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  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2010

    Renee, I had a similar scare last February when a CT scan found something on my lungs.  They repeated the scan in August to make sure it was not growing, and it has not.  It is suspected that it is scar tissue from asthma or perhaps Valley Fever, but they will be watching it.  You just have to realize that your health care team is looking out for you, and since you have the big BC in you history, something that would be considered normal on most, will be considered suspicious on us.

    That is not to say that I discount your concern at all.  I will be praying for you.  Peace in your mind during the wait.

  • happymom8285
    happymom8285 Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2010

    still have several pages to read, just such a busy time!

    nanadee--i was the same way.  very diligent.  aunt died of bc, mom dx in '94. sister dx in 98.  lots of fibroadenomas over the years, biopsies.  finally turned into bc. bmx this past july.  one side was able to save my nipple.  cancer side, no.  exchange for new foobs in sept. just had my nipple recon this past monday.  so far so good. the mastectomy decision was a no brainer for me, too.

    onestep!  how are you feeling???  one down.......

    val--am praying for your daughter.  most of my adult life has been dealing with papilomas, fibroadenomas, cysts you name it!  don't blame yourself!!  not your fault. glad your tests came back great. 

    congrats to you, outsidethebox!!  yay for the end of chemo!!

    had my nipple recon this past monday.  posted pics on the pic forum.  was awake the whole time.  interesting procedure.  am feeling good!! just have to wear this silly plastic cap to protect it for 2 weeks.  i look like 1/2 Madonna!  haha

  • bnichols
    bnichols Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2010

    I am probably writing in the wrong place, but I hope not and if so, I hope you understand.  I had stage 1 breast cancer in January 2007.  Radiation no chemo. No lymph nodes invloved.  I had clear readings until the last one about three weeks ago and I thought it was okay.  I love my doctor so much and I really do have faith in her but I wonder about the radiologists knowledge of my back ground.  After the mammogram I saw my surgeon and she showed me on the film that there was a small amount of change in that breast that they would keep an eye on.  Now I have received the letter from the radiologist and he said that there is a problem area in that breast, but that it is PROBABLY!!!!! benign.  My surgeon was sent a copy of this letter and I have not heard from her.  My problem is that the word PROBABLY benign scares me.  My last mammogram was approximately six months ago and this area started soon after, and I don't go back for six months for the next mammogram, that could be close to a year that a cancer could be growing back in the same area.  I really thought the doctor would contact me, but I have heard nothing.  How would  you ladies handle this type situation.  I want to call her and be sure that she and the radiologist are on the same page and I want a biopsy done to rule out anything.  I would think that an area showing in the same area as previous cancer would be something that should be seen about before another six months.  Any Advice?

     Thanks so much.


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    Barbara - I don't think it's unreasonable at all to call her and even ask for a biopsy to be sure so that you don't worry about it for 6 months.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2010

    Meece thanks for sharing your experience.  It's nice to know that there is someone else who has gone thru something similar.  Did you have to have a biopsy or as you say are they just watching it?

  • bnichols
    bnichols Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2010

    Renee, you will definitely by in my prayers tonight and in the future.  I wish I knew how to help you but I basically think that I am looking at the same thing on the computer and it really does not explain in much detail, or at least that I can unerstand!!!


  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Barbara!!  I appreciate you trying to help me... maybe someone else can.

  • happymom8285
    happymom8285 Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2010

    Barbara-- CALL in the AM.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Nobody knows what you're going through better than you!

    Renee, will be praying for you, too. 

    I live in Chattanooga and we had quite a bit of snow, too.  It's so cold here now.  Supposed to be getting down in single digits tonight!!  DH didn't have school today and a 2 hour delay tomorrow!

    As far as saying you have/had bc, my onc from Johns Hopkins says more and more drs are looking at treating bc as an ongoing disease, just like diabetes.  Not really cured, but having to be managed.  Weird, huh?  I usually say I was dx with bc in June and have been a 6 month survivor! 

    Val--when my sister was dx with cancer, my mom felt terrible, and then when another daughter was dx (me!)  she did go through a time of guilt and what the heck did she pass on to us.  We told her we certainly didn't blame her.  And I'd much rather have lived and been dx with bc, than not to have lived at all!  Medicene has come such a long way.  And yet, I was BRCA negative and so is my mom!  There is something genetic, I know.  Just hasn't been discovered yet!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2010

    Renee....It is good for your mental health that at least you dont have to wait.

    And receive the result no later than Wednesday.

    I wish you peace and thinking about you since you posted on the other website.

    (((HUGS))) to my sister.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited August 2013

    hi bnichols...if you find yourself comfortable here then this is where you post.

    And call your Doctor first thing in the morning.

    Let us know.

    We care for our sisters


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2010

    They are just watching it. 

    Welcome, bnichols.  I would definitely contact the doctor and ask where you stand.  You have a right to know.

  • onestep
    onestep Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2010

    mimi 1964, prayers are for you. Good, strong healing thoughts.

    happymom8285, love reading your posts. You have a great way about you. Is the pic forum connected to this site? I am happy that you had the procedure Monday and it is behind you. It is one surgery I look forward to one day because it will mean I am further along on this path of healing. I am feeling pretty well and have had 2 treatments thus far. The second time I felt a little rough for a couple days afterwards, but think that I also caught the cold that my whole family had for the past couple weeks. I feel better today. I need to get a move on with last minute shopping for Christmas and baking asap! :)  

    Valjean, still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. 

    Jo, thinking of you as you start Femara.

    Meece, I absolutely am amazed by your talent. The quilts you made are beautiful and a work of art. Thanks for sharing.

    bnichols, I would call first thing in the morn as well and feel that is more than fine to do.

    Barbara, you think cruise and we will be thinking of you.

    Catbill, I do have the TEs in and I have been significantly colder than usual, but attributed it to the start of treatments. Maybe it is the TEs.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    Mimi - prayers that it is nothing but harmless scar tissue!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Gonna jump right in on the Femara.  Kinda nervous about it since I got so nauseated on Arimidex.  My onc assured me there is a chemical difference in the two meds and I should not have the same SEs.  Told me if I did have the same SEs to just stop taking it and call him.  If this does not work, he will switch to Tamoxifen.  Will put my trust in him and see what happens.

    Anyone on Femara - when so the SEs kick in?  With the holidays just around the corner, I would like to know what to expect.  Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2010

    jo...Only SE I had was hot and cold flashes in the very beginning nothing else.

    Did you take it already?

    I take mine in the morning.

    Nancy....86 degreesSurprised

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010

    Hi my sistas

    tryin to catch back is killin me.itt just started snowin in goin for some kinda fittin tomorrow.then tx#1 on wed.finally.

    to all my sistas who need prayers you have an extra one from me.right now.

    To everyone who got good news (dont remember) congrats.

    and all my sistas I missed you.hugggggggggggs


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Sheila - Gonna try it at night and see what happens.  From what I have read on the Femara thread,most are having good luck at night.  Already having hot/cold flashes, just hope they don't get any worse.  Had them just about under control since dx'd in August.  Was on Prempro - nasty stuff- but flashes were much less.

    Nancy - Love doing the happy dance - not only for me but for everyone else reaching a milestone.

    GOOD NIGHT LADIES!  Off to bed for me 

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2010

    Meece I meant to tell you that I love your quilt and I an quite envious and jealous of the fact that you can sew that beautifully.  I wish that I could, but not a stitch can I.  Barely a button can I put on.  LOL! 

    Sheila I also meant to tell you that I really like the new tree at the top and it is quite nicely centered but for several days there was nothing there... I'm not sure why.  Very odd indeed!  Did you delete it of something?  O.k. I hope all is well for you ladies I am going to try and call it a night and go get some sleep, though I'm not sure how much is in my future for the next 8 hrs.  I'm going to say a prayer for peaceful and restful night for us all.

    Much Love.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited December 2010

    Good Luck Renee.♥

    Good Night Sisters.♥


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2010

    Sheila ~ Everything is in the box for me, finally! Love the tree! {{hugs}}

    Meecie ~ The quilts are beautiful. I've done quilting on pillows, haven't tackled something as big as a quilt. My dear Grandma used to do them all by hand, such beautiful stitches she did.

    Renee ~ As I said on the other website, my heart skipped a beat when I read your post. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow morning. I have a repeat pap at 8:30 so I will be up early to take it easy on the icy/snowy roads around here to get up to the hospital. {{Renee ~ Love & hugs}} ♥

    BarbaraA ~ When I last saw my Rad onc, he put me on the calendar for a check-up next year & I was assuming that would have been the last time I'd see him. NOT!! I so hate filling my calendar up with dr. appts, I completely understand. {{hugs}}

    Dee ~ I understand your Mother's feelings of guilt, I'm still carrying a heavy load & neither DD has been dx'd with anything. (knock on wood). Thank you for the comforting words. I'm happy to hear you are doing fine after your latest recon, hope you heal quickly & then you will be further down this damn road of recovery.

    Another sister also mentioned my not blaming myself for anything that may be passed down to my DD's, I can't remember who it was, but HUGS to you & thank you. If I go back a page, I'll lose this post. Undecided

    Jo ~ No drs for 4 months, YAY!!!

    Rae ~ My dear sister/friend, please pamper yourself when your "summer vaca" of 6 weeks comes. You help so many of us with your words of comfort & healing, you are always, always here for us. You deserve some special, healing time for yourself. I imagine you are emotionally & physically exhausted. {{rest ~ enjoy life ~ pamper yourself}} hugs ♥

    I always have special prayers for you, grannyD. Love ya!

    Well, I must get to bed earlier tonight. Oh yeah, DD has asked me to accompany her to her MRI Wed morning at 8:00 ~ another early rise as trip to dr is 35-40 mins away.

  • happymom8285
    happymom8285 Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2010

    Sheila, I see the tree and Merry Christmas on the top and bottom (that was there earlier).  Love it.

    grannydukes--so sorry your back is hurting!  ugh. keep the faith, sista!

    jo1955--are you still on the prempro?  I was just on premarin until my dx.  Of course, the hot flashes were terrible.  When I saw my onc., I had circled having them when I filled out my med info.  He said were they giving me trouble and I said, yes they were.  He asked if I wanted something for them.  NOT estrogen.  Wow!  I didn't know there was something I could take for hot flashes.  It's Effexor.  A very mild anti-depressent.  I take one time release capsule before bed and my hot flashes have nearly gone!  So nice.  Ask your dr if you're a candidate.

    onestep--glad you're tolerating the chemo so far.  I do hope you've just caught a cold and you start feeling better soon.  :-)

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2010

    wow, gone a few days and there a three pages....

    Meece - love your quilts, the around the world pattern is one of my favorites!  You may have inspired me to start quilting again, I have a huge cabinet full of scraps that need to be used, I just worry about poking myself and causing an LE Flare...

    ((((RENEE))))  ((((SHELIA))))  ((((VAL))))

    Catbill  - I really had a hard time keeping warm with my TE's and implants.  I think it takes time for our bodies to adjust to having these foreign object in our bodies.   It has been a year now since my exchange and I am not having the issues I had last year but then again it was 78 and sunny today...still waiting for winter in AZ.  The only way I was able to get warm was a hot shower.  I had thought about a heating pad but one of the ladies last year had lost her TE to a heating pad burn and I did not want to chance it.  

    (((Hugs))) to everyone who needs them!!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2010
    bnicoles ~ Welcome! I would definitely call my dr to ask about the mamm report with the words "probably benign". I would ask about having a biopsy if there is any concern at all from any doctor.
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2010

    It was Jo1955 who encouraged me to get something done on one of my projects-in-progress.  My grandmother made a quilt top in the 50s, and she passed  from C in 1959.  I got the quilt top and am beginning to hand quilt it.  I am finding it quite interesting how valuable even scrap fabric was back then.  She pieced fabric so she could cut a three inch square from it! 

    Michelle, I had 16 nodes removed andonly had LE during tx.Wear leather thinbles on all your fingers, but get back to quilting.  It is so rewarding.

    Hugs and prayer going out to my Sisters who are experiencing setbacks and worries right about now.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    edited December 2010

    Meece! you are really  extraordinary. It is really  big thing  you  making such a beautiful quilt. You have that skill in your hand. For me I used to buy readymade only as I am not good  in hand work. You can carry on  with that.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    tree looks great , sthought this would be good, too... lites for your tree.. he's for me!    3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    Meece, beautiful quilts... yes, we do get encouraged with LIFE here, not the other way around...3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    iput this in on the last page, but wanted to make sure you got the lites for the tree>>3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Hugs to all my sisters! Busy week ahead for me!

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited December 2010

    3jaysmom you made me smile! That post was quite funny ane he has a unique an sexy physique...VaVaVaVoom!!! :)