No luck. Dr Beetlebum signed up but her computer didn't have the current version of Java. Updated the correct version but still does not work. Will try this on another computer since mine is a relic.
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Yeah Jo!
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vhshea- i did mine in the afternoons as late as I could get them so that I had my day and then did not have to see anyone afterwards if I did not want to...worked out great because a couple of days I was very red-eyed afterwards..just kind of came apart at the seams...must have been a safe place to cry
ducky- immune system stuff is hard. I keep telling the teachers to stay home if they are coughing or clearaly contagious and they come in anyhow and say ' I was hoping you would not see me"..really? how is that goin gto keep the germs away from us all?
and Ducky!! YAYre. too JO!
Dexxy- I was 48 when I had to make my numbers were low and the radiologist, surgeon and oncologist all thought that since it was only a 1-2% difference, that it would make me sicker than it was worth. They also said if it was in the 7+% range, they would be pushing me to do the chemo...pros and cons...
allenan- I was also told to massage the scar area every day to help it to heal better
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Hello my sistas---been away since fri.and there are 5 pages to read.i started but now im bleary eyed soo ill just start by saying to who ever was prayin for my SIL who was in a coma for 42 days,had her birthday party.she is talking (not making too much sense sometimes) but she is doing better then anyone expected.thanks for the prayers.
Sandy-damn it sounds like you need a compression bra.the one im wearing is like a harness and i have to wear it 24/7.and its not uncomfortable at took me a long time to find this but if you can go to a place that measures you for a COMPRESSION bra that is ugly as sin IT WILL WORK...I have edema in the breast and now i see the swelling is goin down.
Sheila goin back to those damn commercials.i thought i was the only one that got pissed glad i did not see ricky martin singing because i do like him and that would have turned me off...MAKIN MONEY OFF OF US...YOU BASTARD...
And you Val---you scared the daylights out of me with your DD.THANK YOU GOD.Im holding your hand as always sista.
I know you girls spoke about is my 2 cents BS told me its gonna hurt.especially with the edema.My friend is the head tech and i know she will take care of me as best as she can.
Chaba----100 YAYS for you sista.
Annette----Im sooooo proud of you my sista for peaking up...some drs actually like and respect you for your knowledge.others who are a little to cocky dont like you to know anything.I too am not takin the ALs.
bc and stumbling blocks are also sistas.did anyone ever hear that one?I also saw we have a few new members...damn.i know you dont wanna be here BUT we are not all business and we do have fun here.these sistas have beautiful spirits.your gonna love them.and nothing you ask is stupid.not to us anyway.come visit often.
if i forgot everyone im losing focus so ill say HI again OH BARARA BIG HI----hugggggggggggggs K
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Annette- sent you a PM. hugs to you
granny- I have an appointment at the lymphodema clinic next week. The massage therapist I went to who specialises in it does not think it is lymphodema (yet) but I figured I will tag team in to see her before the other appointment so I will take al the help I can get. If I need to get a compression bra I to say..miss the underwire ones something awful!!!!!!
Have my first mammogram post-surgery etc tomorrow at 2pm. Send up some positive thoughts k? I can admit to you all that I am scared sh**less but will go in with a smile on my face and music blaring in my mp3 player and hopefully no one will be the wiser...who the hell am I trying to fool here. WE all know I will get in there and start to weep and let it out....I always feel sorry for the poor medical staff I weep with though...they are generally very surprised and when I say ' oh ignore is jus me releasing the fear" they look at me a bit oddly...ah least the mammogram technician will be a woman! and I will be sure to let her know it is my first post-stuff!
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Sandee - I know the scared sh**less feeling. That was me on Friday. I have to tell you the tech was so nice and very gentle. It did not hurt at all, in fact, the best tech I have ever had. I found out she has worked extensively with BC patients so she does understand our fears - not as much as other survivors but she was great.
Sending up positive thoughts for B9 results. You are going to do better than you think. Let us know when you get your results.
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Hey, GD! Missed you gal pal!
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Jo congrads on the B9 - what is the BIRADS score? I haven't heard of that before.
I had my rads at 7:15 am so I could make it work on time. Took naps during my lunch hour.... Used aloe whenever I could sneak it under my shirt and slather it on!
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samsue - I sent you a PM
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Thanks Jo! I am going to think positively and pay it back tomorrow....going to go and visit a student in the hospital who is very ill and then I have a movie planned with a galpal...will try to get the gym in there too before the the meanwhile, trying to be relaxed tonight....need sleep too.
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Sandee, do you think I can get away with calling in sick for a mental health day????? Watching a movie and just hanging out sound fab.
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Wow. It is so great to be here. I'm a newbie--only a couple of months since my diagnosis. I'm seeing the Onc for the first time tomorrow. I really hate the idea of rad or chemo but my Grade 3 scares me. Having taken HRT for more than 10 years (which I think has something to do with my bc), I'm very reluctant to trust big Pharma again. How do you decide?
Thank you all for being here!
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Looks like you and I have about the same diagnosis Donna! I already saw my oncologist a couple of weeks ago and he had me do the Oncotype DX test. Just got the results tonight. He actually personally called me after 7 PM. Impressive! Anyway, the score was a 17, which is just barely in the low end and he recommends NO CHEMO. He said he would have even recommended this if I had been in the intermediate range due to the early stage of my tumor. So looks like radiation will start shortly.
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best of luck with the radiation, Lindaku.
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Thanks Donna. Let us know how your appointment goes. It is a tough decision but we all must follow our gut. I don't know that there is a right answer.
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K ~ SO nice to hear from you!! I am so happy your SIL is improving, albeit slowly, but improving nontheless. A birthday party for her, birthdays are wonderful & I'm sure she appreciated it.
About my DD, I'm anxious to see her biopsy/path report about the makeup of the tumor; I'll see that next month when we go see her on vacation. But, she did tell me the mamm had come back with a Birads 4 - she was so scared.... all she could think of was me..... I have thanked God every day since she told me. (still wish she had told me sooner, but she is her own woman & that was her decision.) I'm doing well, I'll PM you soon, promise. ♥
Jo ~ I knew your mamm would be B9 !!! I am so happy for you!!!
lindaku ~ A low oncotype score & no chemo! Fabulous news!
Sandee ~ Keeping good thoughts for a clear mamm tomorrow (which is today since it is 1:20 am as I write this on the east coast.)
vhshea ~ I had my Rads about 3-3:30 pm. It allowed my DH to get out of work early so he could be home to drive me. I wanted to do it myself & certainly could have, but he insisted on going with me for support which I did not turn down. It was Jan/Feb & sometimes the roads were bad, so, in the end, it worked out well. I made dinner as soon as I got home, most times having put something in the crock-pot or I made sure dinner was prepared earlier to reheat later. I was full of energy during the entire time, lucky I guess, as lots of gals are more tired as the time progressed. Best of luck to your friend.
dexxy ~ Sorry you have to join us here, but so happy to meet you. I think you will like it here, I know I wouldn't be anywhere else for support. I hope you receive a low Oncotype score.
And, last, BUT NEVER LEAST ~ ducky, my sister/friend: I am so happy your Oncotype score was an 8!! YAY!! I'm sorry you have to indure 3 more boosts, but I agree with your MO: "insurance for you & peace of mind for her." You're almost done. I hope you have limited SE's on the Femara, I'm doing well on Aromasin. I have done more research on LE & feel confident I am doing all I can to avoid it. Sometimes sh*t happens, I know, no matter what we do. I'm glad you were persistant in having it checked, good for you. We must keep asking, keep pressing for answers if we are not satisfied. Who else is going to do it?!?
Wow, didn't realize how long this was getting & what time it was.
Sending Strength & Hugs to all. ♥
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Welcome Donna - This is a great group of ladies - sorry we had to meet this way. HRT was the culprit in me getting BC. The decision for chemo or not is really based on all the information from your path report and oncotype test. Talk to you MO and get all the details before making any decisions. Sending up positive thought and prayers for no chemo.
I would like to thank all the Stage 1 sisters for all your support, positive thoughts and prayers. I could not have made it through this journey without you. Now that I know my mammo is clear, I can relax and breathe for the next year.
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Thank everybody for the suggestions on when in the day to have the rads (for my friend)... end of day wins... and Valjean -- your comments about cooking gave me the idea to make my BFF meals at least 1-2 times a week after the midway point when i understand it gets worse from a tiredness perspective... by that time i should feel better from my MX since i will not be undergoing rads....
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Got a question - I have been on Tamoxifen for 5 months and have a history of fibroid tumors. I am due to see my gyno in the morning. My question is this - Should I insist on getting a baseline transvaginal US done? Would appreciate input.
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Ok....well.....not real thrilled about how the afternoon went...the technician did the right breat 3x and the left 2x....same thing happened last year when they discovered breast cancer....same spot but on the other side...very neutral (bless her) but not encouraging when I said "ooh. don't like the sound of that. it is exactly what they said to me last year when they found the cancer" least it was not on the cancer side...right? oh dear god....I really don't know if I can do this all over again...going to call my Dr. tomorrow and ask if she can put a rush on it somehow...the left shoulder and breast are SOOOO sore now...yesterday they were they are sore but it started off sore so the mammogram just made it worse.
Going to go and watch a stupid movie this evening to let it go...can't do anything..out of my control once again....keep your fingers crossed that I am reading her body language and lack of comments inaccurately...maybe she truly is the ultimate professional and does not comment with anyone!!!
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Sandee - Sending positive thoughts and prayers for B9 results. Please let us know what you find out.0
Sandee - Hope all turns out ok. Let us know, ok?
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Sandee- right here pulling for you....I hate waiting! BIG FAT HUG
Jo- you DEMAND it...anything to check the issues that may arise
My own surgery for tomorrow has been put on hold until July 7- doc looked at the couple of ripples that were bothering me (not bad bothering me but just the same) and he said- will you be willing to wait until I get back from vacation - i don't want to do this before I go and leave another PS to watch over you...said sure...he is gong to remove fat pads at top of underarm by boobs, graft fat over each breast to smooth out and fill in ripples and then make the nipples...I am in...he was so very kind when I broke down over what is going over..beyond what a PS or any doctor should really helped my head in a way I cannot believe...good souls all over the place:)
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annette - Your PS sounds like my BS. Always very caring and has had a lot of my tears on his shoulder. He is in a class all by himself - wish more doctors were like him. That does make all the difference.
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((((Sandee)))) Big prayers for good results coming your way.
I too blame HRT for my BC. Going to be very involved in my daughter's decisions and not just trust that gynos always know what they're doing. I've heard bad things about the HPV injections. Having second thoughts about letting my daughter take them. Any thoughts?
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rohanna - This is just MHO but I will not allow my perfectly healthy DD to be a guinea pig for a none life threatening disease like HPV. I was dx'd with a strain of HPV in my early twenties, I had cervical cryotheraphy (liquid nitrogen used to freeze multiple layers of the cervix). It hurt like a SOB for several days as the cervix thawed out but I have never had another abnormal pap since then. There is just too much uncertainty as to how this vaccine will affect our DD's 5, 10, 20, 30 years down the road.
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my advice on the gardasil shots for kids is NO...merck developed them for girls, then sought approval for boys, then adult women then adult it will be for your pets. The plant that make sit in north carolina started as a 150 million investment now it is up to over 600million all to produce the drug.....they tried to make it mandatory here in Texas-Perry was dancing about it but it got slammed...thankfully-it shold remain an option for parents...not a requirement.....
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Annette- sounds like a good decision. go with the one you trust and you know what? It is exactly what this dr. should be doing...going above and beyond is why these folks become doctors..why folks become teachers and social workers go the extra mile. You deserve the extra mile.
Thanks for all the thoughts ladies....not a good day. Went to a movie to laugh anf forget fear for a few hours..and I was feeling so upbeat and positive yesterday. WOW!!!! All baed on readin gbody to stop that (though I have been right so far...I hope this time I am proven wrong)
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As for the Gardisil etc. I have a galpal who has also said no for her daughters...took her daughter to the dr. to go on the pill and have a chat baout birth control and then sat her down and talked to her about condoms and safe sex and sexual health. Too many if's....
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Holding your hand Sandee...tight....a mood can switch on a flip of a to the body language- hell we are constantly scanning others through all this BS to see if we can *read* what they really mean...but I got a fine see ya next year after my mammo in Nov, here I am today...I DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING I SEE OR HEAR hahahah well, ok, some, but not much:)