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  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Happy Thanksgiving, all! I enjoyed the various pictures that were posted. And, mac...awesome that you are ahead! I've never heard of cranberry sauce and pumpkin muffins...would love the recipe if you are able to share it easily!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
      1. image
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    mel, lol I was making cranberry sauce. And also pumpkin muffins to make the stuffing outta. We make pumpkin muffin stuffing in the oven separate from the bird. It is slightly sweet and has pistachios in it, too. I got the recipe out of a Rachel Ray book years ago and now it is a tradition. I made a slow cooker version of cranberry sauce and now that I have added some honey to it, it is great. If you want the recipes I can cut and paste if ya want. (probably too late.)

    My turkey got in late, cause the pumpkin pie took longer because I got confused. oh well, more time to munch.

    let's all try to enjoy our families, no matter the crazy characters involved!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    mac - LOL!! That is way too funny!! Can you see the palm of my hand thumping my head feeling stupid??? I truly was imagining these delicious pumpkin muffins with cranberry sauce in them and maybe even some fresh cranberries. Gee...maybe I will try to make some for fun and see what happens! I actually have a mix for some almond flour pumpkin muffins and I have a bowl full of leftover cranberry sauce, so it could work! It sounds neat to make the stuffing out of pumpkin youngest DD and I would love it, but my DH would probably not go for it unfortunately. I'd still like the recipes if you can cut and paste them since he'll be out of town for work in a few weeks, and maybe she and I could try the stuffing then.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Mel - these look like different versions of Rachael Ray's muffin stuffing - well one link is her's. Sound good too. I have some date bread mix just hanging around. I wonder how date muffin stuffing would be?

    They all sound very good. Don't know how similar they are to Mac's stuffing.

    Hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving without too much "stuffing". We went to DB and SIL in Allen, north of Dallas after picking up DD in MidCities. First time DH and I have tried the new toll road across N Ft. Worth. It was worth every penny of the bill we will get. DH read that very few people even use it;only opened in Oct. It was just dandy. Took 10 minutes to get where it used to be at least 25-30 but then it had been under construction for years so that in itself was a major improvement. I had salads assignment also brought cheese/crackers and cranberry cheesecake bars.

    Did you all read the hilarious thread of Thanksgiving cooking disasters? I know heartnsoul knows the thread. BTW that story was great and wonderful nobody was harmed either you or the cat.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Luv - thanks for posting the holiday disaster stories link. Funny!!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    luvmygoats - Thanks for the recipe links! I just checked them out. That last one is especially great due to the pictures! I will definitely be trying this stuffing next time and will see how my daughter likes it!

    I have been on the holiday disaster thread, too...very funny stories!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I wasn't even going to write this but something in my Thanksgiving dinner disagreed with me and I had an allergic response that had me scratching myself awake at 3 a.m., and paying a visit to Urgent Care earlier today. I had turned RED on at least 60% of my body. got low BP and tachycardia around 140. Well, us cancer-y types can no longer ignore weird stuff like that so I was a good little do-bee and went in. Four and a half hours, an EKG, 5 blood tubes and an IV bag of fluids and antihistamine later, I was given a Rx for steroids and sent home. Nobody knew anything. That's me. I seem to get all the stuff that no one has any idea what is causing it. Except with the Breast Cancer, which had no symptoms at all---that they knew right away. What a topsy turvy world! I am tempted to claw my neck as I type this so it must be time for my Prednisone and Benadryl night cap.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, and the last time I was on here, I down-sized those "icon" photos at the top. Here they are super-sized again. Arrrrgh!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I liked reading about your Thanksgiving Days. The world doesn't stop turning when we get BC. The holidays come and go and, even in active treatment, we cycle through them. No, they are not same ol', same ol' holidays. The cancer does make a difference, but if we are lucky it can springboard us into a new way to enjoy those holidays, realizing that someone else can take the reins and we can just sit back and enjoy. Give it a try.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Hope you feel better with the steroid and Benadryl!!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Elimar, Holy Cow.... what an experience. Hope you get relief soon.

    My DH and boys brought over some of our Christmas boxes so we could start decorating. Wouldn't you know, I opened a box that contains yearly framed Christmas photos of our little family. Looking at last year's photo just brought tears to my eyes. I had no idea what was in store for my family this last year. I'm sure I already had cancer growing in me....I was oblivious.... and my hair was great, too.

    Well, I put on my cancer kicking ninja suit and carried on.... But I seem to get blind sided every once in a while.

  • KKay5525
    KKay5525 Member Posts: 36

    Hello All. I just turned 53 and was about to start my last semester of nursing school; working hard for the past 3 years to finish school and get back to a "normal" life. Got a job at the hospital as NAII so that I could move into RN position easily…….

    Well, you all know what happens next….

    I've had surgery and will start rads on Monday for 23 tx 5 boost, then Tamoxifen (which I am stressed about). Trying to stay positive and keep busy but it is wearing me down a bit. My family is helpful and they don't have much stress because I carry it all for them (I've decided). Anyway, they say it's all good because I only have "a little bit of cancer". :-) Makes me furious! But compared to others, I guess they are right. Could be a lot worse.

    Excited to get started with rads so that I can move on and not have to think about cancer every day!

    Thanks for listening to my rant..I feel better when I can say what I feel, vs what they want to hear. Hope your holidays are happy!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Poppy, we are getting kicked sometimes. Have a good cry and then put on your cancer kicking ninja suit again. (I love that!)

    Do you have a real tree or artificial?  Do you decorate outside too?  I like to live vicariously thru other peoples' Christmas decorations!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Kay, Some people sure are insensitive! Someone said something similar to me. I told them that I saw it more along the lines of only having to lose a foot instead of an entire leg! Yes, we're happy we have choices, and it could be worse. But NO ONE would want to go through this. BTW, rant away! Everyone here understands!

    Glennie, We go overboard with Christmas decorations. We set up 4 trees inside: a kid tree (candy themed), a family tree (mainly Hallmark ornaments ), my burgundy ribbon, magnolia and gold ornament entry way tree, and a smaller tree that I hang my Lladro bells on. We hang up the kids Christmas art projects all over the house. Garlands on the stair banisters and on the living room and family room fireplaces. Light up houses, nativities, decorations I inherited from my Grandma .... tons of stuff. We must have 30-40 boxes of decorations.

    My DH and boys do the outside. Traditional lights everywhere. White light reindeer family, white light sleigh and all of Santa's reindeer, a landing strip for Santa's sleigh, snowman, yard signs. Even my car wears a red nose and reindeer antlers.

    I really want to get the decorations up this weekend... especially since it's supposed to rain tomorrow and my DH and two of my sons are out of town next weekend! But first I need to recover from this last round of chemo!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Wow!!  Poppy,, I wanna come to your house !!

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Elimar - sounds like you had an anaphylactic reaction. Did they give you a perscription for an epinephrine auto-pen? If not, you may want to call your doctor and ask for one, especially since you don't know what caused this.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Yikes, Elimar! I hate that they don't know what caused the problem. Hope you are doing better now.

    luv, those posts on the Thanksgiving Mishaps thread are cracking me up! Life keeps things interesting, that's for sure!

    Kay, come here and rant all you want. We certainly understand. And keep on keeping on! Finish nursing school and don't worry about Tamoxifen. Most people are perfectly fine on it and it's a lifesaver.

    Oh, no. Now I'm thinking of these:


    Hmm... that's not a bad visual. Think of these when you pop a Tamoxifen!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    elimar - oh, no!! That stinks!! So sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. It's so frustrating when you don't know what caused it. I hope your meds will kick in and you'll be feeling better and less itchy really soon! Take care! Strange about the icon're right, they were all smaller before. I don't mind a bit, though...those heart cookies look delicious!!

    poppy - Wow! Your house sounds great at Christmas!! Very neat to have all the different trees. We got ours put up today. My oldest DD goes back to college tomorrow so we got it all done today. We'll have to do the other decorations tomorrow and I have no idea when we'll get the outdoor lights up, but at least we got a start. And watched a sappy, romantic Christmas movie on Hallmark!

    kay - welcome! It's really nice to have this safe place to come to share with people who understand!

  • KKay5525
    KKay5525 Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the kind words!

    PoppyK - you rock Christmas!!! I used to when the kids were little, but we have downsized a bit and I don't have any grandkids ….yet! Once I have some little kids I will do it big again!! Can't wait.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    PoppyK--It's ok to grieve the loss of our past lives and innocence, for lack of a better word.We all get blind-sided every so often.You cry and move on.

    KKay5525--breast cancer, like every other cancer, is considered a disability under the ACA, reasonable accommodations need to be made by both your employer and your school.Talk to the HR folks at work, and to your Academic Advisor at school.This can be worked around.But the "little bit of cancer" line is annoying, isn't it?

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Hi Ladies! It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but my girlfriend sent me a Youtube link that is right up our alley. If you're an "older lady" with a young spirit, watch and enjoy!
  • JJ62
    JJ62 Member Posts: 36

    Love it staynsane! That led me to: Donnalou is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    PoppyK, You have given me a Christmas decoration inferiority complex!!!!! But the real question is: Can they see your house from space?

    knmtwins and others intrigued by my Mystery Thanksgiving Allergy (MTA)...guess what? I am pretty sure it was the QUINOA! Yeah, that "healthy grain" (only it is a seed) and the mystery was solved by Dr. Google, not any of the Docs I talked to and even mentioned quinoa to! Why didn't I just save that Urgent Care/ER money and 4 1/2 hours of my life? Because my hubster was Googling "rashes" and such before I went in, but when I Googled "quinoa allergy" today---there it all was. BTW, no epi-pen needed as I never got breathlessness or throat closure; and there won't be a next time now that I know it turns me red and tachycardic!


    I'm normal colored again, but the itch is lingering.

    Well, doesn't that just go to show ya...elimar can wolf down the Cheetos from here til Tuesday, but try giving her something healthy and just look at the trouble it causes.


    A big hello to all just joining this thread. I am so sorry we have to get acquainted this awful way.

  • KKay5525
    KKay5525 Member Posts: 36

    NativeMaine.. Thanks a bunch for the advice. Work is good and will do anything I need! School is another matter, as they only offer the classes at the same time each year. I will have to wait until next fall to re-enter… Just seems a lifetime away now, hope I don't forget all that I have learned. Haha Good advice tho!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Elimar:  I'm glad you figured it out.  Should be easy to avoid it in the future.  Go for the Stove Top stuffing next time! No healthy stuff in that.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    oh eli, what a pain. Glad you figured it out and can avoid it next time.

    mel, lol Turns out my DS did not like the stuffing. I guess in the past I had processed the veggies small enough that he didn't know they were there. He took one look at it this year and got grumpy. SO yep, I made stove top the next day for the turkey sandwiches. Then packed it up and sent it home with him. Now I have the muffin stuffing to eat to my heart's content.

    good looking out, who ever found and posted the recipes for mel. (I can't remember and if I go back I will lose my post.)

    heartnsoul, are you feeling better yet? (you are the one that stopped tamox, right?)

    I am exhausted. I've been clearing out my parent's house. We had an estate sale for the last two days. I am going to renovate so we need to clean it out. It was so emotional and wearing. But it is over.

    It was hard for my DS. He takes change hard. He doesn't like that I am not the same and now his grandparent's house is in a transition. It doesn't matter how old these kids are, it effects them.

    I have to take a breather before gearing up for the next holiday.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    eli - Glad you figured out the cause of your allergic reaction! I eat quinoa, but the funny thing is, I keep making it and eating a serving or two over a few days, then it sits in the fridge and I "forget" about it and then end up throwing it away. I'm thinking perhaps I don't like it that much! Lol!

    mac - Oh, bummer the stuffing was not a hit with DS! That's a good tip to process the veggies to be small. I will definitely do that when I try it. Glad you were able to do the Stove Top for the next day! I'm really thinking my DD will like the muffin one...she enjoyed the one I made but did mention the last time she ate it that it was a little too spicy with the sausage in it, so I think the sweeter tasting one will be good.

    kkay - sorry you have to wait until next year for your classes. Hang in there!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - good your figured out your strange allergy. Funny thing I looked at a box of hot whole grain cereal the other day (b4 your incident) and it had quinoa in it. I've never had it except in that box of cereal. No allergy to it but does go to show you it is in other things as well

    Mac - I think I'd like to make the stuffing for sure. Think DH would like it. He's a rice man not a potato man so much.

    KK - it is a bummer about classes not coming around again until next fall. I assume position as NAII is nurse assistant-aide. Learn as much as you can doing that. Put yourself out in stressful situations - of course once you are fully recovered. Keep your eyes/ears open and get a good preceptor nurse to at least observe. It will put you far ahead of those in school who have absolutely no prior experience. I'm probably telling you something you already know so forgive me if I am.

    I was a hospice RN and worked all the way thru rads. My office didn't really even know that I was doing it - well they did but they didn't since it didn't affect them. Think I missed 1-2 phone calls. Did mine at 0745 and then off to my day. Keep in touch. How did you first 2 days of rads go?