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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2021

    Thank you Badger. There will be a lot more rehired retirees going forward. We are in a labor shortage which I predicted about 15 years ago, but we had to go through the global workforce first. This happened a few years ago and is getting more pronounced.

    I think I have the best of all possible worlds where I can truly choose what is worth doing, and then excel at the things I do well. Play to my strengths, a luxury that few get to choose. Was in contact earlier today with a former colleague who is doing much what he did in his professional life in his consulting for the Red Cross, though not getting paid at this point. He gets to tend his garden, orchard, and vineyard while getting his brain well exercised. I think I have a similar road ahead, though will be paid for my efforts. This will fund my travel and adventures. (My friend was logging 100k miles per year so is happy to be home.)

    I think I am also ready to meet someone, though I am fine if I this doesn't happen. Want someone closer than London or CT. Zoom calls with all three gents in my near future.

    Busy week but thrilled to be headed out on Friday for a camping adventure in the San Juan Islands. Not my plan, but I do have the gear. Then hiding out whilst "moonlighting" for my long term client. Yikes!

    I am just astonished at how this chapter of my life is shaping up. Very different from the Canasta get-togethers of my grandmother. Though I might be persuaded to do a round of Strip Poker. We shall see. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    How interesting and exciting, Claire! I'm glad we live in an age where age can truly just be a number.

    It is going to be broiling hot and topically humid here for the next couple days. I'll probably be doing the strip without the poker if I have to be outside very long! Dance2fit this morning, Barre Sculpt this evening.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2021

    Folks who are dealing with bad air pollution and smog: I'm so sorry. It's just started affecting us on the east coast, and now I get a sore throat whenever I walk the dog, and I know it's much worse where some of you live, so I will cross my fingers for all of you.

    So, mostly I've been just walking the dog. But I did do a couple of home yoga sessions this week, and I am committed to doing my PT exercises today for the first time in *mumble* days.

    I've also requested another visit with my dietician to figure out why my cholesterol is so flipping high.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    We managed to get in a nice dog hike before the clouds burned off.

    Saltmarsh, how were your eating habits during treatment? I ask because mine were horrible so that next regular checkup post-cancer treatment, my cholesterol was horrible. When my doctor mentioned it I said, "Of course it's bad. I kind of had other things on my mind last year!!"

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited July 2021

    edj: Have you had your next wrist x-ray yet?

    Badger: They are so lucky to have you!

    Claire: Your upcoming weekend sounds fun.

    saltmarsh: Yikes on your cholesterol. Good idea to meet with a dietitian.

    Ruth: Sounds like your weather will be the same as mine. It's so draining.

    Hi Everyone! I walked/ran yesterday and today in the morning before it got way too hot. On Sunday dd and I made bread and butter pickles from pickles she bought at the farmers market. Then I made several loaves of zucchini blueberry bread. My sil had some zucchini that "got away" and she gave them to me to make bread.

    Edited to add: Love watching the Olympics. The skateboarding and surfing have been a fun addition.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited July 2021

    This heat & humidity will be the death of me. Or else I'll turn into the most dehydrated raisin in the world.

    I've been running, since I can't lift or bike or do anything bodyweight-related if it involves using my wrist. My pace is slow but that's OK, it's freaking hot outside even at 5:30 AM.

    X-ray is on Friday, I don't think I could be wishing any harder for no breaks and a release of this cast. It's amazing how much I miss my non-dominant thumb :(

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    Today was the hottest, most humid, most miserable Wednesday of the summer. We had a small walking group because the smart ones stayed home! I'm going to a 30 minute Mat Pilates class at noon and call it good for the day. Since we have such short summers and long winters, this weather is getting pretty depressing 😕


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited July 2021

    Wishing for you also, edj!

    Ruth: Always a good picture of the WWW, no matter how hot or cold it is.

    Bad heat and humidity here, too. Ugh. Walked/slow ran this morning. I'm not a morning walker but knew if I didn't go it wasn't going to happen. This afternoon my mental exercise was paper quilling. I have so much to learn. In case you can't tell (it IS a little busy lol) the design is a pumpkin.


  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited July 2021

    That quilling is amazing.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2021

    edj3, thinking of you as you head for your appt tomorrow!

    ruthbru, I'll admit to being jealous of your walking group! It's so great that you've got chums to walk with.

    I truly am not sure why my cholesterol is so high. I'm not vegetarian, but I eat very little meat. Like, once or twice a week I might have 2-4 ounces. I rarely eat fried foods (like once a year or maybe twice a year?). In the last year, I have cut my cheese intake to 2-4 ounces a day. In the last two years I've cut eggs down from five days a week to one day a week. I do use dairy in my smoothies -- nonfat Greek yogurt-based smoothies 3-5x week. I don't eat toast or bagels (or any white bread) so much anymore so my butter and cream cheese consumption is way down. I cook with primarily olive oil and like that to be sparing. I'm not sure what I'm missing.

    I also don't eat much sugar (2 tsp maple syrup a day), don't consume much alcohol (maybe one drink/week), don't drink sugary drinks, have never smoked, and I eat a lot of whole foods, so fiber is a thing I get plenty of.

    Anyhoo...little dog and I walked for 40 min today before I was sick enough of all the mosquitos to drag her home. It's 10am, I've only been up 4.5 hours, and I feel like I am going to crash soon. I need an Energy Fairy!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    Wonderland, you should sell some of your projects. You could make lots of money!

    My goodness, saltmarsh, I can't imagine why it is high either. It sounds like you are doing everything right!

    The humidity is down, but the drier Canadian winds brings down all the smoke from their wildfires, so the air quality is not good. Went to Pound, took Bruno to the Dog Park for a play-date, and will go back for Barre Sculpt later this afternoon.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited July 2021

    Well good news/bad news. Good news is I did not break the scaphoid, which is very hard to heal. Bad news is I have a distal fracture; three more weeks in a new, slightly shorter splint that lets my thumb move a bit and x-rays on Aug 20. Here's a snippet about this kind of fracture:

    Distal radial fractures, including Colles' and Smith fractures, are common FOOSH injuries. They affect your wrist where it meets your arm's radius. The radius is the larger of the two bones in your forearm. Often this type of fracture will cause swelling, bone displacement, bruising, and extreme pain along your radius. You'll also feel pain when you try to move your wrist.

    (FOOSH is falling onto outstretched hand, what you instinctively do when you start to fall, you put your hand out--saves your head but alas for your wrist/hand)

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 844
    edited July 2021

    I haven't posted in awhile. I stopped going to the PT, she did bring down the difference between my arms down 50% of what it was, but it's like the last 6 weeks we've not progressed at all. I'm still walking, but for about a month we went from walking 5-6 days to just 2-3, so I've gained about 5lbs. Walked this morning the entire 4 miles. It is getting oppressive here with the humidity. Up until yesterday, we were in the low 90's, 90-92 degrees, starting today it will be in the mid 90's with a heat index of 107. If we don't go between 8am and 8:3am, I don't go! SickTired

    My son moved back home while he gets back on his feet, so my exercise room where I hoped to do my rebounder and weight training, is now his space. I'm going to go on a diet I did three years ago where I lost over 30lbs.

    I've never had hypertension, but all of a sudden my BP is over 150 everytime. The last two years have been extremely stressful with a move, my husband not working due to back issues going back into real estate sales and of course COVID. Hoping that is all it is Sad

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2021

    Walked my little dog this morning...40-60 minutes. For some reason, I completely forgot to hit my tracker so I'm not entirely sure, but I know from experience it was at least 40 minutes for the ground we covered.

    HomeMom, I hear you! Getting out early is the only way to go for those of us experiencing high heat (and not naturally acclimated to it). Also, it's hard when you have to give up your workout space for family, and yet I'd have done the same. I fantasize about a time when we might be able to afford to finish our attic and I could work out up there!

    edj3, glad to hear no scaphoid involvement, but sorry to hear you have a break. thinking good thoughts for your continued and full healing!

    Tomorrow I'll be up to walk my little dog for as long as I can stand it...because we have to put my poor little love in a kennel for a week while we have a family "reunion" most of the family can't attend. I wish so much I could bring her with us, particularly as she is 12-ish and a mama's dog.

    And then I'll be in and around a state park for a week...trying desperately not to get sunburnt and not to hate hiking and to just be grateful to be with family and alive.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited July 2021

    edj: Sorry about your bad news and happy about your good news. I imagine being able to move your thumb a little helps you. Sounds like you have had most (if not all) of the physical problems associated with a distal fracture. Hope the next 3 weeks go quickly for you.

    HomeMom: Sounds like you have a lot going on. ((HUG))

    saltmarsh: Have fun next week at your family reunion. It will be different without many family members present. Wish your dog could go with you.

    No exercise for me today. Too hot, humid.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    Edj, glad your break was not as bad as it could have been. Still very frustrating!

    HomeMom, hope you can do some fun things for yourself; exercise related or not!

    Saltmarsh, it WILL be hard to leave the puppy behind! Hopefully you have a place that will give her lots of TLC.

    It wasn't so humid, but there was no wind so the smoke hung close to the ground and it felt and smelled like being in an ashtray. 🤢 Several outdoor events; sports, theater in the park etc. were canceled due to the air quality. No formal exercise for me. A friend and I went to the National Buffalo Museum, which is in our town. Very interesting!


  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited July 2021

    Ouch edj! Glad it isn't worse!

    I am happy to report that I am just about over my cold, and so is hubby, so we have been catching up on house and yard work that got neglected while we were in California...(including refilling the hot tub, which we drain when we are gone for long periods of time, so I have it waiting as incentive after I exercise :-)). I've been crazy busy at work; that idea of rehired retiree is sounding very appealing right about now!

    Insurance ok'd four more PT visits for my leg, so I went yesterday and given that I hadn't done much for a bit, got my butt kicked. Good for me though. Today I am heading to the pool, followed by the hot tub. The one part of PT I love is that she puts me on the stationary recumbent bike for 15 minutes or so to warm up: I've decided to invest in a recumbent bike or trike to ride around the many bike paths around here, and to the store, etc. It's fun and easy on my knees and back.

    You'all don't want to hear about the weather here: yesterday's high was 75, with a cool breeze. It has been raining most afternoons, and we all have our fingers crossed that New Mexico's long drought may be ending. Everything is so green! (by NM standards, anyway).

    Get out there all, and stay safe.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited July 2021

    Busy day here. The temperature is pretty nice, and the smoke not so bad. My neighbor, her dog, Bruno & I took an hour long training walk this morning. The dogs did really good so that was fun. After that I worked in the yard & then cleaned the house. I am now taking a few minutes to watch the Olympics and do nothing. I suppose at some point today I should at least wash my face! Loopy

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited August 2021

    octo: Your weather sounds delightful. Happy to hear that someone is having a cool breeze. That's great that you have a few more PT appointments.

    Ruth: Bruno must be soaking up the dog classes he's been attending. That's great!

    I walked/kinda ran this morning. I mentioned that the last time dh and I pushed mowed he ran over an inground bee nest and was swarmed by the bees. While trying to get away from them he slipped, fell and his knee has been in pain ever since. Yesterday he had an orthopedic appointment and thank goodness there is no hairline fracture, but he did tear his meniscus. He was given a cortisone shot and told to continue rest, ice, etc. Meanwhile the grass has been growing. It will be 2 weeks this Tuesday since we last mowed. I was not looking forward to mowing it by myself. Long story short, we have hired someone to mow for the rest of the summer! I'm beside myself with glee! I enjoy mowing and other yard work in the spring and fall but push mowing in hot, humid, oppressive weather is exhausting. And I don't need heat exhaustion or a heat stroke!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited August 2021

    I am VERY glad you have hired someone to do all that mowing, Wonderland. I hope you keep him/her even after DH is back to normal! I have just enough yardwork so I can putter around. I don't want it to become a job! Still nice here, in a few minutes we'll be meeting DS, GF & their dogs for a hike. If I'm back in time, I will go to Barre Sculpt.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited August 2021

    It's going to rain tomorrow (thank goodness) so I made sure I walked/ran this morning. The mowers came early this morning. It can take up to 2 and 1/2 hours for dh and me to push mow the yard during the summer when the grass and weeds are lush and thick. 4 men with 2 zero turn mowers and 2 weed eaters mowed it in 40 minutes. It was amazing!

    Painted this big rock yesterday while watching the Olympics.


  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited August 2021

    Sorry for the fracture news, edj, and hubby's meniscus tear, Wonderland. Hoping for quick healing for all. I swear that rock was twinkling at me, Wonderland. It's gorgeous. Glad you both are recovering, octogirl.

    We are technically on vacation but are home to repack and do laundry. DH and I biked two days to the Alps, or about 75 km each day, on our electric bikes. DD drove us to the starting point and our luggage to our final destination. Then we did a nice family hike with Sammy who found a dead marmot and a sheep's skull. BIL and SIL joined us for a a bike ride one day. We rented electric bikes for them to try out.

    Yesterday I got back to the gym (treadmill and weights) after buying a new bathing suit. Hello, summer! (If a bit late with all the rain we've been having.)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited August 2021

    Wonder - you are so multi-talented. Wishing you husband a speedy recovery. edg - glad you arm break isn't as bad as originally thought - hope you heal quickly. octo- glad you got approved for more PT/

    Denver is required all school employees, public and private, as well as other city employees must be vaccinated by September 30. Still no definitive word on masks for my school district, but I'm guessing it will be yes.

    We got back from visiting our daughter #2 late (midnight) Sunday night - 2.5 delayed in EWR. We were up 26 hours. Yesterday I was beyond jet lagged- brain wasn't working too well. This morning, I feel human. Lots to do in the next 2 weeks before the 21-22 school year starts - some personal, some work.

    Wishing everyone a great day. Stay well and stay cool. We are due for much needed rain today - way too many 100 days this summer.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited August 2021

    I was just wondering if you had gotten back from your trip yet, Karen. Glad you were able to go AND get back in one piece! Please send us some of that rain! The last drop of rain we got was on Fathers Day!

    Sounds like you had a fun adventure, Heidi. What do you think of the electric bikes!

    Beautiful rock, Wonderland!

    I did Pound & Zumba yesterday. Dance2fit & Barre Sculpt today.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited August 2021

    Heidi: You casually write "DH and I biked two days to the Alps" and I wish I could write that! Sounds Amazing! Sammy was proud of his 2 finds.

    Karen: I'm so happy that you were able to go on your trip. I can't imagine being up for 26 hours. Sounds dreadful. My county has 3 different school systems which is very unusual but I'm grateful it does. The county school system (the larger of the 3) voted No on mask mandate. My city school system (It's very small with only a total of 5 schools and a very diverse population. My children went to the city schools) voted Yes to requiring masks for the 1st 9 weeks. I'm so happy they did! I haven't heard anything about mandating vaccination for employees. Wish they would. Our hospital system is mandating employee vaccination and giving them up to October 31 to get it. I think it should be sooner than that.

    edj: How are you feeling today?

    Ruth: No dog walk??

    Somehow we lucked up and had cooler weather. I walked/ran this morning and this evening sat out on the deck and read my book.

    Watching the park skateboard competition at the Olympics. These girls make it look so easy!

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2021

    So good to see all of you keeping on! Especially at the end of a day like today...

    So, I'm on my family "reunion" trip, at Acadia Nat'l Park. And today I did something so good on so many levels: Although I couldn't bike ride with my son, husband, dad, and step-mom, I went with them into the park, and I went on a brisk 2.85-mile walk while they did a 4+ mile bike loop. I've never hiked alone before, and that was good for me. It's the first time I've closed my exercise "rings" on my watch in ages (and then some!). I got back to the cars after a little over an hour and was weak and shaky, so I ate some protein, salt, and drank my water, and let them know I would be there, under a tree when they got back to the parking lot. I felt kind of like a loser for being the weakest int he family, but basically felt good that I'd done what I could.

    The family returned and something was up with my step-mum, but she clearly didn't want to talk about it and my dad seemed to want to give her a chance to rest and take a wait-and-see approach. They headed back to the house and we headed in the opposite direction for some exploring, but my husband and son were telling me she started acting funny after a strenuous hill-climb on the bikes, and my gut was telling me something was wrong and we needed to follow them and get her some medical attention. We turned around and chased them home and she definitely was showing signs that seemed to point to either TIA or transient global amnesia. She had literally no memory of the bike ride they had just done. I got her to the local ER and they've been running tests ever since and she's now been admitted and we are all hoping/praying that she will be okay.

    So, that happened.

    Stay safe, y'all. And trust your guts. Hug your loved ones.

    Good night!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited August 2021

    Oh saltmarsh, I'm glad you did trust your instincts with your step-mom! If it was a stroke, quick action is absolutely critical. Let us know what you find out.

    Wonderland, we did 'dog stuff' all day. My neighbor was gone all morning, so after my class Bruno & I went over and played with her dog for about an hour. DS was having his ducts cleaned & in the interest of the workers being able to get into the his, his dogs spent the afternoon with us. They all came back in the evening because DS & GF were going out with friends. So, we played with dogs, but did not walk them.....too many dogs, not enough people!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2021

    Hi everyone,

    Back from my cycling and camping adventure in the San Juan Islands. More on that later including pictures. Yes, I did the "cycle 12 miles plus ferry for oysters" and yes they were that good! I am now at 146 of the 200 miles I need to do by Sunday for the Seattle-to-Portland Virtual Challenge. By the end of day Thursday, I will be at about 175 which will leave 25 miles to finish over the weekend.

    Enjoying my week off and practice for my future life as a lady of "some" leisure. Not sure how much as acquired 2 more small projects while in the San Juan Islands.

    Hear more rain out my window which is music to my ears. So dry and it also means a change in the weather.

    Had two dinners of spaghetti vongole with clams that I brought back from the Skagit Valley plus amazing veg and blueberries. Tomorrow I tackle the branzino fish which I will make Greek style and use up a bit of the oregano from my herb garden. Vongole was with lovage replacing the parsley. Amazing.

    Blackberry season is here which means I get to eat as many as I ever could imagine over the next several weeks. What a gift from God!

    Body is firming up from all the cycling which just goes to show that this can happen when well past one's youth.

    54 miles to go. I can do this! Sweet dreams to all. - Claire

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited August 2021

    Claire, your adventures always sound so wonderful.

    Saltmarsh, really glad you checked to see what was going on w/ your step-mum.

    Ruthbru, you almost make me want a dog again (almost, sticking w/ the kitties).

    Wonderland, thank you for asking how I'm doing. My wrist aches but what bothers me the most is my thumb between the base of my wrist and the very first joint. I'll have to ask the orthopedist about it if it's still like this on Aug 20.

    I'm dealing with a terrible situation at work, I manage a team of 7, and one of the women who works for me died very suddenly and unexpectedly Friday shortly after work. She wasn't sick, and was also only 39. We are all reeling from her death, and it's going to be a long time before our hearts are over this.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,859
    edited August 2021

    I am so, so sorry edj Heart