Ducky- dear god...never occurred to me..going in through one organ to get to another and then coming back out the first potentially bringing cancer cells with for you for even thinking of it! More people need to be involved in studies..but studies scare a lot of people so you know..go with what you know. I did not want to be on a new study where they onlyradiate the part of the breast that the cancer was in would have been only 10 radiation dates...but I said no to that one..radiate the whole thing....git 'er gone all over was my thinking but with the stent for my heart attack, I have agreed to a study. My Gp says if her patients could be on this medicatino for life, she would say do it so even if I only get 1.5 more years on it, if it is a life saver and does not mess me up in other ways, I will do it.
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I had the radiation on the left side which included a small part of the heart and lung. So far so good and it has been 4 years.
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Good Night♥
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hey ladies............................Dum, dum, meant mm, not cm..........I keep getting confused with my meters.............Hell if I had 2 cm margins around the tumor they would be removing a tumor from my navel,and not from my boob...............And believe it or not I don't drink, I guess its another senior moment. so we are talking 1.1 cm tumor,,,,,,with 2mm margins most of the way, but a tiny area of 1.2, and 1.5 mm margins. Now that makes more sense doesn't it........................when we first started this crap I was calling my tumor 2 inches, instead of 2 cm.......that was before surgery when they didn't know for sure how big it was, and was basing it on the ultrasound picture..............Glad they were wrong about that.
Well it is miserable here in my part of Pa. it has been raining most of the day , and is expected to do the same tomrorrow, there again its' April, and we do need to green up our grass and grow our flowers...........
Ok, ladies will talk to you all tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay, and dream only good dreams.......Prayers to all of you,
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ducky - I wasn't sure which of us was having a senior moment. I thought perhaps I was misunderstanding my own "clear" margins. Pfew!
It was a gorgeous day here in Seattle, much needed as it has been a miserable winter and spring. I almost washed the car but remembered that would cause rain tomorrow.
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rain ~ hey there, gal! I have so many threads I read, don't have time to post on some that I really want to. Need to get to the computer earlier I guess. I'm doing good, had a period of bad moments a while ago, but got through it. Guess we all do that, don't we? How are you doing?
ducky ~ Love & Hugs to you! You WILL do just fine with the Rads. I KNOW you will!!!
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Valjean................Thanks, I am optomistic, and hoping for a good run............The R/O really cleared things up for me today, took away my doubt, and made me feel like she really cared. As I said she thought the 1.2 mm margin at that tiny area was not worth taking a chance with regardless of my age...............By the way, I did ask her about CyberKnife which they have at the hospital I am going to..........She said right now they are not using it there for BC, and if a trial comes in June 2011 at her hospital, women my age are not being picked for the trial. They want all the ladies 50 or less.............she also said the best they have gotten for Cyberknife is a 5 year rate for recurrance, and she said for her.........that is not long enough, when she can get 10 with standard radiation......made sense...........
I'm ok with the radiation, I'm not happy about the hormone........I also asked about ovary removal even at my age, if I still produce estrogen, and she said it would not matter because other parts fo the body still produce estrogen......even body fat..............hmmmmm, guess I have to lose some of mine.
Well here's to Rads, and all that it incurs............hugs ladies.
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Ducky - You will do great with rads. Just remember skin care is really important and just those creams religiiously. Drink plenty of water and get pleny of rest.
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My head is spinning... I just spent the last hour + catching up on what's been happening here.
Welcome to the new gals on the block.
Thanks for the cup of coffee somewhere along the road. Jo, have a great trip, if you haven't already left for the cruise. Would loved to have been there!
Meese, just jumping out of the pocket, glad you didn't put me in the laundry....
Trying to find more time to get on this computer, can't do it at work.... UGH..
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SHEILA--Prayin for your dad...luv ya sista/friend
Hi Val...missed you..hope you are ok.
Ducky...I too did not want those sure you know that.just show can do it.Im a 70 yr old with 1 positive node.and i dragged my feet on the rads.its really doable.please join the April Rads group.there is a lot of support and good info on there.FIGHT LIKE A WOMEN...WE ARE GONNA WIN THIS DAMN BATTLE.
i went to see my BS today.forst time since i finished my rads.Im a little swollen but got the thumbs up for my mamo in aug.
still prayin for a vacine.or a miracle.hugggggggs K
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Thank You granny.♥
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Jo & DH have a wonderful time. We'll miss you.
4 days and counting......
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samsue....Were you in her pocket since last Friday?
That's why your head is spinning LOL
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Sheila - Thanks so much for the send off. I will miss everyone one of you fantastic ladies. If I can get on here on last time tomorrow then I will see everyone right after Easter.
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(quietly practicing folding myself into Jo's suitcase...
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annette...I didnt laugh like this one for a long time.
Thanks Sister♥
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hey Annette---i beat you to in her jo are havin company....we are comin.ha.
Sheila-good to see you laugh....
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I LOVE it when Sheila laughs....laughter IS the best medicine (here is a little hug for you and kind wishes that your dad is doing well and his daughter too....)
Granny- get in here with me...there is room:) I am just wondering how we are going to break it to Jo that she is going to have to pack our clothes in her other suitcase- she is simply going to have to take less of her own stuff but at least we will let her use the bed when we are out by the pool...(nothing selfish about ME)
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annette - I can hear you ladies talking - I'm right here. I have a few ladies from one of the other threads already in my suitcase but if you are careful and don't hurt them, you will fit in as well. Don't forget you have to fit my grannydukes and I'm sure we can find room for Sheila. She certainly will keep us laughing the whole week.
I am sooo gonna miss everyone.
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I'm much calmer and happier today.
I cant loose my sense of humor. I'm really taking care of myself.
Dad got BT yesterday. And they were draining his fluid built up today.
Granny we have to practice how to fold ourselves like Annette is doing LOL LOL
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Or we can pay for a third luggage and be comfortable.
Im starting liking this idea very much.
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Sheila - Glad you are doing better today. You and Annette keep practicing folding yourselves. You know what they say, "Practice Makes Perfect." hehehe
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grannydukes...................I am going to do Rads...I will be one of the April Gals...............I have already been tatooed, and have one more 1/2 hour visit, and then we begin...................Your right...........LET'S KICK cancer's ASS................Notice i don't even give it the honor of a capital letter.................thanks for your encouragement
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This is for ducky
Good Night Sisters.
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seyla888...........thanks, and you have a peaceful night..........hugs to you
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vicki ive not seen you here before.. my welcome, if i missed you... not much goin on oherwise for me. just a big hello, welcome 3jays
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(((SHEILA))) prayers for you and your dad.
Ducky, you can do it!!! I used emu oil 3x/day and never burned. Boob was tan but no burn.
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Sheila prayers for your dad and you.