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  • 3rdtimenow
    3rdtimenow Member Posts: 126

    Hi Ddgm, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, it's hard for us to hear about the worst cancer outcomes, when we are going through our battle. Like Elimar said, cancers are all very different. Breast cancer has a lot of success stories. Keep that in mind. Stephanie

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    eph, you look wonderfully sturdy and extremely happy! i wish i had pics of me from 30 years ago, i think old bf's might. but i certainly dont wanna let them know where i am!!!

    dgdm, i am sorry for your loss. it is even harder when its from cancer, when you yourself are dealing with cancer. it happened to me to, so it makes it even scarier, while morning your friend.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Well boom-chicca-boom-boom girlfriend!!!! Looking fab Joni....Happy

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, on seeing that photo,my many thoughts were:  Look at her long hair...and...she looks exactly the same in the face...and...woo-wee, isn't she all mahalo and everything...and...I wish I was in Hawaii right now!

    Then I cracked up when I read:   "I probably should have posted it in "Middle Aged Memories"   Happy

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    If I didn't have to get up so darn early, I would have stopped by this thread to remind some of you to get in my pocket and tag along to my mammo today.

    Want the story?  I'll make it brief(*):  

    I laid down some ground hard squishing and no repeat views, one chance to do it right the first time.  I ended up getting one repeat view tho'.  The surgery I had, and now the scar, pulls my nipple out of alignment so she re-posed me once to really see the area better.  That is the local area of the BC, so I do want an uncompromised view.  When it was done, but before the US, they called me into "the room" and said the radiologist was coming to talk to me.  Well, I got scared because that is not the right order of things.  But then, she came in and after saying everything looked good, we gabbed for 10 minutes about non-cancer stuff.  She finished by saying that since I was getting MRI, the US was really not necessary at this visit.

    On to MRI.  I had to get the IV in for the contrast and, ladies, I have turned into a hard stick.  Why, I don't know?  One theory is age (and I like to add that chemo shriveled up my innards.)  Anyway, a pediatric nurse came and got it done.  Then, onto the table for 45 minutes.  It's the face down one, and my head had to fit into that little trough where the air was not circulating too well.  I felt like I was breathing my own CO2 the whole time, and then my jaw was sore by the end.  Other than that, it was the usual loud noise that doesn't bother me at all. 

    Results next week, I guess.  I don't expect any problems, but she said there could be a call-back for additional imaging if anything looks wonky on there.  Ya know, I really could have used some company and some snacks.  As it was, I had to make do with some of those nasty PB cheese crackers.  Nothing as good as we usually feature here on the thread.

    (*)  Notice how MY "brief" is a lot longer than the average "brief?"   Loopy

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Glad the mammo and MRI are over at least.  Hopefully all good results your way!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    elimar, I WAS with you in your pocket, but when you lay face down you squashed me!!! I had no way to let you know I was there with you, but seriously, you were NOT alone! Winking

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Squished boobs, squished Barbe! I see a pattern. 

    Here's to after MRI snacks!!



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Ooops, sorry Barbe!  Come to think of it, when I was in that prone position, I did feel a mild discomfort but thought it was some trapped gas.  With this "new normal" colon of mine, that's usually the first conclusion I jump to.

    I just pulled the bandage off my (second) IV puncture.  The actual vein is swollen and already going to purple.  I am starting to feel more empathy for all you needle-phobes.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - I think I could have used a large dose of Valium. Never had an MRI and I don't do face down well. I'd be panting if I was rebreathing my CO2. Could not resist the faces on these snacks. Glad for your sake it's over!!!


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    elimar you have to do that chit every year or what? Now that I only have one real boob I expect the mamo to be a 5 minute thingy at the most!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    i got my mammo on my one boob next week. It better be fast!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    H-Mom, Well...not exactly.  I do still have my original equipment, minus one lump so...The first two years, I got follow-up diagnostic mammos (extra views) every six mos. (*) and I got ultrasound with it on both sides because a) mammo did not find my lump due to the density of my breast tissue, and b) they agreed to US my breasts because I am small-breasted and it would not take too long.  The first time US did my non-BC breast, they noted a small cyst and a small fibroadenoma, so that led to getting US about three more times until they were sure all was stable.  After two years, I only went for diagnostic mammos  once a year.  Today was the only time I ever got MRI after having BC surgery.  Just wanted a real close look at my 5-year point.  

    I would guess that if I had mammo alone, that it would take a minumum of 1 1/2 hours, just because of check-in, paperwork, insurance desk, waiting for mammo tech, time spent getting squished, then waiting for the radiologist to tell me what's up.  For the 5 years of follow-up, I got same day results, in person.  Now that I've passed that mark, radiologist said I go back to plain screening mammos and waiting for the letter in the mail.  Ooooh, I've been downgraded and I like it.  (However, I'm continuing to be extra vigilant with my self-exams.)

    (*) But my non-BC side just got a screening mammo yearly

    p.s.  The follow-up protocol can vary.  Look how different some of our cancers/treatments are.  If you have had Mx, sometimes that just gets US, doesn't it?  (Although wasn't it Barbe that said they tried to shove her remaining chest skin into the mammo squisher anyway?) 

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    It's always better to be over caucious and spend the time getting the all clear. Good for you! 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    they are not smashing my remaining chest skin in the mash-machine.  Baloney on that.  She can do an US on it instead.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    i am petrified! I had MRI and couldn't breathe and almost had a panic on the 11th they are going to add a biopsy on my left breast  to the horror of the mri...have you had a MRI guided biopsy...I take klonopin regularly...I think I'll have an extra one that day!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    I absolutely could not handle that face-down MRI!  Elimar, did you ask if you could turn your head to the side so you could freaking breathe? How could that affect anything?  Are they masochists?  I forgot to ask, I was too obsessed with the face-down part and I said no way, thank you and good bye.  But I want to do one some time.  Maybe I'll wait until my 5-year anniversary.  Amy and luv, I am definitely going to double up on something that day!

    justamy - I had an U/S guided biopsy and it was so easy.  I wish they could just do the biopsy that way for you.  Maybe you could ask about it.

    Hubba Hubba, Eph!  What a cutie, and what a smart girl to go live in Hawaii when you were young!

    Elimar - I agree, I think it's the chemo that shriveled up our veins.  Hopefully today was an anomaly and you don't have to join our miserable "stick-poke-jab and Viola! A hematoma" club.

    I worked out in the yard Sunday and thought I got covered in mosquito bites.  Finally figured out last night when the itching was keeping me awake FOUR days later that they are chiggers, a pesky little mite in the south.  I don't know if everyone has them.  My yard man came to work today and I told him about it.  He was just uh-huh, yeah, not paying a bit of attention.  Until HE got them!  He was scratching and clawing at his back and I was like, "oh my" but kind of gave him the same attitude.  But I felt sorry for him because he had two more yards to work today, bless his heart.  Ah, another "southernism".  Having been raised in the south, I don't call people hon or sweetie but I really don't mind when others do.  To me, it's just a friendly acknowledgement.  Yes, it's said without thinking but it's better than no acknowledgment at all.  And boy, does that happen a lot these days.  

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    I'm claustrophobic, but the MRI had a little mirror I could look at that was pointed to a window. I also find if I keep my eyes closed and concentrate on my breathing, I can get through it. If there is some air circulation that helps too.

    I lived in Baton Rouge and Greenville SC so this is so funny - Have any of "ya'll" seen these videos on "stuff" southern women say?

    Southern Women Say


  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    my face down MRI had a facial cut out and I looked down at an open area.   It felt "airy". 

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    There's something about my anatomy that doesn't "do" face down belly surfing.  I sometimes think I'm the only woman on the planet who doesn't like body massages.  I end up with a tweaked back every time!  Never could lay on my stomach in bed, either.  I have the flexibility of a popsicle stick!

    Barbe- Eli thought you were trapped gas (hehehe)...I don't think there's anything "trapped" about you!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I can tell by the comments that the tables must all be different for the face down MRI.  I was staring at a plastic trough/tunnel about 4-5" from my face.  My head sealed of the top opening, so the air was not circulating that much.  It didn't look like that part was removable, otherwise I would have preferred open space (like the usual massage table, or chiropractor table has.)

    H&S, I'm in the hematoma club today.  Not too bad...arm looks about like An-Jolie back when she was on the heroin.

    HomeMom, Have to watch that WHOLE video series now.  I've heard a lot of it, might have spoken a bit of it (but not much.)  I do have a Chick-Fil-A in town, and never been there but now I might could get someone to carry me there.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    StaynSane-  Im with you !. My back goes spaz when I am face down!.  I found a way to enjoy a massage; I put a little pillow under my tummy to minimize the curvature in the lower spin.   I did that for the MRI too!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My face-down MRI was on a ramp so I wasn`t flat. My breast hung in the cut out so they could view it 360. There was great air circulation and light and I think there was a mirror, too. I DO get claustrophobic, but find the MRIs are not as bad as I had feared years ago. Yep, I refused to let them PULL my skin into a mammgram the last time!! Idiots!! My doc had ordered an US and the clinic said THEY would decide if I got an US after a mammo. I told them I had nothing to mammo but they insisted. Then I got my US after all that bullshit!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    HnS...isn't it "Bless your little pea-pickin' heart?"  I've had chiggers after a family reunion in Oklahoma; not my idea of fun.  I had a breast MRI 5 yrs ago but I couldn't tell you anything about it.  I was still in total shock mode I guess.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Haha, oh yeah Eph.  That's when we're really stretching out the sarcasm!  Those chiggers are a beast.  The lawn guy asked me when I got bit and I told him Sunday.  He said, Oh man!  And then his face got all contorted like this is a real PITA.  The chigger bites are probably going to interfere with his hot date this weekend.  Not too sexy to be scratching like a dog, LOL!  I hope he comes back in two weeks... 

    Elimar, we used to have to carry my grandmother to town.  We had to carry her everywhere because she didn't have a driver's license. :)

    HomeMom, I'm going to have to watch some more of those, too.  That was so funny.  I think I say just about all of those things, mostly for the fun of it.  We definitely say and do things different here.  Everything is slower.  It's because it's so damn hot, y'all!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    HomeMom - great video. A few of those southern sayings have made their way north to Canada eh, but I can't say I've ever owned a pair of clogging shoes.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    barsco - I've never owned a pair either, but some people at my wedding (30 years ago)did clog! The band I had was very eclectic. Winking

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    i live near branson and there are tons of cloggers there. I don't clogg though cause I can't dance.             

    Bless their pea picking heart is usually said w you mean the exact opposite. We are usually doing anything but blessing them w we say it

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    yes, sarcasm is such a great too!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hey ya'll, I grew up down south but then turned myself into a yankee by moving north. I find that when I go "home" to visit I pick up the accent and drawl again. Also if I talk to someone with a southern accent I start talking that way, too. lol 

    the worst procedure for me was that dam vacuum biopsy thingy. The noise and the position and the tech holding my hand and trying to keep me calm. They had a poster on the wall of a beautiful tropical beach, but that didn't fool me none! Either put me to sleep or give me some valium, is my motto now!

    last week I had a bunch of trigger point injections in my upper back and neck to help with pain, then they took my blood pressure. They were shocked it was high, I was like heck yeah, you just stuck me with a bunch of needles.

    eph, I loved the pic! the pockets sticking out the bottom of your short shorts, lol!!!!  took me back in time, like listening to "Maggie May".

    I know I am happy to be able to share clothing with my 26 yr old DD now that I've lost weight, but the other day I went into a restaurant that I frequent and said give me anything but a salad!!!!!! anybody else feel that way?