Sheila - Chest CT with contrast. IV's scare me - too many bad experiences. So bad that the surgeon did not have the IV put in until I was put under with the gas.
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Are you allergic to the Dye?
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Why you need to go under for the IV.
Do you get extremely nervous?
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The IV is to inject the dye.
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Renee...Sorry I missed that line.
Of course Im waiting for tomorrow night.
How are you?
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I missed you (((VAL))) sister/friend.
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With the Ct scan, I drank some radioactive material in warm water, ugh. They ran an IV for an hour and then I drank more of that yucky stuff. When I went into the room for the scan, they added some radioactive material to my IV and I felt a rush of warmth throughout my body, almost felt like I had peed myself! It took just miniutes for the scan to be completed.
With the bone scan, I recall no prep however, it was very slow and I had to remain very still and try not to move for a very long time.
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I had no prep for the bone scan sorry for your scary time!
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I was given a injection 20-30 minutes before my bone scan. When I asked what it was I was told it was Gamma radiation... As the technician was giving me the injection I very nicely said "Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I am angry!" He burst out laughing setting a fun tone for the whole procedure.
I really am claustrophobic and had a hard time for the first half when the scan was covering my head/face after that it was just fine. I could even see the results coming up on the screen but had no idea what they meant...
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I think there are several types of bone scans...had another one right after my dx but it was just over my hips to get a baseline measurement for bone density.
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bone scan can be divided into two basic parts:
- The injection. You will receive an injection of tracers into a vein in your arm, and depending on the reason your doctor orders the scan, images of the injection may be taken immediately. You'll then wait between two and four hours to allow the tracers to circulate and be absorbed by your bones. You may be allowed to leave the radiology department during this time. Your doctor will ask you to drink extra water to remove unabsorbed radioactive material from your system.
- The scan. During the scan, you'll be asked to lie still on a table while a machine with an arm-like device supporting the gamma camera passes over your body to record the pattern of tracer absorption by your bones. This is painless. A scan of your entire skeleton takes as long as 60 minutes. Scanning a limited area of your body takes less time
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Hi Michelle.0
Hi Shelia
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Hey there Sheila - I didn't get dye for the bone scan. Probably I got the discount version
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Hey Diane...I came to say Good Night and you are here.
We missed each other today.
I had all kind of tests and drinking barium injections.
I think except my head everything was scanned.
Maybe there was a reason they didn't do the head. It was empty to begin with. haha
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Oh, Jo, I'm so sorry you have to have more tests. I've not had a CT except for one to gage where my body parts were before I began Rads. (I think that was a CT scan, I never got a copy of that report.) Anyway, the Bone Scan is as Sheila described (very well, I might add). I had an injection at at 8:30 a.m. at the hospital & then came home for the 3 hours I had to wait (well, it was 3 hrs between the injection & the scan). I live approx. 15 mins from town, so I came home instead of wandering around the stores, that way I could drink the water & use my own bathroom. I was told to drink LOTS of water & to pee a lot. They said the more fluid you drink & pee out the better the pictures they will get. Well, I wanted them to have the best pics ever, so I did just that. They let you pee right before the scan. You do have to lie very still & it took about an hour, or a bit more. They didn't do my head, just the rest of my body; the point of concern was my mid chest. I always keep my eyes closed for scans, etc. It helps me concentrate on not concentrating on what they are doing. It helps me. We will be with you for these tests, you can count on that, okay? The hardest part is waiting for the results & we will be waiting with you. ♥
Renee ~ How ya doin' sister? I'm doing good, a bit contemplative the past couple of weeks. I'll get past it....... How is your DH doing?
I've missed you, too, Sheila, my dear, dear sister/friend. ♥
Michelle ~ Hi !
I think of all of you every day, I try to remember your scans, tests, etc. I take a deep breath & say a prayer for you on the day of. At least I try to remember, ha-ha!
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Hey Val..We were posting the same time.
One of these days I will send you a long PM.
So happy to see you all before I went to bad.
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oh... raj: i had tears, thinking of you leaving flowers for me at your temple.. they worked, along with all the candles lit, prayers said... sort of..
so, the results are: the brain tumor thats' been there is still B9!! and no traces of brain metastises.. the bad news was something i subconciously knew.. the MS has progressed rapidly; probably from chemo drugs.. have a PET scan to go, then back to the onco. and, i guess a visit to the MS clinic in Miami, after that. the local Neuro s won't touch me with all my allergies.
it's a twisted life i live; between the 2 diseases, but, i think keeping the BEAST at bay is the less scary.. there are so many heroes here for me, women who are truckin on, with stage 4 and et al... thanks for all the lovin i get here! love you all, too... bre well. 3jays
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Sheila - we did miss each other again!
I have a question based on above, did you go to bed or to bad?I hope Mr. BB&B is there and you went to bad....
I did #24 today, I am getting there!
You must be freezing your glutes off....0 -
3jays ~ I'm so happy that your head is b9!! Trying to be a bit funny here in this otherwise scary world, hope you don't mind. I'm sorry to hear the MS is changing.
Love to you as well, dear sister/friend! ♥0 -
Just popping in to say "hi" to everyone! Thank you Sheila for the invite to your party. Hope to chat & share with some of you soon.
Cheers! Dee
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So sorry, my bad. I confused the two: bone scan with a bone density scan, (I have had both). The bone scan had a radioactive injection as well, several minutes before the scan. The scan did not take too long, and I recall shutting my eyes as the machine did come very close to my body as it scanned me.
on another note, I discovered some lashes re-appearing, YAY!
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Jo, I have had too many CTs. I am allergic to the contrast so I have to pre-medicate with steriods. A chest CT with contrast will most likely not require you to drink anything. The abdominal and pelvic CTs do require your to drink barium. The chest CTs I had had recently, 2 in the past 12 months, they start an IV in your arm, you are on the table and it slides into the machine, they do a couple of passes, then they inject the contrast and do a couple more passes. You most likely won't be in the room more than 20 minutes. I have really bad experiences with IVs, too, and that is the stressful part of it. (That and the thought of a reaction again). The only thing that is uncomfortable about the procedure is that when they inject the contrast, it gives you a warm feeling that sometimes feels like you wet yourself.
You'll do fine.
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Once I get past the IV part, I know I will be find. I have severe anxiety attacks just thinking about it. Plus, now I am just pissed. Everything was going good and now I have to deal with this crap. This whole BC journey has been an absolute nightmare. It has been Murphy's Law - what can go wrong, will go wrong. Give me a break!
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Oh Diane...Dirty mind again
Maybe Imeant both words together
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Yes, I think that is what you meant! Is it snowing for you today?
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(((jo))) (((3jays)))