't get past the push ups. WoW!!!

    Dragongirl- I am going to have to do some more research on the other mutations. Thanks for the info.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Thanks for the goat lesson, luv... Fascinating.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Diana - I am a real slug. I thought about milking one of my mama's this year but just could not make myself. Not sure if DH would even drink goat milk but could prob. cook with it. No, never made goat cheese but sure do like it. In Texas requires Grade A milk license with separate water/elec/milk room to sell or even give away even for pet use illegal. Only personal home use. Soo - no milk, no cheese. And though this doe is a major snot she has nice teats/udder. Now did you ever think you'd hear that on a BC site???

    Sounds like bakery is coming together nicely. Let us know when DD gets her appt. Will be praying for her.

    Eph - We aim to please! Now you may have the answer to some trivia questions if the need arises.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    The goats sound fun and interesting.

    Diana good luck on the bakery

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617

    Wish we could all come and support you in your new bakery. Yummy. Brenda

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Brenda, Did Edmond fair OK?

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Luv - I remember going to the bakery with my uncle (during summer holidays) to get the day old breads etc for his pigs. I used to love it when he got some hotcross buns or raisin bread. We would always sneak a bite or two.

    HNS - count me in as one of those who are concerned about your cough. 5 weeks is much too long to be still bothered with it. Get it checked out girl!

    Diana - what a bargain hunter you are. Great price on the oven! How exciting that things are coming together for you. Just remember that you will need to rest in order to heal after your surgery. We'll be watching........ By the way - hang onto that NED fellow! He's a great life-partner. Great article on gene mutations being passed on by fathers as well as mothers. Both sides of the family definitely need to be looked at.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Barsco- I thought it was interesting that women who were born with the gene prior to 1940 rarely got BC and then it increased after that. Could be crap in our food and in the air.

    NED is the best eye candy I ever saw. He's a keeper.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Barsco, just to clarify, New Jersey has a few different locations which we refer to as "the shore". I'm happy to say that the one on tv show Jersey Shore is nowhere near where I go!

    Diana, cool score on your appliances, can't wait to follow your progress.

    Luv, always enjoy learning about the goats. Don't know why, but I've always loved them.

    Okay, important question here...anyone interested in going to Vegas last weekend of Sept? The women I know from chat room brought it up. TheTaTa group from the boards are going and it's an all-invited event. I am very clse to booking a room and wondering about a roommate. PM me if interested and I'll send link with room info, etc