
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2011
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2011

    You gals are not driving me crazy, yet.  Just stop pushing and shoving, there is plenty of room for everyone.  I will pass on the chocolate with chili peppers.  I am still stuffed from dinner.

    Sheila - I am already the first in line for the trip to Hawaii.  I have never been there.  We could go get SPAM!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011
    YUK----not for me either.when i was a kid we were poor.To me that was for the poorest.I have friends that love me it reminds me of dog food.i think i need a few plain shrimp.can you get me some JO JO?
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2011

    granny - WIll this work?


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011

    yeah much better.give the corn to one of those quiet ones.Annette,Barb.Chabba!!!!!!are you girls sleepin or did sandy kick you in the face??????JO JO someone just took a shrimp.....comeon im starvin..where the hell is my ensure???????

    yaq know this is not a closed party.when Jo leaves tomorrow we can still party without her.Shiela are you with us????

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2011

    Throw the ensure away for god sakes and drink the real milkshake I just made for you.  If you must, get the ensure out next week.  I certainly hope this party continues after I leave. I will want to rejoin it when I get back.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited April 2011

    Well Ladies this is it.  The computer is getting shut off and I am off to bed.  Keep the party going and I will see you after Easter.

    I will sooo miss everyone.

    Love & Hugs


  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited April 2011

    Sticking my arm out from behind granny's butt and Sandee's shoe to wave at sheila! I am doing fine...Hawaii- how cool! When are you going? I will hang out in the overhead compartment - it will be fine. are you doing my friend? What is this about you liking *IT* hot...hahahahaha are we talking chocolate here or something else entirely?

    Hubby and I went to new turkish restaurant that just  opened for lunch on Friday- it is in the same development (kind of like a "faux" town square they have built) as my office- OH MY GOODNESS- the food was awesome. Met the owner and he spoiled us. Totally old school and totally fresh ingredients-Finished off my lamb with a hot glass of perfect tea and a bit eof paklava while sitting in the sun with a soft breeze (very hard to go back to office)...

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2011

    Annette...I would like to know the answer of liking it hot too????????????

    I love to go to a Turkish or Med Restaurant. I want kebab with yogurt on it.Tongue out

    If everything works out accordingly I'm going second week in August.Smile

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    I am in Jo's garment bag and eating the chocolate she gave me.  Hope I don't get it all over her nice clothes.  she might throw me out.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011

    Sheila--dontcha like your food nice and hot and spicy?????????YES WE ARE TALKING FOOD.HA.dirty minds in that suitcase.its time for bed.JO JO is goin to sleep now.I didnt see anything about a i losing it again.sure i betta get out of that pocket and find a place to sleep.

    its been fun rants no raves....i didnt curse anyone out.we have a mini vacation with JO i guess its gonna be back to reality.damn.

    Good nite my sistas.huggggggggggggs K

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Granny- your feet are a tad smaller than mine indeed...size 6.5's...but honestly, right now..sinc eit is spring and I am too hot for my own good, all we have is bare feet to worry about...I also have a mini-flashlight so we should be ok in the pocket!

    Speaking of food..tried a new greek restauran last night...OMG!!! new favourie...and inexpensive and a mile walk from my house so all good!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2011

    Sandee.....You said it OMG. What did you have?

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited April 2011

    nothing like mediterranean food...bring on the garlic sauce:))

    as for feet, i have huge clown 5foot one half inch i wear a size NINE or NINE and a HALF hahahahaha...what is even funnier...people think my feet are small...i think it i sthe shoes I wear...when i tell them, the freak and say no way...yep I have BIG BOATS...which is good = if we need to jump ship you can all hangon to me and we can safely float until someone resuces us:)

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2011

    Good Morning Annette

  • binney4
    binney4 Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2011

    Grannydukes, there is no such thing as "a very slight case of lymphedema." That's like being "a little bit pregnant"! Undecided

    Lymphedema is a progressive condition -- if it's not treated it WILL progress. By progression they don't necessarily mean that it will swell more, but other things will begin to happen to the tissues inside. Stagnant lymph fluid will cause our bodies to develop fibrosis (hardening) as a way to fight it off. Eventually there will be skin changes -- roughness (like an orange peel) and even leaking of caustic lymph fluid through the pores. The biggest risk, though, is that the lymph fluid there (which is warm and rich in protein) encourages the growth of any bacteria that find their way into your body, and can result in a rapidly-spreading systemic infection that often requires hospitalization for IV antibiotics. You don't want to go there!Frown

    INSIST on a referral from any doctor on your team to a well-trained lymphedema therapist, who can reduce the swelling (and the infection riskSmile!) and teach you to manage it with gentle skin manipulation, well-fitted compression, special skin care, and specific exercises. Here's how to find one near you:

    And here's information about truncal (breast or chest) lymphedema:

    Finally, here's information you may want to print out and give to your doctor, as they receive little or no training about it in their medical school careers and often know little about what our treatment needs are:

    Be well!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011
    Gosh Binney both my BS and the Onco said it was no big im getting worried.they both felt it was just a slight bit swollen and that it will/could/should go down.when i asked if it was lymphedema they both said i doubt it/it could be but very slight,lets keep an eye on it yadda yadda yadda.May 11th i will see the RO and im gonna stand firm for answers and keep reading and go armed with info.Thank you for the links that im gonna read right now.xoxoxoxoK
  • samsue
    samsue Posts: 599
    edited April 2011

    Binney I thank you too for the information. My PCP sent me to a lymphedema therapist and all he did was measure my arem to see if one was bigger than the other. He gave pamphlets to do exercises and also a script for a sleeve. he didn't show me how to do the drainage... this all took about 30 min and I was charged 400.00 since my insurance pays 1/2 I had to come up with the additional $. I don't have that lying around so I've put off going again. Thanks for the link, I will look for someone else that can perhaps help me with my arm. He did say I also have some cording and showed me what it looked like in the paperwork he gave me. He really wasn't much help.... wouldn't go back to him and he's the only one our hospital has to offer! UGH

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011

    Samsue-now that you mentioned it i know i heard this before.i did not pay too much attention to it then because they kept tellin me not to worry.i myself measured my arm and it was a tiny bit always was but the breast is not.its doesnt hurt,not red but tender to the touch.i told all this to the drs and they were not really concerned.I love and trust them BS is #4.I got burned by a big dr and she knows about it.Im her poster child and i feel she was really not concerned.didnt recom.a therapist and said i could fly.i wanted to fly before and she said NO.the onco is a consultant.i trust her too.she does alternative meds it really nothing??????

    I have been doing exercise since my surgeries,from the beg.I run a exercise class where i live so i kinda know what im doin after all these years.i am always stretching.AM I IN DENIAL????

  • samsue
    samsue Posts: 599
    edited April 2011

    Granny, my BC, ONC or PCP none of them told me about exercising after surgery! The problem is the location of the lump. Right at the bra line and just below the armpit. I had two surgery's in a months time because of the margins.... I do the exercises now but I don't go a day without some kind of pain. I have a hard time with bras, can't find anything that doesn't have an under wire so I'm still stuck with the sport bras....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011

    I too had a lot of problems with the bras but thats not a problem wearing old old bras that really need to go in the garbage but its still fits even the large swollen breast.I still dont feel like i really have it....and im a wreck....I dont have a lump under my arm either.I had 3 surgeries in 6 mos.what are you doing now??????

    I think we should take this to the after rads thread.our poor sistas dont need all this now.we had so much fun yesterday.damn.

  • samsue
    samsue Posts: 599
    edited April 2011

    Granny, actually I was in Jo's pocket too, but since I get seasick.... I jumped ship at the last minute!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    granny/samsue- I wear my gorgeous underwires occassionally but am still in August and rads finished I wear a piece of flanel in the bra across the nipple so that at least I don't have a seam across the nipple when I take my bra off...but....still swollen ....swollen enough that my breasts are still rlatively close in size..hate to think what it willl be like when the welling goes down.

    Thanks for the info on Lymphodema Binney! My drs also said not to worry about it unless it crops up as a problem....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited April 2011

    im reading the lymphedema thread.36 pages of it.thank you have sooo much info on there.I do think i have it and im calling the dr.tomorrow.the eye opener that i read was the biggest risk of having severe LE is having mild LE.YIKES>goin to do my homework and bringing the info to the rads thread as our sistas there need to know this.

    Again thanks Binney.huggggggggggggsK

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    I have the swollen breast thing as well.  Had surgery in Sept and finished rads mid Jan.  RO told me to use ice pacs and an anti-imflamatory.  Seems to be working some but still swollen to the point that both breast are the same size.  I had a lumpectomy 14 yeras ago with about the same amount of tissue remove and I am very small breasted to begin with.  So no telling how small it will be when it finally settles down.  I also have been have nerve pain from nerve damage in my breast, my BS put me on medication for this as well.  It is working but I still have breakthrough burning and stabbing pains, but not near as intense.  I hate the thought of always having to take this but she said she did not think it would go away.  Go for my first mammo since DX tomorrow.  Not looking forward to being squeezed.  Also have my really gyno appt tomorrow as well.

  • samsue
    samsue Posts: 599
    edited April 2011

    Sherry, I as also apprehensive to have my first mamo after the surgery and rads but the tech was very sensitive to the BC breast and took time to make sure I was comfortable. Good luck with your test tomorrow.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited April 2011

    So Sherry..You'll be squeezed and poked.

    Its better you are doing 2 in one day.

    Good Luck.

    I have to make a GYN appt. Pap Test is always normal and i have been told at my age i don't need to go once  a year but I do it anyway.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548
    edited April 2011


  • Unknown
    edited April 2011
    Hi everyone! My name is Brenda. I am 48 and on Mar. 16th, I went in for a mammagram, the next day I got a call at work to come back in and redo it because they saw something they wanted to check out. I redid the mammagram and got another call the following day, telling me they had found a mass on my right breast and I needed to have a biopsy. I had the biopsy done and it came back malignant. I have had two more surgeries since then to remove more tissue around the sight and two nodes. I have an appointment tomorrow with the cancer doctor to schedule chemo. I don't know what to expect with the chemo and it has me scared. Will I loose my hair? How sick will I get?
  • Melmes
    Melmes Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Hi, Brenilea! I am newly-diagnosed also. I am 37, the mother of a 6 year old and a 3 year old, andfound my lump three weeks ago. I had the lumpectomy this past Tuesday. My diagnosis is IDC, 8 mm, stage 1 grade 3, 0 nodes. They found DCIS and cancer cells in some blood vessels when they did the tissue sample, but my margins were clear, albeit by a few millimeters only. That given, I have decided to fight for the right to receive chemo - they just want to do radiation. I feel very strongly that if they have found even a few cells in blood vessels, there is no way for us to know if there are cells anywhere else in my body - I am not willing to live with the chance that I could have cancer again in a few years because we didn't throw everything at it now. I don't WANT the chemo - but I don't want the cancer recurrence more.

    At present, given that even with a double-mastectomy there is still breast tissue present, my doctor doesn't think there is any point in doing MX/double MX in my case - but I am willing to go that route in a second as well, if my doctor changes her mind on it. I caught it early, but it is a grade 3, aggressive cancer. I intend to treat it with respect.

    Anyhow - I thought you might like to know that you will not be going thhrough chemo alone, there are many of us scheduled to go through soon. And it is very doable - I have a coworker who only missed a few days. I think it is a very individual thing, and of course there are many different combinations of drugs and so forth - it all depends. I know women who barely lost any hair, and then of course those who lost all of their hair. All of my friends who have already been down this road say the biggest issues are exhaustion, nausea, and the burned skin from radiation. There are many ways to handle all of the side effects, and I know I am afraid and don't know so much yet, but I also know there is plenty of support here for me.

    ((HUG)) Hang in there! I don't know if anything I've written helps you out or not, but I thought at least you'd like to know you are not alone.