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  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    LOL HomeMom.

    barbe, that's the trouble with buying the street not modified properly for medical use.  I was very fortunate to access the 'Colorado yum yum'. 

    Medical MJ just passed in NY, and hopefully in Florida in November.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    The funny thing about it passing in November is I will be finished with treatment totally. My timing is ALWAYS off.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    jbokland, we have the BEST pot up here in Canada!! BC Gold is pretty amazing. It just doesn't cut the level of pain I was in...even Fentanyl patches barely cut it.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    lol!  This board is too funny

  • Brwneyedgirl
    Brwneyedgirl Member Posts: 70


  • 3rdtimenow
    3rdtimenow Member Posts: 126

    When my cousin was using her happy brownies, no one told her 90 year old mom about them and they were kept out of the way. You guessed it, she found them and she is a chocolate fanatic so, when she was acting a little strange, they questioned her and she said those brownies were so good, so I ate them all. LOL

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    too funny 3rdtime!! That happened to us with one of our teenage boys at the time. We had our magic brownies in the cupboard over the fridge. Pretty well hidden..right? Well our boys tended to "hunt" for something to eat and when one of them was laughing hysterically we knew. Yep, he'd eaten some....

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    LOL - love the hidden brownie stories! Just when you think it's safe to go into the cupboard.......

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    good morning all

    I meet with my onc tomorrow to discuss balance of my chemo and then wed back in the chair at 10am. 2 rounds left but if I have to go weekly I imagine that would be six weeks of infusions. Ugh!

    This past weekend I was fortunate enough to meet my idol Scott weiland - Scott used to sing with the stone temple pilots and is now touring solo. I got up on stage to sing with him and he later introduced me to his drummer mike - a cancer survivor!!

    Hot Scott made my night! He's the best and I'll never forget how he made me forget all about cancer and rocked my world as he's done several times in the past. 😊❤️



  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    What an amazing night!!!  Wow-wee!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I never really had nausea with my chemo, but my stomach was in a constant whirling, swirling condition due to the fluorouracil.  Not in a state with the medicinally grown available, so I would have to go outlaw (like jbok) to have given the MJ a try.  I won't confirm or deny any partaking here, but some are really helped by it and I think it should be made available in all states.  Also in favor of more research being done as to which strains benefit which conditions best.

    F-nut, happy to see you had a rockin' weekend.  Some friends took me to see session man extraordinaire, solo artist and recent R&RHOF (acronym used again for Barbe) inductee, Leon Russell, who is still rockin' at age 72.  "Too old to rock and roll" is just a false statement (for him as well as for me) and I always feel happy to see a legend I have not seen before.

    On a related note:  It also felt great to see some friends who have not seen me since (but knew about) all the cancer I went through.  I have bounced back fairly well, and the comment generally ran to me "looking the same as ever."  Yes, they were being polite as I know there is more sag and wrinkle, but I think that it is true that I once again give off that energy that signifies health.  I think seeing me in person put their worries to rest.

    jbok, The hand-painted glasses on the last page were very stylish!

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    Question for my sisters - according to the Canadian breast cancer foundation - The following ingredients can increase risk of disease including breast cancer - phthalates, parabens, alkylphenols, fragrance or parfum and placental extracts.

    Do you check products that you buy such as lotions, soaps, shampoos and cosmetics for these ingredients prior to purchasing?

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570

    I haven't....but would love to hear more about it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Where is everyone?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    i am here, el. stewing in my own juices. i did have that pet scan, but i am pissed. i had to wait 5 extra hours, "because the scanner was down", and so they made me walk from nuc med, all the way to radiology, to another machine, that looked really old with paint worn off, and the woman who escorted me walked very quickly, about a quarter mile. this was after the injection. so, apparently the pet was all clear,except for one resolving inflammatory process, which is one of the main reasons i went! it is NOT resolving! it is NEW! and it is PAINFUL! And, when they handed me the report, there was a disclaimer at the top and bottom, saying that the scan might not be reliable, because of all the muscle activity!! WTF?!? even on my instruction papers before i did it, they told me to not even TALK!!! i am so pissed!   and so they told me , again for the third time, not that i needed or wanted to hear it, that the reason i am having nodes enlarged all over my body, was because the nodes that are left are taking over the job of all the ones that were removed. hmmm, funny. a woman from BCO, that met me at my follow up with BS, where they told me this, is having the same problem. Guess what? She did not have ANY nodes removed.!!!! the only treatment we have in common, is lumpy, and chemo, and she had chemo-lite,cause of RA, and other things. It was great to meet her, and after, we had a nice lunch, and avidly talked and read each others path reports!! What fun! it was! all except the doctor part of it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    kathec, When I began reading your post, that is just what I was they have you sit still in a chair before the PET, not walk 1/4 mile.  Goddess above, they are just shameless in taking your money for a test that could be all skewed and screwed up.  I think you might want to lodge a complaint, but it is unlikely that anyone will offer you a free re-do.  Besides, you don't really want extra radiation, even if it would be free.  

    I have some nodes that are sore, might be enlarged, yet never showed any uptake on a PET.  I wonder if I have what you describe.  I did lose 2 nodes so maybe those others had to do double lymph duty.  I never thought of that.  Your friend who kept her nodes, maybe the surgery caused the drainage to alter, with more fluid now going to some, less to others, and so enlarging the ones with greater workload.  That's a guess.

    Nice that you got to meet with an online friend, even under those circumstances.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    She is terrific! it was as if we had known each other for years! She did not make fun of me, for crying out of sheer frustration. i am lodging a complaint about that walk to the other machine.

  • 3rdtimenow
    3rdtimenow Member Posts: 126

    Wow Kathec, I don't blame you for being frustrated, that is crazy, and don't blame you for crying, cry away.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    Met with my onc today. He is switching me from taxotere to taxol and I will have infusions for the next 6 weeks. No more neulasta. I will continue the herceptin on a 3 week cycle for 1 year

    So hopefully my SEs will be minimal - this is what my onc expects. Minimal pain and tummy issues

    I love him. He is so easy to talk to but it's funny how one can interpret things. He mentioned that he wants to get me through treatment with minimal SEs so that I can move on for months and years

    I walked out telling my hubby that this means I don't have a long life expectancy. Hubby said that's not how he heard it given past things that my onc had said which included my onc previously saying that I have a good prognosis based on my type of cancer

    Funny how we interpret things

    So hopefully things will be better after tomorrow's infusion. Now instead of 2 more rounds and being done with chemo by mid august, I have 6 more rounds and will be done with chemo the week before Labor Day. I'm cool with that as long as I have a less SEs

    I also got Tylenol 3 to take instead of percs just incase

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    FBN I start Taxol as well this week and have 4 treatments, one every other week. I still have to take the nuelasta shot though Devil  

    Can't wait to be done with those chemo rounds. I should be done around the same time as you.

  • lee7
    lee7 Member Posts: 204

    kathec, I totally understand your frustration.  I too had a similar experience. The facility was remodeling so their pet ct scanner was outside in a trailer type container. I didn't know that until after I'd had the IV nuclear stuff and had sat ridiculously still, afraid to move a muscle for fear of messing up the results.  So when they had me walk out of the building, in a gown and my socks no less, into the parking lot, into the trailer ....I thought , huh?  How could this not screw up the results, I've just got all my blood pumping to get out here.  My pet scan came back ok but I have since changed my care to a different facility.  You might consider that too.  

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    homemom I'm with you sister!

  • lee7
    lee7 Member Posts: 204

    elimar. I like the new picture at the top. Reminds me of a box set of cards I once had. I can't remember the artist, but I liked her drawings.

    Fbnut, how cool to be up on stage like that! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Lee7!   Alphonse Mucha painted female images in the art nouveau style around the turn of the last century.  His art has been used for product labeling and poster art decor quite a bit, so usually looks familiar.  A lot of the pictures that I use at the top have some sort of significance, some obvious and some that you have to stretch for...You might be familiar with a very common Mucha illustration found on the <JOB> cigarette papers.  That was my tie-in to the discussion of the "medicinally grown."   Now, if you were more of a bong affficionado, you might not have noticed.  Ahahaha!


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    These are what I remember



  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    The last time I read was July did that happen? Again, I think of you all ... including the newbies whose posts I just read too ... daily. The lure of grandkids calling for FaceTime on the iPad uses up that window where I used to leisurely come to the Boards. Please know that I'm in your pockets even when I don't know that you need me in your pockets, okay? Happy to see some of you posting on FB so I can keep up a little anyway!

    Hugs to all, congrats where it applies, and commiseration where needed.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hey marlegal, aren't we due for a crooked water shot? hehehehehehe My bad??? Singing We do know you think of us as you make sure you mention it when you check in, so thanks for being there. Hope you are enjoying your water....seriously though, we need a 2014 shot!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    question for those who had chemo or take aromasin. I have had trouble with sugar levels spiking high and quick or I get up and it is too low. Today I felt funny after eating a small lunch and tested and sugar was 243. It is all crazy.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Holy crap Dianarose!!!! Have you talked to your onc?? You can also call the manufacturer of the drug and speak to them. I did with a drug that raised my ALT and had to go off it (Nexium). My doc had no clue so I called them direct and they did admit that it can raise the liver levels. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, if you get steroids with chemo, they can mess up your blood sugar. The AIs can also make it inch up, or so my doctor told me.

    Were you already on the high end before treatment?