annette - Would you take a picture of your new puppy and post it on here? Please! Please!
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What Jo said. Please0
Annette my guest bedroom is very cozy, I use to run it as a B&B you are welcome here anytime.
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We waited until DH retired to get a dog. She 's a lot of fun, but I just spent $225 at the vet today for routine immunizations she has to have every year so she can be boarded when we travel. She also goes there for "doggie daycare" twice a week. It's a time commitment and can be expensive. Don't get me wrong...I love my little fur kid, but they require effort. But in return, you get unconditional love.
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Good Night Sisters.
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As a holistic veterinarian, I would caution against overvaccinating your pets. I see way too much cancer in my practice (treated using an integrative approach) and rarely vaccinate pets. Ask your vet about doing a blood titer test and ONLY vaccinating if the titers are low...and NEVER vaccinate a pet with cancer unless you want to increase the chance of the cancer becoming more aggressive.
My wife was diagnosed with stage 1 BC last year and is being treated (post lumpectomy and radiation) with 100% natural therapies. Best of luck to all of you....I'll post as my schedule blog has some more info on some of her natural therapies, listed at my website,
Shawn Messonnier DVM0 -
im stayin with my GD who is a vet tech and loves animals.Im not an animal lover but i surel dont hate them BUT enuf is enuf....she has 3 dogs and 2 pregnant and has a 17 month old baby and workin full time...they are to me a huge pain in the butt.requires a lot of time that she doesnt have and every person in the entire town either brings her a stray that no one wants or is lookin for meds.....and she keeps all the strays.....the one dog i really loved just had to be put to sleep last made me sich...ill never get attached to another animal again..i hope i didnt offend anyone...if my GD would see this post she would kill Life is good when you can do what you want....end of rant.0
Shawnvet, What vaccinations are necessary? I have two healthy dogs, I have a hard time getting them to the vet, so what is absolutely necessary? One of them takes walks on a trail with us, the other will not go out of the house, will not get the leash on.
Best wishes to your wife. I hope she is well, now.
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I can and will....he is amazing....what a wonder pup...not one accident in the house....loving, sweet and smart..
kind of dark- will see if i can lighten them up- idid- you can see him better now:)
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I was diagnosed on 7/7 following surgical excision on 6/29. Sentinel node biopsy was on 7/13 and got the results on 7/21. I am scheduled to see RO on 7/27 and MO on 8/2. Breast surgeon says I will need radiation and probably hormonal treatments. I am concerned with having radiation over the left breast. Has anyone had the prone (lying on your stomach) radiation as I saw mentioned that this might be less harmful to the heart and lungs? My tumor was deep at the 11:00 axis.
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jtderyan- I did not deliberately say no to tamoxifen but had a heart attack 4 months into it so they have said no on my behalf...I still have estrogen firing so there are no other chemical options for I am flying without a net at the moment. Am living mylife..doing all that I can to be concinved it will not come back. I did surgery, told her to take a big piece to get it al ( she did and I am now a good deal smaller on one side but still have the breast) and had the Canadian protocop for rads...16 of 'em....I am convincing myselt that that is enough.
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pam53- after my heart attack, i asked my radiologist about my heart..did rads have anything to do with th eheart attack and he said no..we no longer go near the heart..the only thing that may have been affected were the lungs because they were corssed. I know he has to tell himself this to be able to do what he does but he was quite sincere, quite convinced and convincing...but who the hell knows...really...tamoxifen, a 70% blocked artery (thanks mom, dad!) and radiaion...could not have helped the situation....but it was better than having the problem somewhere far away from a hospital so....get as mny details as you can if you ar eworried about it....perhaps get a base line on your heart and cholesterol etc befor estarting any cancer treatment if possible...a blood test should give you some info.
Dr. Shawn- since I can not take tamoxifen any longer , I woul dbe interested to know what naturopathic remedies your wife is on post lumpectomy/rads. I want to make an appointment with my naturopath here in town and would be interested to see what she has to say about it all
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sandee- you might want to try the DIM (bioresponse formulation) and grapeseed extract (activin formulation)...after my bad experience with AI, I still wanted something to cool the estrogen. For me at least, it apparently seems to be working....unwillingly had to test that theory as i was off it 8 weeks in anticipation of surgery which was delayed then rescheduled and my last estrogen panel reflected the rise (while still ok...not as low as it had been when last tested after being on it two months). Onc is retesting in October. who the heck knows? but i knew without the last test that the rates would rise-i could feel it in my body like a gate opened.
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Annette...I had to post this picture. LOL
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i love it!!!!!!!! thank you sheila:)
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Pam, I wanted to do the prone psoition but no center within 100 miles offered it. So I did it the regular way. My heart received no radiation and the lung got 'less than 1%' according to the rad onc. Not happy about that, though, since I used to smoke.
Annette he is adorable. What kind is he?
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Tucker is a boxer and Ibizan (pharoh hound) mix. It is very odd, I have loved my dogs through the years, but this guy is like from central casting. He is perky and fun to play with, and then when you sit somewhere, he finds a spot close by and lays right down. He has been home for four days and not one mess anywhere. I don't get it. I got out of bed this morning and almost stepped on him...he woke up wagging that tail and looking so happy- then zipped outside the minute I opened the door. His favorite treat is a mini rice cake (forgot to buy snacks and saw these in the pantry and figured all good stuff-won't hurt him) he swoons over them:)
can you tell I like him?
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Oh Annette that's so loving reminds me of my DD's dog. He made me so happy last year.
It feels like somebody finally listening to you right?
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yeah- even if it is a dog:) for the other...just not sure
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Annette he is adorable.
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Ahahahahha! I didn't think anyone else sent their dog to doggy daycare. I used to ask my dog, "Do.. you.. want.. to.. go... to ..Dogg/ Bowwwwweeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr! Tap dancing! twirling in circles! flashing eyes! dripping tongue! He was a hound dog and none to bright but he loved it.
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Hermit Crabs are really (kind of?) fun. One cheerio a day, keep their spong damp so they can drink and no poo that I ever saw. Kind of like pet rocks. And you can give them cute houses and decorate to your heart's content with fake palm trees They don't care.
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What? Is your hermit crab trying to lower his cholesterol? I mean Cheerios are all right but, he'll perk right up and be tons o' fun if you toss him a Cheetos curl once in a while. If he gets his party snack, he'll feel more like partying. Look out!
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Really E-where do you find these?
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cracking up...elimar- wherever you find those pics do not stop
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Dr Shawn - Thank you for posting here - I'm sure I speak for more than just myself in hoping that you may be able to share more insights as to natural treatments. Hoping that Sandy is doing well and let her know that there's someone in NYC rooting for her!
Kindly, Sara
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Ahahahhaha! See? told you they are cute! What's not to love? Sorry about the size, not good at computers. He wants chocolate lovers ice cream with extra syrup
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Thanks DR. Shawn, I'm glad your wife is doing well. I swear, my cat gave me Reiki before my surgery by lying on me, and I've heard that purring is able to help heal (bones?) Anyway pets are a Godsend. You sound like a great vet (and Hubby) It's good to have you here
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bedo...That's a pretty cool picture.
I don't know how to re-size the pictures either.
And I'm sure it simple but i never really asked anyone
.Please help me with the sizes (details please)
Thank You♥
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