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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My dear SnS, that pic is of the exoskeletons of the cicada, that someone artfully arranged into a little insect cotillion. (Now why didn't I think of that!) They come out of the ground, climb a tree, cling on real tight and break out of that shell leaving the exoskeleton right on the tree. What comes out is a green or brownish looking one, like in my post above, and then they start...start their noise that passes as a mating call. I've heard MRI noise that is more pleasing, only with MRI they give you ear plugs. The cicada is not that thoughtful. They actually turn off their own hearing, but crank out 120 dB worth of hearing-damage rrrnnnh-rrrrnnnh-rrrnnnh noise. It's magical...but only if you are a female cicada.

    That's right ladies, here on the Mid-Age thread we are not afraid to interrupt our regularly scheduled BC programming with repulsive insects!

    Oddswinner, it is not easy weighing out the choices of when to do what for recon. but you have to give yourself the chance for the best outcome, even if it means waiting. LOL about all your "sharing." I think I lifted my shirt for a couple gals my age at my dentist's office, but my own sons would not look. Heaven forbid they should be "scarred for life" by the scars I will have for life, those delicate little flowers. Or was it their modesty? I know I checked mine at the door the second the BC treatments began, but I guess they still have some.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Who knew we had a cicada expert in our midst? Eli, I'll leave the disgusting bug factoids to you. I've seen/heard cicadas while in the south, but living in California keeps the large insect/reptiles to a minimum, and I'll take mosquitos, spiders and small snakes over cicadas any day. Very small snakes. I would probably faint if I came across a huge boa constrictor like those that sometimes grab the headlines in Florida. Especially the yellow ones...okay, all colors of them really. I was never destined to be an entomologist...

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Oh, and about cicadas "They actually turn off their own hearing," they have nothing on most husbands of 20 plus years!

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Oh, and by the way, I realized I mixed my references above. I know that an insect specialist is an entomologist, and learned this morning that a snake expert is a herpetologist. I can't recall learning that before. Of course, I stay as far away from snakes as I can.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    I have never showed my scars to anyone but my doctors.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    That is so interesting that cicadas turn off their own hearing!

    SnS:  I'll take the cicadas over the mosquitos,, I'm so sick of getting multiple bites everytime I walk outside right now. Ahhhh, Fl in the summer time !!

  • treelilac
    treelilac Member Posts: 138

    Mosquitoes at bedtime are the worst!!

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Elimar the cicadas with the blossom hats are hysterical!

    Staynsane, Loved and related to the husband's reference to selective hearing. There were a few times when I thought, oh it had to be that he didn't remember something because I must have forgotten to tell him. Afterall, I'd been on aromatase inhibitors. But nooooooo, it's just like you said. Turned off his ears.

    Here's to alloderm- I've got it me, too. It takes a village, ladies.

    How are we doing for the pages and the August goal?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    not to take anyone away from this fine establishment elimar so very cooly created here for us, but is freakin hilarious. You may recognise yourself there.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Loved that story about the melted chocolate. I've done that too. **was it that black thing on my skin**  Taste,, oh chocolate. 

    I tell ya, this year, the summer heat is kicking my butt. 8:30 am and it's already too hot to walk the dog. And she's a slow walker.  Not quite August yet, either. Oh boy,,,,


    And if you are a reader,  let me just say:  Do NOT read Go Set A Watchman.  If you love To Kill a Mockingbird, either book or movie or both,,,, please trust me and don't read this "sequel".  It is awful. Supposedly this was Harper Lee's first version of the book and the editor got her to rewrite it and focus on Scout's childhood. Which made for a MUCH better book. Most of the reviews of the book have been terrible. So, just throwing this out here. We had a discussion on the Book Lover's thread if you are interested. 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    I did read it, and I don't even think she wrote it. I think she might have done part of it, but was ... well anyway, i have my own theory, but how did you guys talk about it without giving any of it away??

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I basically said it was terrible and don't waste your time reading it. RuthBru posted some reviews that had been published in the newspapers.

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    A commercial for a TV show comes on the TV. Some hunky guy is telling people that it doesn't matter how ordinary they are, they can all be heroes. My first thought? I don't want the liability!

    tee hee hee

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Another one bites the dust. Don't panic, I don't mean another Stage IV sister...just talkin' about my molar. The whole extraction procedure was a breeze. The "afterglow" no so much. The one hydrocodone I took made me throw up. Dr. Dentist also gave me Clindamycin. I was not forewarned about that because I generally refuse that one. Unfortunately, I am 90% sure I am colonized with c.diff. and Clindamycin is the premiere antibiotic that will set off a full blown c.diff. outbreak. I told my husband I would take it for two days only. He got all uppity about that. Strike one for DH. Today, when the Dr.'s office called me, I asked if I could discontinue it after today. Yep, they were fine with that. Also, last night my husband gave me some squash soup from the store. Today, when I mentioned I had thrown out some yogurt that looked like the seal had been broken, he says, "Oh yeah, did you make some squash soup for yourself before dinner yesterday?" When I said I did not, he told me that seal had been open. Strike two for him; but tainted or not that soup was good and managed to stay down. I just shudder to think that he will be looking after me in my old age. I'm not joking.

    Well, guess the path to my annual mammo is wide open now. Have to get that scheduled soon.

    p.s. Tomboy, I am sure Slow's thread will be a big hit with just about every age of BC-sister, seeing as we all visit Crazy Town regularly. Of course, I am one who prefers Crazy Town to Boring Town most of the time. I know SDB's posts from the Mid-Age Memories thread and enjoy them a lot. Have fun with it.

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hey Elimar, I see that were posting simultaneously. Was it as good for you as was for me?

    Maybe Tomboy can have a smoke since we don't.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Thanks, el, but I am not leaving here! I can have two homes! I guess i really AM picky! Sorry about the bad tooth. i don't have any of my real teeth on the top, due to a series of awful events. In a way, it's nice to not have to worry about them anymore, but shucks. I do get jealous sometimes when I see a really strong white set of teeth in somebody's mouth. The precipitating event that started me on the road to toothless old hagdom, happened in my early twenties, when I was mugged and kicked in the teeth. I even like to look at peoples real teeth, even if they aren't straihjt, or if it appears they have too many of them! I especially like that.In the same way that once I aquirred lymphedema, I was watching basketball, and began to notice that I was staring intently at the players arms, with well defined bones and musculature, really hating my fresh new bigarm. SDB is something else, I do enjoy her terrifically too.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Debh2012, ahahaha! Next time a menage-a-post.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Thanks for the heads up about the book. I haven't seen a good review.

    My first experience with cicadas was when I went to No Carolina to visit my daddy. They are huge and there are so many of them. I remember them smashing into the windshield and crunching under my shoes, even though I tried to avoid them They are soooo loud.

    My DH has "husband ears", too!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Deb2012, i had that smoke for you. It was great. heh heh

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tomboy, so you were in our cross-posting tryst after all!!! (I confess to staring longingly at nice natural teeth as well.)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312

    Tomboy - So nice to know someone who still smokes and can vicariously treat us. Seriously, as you can imagine, many of us who have quit still miss it. I just celebrated 8 years out. We have a pact on the bco Stop Smoking thread that all the younger ladies who have quit can have one when I reach 80. Because we all know, of course, that none of us could have just one. Maybe the 6 or 8 of us who are left will pass one around for "just one puff". LOL

    Love the menage-a-post.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Minus Two, I think I did visit that thread once or twice about the time I was scared witless from diagnosis! Lately, I have been to my TX place, to attend a smoking cessation class. I am pretty hard core, altho I came to smoking late. But, I have asked the heart doc who leads those meetings, really is a gentle old soul, whether he would give me chantix. Two of my friends have used it to stop. So, the man looks at me a little fearfully, ...I think he has read my medical records. The part about where, on the second meeting with my bs, before surgery, she wrote that I was emotionally labile.... well really? That means: all over the place with my feelings. Well I WAS having a lot of feelings, and I was expressing them. That bs and I had a real tough time together, i don't have her anymore. to push me around with her christian laboutine spike heels anymore. She would make a great dominatrix but I am getting off subject.... what was the subject? Oh yeh, smoking. I will come see you guys there at your thread,minus.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312

    Funny & crazy Tomboy. Not you, the doc. Boy those haughty people with red soles (not to be confused with souls). I smoked for 40 years. Finally I took Chantix and swear by it. Sorry ladies, don't mean to hijack this thread. But oh well, another few posts towards the goal.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312

    Oh Eli, missed the header change. Hmmm - it looks like there still some daylight in the garden so I'd be strolling & looking w/o worrying about mosquitoes.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    the flowers are lovely.  I wouldn't be thinking of mosquitoes until one bit me.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    To answer your question, el, I would be wondering if I was going in the wrong direction, as if it was a one way path. And then I would run up closer to something off the path to have a better look!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I too, smoked for 40 yrs. Have been clean for 6 yrs. I quit cold turkey on 1-2-09 and on 4-2-09 I was diagnosed with my BC. I figure if I didnt start back up then, I have no excuse now, although crazy as it is, I miss it at times.

    My state became #3 to legalize MJ effective 7-1-15. I have yet to resume that OLLLLLLDDDDDD vice, but would think about it most seriously, once I feel I am out of any random UA testing at my new job Loopy

    Quick note-it was 108 here today-headed to the Pacific Ocean tomorrow for some wave action and salty air and hopeful coolness (don't kick me out of the thread Shocked

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    (brief talk on weather, sorry)  

    Eph:  it is unbelievable how hot it is in the Northwest. It's worst than being here in FL. Can we say global warming??  Enjoy the beach!  I'm heading to Daytona Beach on Sunday for 3 nights.

    If MJ is legal in your state, why is it an issue with drug testing? I do understand you want to be "clean" going into the job, but if it's legal?? Just wondering about that.

    Off to a history lecture on not so well behaved women who made history.  Today's time period is around WWII. A friend who is ex-university history professor giving the lecture at a local senior center. Should be interesting.


    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    OK, can I whine or vent or whatever for a moment? So, I am almost 4 years out and my doc is amused, surprised and delighted that I am still alive, yay me! My daughter finished college, moved back home with the boyfriend, then finally moved out a month or two ago. Greece is in crisis, but our banks reopened recently and things seem to be chugging along somehow. So, life should be ok, good even.

    My husband supposedly had piriformis syndrome (backache basically) 4 months ago, then again 2 months ago. Last Monday, he suddenly had pain again, a bit further up and felt ill. This went on for 48 hours, where he mostly slept and sometimes puked. When I finally managed to drag him to a doctor, they found that he had a serious kidney infection. He had a CT yesterday, with contrast, and there is definitely a big mass on his kidney (the tech knows me and likes me, so he showed me on the screen). We won't have the actual results till Tuesday (vacation time down here), so I can't know if it is cancer or just backed up fluid or what the $%^&*# it is. Dh feels ok at this point, because they gave him antibiotics that are clearly dealing with the infection. But something ain't right. Keep fingers crossed for him.