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  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I think the Dallas Arboretum had an exhibit in summer/fall 2012.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, no baby yet. I am still staring at my phone during all waking hours waiting for 'the' text or call.

    Chihuly - my first exposure was the ceiling at Bellagio in Vegas. For those who have been in the lobby of the Bellagio, that's Chihuly glass on the ceiling. Amazing in person. Can't post pic from iPad.

    Eph, so glad you enjoyed the trip and reconnecting :)

    Stay tuned for happybaby news soon...I hope!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I remember that E.  that's probably what I was remembering.  Whatever, whoever, I had never heard of the guy before the conversation on BCO.  I was very excited to go see the works.  INCREDIBLE!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Don't forget...the annual ASCO conference is this week.  The flood of articles are already out there.  Nothing really grabbed me & I'm too lazy to recap all I've been reading BUT those interested can just search ASCO 2014 to see what's up.  Big Tykerb news (not good,) if that applies to any of you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    ThumbsUp on the new avatar pic, Eph.  Good call, Barbe.  (Just don't ever prod me to retire the pink pooch.  That will not happen.)

    p.s.  @those who sometimes do comment on it:  Probably don't know what to make of the pic I currently have at the top, do you?  It's my fanciful imaginings of my colonic bacteria!   I can't really get more self-indulgent that, can I?   Sorry.(*)

    (*)  Not really.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412

    Eph - I agree - love the new glasses.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,956

    That thing is

    like a great trip, have lots of fun!

    I wondered if the
    Bellagio ceiling was by this artist you are all talking about.I remember being amazed by it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Native, yep, as per mar, that IS the guy!

    Eph LOVE the new avatar! You could even crop it in closer. You look very dynamic and chique. Well done!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Have to add, elimar, I was one of the lucky ones who DID catch your `real`avatar a number of years ago. How many years ago was it when you posted your real pic for an hour or so?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Yes, there was an "alleged" picture once, maybe twice, on a thread anniversary.  If you blinked, you missed it.

    Speaking of missing it, I didn't get the memo that National Cancer Survivor's Day was June 1st.  (For Americans anyway, you Canadians might still have a chance, I don't know.)  Next year it is June 7th, mark your calendars.

    Also, missed local Relay for Life.   I guess I responded too late and never got more information.  

    Also, Spring.  I missed it that too.  It was three days long.


    Q:  How can you tell summer has arrived?

    A:  Elimar trades her hot tea for iced tea.

    Speaking of cool treats, I have not mentioned my summertime addiction for Edy's Fruit Bars for at least two years.  (That's because last year, the Oxaliplatin made cold send my throat into horrible spasms over anything remotely cool.)  So, this may be old news but there are two new flavors this year, and now they are vegggie-fruit bars:  Tangerine-Carrot and Strawberry-Rhubarb.  The first one was a little too sweet, but yum! on the second.  I noticed they label them as Edy's Outshine now.  I hate to think that someone got a pay bump for that name suggestion, but I suppose it ceased being a fruit bar when they added the veggies.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes the Bellagio ceiling is his Native.  It was amazing!!!


  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    strawberry Rhubarb???  Oh YUM!!!  Gotta get me so e!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, grrrr! ;) I finally managed to get my h1C down to 5.4 from 5.6 (last stop before pre-diabetes), so don't tempt me with ice cream and iced tea.

  • Betty14
    Betty14 Member Posts: 17


    Hey everyone..

                            I'm new to this section but not new to BCO...I'm 48 years old but I have young kids still at youngest is still in primary school. I guess I don't consider my kids to be 'grown up' just yet. When they leave home and are capable of supporting themselves then I'll consider them to be grown up though they will still remain my 'babies' forever lol

    From the few posts I read so far it seems this thread is quite light hearted and fun. Hope to be posting more of my insights here soon:)

    <A big wave to everyone>


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hi betty, I first read your avatar as betty loves stress!!! hehehehehe

    Momine, I reached over 10 before they considered me pre-diabetes as in Canada 5.3 is what they want to see. I am finally on Metformin as I tried for over 6 years to reduce my fasting sugar by diet alone and couldn`t do it so they knew my fasting sugar of over 10 was the real thing. How have you managed to keep yours in the norm? Diet? You have an amazing diet from what I have read over the years.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Barbe, partly diet, mainly lots of veggies and minimal refined starch. I also do a fair amount of exercise.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Welcome, bettylovestrees!  I also thought it said "stress" and had to look again.

    Momine, Eating the fruit (and now veggie) bars instead of ice cream is me being good.  Winking

  • Betty14
    Betty14 Member Posts: 17


                 The way I carry on sometimes you would think I was addicted to stress lol..i'm a bit of a drama queen at times;)

  • Betty14
    Betty14 Member Posts: 17

    Hey Elimar,

                           haha...I might have to change my avatar name....thanks for the welcome.



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605


    Saw this on FB and just had to share! Eat cheetos with chopsticks to avoid the dust. Though, personally, I LOVE sucking the orange off my fingers! The best part for me.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570

    love it Barbe good one....learning to use chop sticks was on my bucket list.  I accomplished it this year!  Love to cook with them!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,956

    Hmm, will that keep
    the orange off the lips, cheeks and tongue?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Careful, Native, showing any visible orange dust on your person will get you profiled as a drug dealer now, even if you are just a habitual snacker. Perhaps you have noticed others observing you as a snack, with looks on
    their faces generally reserved for those suspected of narcotics
    possession.  I've seen the looks.  It's not the addicting orange snack that causes the problem, but the fact that one bad apple had to drag Cheetos into their smuggling operation earlier this year and now innocent snackers have to pay the price.  Why, oh why, didn't they just use a Pringles can?

    image  (Actual false-bottom Cheetos container from Oxycontin bust in MA.  Truer than strange!)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,956

    Elimar--OMG, I did
    NOT hear about that!How can anyone
    violate the sanctity of a Cheetos can????????I hadn't noticed any odd looks, but I'll be looking for them now.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Not too much going on with the Middie gals, eh?  Me neither.

    I don't have anything cancer-y on the event horizon until I go in for my 5 year mammo the end of next month.  I am not anxious at all.  I am just a little torn over whether I should get additional US (back up on mammo, for dense breasts like mine) or whether I should ask for MRI at this 5-year juncture, just to have a really good look.  My Breast Center does have its own in-house MRI  now, making it more convenient than before if I choose that.  What I am afraid of is that MRI might be too sensitive and light up over some unidentified nothing, which I then could not ignore and the whole apple cart would be upset until I ruled out BC.  Guess I am leaning toward US.  It is no secret that I have a fetish for that gliding feeling over the US gel.  Very relaxing.

    So, you can see, compared to everything else I have endured, that is hardly something worth mentioning.

    Betty14, I hope we did not "stress" you into changing your user name.  Hope to get to know you better and that the time difference doesn't deter you from posting with us some more.  (There is a thread of insomniacs you could find.  They would be up and chatting during your daytime.  Also, a thread of Aussie sisters.  Not that I am sending you away or anything.)

    Barbe, I see you have followed suit and now, like Eph, have a pic with your new glasses.  Lookin' good!

    What?  No birth announcement from Marlegal yet?  Is the baby waiting for Friday the 13th, I wonder?  (I know I would.)

    Last, but not least, welcome KLJ!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I've seen news of a new citizen Logan on Facebook......

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Just finished a mini-fest of Cheetos; get to leave work now for lunch Winking

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Quick stop...please join me in welcoming Lance Patrick, my newest grandson! Lance joined our family Monday afternoon. He and his mom, our dd, are doing great. So is big brother Cole, who of course has no idea at 16 mos what's in store! I know some of you had dd in your prayers and i thank you. Hugs to all :)

    Now for a regular night's sleep not on baby watch!

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79

    Congrats marlegal! I will be welcoming a new grandson any day now too! Little Easton should be joining big brother Jayce this week I hope! Baby watch continues for me. I am sure my daughter is getting tired of me asking "any contractions" every time she calls LOL!

    Thanks for the warm welcome Elimar! Have a good evening. I'm going to sit back, watch a little T.V. and see if the phone rings. Off to bed with the phone beside me soon!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Elimar - I would definitely choose the U/S. I like that gooey feeling stuff, too and I haven't had an U/S since my diagnosis 4 years ago! I'm feeling deprived. I have dense breasts and they offered to let me have an MRI but I would MUCH rather have the U/S. My cancer center doesn't seem to offer it in place of MRIs but I think I'll go about changing that policy. Do they do the U/S the same day as the mammo or do they alternate them every 6 months? I think I'm going to ask for alternating them. Ha - like they'll do what I want them to!

    About 2 weeks ago I was tested for the BRCA genes, plus about 30 other new ones that are now available for testing since the Supreme Court ruling last year. I didn't meet my insurance company's qualifications when I was diagnosed because they want two relatives in the same line with certain types of cancer. I've been dabbling in genealogy the last few years and recently found out that one of my mother's aunts died of metastatic cancer when she was in her 50's. So that met the criteria - my mother and her aunt. So now I just have to wait for the results - maybe another week. I only have a son and two brothers and a nephew so at least there are no girls to worry about. So I guess this is just to help in my own decision-making plus it should help the big picture of the relationship between genetics and cancer. Dr. Henry Lynch is considered one of the fathers of genetics in cancer, but in the 1960s none of the other physicians paid attention to him. Now one of the new 30 diseases they test for is the one he based his research on. Here's an interesting blurb on his story and how the medical community FINALLY focused on genetic causes for cancer:…

    Momine - looks like my 88 year-old mother and I may be taking a cruise around Greece. She is a wild and crazy woman. When she was in her mid-70's she took a 3-month cruise around the world by herself. Plus in the 1970's she took the QEII around the tip of South America and then back through the Panama Canal. And then several trips to Europe. So she can sing that Johnny Cash song, "I've Been Everywhere" and mean it. They did stop in Athens but she wants to see more of Greece. She said it's the only place left that she feels unfulfilled about, haha. So, I'm hoping this trip comes about. Looks like the best time would be September to mid-October. Since it will be a cruise, what are some of your favorite ports that you would recommend?

    Boy, I'm missing for a while and then blah, blah, blah.

    Marlegal - congratulations on your newest grandson! Now rest up, I think you're gonna need it!

    KLJ - nice to meet you and congratulations on your upcoming new arrival!

    I gotta admit, I'm looking forward to being a grandparent.  I miss holding babies.  And kid's birthday parties.  Clowns and magicians and once we had ponies.