Where do you get Krill Oil? Drug Store or Health food store?
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Don't know how krill oil could come from whales. Krill are the tiny shellfish that some species of whales feed on.0
I think you're better off ordering krill oil from a place like Life Extension or Vita Cost which carry only high quality supplements. Mine come from Life Extension. I'm a member and get them at the lower price. Anyone can join, there's a fee, but you get it back as a credit on the supplements you buy.
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Well mom is due there at 5:30 a.m. for the MX so i will be up at 4 and this will be quick! We had a nice little get together last night at their home with a bunch of "extended family" and I was so proud of how great my mom was. We even had some smokers there and i never even saw her fidget. I thought she might try to sneak a puff!
Well good night all, thanks for the prayers, i hope it goes smoothly.
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Carey, (((((hugs))))) for you and your mom. Will have you all in my prayers tomorrow.
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Carey, best wishes to you and your mom!
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Carey, sending out good thoughts & wishes for your mom!
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May your mother have an easy time today.
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carey: Sending prayers and positive energy!
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Carey, lots of good thoughts and positive wishes for your mother.
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Carey - sending healing thoughts and prayers to you and your mom!
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There ya go Carey......look at all the support you and your mom are getting....Im prayin too.
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Thinking of Carey and her mom tonight. Saying a special prayer just for them...
Happy weekend everyone.
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Thanks everyone for your thoughts...we all did great Friday morning at the crack of dawn until they wheeled her away and i cried like a baby so did dad. it sucked. My mom was really groggy for way more hours than should have been. They were very concerned and she was supposed to be there a day but still there as i type. Her oxygen levels aren't what they want them to be so they are working on it.meanwhile the damn doctor swore that he did not think she would have any node issues, well he was wrong. He took a panel - anyone know what that is?? Cause i ask how many is that and he says a panel and he don't know?/ whats that mean?
Anyway just got back from the hospital and i swear my mom hasn't looked that good in years. i honestly believe its from not smoking. Her skin is like smooth and shiny!! Her sugar level is down. its amazing. I bought her a July angel and it says "each day is a new beginning" with her july birthstone. she will be 61 on wednesday.
So in the mist of this, my brothers house in Amherst NY caught on fire yesterday. The entire 2nd floor is destroyed. He has a cutie 3 year old girl. luckily they were all out at a softball tournament for a family friend - that all are from here and were staying at the house. Geez if it were in the middle of the night, we could have lost 10 of our family....not sure how much more we can handle right now.
One more thought and then i am crashing. I have two friends that are walking in teh 60 mile SG Komen 3 day walk in Florida this October. My one girlfriend does not have cancer (2 biopsies) but the other who is a family friend has suffered over 20 years. diagosed at stage 4 so she is a fighter. If anyone would like to donate you can go on the participant 4886186, she has guaranteed a minimum of 2300 but is already at 1700. My dad retired from a really good job at coca cola and we had them donate 10k for a friend with lupus so we are going big with this request for SGK and have good reason - not that we didn't before!
good night all, i am whooped!
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carey: Glad your mom came through the surgery fine. It sounds like she is on the road to recovery. I don't know what "panel" means, but perhaps someone else on this thread does.
terrible about your brother's home..what a tragedy, but at least no lives were lost.
Sending prayers and hugs.
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Carey, glad things are going better. Perhaps your mom will be going home today. Happy for you. Don't know what a panelbis, but perhaps he is saying he removed a "branch" of nodes, and won't know how many till pathology is done . Much love
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Moonflower, that makes sense.
She is getting out of the hospital this evening. Oxygen level is good until exertion so they are going to send her with a oxygen machine temporarily. She wants the drain out as she said nothing is even coming out anymore. That doesnt seem normal either but they wouldnt take it out anyway.
I'm beat. good night all!
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Sleep well, and don't be surprised if the drains produce more after moving your mom home, they produce more when you are active.
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Checking in after being AWOL for almost a week....unplanned trip to Cape Cod to stay in free hotel for DH's conference. Only bad home alone in a few minutes - 6 hours with ferry - straight to work for my last night of summer job.
I will catch up on the posts and news here tonight.
I did note that Carey's mom had the surgery and seems to be doing well. I hope she finds the support she needs - so much information on the threads here for post Mx care.
Hugs and prayers to all
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Safe trip Sheila.
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Carey missed a bit here but see your mom has her surgery. Glad she is doing better. Not sure about the panel either but please keep us posted.
Had my 3 month MO appt last Friday and my Zometa treatment. Bloodwork is all good and had a good appt but was dissapointed that I did not get to graduate to every 6 months. So back in October.
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Sherry: That's good news!
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Sherry glad bloodwork is good.
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Moonflwr: exactly right, nurse was there today and much more in the drain. But she is still in good spirits, nurse checked vitals, bandage etc and all are good. I haven't asked my mom yet and I am kinda afraid too if she has actually looked at "the wound".
Boy I am really worried about problems she may have with her arm due to node removal. Even more so then i am worried about waiting for the results which could be tomorrow. Seems like swelling etc are hard to beat.
And i just got off the phone with my brother - as mentioned house caught on fire Saturday - its much worse than we thought. The top floor is destroyed, the bottom floor is water and smoke damaged but worse my little niece (3), all of her baby mementos, gifts, crib etc are gone. My brother said there is 8-10 people in each day removing absolutely everything they own down to the spatulas and pieces of paper and taking it somewhere to try to be cleaned or destroyed. He is just watching people removing his home and furniture and really not sure where its going or if its coming back. I can't even go there (Buffalo NY) right now cause they are living in a hotel and plus i am trying to keep watch of my mother! The only positive is that my baby girl is 9 and we have a whole collection in the attic of mini kitchens, vanities, dolls etc that we can give her....
Well mom's birthday is tomorrow and she is living and so is my brother and his family so we will celebrate that....
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Carey - you are a trooper - tell Mom happy birthday!
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Carey, a lot to go through, but every one is ok, and what could be better than that? Praying everything else goes smoothly for your family now.
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You and your family really have been thru so much yet you have such a wonderful attitude. Hang in there hon!
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Thanks all. Had a nice party tonight at mom's, her remaining brother and sister were there, 2 sister in laws and a couple of her nephews plus my family. What a sport she is. I am telling you i have not seen her this lively in years, i swear its the not smoking.
well still waiting on the node biopsy results...and more bad news for my family...
my ex sister in law and mother to my wonderful nephew (ex wife of the brother whose house that just burnt down where she used to live), her dad had a stroke yesterday. Then my sister in law on hubbys side who i adore, her mother in law is in intensive care and they called all her kids in....REALLY WTF IS GOING ON AND WHEN IS THE DARK CLOUD GOING AWAY??? LEAVE MY FAMILY THE HELL ALONE AND ME TOO CAUSE MY DIAGNOSTIC MAMMO IS COMING NEXT MONTH....AND I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH ANY MORE BAD NEWS...RIGHT!!!!!
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You have a diagnostic mammo? Have they or you found something to be concerned about. Sorry if I missed that before.
My parents are traveling in Canada, and I got a call last ight saying they'd be coming home a week early. Dad is having TIA's and he saw a Dr, who prescribed blood thinners and told him to get home. I am the only child living near so there will be more need for me for awhile. Brother will be driving them home on the last leg of the journey (an 8 hour drive) that is a blessing. Been through the Black cloud times, Carey, the skies do and will clear.
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Carey, hon, much love going your way. You sure have had your share of challenging times. You know how they always say God doesn't give you more than you can handle? There have been times that I asked God if he was sure he had the right person, cause I just wasn't THATgood! So hang in there, skies do clear. Much love.