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  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    BB- Are you  in the BIG CITY   NY?  They are pretty busy where I go too, but the nurses are nice.  Maybe you should just stand up and say, WAIT I am not done with you yet. And have your list of questions written down.   I did that once to my GYN and she sat down and after that she never rushed me.  She could come in and do a exam and be out the door before you knew she was there......MY RO rushed me really bad one day when she had to see me unexpectedly after treatment---but then on "Doctor Day" she spent way more time with me than normal.   I just hate waiting on people, and it has taken me a long time to appreciate that maybe the person holding up the line really has a bigger need than me that day, and if they will take time with that person, then when I need it, they will do that for me.   If you are really unhappy, get a second opinion from another practice and if you like them better, move.  If you had a shoe that hurt your foot, you'd quit wearing it wouldn't you?????  How long before you are done with treatments?  Will I see you on the Arimidex board???? 

  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Member Posts: 211
    edited May 2014

    HAppY Belated BirtHDAY Sheila! :) Glad there's such a group here! and such positive energy too! :)<3

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited May 2014

    Thank You so much Yen Smile

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Thanks BB----Hope you can find someone who is more patient oriented and up on their stuff. My MO has a great reputation.  He can cite studies, etc. I have seen him only twice.

    But I guess he wants to see me two weeks after Rads, so that is getting here......I really appreciate your perspective on the Arimidex.  My knees have been hurting a lot this week and I am drug free right now......


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited May 2014

    All the time, but it doesn't stop me from living my life.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Bosumblues---I still keep wondering if those thoughts will go away.  My MO said to me that it takes a year before you begin to think in terms of a survivor and not a cancer patient.

    Someone on here told me that they had a sulfa allergy but used Silverdene crème without any problems at all.  Was that you?  My skin is now open not just under by breast but also where they did my sentinel node under my arm.  I am pretty miserable, as it is getting hot here this week. 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2014

    Good for you BB.  I too am learning to embrace my short hair and everyone is always saying they love it! 

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2014

    BB - I think a lot about BC, mostly because I am on these boards a lot. I also still microanalyze even tiny detail on my reports. I still look for answers re: surprise diagnosis, who missed what, what was the dimension of the tumor. I don't think much about recurrence, but boy I sure did that first year. 

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2014

    The main thing is that YOU get some peace by you inquiries. There are always woulda, shouda, couldas. You certainly are not a naive fool. 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    I would like to ask everyone---did you notice pain in your breasts AFTER you finished Rads?   All during rads, at my weekly visit, th ey would  ask me about pain, and I didn't have any, just senisitiviy in my nipple.  Which subsided by about week 4.  I finished rads on Tuesday and I have pain now.....sometimes a heavy feeling under the nipple and other times a shooting pain.  How long does this last.

    It is also numb in my armpit and that was never like that.  

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2014

    Redhead...the shooting pain I believe is the nerves healing.  I had/have that and asked the nurse if that was what is was and she agreed.  I have it off and on but the pain has lessoned.  My armpit was numb after rads but I believe it is getting better now. 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Thanks Lovewins.   If my open skin would just heal and I could get my energy back, I'd be good.  I think.  LIttle worried about AI .  Still think a lot of this is overkill.  

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2014

    Redhead....I had a hard time with rads with open skin...I know it is painful.  You are in the home stretch!  Just when I think I am getting my energy back I get tired again.  Tamox is ok...but I have hot flashes.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lovewins--my MO is hyped up on Arimidex.  Says we will try this one first......Bawling

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Somebody (mayabe it was you bosumblues) said that they felt better going off the genertic (Anatrzole) and using the Brand name-Arimidex?   I checked pricing and the generic is 10.00 and the Brand name is 70.00.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Thanks BB for the tip!  Great find!.  Hey how is your diet?  I was feeling so weary and all, and my PCP checked my thyroid--It was out of whack and it will be July for it is where it needs to be, and I was also Vitamin b12 low--so I am on a supplement for that---.  Just a thought.   I am excited though, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day , have cut out most snacking and am focused on those 5-9 fruits and grains.  My total cholesterol went from 212 to 174 since the end of Jan.....  Nurse always calls when the results are bad----lets see if they call me with a WOOHOO you did good......don't bank on it.... Dropped 13  lbs since they weighed me the first time at the cancer center----I have re-joined Weight watchers, but am having trouble eating enough protein and staying in my points range.  But WW was cool with it.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2014

    Hello Ladies....I have not posted a lot on this site but I follow along.  Shelia was very kind to me when I was going thru a rough spot with radiation a long with others.  I have been on Tamoxifen for almost a month now, had my final visit for awhile with my RO.  Back to work full time....I am trying to eat better but not having a lot of success in losing weight because my changes aren't huge.  I am eating a least 1 raw fruit a day without fail and sometimes more.  I am eating more veggies but not a huge amount, slowly incorporating them....adding more in my meals where I feel like I can get them in.  Eating granola bars instead of candy bars.  Drinking only water at home no diet soda.  Also not eating fast food anymore except Panera.  I am walking more at work getting up to do things when before I would call.  I am not depressed but I do find myself worried about my cancer coming back more now that treatment is over as far as surgery, chemo and rads.  I have read this is normal.  I do not dwell on it but I do have to bat the thoughts away many times a day.  I can relate BB  I feel my program is lacking but I am doing the best I can.  I am hoping to keep building on these small changes I am making.  I heard it is best to add things to your diet instead of taking away.  I am also very tired at times, it just seems to creep up on me and come and go, I think it is normal though.  Thanks for listening to anyone who reads this.  I would love to hear how you were able to make healthy changes in your life. 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    I struggle everyday with the Healthy changes. Before my cancer, I probably drank at least 6 cans of caffeine free diet soda a day---that and coffee.  The dietitian at the Cancer Center met with me a few times.  She was very nice and set small goals--be cognizant of your starches, and substitute a can of LaCroix water for a can of pop.  So, I could do better than that---I still struggle with the starches and know I am probably not hitting the 50-90 grams of protein a day.  but I have managed to put 1 cup of blueberries into my oatmeal every morning, and I buy the already prepped fruit at Sams Club, so I usually make a bowl of mixed fruit and dump a Yoplait light Vanilaa yougurt on that for lunch. She would like meto eat less fruit nd more veggies.    Since my milk consunption is limited to what goes in my coffee, my smoothie, or my oatmeal, I 've swithced this week to skim milk.......No snacks---unless I have some Hummus with pita chips.  Dinner is where my starch mess kicks in, I could eat pasta or rice every day.......  I am lacking on veggies too----if I can't sneak them into pasta sauce, I am lost.  and other than gardening and mowing the lawn, my exercise sucks.  tonight I went to a class on Osteoporosis.....I know I gotta get moving with walking or something to build up some bones besides taking my supplements 

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2014

    Now, before I get into trouble, I am no expert. So many people on this whole site research, research, and research; plus spout off more info than I ever imagined. It's to educate and to share and does a world of good most of the time. I do my share of research and then talk to someone that knows about the research, etc. After that, we are all still looking at the same questions that don't always have any answers. And even if they do have answers, as patients we don't really believe them. So, we do the best we can with what answers we do have and continue to search for better answers, and for better research.

    BosumBlues (hello again!) and redheaded1, anyone can see you both are trying so hard. I needed to lose 40 pounds before I was DX with this stupid disease and that was last November. Now, I understand it's going to be even harder. I should have been eating healthier my whole life and if I had known that it would have prevented cancer then, duh, I would have. Of course, if that were the solution to getting cancer then no one would have cancer because we'd just eat our fish and greens and be healthy.  Don't beat yourself up so much. Yes, as cancer patients, we have to take better care of ourselves. But, it's not going to happen overnight. A day at a time. I wouldn't be saying anything tonight but when I read your posts it made me realize how tough we are on ourselves. Every little detail in our lives has changed. Must everything, other than our cancer, change all at once?

    Believe it or not, my neurologist found I had no B vitamins hardly left in my body, much less Vit D! So, why the heck was my PCP or why didn't my new MO do that testing right away? Doctors can be so stupid to be so smart. My neurologist was running bloodwork last month to check on an old issue.  So, if you haven't gotten that bloodwork done, tell someone to make sure they are checking your vitamin levels, thyroid, and anything else you might have read or seen on here that could help you feel better. I was taking B12 injections once a day for a week, then once a week for a month and now once a month indefinitely because my levels were so bad. Vitamin D prescriptions go from 50K starting and then leveling. All of this has to be medically supervised. Don't just start buying vitamins and guessing at what to take because someone else says so. All of my supplements are now closely monitored and they are called into the pharmacy so there can be no mistake. If there is anything else I hear about or want to try I ask more than one or two people, read about it, keep asking, see if it's gonna do more harm than good, before I buy it.

    Just take care of yourself. Be kinder to YOU. Try to mix things up with your food...take a cooking class. I hate to cook but I'm thinking about taking one. I'm getting stiffer everyday since my exchange surgery so I know I have to move around more. If you force yourself too much it will be miserable and if you don't do enough you'll be miserable. So find that in-between place for now. I don't know where it is all the time. Some days I can eat an apple and somedays not. If it's a veggie, I want it fried. So, I'm struggling there. I don't want a smoothie - a texture thing, and I dislike yogurt, so I'm really screwed. But, I'll still try to think of something for the next day. You won't be perfect. Just get to a place that you feel you are helping yourself as much as you can, not as much as you should, as much as you can. That is where we get lost and very frustrated. I'll probably gain another 5 pounds soon but I hope you don't! But, don't give up and someday you'll have to help me!

  • canuck46
    canuck46 Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2014

    Mema4- Amen!  Very well put.  I am coming up to my 1 year anniversary of dx and surgery.  I plan to celebrate!  I once asked my BS what (or who) am I?  Do I say I have breast cancer when I am asked?  Her answer was very well put - she said "you have BC but it was removed and you are CA free"  I try to stay focused on that because like many of you all the aches and pains and SE'ss always make me think the CA has returned.  It is difficult enough to worry about the food you eat and what is in your makeup or skin products and am I exercising enough or am I doing everything possible to prevent a reoccurrence.  I remember years ago reading that if you breastfeed your babies for 6 months or longer your chances of getting BS are really low - lol really?  (been there - done that!)  I'd like to live each day without ever thinking about BC - is it possible?  I am encouraged by all you ladies who are honest and upfront about sharing with us all your fears and frustrations but more importantly your encouragement  and advice.  Thank you and big hugs

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2014

    canuck, that makes me think of a facial I was having last year before I was DXed. She asked me what I was using to clean my face. I told her the name, don't want to say because you might how with laughter, but right away she freaked. She says oh it will cause cancer! And, went on to tell me about products with more than 3 ingredients are linked to cancer. Darn, I get home and a few months later, I have it and you know what I think about? Yep, that stuff I've been using to clean my face. Stupid!!!!



  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Mema-what a day brightener your cartoon was!  And thanks for the advise--you and canuck are so right.   My PCP has been very good about testing my vitamin levels.  I was/am D deficient for the past 3 years and she has me taking 4000 a day.  Then when I got so tired about a week into my RADs, I called her, and she tested my B12 and that was low too---so I am taking 1000 of that a day--and it is slowly coming up, but not enough to stop yet.

    I wish someone would just concoct a WHAT TO EAT WHEN YOU HAVE HAD  CANCER for about a full 14 days (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks)   I could swap the stuff around and be set for life..... I am so simple....SPARED chemo so everything tastes good and textures not an issue.   



  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    BosumBlues---do they have any counseling services where you go for your treatment?  Mine does not, but the social worker they have has resources they can help you with.  I know the day I had the meltdown after i burned so bad on Friday with two treatments left, my Ro talked about counseling. I told her I didn't know who I was anymore since I started down this cancer road, and I wanted the old me back.    Is mine Anxiety or Depression, probably more Anxiety.  Are you  Depressed? Possibly---and it can make your body actually hurt.  Exercise and diet are key. and sometimes just a little bit of an anti-depressant will be helpful, short term. I learned the hardway that Depression and Anxiety are at opposite ends of the pole.  If you are suffering from Anxiety and they give an Anti-depressant, you will know immediately it is the wrong medication.  So don't try to self-diagnose, ok.

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2014

    AMEN redheaded on "what to eat when you have had cancer".  I finally gave up, do watch carbs and ingredients for preservatives but truth be told I TRY to do everything in moderation.  Would have given almost anything to have had your Dx. 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    mema--I see you are 3 days into the Arimidex--how you feeling?.  I picked mine up this evening but Dr. says to wait till my open skin issues are resolved from Rads.  I think he sensed a rocket might explode if he did'nt. 

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2014

    Redheaded1-so far so good. I keep waiting for something bad to happen. I think it helped to write down all my complaints first so if I have a pain I can go check my list before tying whatever symptom it is to the drug.  I was an absolute wreck starting Arimidex because of the side effects I kept reading about.

    I am post menopausal, plus on Cymbalta and it interacts with Tamoxifen. Sure didn't seem like the time to get off Cymbalta! So, the choice was  Arimidex. Someone wrote that we were lucky to even have drugs that prevented more cancer and that most women have little or no side effects. I kept hearing that from my doctors and their staff.  I was getting embarrassed that I was just ignoring this part of my treatment. I could have my boobs cut off but I couldn't face this hurdle. Look how long I went!  If I can keep a decent quality of life I'll stay on it. If not, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Smile

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    mema--didn't you have to do Rads?  The important thing is you are on it now, and so far so good.  With  my already osteopenic bones and my fibromyalgia, I was/am stressing.  

    The other thing my MO told me about the drug is that they took 100 women who chose not to take it and WHO did develop a distant cancer, and asked them What amount of Risk reduction, in retrospect, would have made you change your mind about taking the drug, and the response was if it even reduced their risk by 1%. the would have done it.

    I just don't want it in my bones, my liver or my lungs, and especially not my brain.  You doing good gives me hope..... 

  • JenniferMorgan04
    JenniferMorgan04 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone . I just joined.   I am stage 1A.  51 years old.  No immedite family history of BC. only distant aunt and cousin. Had 2 sugeries in April ( 4thdand 18th), lumpectomy removed the tiny tumor, 0.7/  IT's a grade 2.  Nothing showed in the nodes on the Sentianl Node biop. mY surgeon did have to clean up a 'slight' margin on the 2nd surgery. It was DEEP in the left breast, against the chest wall. Surgeon felt good about getting it all out.  only 3-d mammogram found it.  My MO had a oncotype test done, the score came back 29, in the 19% chance of recurrance..  Frustrating to be in the middle range.  she is recommendign the TC Chemothrerapy for  6 cycles. I dont; know if i should.  A 2nd opinion from different MO showed me "Learning information tools' on  the Oncotype and it showed that the size, grade , age and using Aromatasr inhib. would lower % to 9.   All of it is driving me crazy having to choose. anyone else in this position??

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,431
    edited May 2014

    Jennifer, I am not in your position but I did have a lumpectomy, radiation and will take arimidex for 5 years. I don't really like arimidex, as it has caused hair thinning, Buddah belly and I keep wanting to stop it. But then I can just picture myself kicking myself if I had a recurrence, so I stick with it, as I think for me, regret would be of the hardest feelings to deal with.. As a doctor once said to me. "this is only a moment in time" Easy for him to say, but I looked at the stats and decided to go for it. It's been about 2 1/2 years. Lefty is getting sore lately for the last 3 months and hurting. I have an appointment coming up and will ask about different medication. I'm chalking it up to scarring, and changes from the radiation as well as being more active. Don't know if anyone else has had this, but would be interested to know.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2014

    redheaded1, my MO said I wouldn't benefit from rads or chemo. My Onco was 6 so I didn't mind agreeing and he didn't make that decision until that test was done. I respect anyone that can get through rads or chemo. I know I still run a risk because at the end of ten years it moves to 14% for me. 

    Hi JenniferMorgan04, I wish I could answer but I'm not that knowledgeable. You're gonna see some women on here that have already learned a lot or can point you in the right direction.  Welcome!  Smile