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  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156

    Hey ladies.

    Poppy, we are on a similar track.  Found out yesterday I am going radiation.  Not sure of date yet, but aiming for beginning of Jan.  Daily for 5 weeks.  I am on the edge diagnosis wise of having to do radiation, but apparently 50 is young (go me).  Due to this they want to be aggressive.  If I was 70 or 80 they would not have done it.

    I have not done a lot for Christmas, so am compensating by hosting.  Stupid?  Maybe, but I am letting my daughter do most of the work.  ;-)


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Well, the 1st annual Thanksmas is in the books. We had an awesome time. My brother brought crab from a crabbing trip a few weeks ago. They caught tons, cooked & cleaned them & then froze them. We had my brother, his wife, their 2 sons, & their 2 dogs, my sister & her husband & their 2 dogs, my DD & I and our 2 dogs, and my Dad & stepmom. It was awesomely delicious. Saturday AM, I cooked up bacon & sausage, we had fruit & coffee cake & then we just randomly would stop someone & give them whatever gift we had for them. It was so not scripted and we didn't all sit around passing out gifts. It was GREAT. We then made 3 batches of the homemade pizza my mom made famous in our family--turned out yummy. We played a rousing round of 31 and just laughed & had great family time. The whole weekend was full of love & fun! Highly recommend a low key celebration. Christmas Day, DD & I are going to go to "Into the Woods" and exchange our gifts to one another & just relax. A perfect holiday! I try to check into my BCO threads daily, so will wait to wish you all a Merry Christmas, but I hope that these last few days leading up to big day are full of smoothness & no stress for all of you.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Glad to hear that you are both starting to feel better "justamy" and "poppyk" Will be nice to be able to delay tx until after the holidays.

    mac - I was a little later than usual getting the tree up this year, but DH and I went out and found a cute little one that we put up. I love turning all the lights out and just having the glow from the tree lights fill the room. They just bring me such serenity.

    Eph - sounds like Thanksmas was a fantastic time. You sure had a house full - almost as many fur babies as people. How wonderful that you are carrying on the pizza tradition. Enjoy your trek with DD on Christmas day!

    I have been kept busy this week with taking our dog to the vet - 3 out of 5 days spent going back and forth. She was attacked by the neighbourhood bully (german shepherd) on Monday night. Although this isn't the first incident, it is definitely the first time any serious injury was inflicted. Our lab received quite a gash on her side which required 14 stitches and an overnight stay at the vets - nasty. She also had a drain for a couple of days. I felt so bad for her. She is recovering nicely though and is getting her energy back. Needless to say, any little bit of neighbourly cordiality we had is completely wiped out now.

    Sending healing, happy thoughts to all.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    Here's a pic of my tree, of course, miss cinder had to get her picture taken, too. It is the biggest I have had in many years. The friend that is staying with me donated many decorations to help fill it. lol

    bars, that is awful about your poor dog. I hope she heals quickly. What a way to create tension in the neighborhood!

    glad you had a great thanksmas, eph.

    It's not all the stuff, it's the time we spend with the ones we love. (can you tell I didn't have much energy to shop this year?)

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    That IS awful, barsco! I hope she is feeling better each hour. Meanie shepherd.. Beautiful tree, macatac!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Eph--what a wonderful Thankmas you had!So happy for you!

    Barsco-I do hope the neighbors are paying the vet bill.If they haven't offered they should be presented with the bill, and possibly a citation. No dog should be allowed to bully other people or dogs, and I am a dog lover and owner and say this!

    Macatacmv--Great tree, and great furbaby!

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156

    Eph, that sounds awesome.  That is how holidays should be.

    Bar, I hate  people who aren't responsible pet owners.  I hope your lab heals well.

    Macatacmv, great tree.  I went fake this year and since wasn't going to have a live green tree, went white.  It is pre-lit and very pretty.


  • twolumps
    twolumps Member Posts: 37

    Eph, your Thankmas sounded heavenly!

    Barsco, I am indignant over how your lab was bullied. Did the neighbors even offer to pay the vet bill???? Did the authorities quarantine that shepherd? Were the owners fined? I have a big old yellow lab girl, too and I know I would be beside myself to see her attacked. My Lily is the most passive and loving creature I have ever had.

    We take our "dawgs" pretty seriously down here. I'm afraid my neighbors would have had a lot more to worry about than lack of goodwill if Lily had been attacked. Im pretty burned up from thousands of miles away and I don't even know you or your dog. LOL

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    mac - the tree is beautiful! It certainly is full with decorations. And Cinder is a cutie - love her colouring. I agree with you that the holidays should be about enjoying time with family and friends. Nothing better than hanging out, sharing good food and good times.

    Thank you all for your concern for our Misty. She is definitely getting back to being herself. It is unfortunate that we now have her on a leash every time we put her out to do her business, but we are a little gun shy to let her go out on her own. She used to roam freely around our property (we live in the country) and just went about her merry little way. Seldom did she wander past the boundaries set. All attacks have occurred on our property. We have tried to work with the other dog's owners in the past but this was the last straw. The police were called and they will be charged under the Responsible dog owners act. The dog must be either leashed or muzzled when they have her outside (per the by law officer) and yes, they will be presented with the vet bill for sure (no they haven't offered).

    We were out for a drive today (DH, DS and myself) and I was quite surprise that there are still farmers taking crops off their fields - in December - in Canada! lol It's been a weird sort of fall. I am ok with the little skiff of snow on the ground but DS and friends are hoping for a great lot more so that they can get out on their snowmobiles. I guess I would be ok with a little more so I could get my monies worth out of my snowshoes. Smile

    Enjoy the day!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hello, all.

    Before I veer off into (gasp) weather talk, I would like to address the issue of everyone around me trying to fatten me back up. In the past few days, I have had delivered to my home, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, chocolate, and a cake, One friend did bring me sprouts and pickles. I have lost the fear of throwing food away, but really, I should just hand it all out on the street. I am insisting that my DS take the cupcakes to a party he is attending tonight. They are Rudolf inspired.


    I was just remarking on another thread, how I am saving my energy this year by cutting corners when I can. I actually bought christmas cookies from a local bakery to bring to a cookie swap and never said how they were made. I'll just put these cupcakes on a christmas plate and the kids can think what they want. lol I'm saving my waist line anyway I can.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Oh mac.....tis the season for baked goodies isn't it? Those cupcakes are so cute - but not too cute to gobble up of course. Eat what you want, share some and of course if others "assume" that you were busy in the kitchen, then so be it. Winking

    I have been on a baking spree myself lately. No real reason for it other than it gives me something to do and I can't seem to pass up the delicious recipes that invade my face book feed. Thank goodness everything freezes well. I have shared some, baked some for a fundraiser, and bring out a little at a time for us at home. I never used to have such a sweet tooth. Not sure what happened.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Missingmercury, Rads are no fun, and I hope you get thru' those five weeks with minimal issues (most do, actually...but 1/3 get a bit more scorched than the rest.) If you don't have a long drive to and from your radiation, then it just kind of becomes that daily thing you do. Seriously, after the first week, the whole thing is de-mystified and it settles into a routine. Good Luck!


    I have been occupying myself with shopping, decorating, and enjoying the back home visit of my East Coast college son. The days have just flown by. We have a big roast lamb feast planned for tomorrow. We are kind of doing a Greek-style meal and I made the honey-walnut cookies yesterday that will be the dessert. Where's Momine, to suggest some traditional Greek side-dishes?

    I applaud everyone for policing themselves well enough that the thread has not become a laundry list of Winter snowstorms. I applaud those who are policing their waistlines. Don't they say the holidays are like an automatic +5 lbs.? This past month, I lost a few pounds and I am not dieting so, of course, with the kind of history I have I was beginning to worry; but now I think just relax and let Christmas eating take its course. With the baked goods, pates, cheeses,'s the equivalent of eating a stick of butter daily. I'll be back to my fighting weight come Jan. 1st.

    To all posting or just looking in, I wish you a Holiday Season jam-packed with joy, love, togetherness, and that greatest gift of all:Good Health!


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Eli - The new header picture & the stockings are wonderful. Thanks for posting.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful & joyous holiday.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Amen E Amen! Good Health to all my BCO sisters!


  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Merry Christmas ladies! Spending tomorrow with my husband and 2 kids (age 19 and 12) then off to my LAST chemo Friday. So glad that part is about is up next...I think it will be BMX but have to talk to surgeon still.Hugs to all...Amy

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    I wish you all


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    JustAmy, good luck on your last chemo. It truly is a fantastic feeling when that is complete.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    For the first time in 15 years, just me and my man! I am so pleased about it, I plan on spoiling him terribly tomorrow, all day long! Hope everyone has a good holiday, and special thanks to elimar, for gathering all us together here, and maintaing our interest with your ever changing banner, and your well developed sense of humor! Hope everyones holiday, is all they wished for!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates.

    Eli, those cookies are so good! My daughter made some this year. Rule of thumb is that you can't have a proper Greek meal without a large salad or 2 or 3. Outside Greece, people always think of the tomato and feta salad as "Greek salad," but in actual Greece, salads are manifold and include both raw and cooked veggies.

    For lamb, the classic is Greek-style oven-roasted potatoes with lemon, garlic oregano and olive oil. For a vegetable dish, I really like green beans in tomato-sauce, the way the Greeks do it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hope all of my middie friends are enjoying time with family and friends! Merry Christmas!!

    Eli - Hopefully a bit of down time and Christmas goodies will pack those pounds back on.

    Eph - I was watching TV last night when I saw the trailer for Into The Woods and it hit me that you and your DD were not going snow shoeing or hiking today (per your post the other day about going to Into the Woods), you were going to the movies! One of those light bulb moments on my part - lol 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    That's OK Barsco, I knew you were thinking along a different line & I did walk today, just not into the woods. But did see the movie. It is a musical so if that's not your thing, not sure you will like it. It is quite long too; if I had been editing, I think I could have taken out a half hour or so & tightened it up, but nobody asked me Bawling Otherwise, it was awesome acting & there is a scene with Chris Pine, as Cinderella's prince & another hottie that is Rapunzel's prince that is priceless, singing and all!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Eph - thanks for the review of Into the Woods. I will go just to see the actors. I pretty much hit everything Meryl Streep does. However I have yet to find any local friends who want to join me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    justamy, Isn't it great to be shedding off your old "chemo year?" This time, after the "down days" of your chemo cycle, it will be nothing but UP, and it does not take long to feel the energy come back (although it does take a while to get to 100% again.) Congrats upon finishing!!! (I saw your new pic, so now we just have to wait and see what kind of hair grows in, eh?)

    Tomboy, Because half the time I don't even know what I am seeing, I did not realize that your avatar was a painting. I thought photo. You must have worked from a photo. How else does one see their own back? What happened to that long hair? I gave mine to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths and it is surely a wig by now.

    Momine, We got it mostly right: Potatoes as you described--check, green beans--check (but just plain,) some pilaf-like bulgur wheat (which would not send me to the ER like that quinoa!) and a pan of moussaka. Sorry, no horiatiki. Then, besides my honey-walnut delights, my husband wanted to try his hand at a figgy-pudding. Now, that may be English, but I think with it being FIGS, it could be served after a Greek-style meal, don't you? De-lish!

    Sorry, if anyone has drool on their keyboard now. Ahahaha!

    Now, some holiday miscellany: No Cheetos on the tree this year. In case any old-timers to this thread were wondering...Just didn't go orange this year. I spent $5 on Lottery Scratchers for stocking stuffers. We have 4 people, so the 5th went in my hound dogs stocking, even tho' we don't have her anymore but have to put up her stocking anyway, in memory. Well, the "ghost" of my hound dog won $10. I did two returns the day after Xmas, and no waiting at the return counters. Incredible!!! Just threw that in because my competitive nature is saying: Top THAT!

    Loopy Feeling good, and bracing myself for 2015. Bring it!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, sounds like a great meal.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    my hair was so damaged from sun, sawdust, sheet rock powder, paint, etc, i just let the birds have it for their nests! I cant afford models, I paint from my own photos. I asked my man to take some of me.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Happy New Year!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2015!!!


  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Wishing all a Happy Healthy New Year, have not been on much but doing very well.  We were blessed with a beautiful grand daughter this year, pretty far away but have gotten to see her a few times with more scheduled!  Had a very healthy year, no lumps, growths etc so feeling very blessed! The garden did great with much canned goods in our pantry.  We sold produce, jams, baked goods and wood projects at the local farm market and really enjoyed it. Lost 12 pounds in 2014 and hoping for 15 more this year!