
  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2010

    Good night

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890
    edited November 2010

    That's quite a picture...wondered if the photographer knew he'd get a smiley face or if it just happened. 

  • valjean
    valjean Posts: 1,109
    edited November 2010

    Love the new picture at the top of the page, Sheila!

    Good night!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2010

    Hi Sisters. I'm glad you liked the picture.

    Thanks God I learned how to change them. I have so much to learn.

    I'm home today windy and dark outside so I will be a computer and couch potato.

    Did you go shopping today/


  • onestep
    onestep Posts: 106
    edited November 2010

    Hi, I just got back from shopping awhile ago. It was good. I did get a few items checked off the list. :) 

  • deborye
    deborye Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2010

    I have not left the house and probably will not at all.  Never did the black Friday shopping spree.

  • onestep
    onestep Posts: 106
    edited November 2010

    Deborye, I have to say that sounds so good. There is something so good about hanging in the day after a holiday. I love to do that after Christmas as well. Enjoy the leftovers and let the kids play with their toys. :) 

  • chabba
    chabba Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    I'm with you deb--except I went once.  My folks came for Thanksgiving and Mom wanted to go to Tacoma Mall on Friday. That was 1966, haven't gone shopping Thanksgiving weekend since.

  • jp3
    jp3 Posts: 8
    edited November 2010

    Hi, I'm the new kid on the block and just discovered this forum.  I pretty optimistic about the future and wondering if I'm overly so.  I don't want this (breast cancer) to define me, would like to believe this is a blip on life's path, but see that many of the posts for stage I folks span years.  Thus far, I've had a lumpectomy (grade I infiltrating ductile carcinoma and DC IS), and a second surgery (margin measured only 1 mm) to increase the margin and presently awaiting 6 weeks of  radiation.  The hormone receptor test was positive so I will also have the anti estrogen therapy (if that's what I decide after meeting my oncologist).  I still have a lot to learn and look forward to hearing the personal experience of others. I welcome encouragement.

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Posts: 700
    edited November 2010

    jp3 - I am just a few months ahead of you.  Did you have an oncotype?  I think the prevailing feeling is that we are always waiting and always slightly anxious, but also ever hopeful.  You call it a blip on life's path, my oncologist phrased it this way - you have had a car accident, you need some body work, but you are not totalled.  I am in chemo, so I will be at this a much longer period that you, late May before I am done with active treatment and then begin on estrogen therapy.  But I can say that I definitely do not allow it to define me, even when it is begging me to do so.  Yesterday, I was not very excited to go to a friends for Thanksgiving because I don;t want to be seen as the patient, the one with cancer.  She knows this about me though and damn, not one person brought up my cancer, my treatment, or whether I should be having that glass of wine.  It felt great.  You will find so much encouragement here and real friendships and connections are born, that is perhaps why you see posts spanning years.  My diagnosis is almost the same, a smaller tumor but grade 2.  Please feel free to ask me or others any specific questions you may have, either on the forum or via private message. Best wishes to you.

  • susantm
    susantm Posts: 71
    edited November 2010

    jp3, I'm quite new here myself, but I can see already that this board has many wonderful, caring ladies on it. This is getting to be the first site I visit when I go online, so it must be addicting! I've also had a lumpectomy, although I have ILC, rather than IDC. (stats below) I start 33 sessions of radiation on Monday. It's a one hour ride on light rail to the radiation center, so I plan to get a lot of reading done in the next few weeks. I will also likely have hormone therapy afterwards. I am also beginning to discover that nothing ever goes quite like planned, so I am fighting the disease as best I can and waiting to see what comes next.

    I plan to do most of my shopping online this year--already have what I need for husband, so I'm making a good start.

    Blessings to all!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited November 2010

    jp3 - Welcome - hate to have to meet you this way but like raincitygirl & susantm said there is lots and lots of support.  I did not have to have chemo did not even have an oncotype test done so I can't help you with any questions about chemo.  I am almost through with radiation and I seem to have lots of experience there - good & bad and can help you there. I would also recommend you check out the thread for radiation, before, during & after.  Talk about lots of support - you will also find it there.  In fact, the support in all the threads is amazing.  I could not have gotten through BC without all the love and support of these ladies.

    I am fighting like heck to not let this control me.  There are some SEs associated with rads and I just try and take it one day at a time.  I am also hormone receptor positive and will have to decide on the 5 year pill real soon.  I have already had several visits with my oncologist to discuss options and we are just waiting for rads to finish.

    Please feel free to ask me any questions.  As a newbie you can only have 5 postings in a 24 hour period but feel free to send me a private message anytime.

    Sending out (((HUGS))) to you.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2010

    Hi jp new kid on the block

    I loved your post. Since I'm finished with the treatments except Femara all I can say to encourage you is 5 years 8 months and still counting..............

    Welcome to our group.


  • onestep
    onestep Posts: 106
    edited November 2010

    Hi jp3, I was diagnosed with BC this summer and am done with surgery (BMXw/recon). I feel recovered from surgery (and am going step by step with the recon part). I have been talking to my onc re treatment recently. I am most likely going to begin treatment over the next week as I am Her2+. I am also ER+, thus need to look into ways to address that as well.

    I can completely understand when I read about how you do not want BC to define you. With that said, I am laughing because my first couple sentences I used to introduce myself to you are all about just that-the type of BC I have. Well, maybe I get a pass because this is a breast cancer discussion board. :) All kidding aside, I believe if you do not want something to define you, then it can not. It is going to be an interesting road and I am praying for peace, strength and goodness along each of our roads. Take care, jp3 and talk soon. Feel free to PM me if you want, especially as you are building up the number of times with your posts. 

    On another note, has anyone had a MUGA heart scan or test? I am having one before I start treatment and was concentrating so much on the treatment options that I did not ask what the details are procedure is for the MUGA. Can anyone shed any light on this? I know that I start by getting an IV with radioactive dye in it. I am not sure what is next. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2010

    Onestep this is the machine i had the muga scan.

    I don't remember the details but it was a pretty lazy test just lie down and machine does the job.

    I'm sure someone can explain it with more details.

    Good Luck

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2010

    onestep this is is the link for the test

  • deborye
    deborye Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2010

    I did not need to have chemo either, had the surgery, 2x to get clearer margins, rads with the boosts and now on Arimidex.  I was post-men when dx.  Now I have to have blood work re- done in 4 months because one test was abnormal.  But onc and BS are telling me not to worry.  So I am trying not to worry.

    Never had oncotype test either, I wonder if it is too late for that test? 

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Posts: 700
    edited November 2010

    Deb - I wish I had never done the darn oncotype because before that, there was no chemo for me.

    I hope you are not post - men.  I mean men have value too :)

  • valjean
    valjean Posts: 1,109
    edited November 2010

    Welcome jp3 ~ Nice to meet you! Sorry you have to join us here, but SO HAPPY you have found us. As you can see by my signature below, I have had a lumpectomy, rads & am now on Aromasin. My Oncotype DX score was 14, so chemo would not have done much to benefit me, so I did not have it. I have just passed my 2-years out mark & most days are NOT defined by bc. Others, well, I do have my moments, mostly near Dr. appts, but we all have that. We help each other get through those days. I could not do it without the lovely sisters here. I come here everyday unless I am on vacation. Don't be afraid to ask ANY question at any time. We've gone through it all!

    onestep ~ Girlfriend, of course you get a pass! Wink A free one always!! I have not had a MUGA, so I can not help you there. I'm sure others will be along shortly that will be able to help you with that.

    deborye ~ I had the oncotype DX test to see if chemo would benefit me to help the Onc plan my tx before I began Rads & the Aromasin. I know the sample (I call it a "chunk") Frown that is sent to CA to run the test (the only place in the USA that it is done) is from the actual tumor itself from the surgery. I'm not sure if you could still have the test done or not. Some qualifications for it include no postitive nodes, ER/PR+ & HER2- & a small tumor as yours was by your stats.

    {{hugs to all}}

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Posts: 700
    edited November 2010

    Valjean - you are up so late, sending good feelings all around :)  It is 11 for me, so likely 1 for you?  I am not a good sleeper and on top of that, we painted the bedroom today so now I am on the sofa.  I learned that our guest be is terrible, I mean really terrible.  Something needs to be done about that before the 13th of Dec.

    Oh how I look forward to being two years out, like you :)

  • valjean
    valjean Posts: 1,109
    edited November 2010

    raincitygirl ~ Actually, I'm 3 hours ahead of you, it's 2:15 a.m. here now. I'm not a good sleeper either. And, I usually wake up every 2 - 2-1/2 hours! Yell I've been that way for years, weird!

    You know, rain, I can logically say to myself that I'm 2 years out, but sometimes I feel like I haven't been through anything at all. I always tell my nurses/drs that if I didn't see my scar which is in the upper outer quadrant R breast near the armpit having had a lumpectomy, & if I didn't take that little white pill every morning, I wouldn't think anything had happened to me at all. THEN, of course, reality comes's never far away. I'm never 100% away from it.....we never are, are we?  

    How are you doing? You'll get through this, you will be stronger. As one nurse told me, "You will make it to the other side."

    Guess I should get to bed & try to get some sleep!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    like everything else, what you started with, is pretty much what you'll end up with, barring complications. most people dont have many. ive had WAY too many.. yet, im still here, still dealing with everyday as it comes. for some ple., b.c. IS a blip: for some of us..NOT>> there are so many factors, ya never know.. i know excersize, eating, trying to socialize IE tryinng to not get depressed helps many, many of us. im the exception to the rule. allergic to most meds, infections, always.. etc.. the point im making is, im here, i went to black friday, im spending christmas with my grandkids, one of which wasnt born till after all my tx...

        so, no matter the wall you hit, or not, with the help of good doctors, and the ladies on these threads, you, too, will be looking back and getting a life. with the rest of us.    3jays

  • onestep
    onestep Posts: 106
    edited November 2010

    Good morning, Thank you Seyla, Raincity and 3jaysmom for the MUGA info and good words of advice. 3jaysmom, your perspective and tips help me a lot. I am going to read the link you sent me now, Seyla. :) 

  • onestep
    onestep Posts: 106
    edited November 2010

    Valjean, thanks for the pass, sister! 

    It is early Christmas today for one side of our family. Really, we sound crazy, but not that crazy! :) A lot of our family is together and in town for Thanksgiving so each year we gather for an early celebration of the season to come. It is always fun and gets me in the spirit that is for sure. The kids love it. Have a good one.  

  • Char2010
    Char2010 Posts: 362
    edited November 2010

    jp3 - I would recommend that you ask for an Oncotype DX test - it has to be done right after surgery using a sample of the tumor they removed and any decision from the results needs to be made before you start treatment.  I was told that I will not need chemo and then when the results came in the onco told me it is my decision - great :-(  But the way I look at it - another piece of information that was not available to women a few years ago.  I live a pretty normal life but think about BC almost all the time - I know our odds are good but can't help it.  This site is wonderful and so much wonderful information.

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2010

    Welcome to the new ladies here.  Today is my 7th cancerversary so I am doing the happy dance.

    If I can do it, you can, too.

  • jp3
    jp3 Posts: 8
    edited November 2010

    Wow, Just checking in (only behind making coffee and feeding cats) and finding a avalanche of support.  I appreciate each of you for your amazing words and expertise.  Next time I won't head for bed so early.

    I do have worries (although I'm trying not to go there) if you can indulge me a little "whine".  Can't seem to muster enough faith to put them aside.  I'm 18 days out from my first surgery (lumpectomy and 3 sentinel nodes) 4 days out from my second surgery to increase margin and have worrisome symptoms in my affected right arm.  

    To give you a little background, I have been a practitioner of Tai Chi for a number of years and after a five year break (due to a move), have gotten back into it.  This is a passion for me,Tai Chi is meditation, exercise and energy medicine.  It's especially important because of a long difficult transition from ending career as a nurse practitioner and moving from a beloved home and community in Fairbanks AK.  I've struggled with finding my way this past five years reading the likes of Elizabeth Lesser's "Broken Open", "Eat, Pray, Love", and any number of "finding yourself" books. 

    Long story short, some kind of vessel (blood?lymph?) was shortened due to surgery, which is palpable from my armpit to my wrist and this makes reaching or stretching difficult and painful.  Anyone have something similar?  I'm wondering if it will stretch out or will I have to live with it.  My surgeon is a sweetheart (there's an oxymoron) but he hasn't given me a straight answer.

    At the risk of alienation, I have one more worry to put on the table.  I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a few years back and went on attack with everything I could; bioidentical HRT, nutrition, consistent exercise and Forteo injections.  I reversed the condition to normal range and now I'm facing anti-estrogen drugs. (insert big wailing cry)

    Several posts ask about Oncotype and I don't know.  I've yet to meet with an oncologist.

    Thank you for your indulgence.  All hugs received and sent back.  

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2010

    jp3, you are only 18 days out.  You should be able to start slow stretching exercises and whatever it is that feels shortened may stretch out.  I know from my experience when I start favoring my arm, and not using it for awhile, I too lose range of motion.  I have to work at stretching it out again.

    I am not certain that it will work for you, but check it out. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited November 2010

    jp3 - I also had lumpectomy & SNB.  Had the same problem with stretching.  My BS told me that during surgerr, he had to move the nerves around and they don't like that much.  You will find that if you slowly exercise it will get better.  I am 3 mos post surgery and I still have numbness which he said could take months to go away.  Don't even notice it anymore.

    Go ahead and whine all you want.  It does help and there are some fantastic ladies on this thread to help you through it.  We find ourselves all of sudden in a position to make lots and lots of decisions in what seems like a short period of time and it can be overwhelming.  Taking it one thing at a time can sometime prove to be difficult and how does one decide what is best for us?  Bottom line - we hope we do the best we can with the information we are given.

    Lots of good advice and support here.  Please PM me anytime you like if you run out of posts.

    Don't think twice about alienation - that will not happen here.

    Meece - Congrats on the 7th cancevrersary - love the happy dancers - I will be doing that next Fri when I finish rads.

    Have A Great Weekend Ladies


  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2010

    I think we can find a reason to celebrate every day.

    Time to go get the kitchen ready for cookie baking.