Tina, I had the mammo first, then ultra sound then bilateral breast MRI, then surgery then a PET to ensure that they got all the cancer and it hadn't moved to the bones or anywhere. for my breast center, that is just the standard.
(((ANNETTE))) - you can do it. If I can do it, you can, too. I was a 1-1/2 pack a day smoke for 30+ years and on June 2 it will be one year. Hard to believe. I did it via auricular stimulation and it totally worked for me. I walked out unaddicted to nicotine. For me, the quit fog was the reason I couldn't do it. But this worked for me.
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Tina I had a mammo, diagnotic mammo, MRI, Ultrasound, Ultrasound guieded biopsy, surgery, then Pet Scan.
Jo, I don't know about your mammo place but I have had diagnostic mammo's at three locations over the years and every one of them has had the radiologist look at the films before I get dressed again in case they want more views. If it is clear and they do not want more views they come back and tell me that. So with a diag I always know before I leave the hospital. In fact this time I had a specific question about some calcifications that showed up last time. I told the tech my question and she relayed to the Dr. She came back with he compared them to last year and they had not changed. I noticed he was not as specific in is report so I was glad that I asked about it.
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Last Thursday I placed my refill order for my Aromasin through Walgreen's Specialty Pharmacy & received a phone call from them this morning telling me that a generic was now available for this drug & would I like to receive it. Of course I told them yes.
I have known that the Aromasin patent was up in April 2011 & have been checking Pfizer for press releases as to when & if it was going to happen. This is exciting news as it is very expensive.
Make it great day everyone!
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Val, love it when we can save some money.
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Better late then never....sorry been away to see GGrand son and GDs for mothers day
if they found a vacine for all the other diseases WHY THE HELL CANT THEY FIND ONE FOR CANCER...OR DO THEY HAVE IT AND ARE NOT SAYIN?????just wondering.
another sista paased away....sooooo sad.
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Val - hurrah for saving money! And Sheila - happy birthday!
I have to go in this afternoon for aspiration of my re-excision. My poor boob. It's soooo tired of the needles! lol
Tomorrow are the Cat and bone scan. I'm still nervous and anxious about it, but not so bad as I was before. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, it does help.
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Melmes...good luck tomorrow~~~~: Having some idea of what to expect makes it easier somehow, you know? good for you. Keep breathing:)
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Sandeeonherown..................Sorry Sweetie, can't tell you since I haven't taken it yet.....the Onc gave me the script, but said to take it when Rads were done............I have 22 more to go, so it will be a little while...............Honestly I don't want to take the shit, but I probably have no choice.........I'm guessing no Tamox because I had a heart attack (mild) in 2007, although the RO said I could take it, but I'm thinking she forgot about the HA.
So I wish I could tell you that I take it, and I'm able to go "out dancing" every night, but even if I was taking it I'm sure that is in no way going to be the case.....................Just reading the SE online of the Pharma Co.'s website is enought to scare the shit out of you.......
I'm telling you I am really pissed at having to take that.
I am developing what they think is LE in my arm, so that is fun.......At my hospital there is a Board Certified LE specialist, who I already saw (gratis), but she only is covred by Medicare...........I told my son today......guess what I'm calling Aetna when I get home (he takes me to Rads) and I did.........I gave them the who story about my LE, about the Board Certified LE. specialist, and told them there was no other in my area. Told them about Medicare only coverage, and said "I want permission to go to this woman "out of network". Told them its my arm, not anyone in Aetna, and I want the best........I'm not going to any schlept that does someones knee one day, and a big toe the next.........I want a BC specialist.............They are sending me a form to fill out, and they are going to let me go out of network.
Guess its true what they say about the squeaky wheel..............I'm taking this LE very serioulsy and refuse to get just anyone.
My son said to me........"mom they are not going to change the rules for you"..........I said "watch me"...............He was shocked when I called him to tell him they are going to approve it.
I told him today about how you can get cellulitus, and he said "mom you can lose your arm from that".................I said "well if I do, I will take the severed arm, drive to the nearest Aetna office, and crack the nearest Aetna Rep. over the head with the stump.......................He said "yea and I bet you would just do that wouldn't you..........I said "damn straight.".
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oh Ducky, your stories get better and better!
good luck with your insurance mess, but I can tell you can handle it!
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Sherry - The mammo place I go to is not in a hospital but in a location several miles from it. This particular hospital (Doctors Hospital at Renaissance) opened imaging centers throughout the valley and is close to my gyno. I have had my screening mammos there for several years and the diagnostic + US last year. I had to wait almost 2 weeks for those results and then got referred for the biopsy. I don't know if there is a radiologist in the building but will find out. I do know they do the digital mammos. going in so much more educated this year and have a list of questions for the rad tech.
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Ducky- good for you..we HAVE to be our own advocates...we really do...and you are an inspiation! How are the rads going ???? you are almost half way through!!
I have a GP appointment on Wednesday blood work is in but they have not called me so I guess that means all is well or they were waiting for the vit D levels...I have some heart and energy questions for her so I am going in this week...also they only gave me a 2 month prescription of one heart drug but 3 months of all the others....makes no sense to me so I have to go in and see her before the cardiologist appointment or suddely stop the one drug they say to never just stop....bizarre!
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Sandee............Rads are going good so far...........I'm just hoping it continues, I'm ready with my creams and Aloe.........I have to go to D.C. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.....My grandaughter is graduating from Catholic U. with a degree in nursing, and I promised her I would be there, for the past 4 years.........come hell or high water I can't miss it. I see the RO tomorrow so I will see what she says about how the boob looks.........It is just slightly, very slightly sore, nothing serious right tired of it all.0
Melmes, I will be keeping good thoughts for you tomorrow for a b9 CAT & Bone Scan. ((hugs))
Sandee, I hope your appt goes smoothly Wed.
ducky, you are a Warrior! I hear you roar!!!!
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Melmes hope all goes well with your scans
Sandee hope all your bloodwork is good.
ducky you always make me laugh and smile
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Well, I'm kind of bummed today.............I asked about having off on Friday, May 12th so I could go to D.C. (my daugher is leaving early in the morning).............and it was suggested instead of missing my appt.....I come earlier.......the Tech said she will actually come in 1/2 hour sooner around 7am, (usually do 9am) so I can be treated, and leave for D.C. right from treatment..........problem is not sure what time my daugher is leaving, but I think it is earlier then it would mean finding another ride down, or not going at all..........I am upset also because 2 of my grandsons are flying in from Chicago, since it is their sister graduating (haven't seen them since last Aug.) and we could spend time together.
second problem.
I also asked about Memorial Weekend.......I had made plans long before this shittin cancer bullshit, and another daughther and I were leaving on Thursday night with her children since they are off of school which would mean I would miss Friday and tack that on at the end of the 33................well because Monday is a holiday and I will miss Monday (their fault)........they said they don't think the RO is going to approve of me missing Friday. This because I will miss monday too (not my fault),
I am upset cause I really was looking forward to the time with my daughter and 2 grandchildren. I don't want to keep them back from leaving on Thursday. I am really bummed out today.................not a good day for me...........
I hate this cancer, and how it just upsets your whole life........Up to this point I have been good, but honestly I swear if they tell me "no", I am taking off anyway...........the hell with them, the hell with cancer, I am going to live my life the way I want to, and refuse to let this fuc--ing disease keep me back..................damn it I'm so angry............Screw them all, I will do what I want, and screw the cancer too.
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Ducky - I had two 4-day weekends due to Christmas and New Year's. They tacked it on to the end and added an additional boost. Hopefully they will understand how important your family is to you and find a reasonable compromise. If not, I am sure you will kick the crap out of them
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So I meet with my PS next Monday - but I just got a call back from my BS telling me that she does do skin saving and nipple saving mastectomies... I am wondering how I got to the point that I am (1) asking these types of questions, and (2) excited that the answer was what I got!.... LOL... Well, as my brother in law, who worked at the state mental institution for 30 years, says 'You laugh or you cry...'
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raincitygirl............I'm sure they can do this, but trust me if they don't I will.........only problem is my son was with me and he heard what they said, and he will spread the news, and then I'll be in hot water with my daughters.......The tech gave this long bullshit theory about the cancer cells, and the 5 day crap, and why it is 5 days in a row to get cells before they grow, and she even explained the Satuday and Sunday reason for being off, and it had nothing to do with its the weekend......................Got sick of listening
Haven't talked to the RO yet, she knows how much my family means to me, they are with me all the time throughtout this whole thing, so they are well known at the cancer Center, maybe she will feel sorry for me , hahahahahaha, ..........and give me the ok.
If not, I'll do whatever I want to do anyway, unless the "gatekeepers" (the kids) won't allow me in their cars, or tell me they will pick me up........lie and leave without me.................
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Ducky I would go, I was like raincity and had rads during Christmas and New Years. For Christmas we had a 4 day break and low and behold on Monday the machine did not work so I had a 5 day break which I needed. Was having bad skin problems. Then the next week had a 4 day break. I would go as you will not get another chance to see your GD graduate. And the cancer center will still be there when you get back.
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vhshea: Yay! I hope the nipple sparing surgery goes well. I was so fortunate that the first surgeon I saw (who does not do them) made the arrangements for me to have surgery where they are performed. It's pretty amazing!
Yes, we have to become breast cancer experts in short order. Good for you!!!
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Ducky-I hope they give you that ONE day. Geez, you'd think you could make up for it somehow...There is another lady that I wait with in the waiting room with the same problem. Her grandaughter is having surgery (a pretty major one) and can't be there because of the rads. Also, seems everyone has someone graduating or making first communion, or something in May. It is a tough month to not take a long weekend. Good luck!
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Ducky - I hope you can go. I missed 4 days in a row because they were OFF/CLOSED for Thanksgiving. Finally finished 12/23 and left that day for a 9 day trip to visit family.
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Ducky - You go girl - visit the family. The cancer center will be there when you get back. I had a 4 day break for Thanksgiving which put me finishing in Dec. Family events like this do not come along every day.
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Thanks feeling exactly, and have been down all day thinking about it........I have not been very down since I finally accepted this cancer thing as "real", but this has gotten to me.....I made a promise to this little girl, and I intend to keep it........I never break a promise....She is graduating with a 4.0 GPA. in Nursing.......There is a special Honors's Ceremony, for just those people......Bacculaaureate Mass.......the Main graduation.........and the graduation of just her Nursing class....I should miss this for a damn Rad treatment....
Plus my first time down the shore since last Sept..its just not gonna happen. I don't know how much quality time I will have to spend with my grandchildren and my daughter......When the opportunity comes, I will not pass it up.......
I will let you all know before the end of the week how this turns out, but rest assured I will listen to my "main ladies" first........thanks, I feel better knowing you guys had the same encounters. It gives me more ammunition to fire at them when they tell me "NO"........and I will still do what I want.
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Ducky-sista listen up here-----i was doin rads during the Christmas holidays.the Friday before i told the tech we are expecting a big storm over the weekend in NJ.i was goin to PA.she said we will be open just try to get here.well the storm came to NJ on sunday.i got stuck in PA who got nothing so i called the hospital and guess what.that hospital who is never ever closed was closed and i missed,sat,sun,mon and tues.i was scared but the RO said its not the best thing in the world to skip so many days but its ok....YOU GO GIRL...AT OUR AGE WE CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS ONE DAMN THING WHEN IT COMES TO A SPECIAL OCCASION....JUST GO AND HAVE FUN.0
Ducky- good. you are nearly many more sleeps? for the vacation....I get it. Different perspective sklightly form these other gals but one your own kids might give you..I cancelled my vacation because of the heart attack ...I reallly really needed (and still need) a vacation...and you know what? My friend was very understanding and grateful I was alive for us to try it another time. I bet if you mention the 7am rads to your daughter, she will be happy to wait on you....I know it sucks...but try to remember to that this lousy machine is also saving your life...I know it is hard to feel that just want it done already...But you will get through will! and if you send it up to the universe and the people it involves, they might just get creative my friend and give you some ideas or surprise you with their response. This time it is about you...and making sure you are there for other gevents too....As for the graduation, I bet they will give you one 4 day weekend .... you have a helluva a lot of weekend off should not hurt! Just a different perspective in case your son passes the word and your kids freak out on you....
Valjean/Sherry- thanks! I am going armed with my 6 or 7 uestions yet again..where do all these questions come from? Don;t think the vitamin D is in yet but when I called on Monday , they said the others are in but th edoc did not want or need me to come in (well, I have to because I a swollen and have some heart questions bu t good to know that there is nothing on the blood work that is alarming!) phew
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Waving at Sheila!
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Waving at Sheila and Barbara.