
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Seyla - It's nice to know that you have done so well on Femara. I started on the 1st of this year    (36 days) and I haven't had any SE's except for some hot flushes that are manageable. I realize I haven't been on femara for a long time, but I am still hopeful that all goes well. Did you find that the flashes subsided with time? Have a great day. Chris
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2010

    chris...It was only the first year or maybe less, to be honest I didnt even realize until I joined the BCO that hot flushes were from Femara. I absolutely have no SE.

    I hope you will be one of the lucky ladies.

    It always happened outdoors,


  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited February 2010

    seyla888 - I'm glad to hear that someone has been on Femara for so long and hasn't had any side effects from it.  My med onc is wanting to start me on it when I go back to see him on Feb. 23rd.  I have been very hesitant to be started on this med and was actually considering discussing him placing me on Tamox instead.  I have heard so much about the problems with bone loss and debilitating joint pain from the Femara and the last thing that I want is to be walking around like my grandmother that is 84 with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I also do not want to have to take Zometa to prevent bone loss. I am still going to have a very indepth discussion with him regarding this medication and I feel he needs to do some serious convincing to get me to try it.

    Lindgarside- The usual amount of years that Tamox or one of the AI inhibitors (Arimidex, Aromasin or Femara) is prescribed is for 5 years.  Occassionally is someone is placed on Tamoxifen that is pre-menopausal and then has their ovaries removed they are sometimes (but not always) switched to one of the other drugs after 2-3 yrs.  and will take the other drug for the remainder of the 5 yrs.  I also have a friend that is a stage 4 cancer survivor and she had mets and she has stablized with the Femara.  Her Med Onc has left her on it and told her he will never take her off of it.  She has been on it for 7 years.  I hope that information has helped you. 


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2010
    Renee...I have a mild bone loss from Femara. I get bone Density test every 2 years. But I'm not on Zometa. I just take Caltrate+D twice a day.
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    I am due to have a bone density in Apr. I'm hopinng that the results are good, but honestly, I do have some indicators that may run against me (other than taking Femara). I take the Caltrate 2 x's daily too. 
  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited February 2010

    Sheila thanks for responding, you too reeltchr.  Reeltchr have you had any side effects from the Femara?  Like pain or hot flashes?


  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2010


    I am curious why my dr has me getting Zometa infusions every 6 months and so many of my stage 1 sisters do not... the reason I am so curious, the side effects are not as bad as chemo, but you do have a few down days. In paricular, one night after infusion my bones hurt from head to toe,, I have had three infusions over 18 months, and this is recommended for the next 3 years, 5 years total. I am really on the fence if this drug is necesaary as I do not find many woman doing it! Perhaps I should do a bit more research on this topic as it is "not a fun" thing to look forward to but if there are benefits I will endure it. Anyone have a comment on this?

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2010

    Susan ~ Well, I'm a little behind here, but WHOO HOO on the great news on your B9 results!! I am SO very happy for you!!

    Renee ~ Congrats on finishing your rads. I know how that feels, like the last day of school or the day before a long, warm vacation! YAY !!



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,288
    edited February 2010

    Sorry, Nicole, but I can't supply any info on Zometa.  I would agree that you need to ask your dr. why you're taking it.  Best of luck.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2010

    I think we had another stage I sister getting Zometa. What I understand some insurances dont cover Zometa for stage I.

  • Erika09
    Erika09 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2010

    Interesting comments on bone loss with Zometa! My mother is 77 years old and her onco has her  on Zometa injections every six months to PREVENT bone loss caused by the Anastrozole she has to be on for 5 years to block estrogen. Are there diff. types of Zometa?

  • Erika09
    Erika09 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2010

    Hello again ladies - I posted this on the Tamoxifen thread, sorry if I am repeating myself here!

    Has anyone done any base line liver panel to monitor liver enzimes before starting on tamox?  Is your onco monitoring your liver for Steotosis (fatty liver)? Apparently 43% of women on tamox will develop fatty liver within two years of taking it! Has anyone had such problem? The % seems so high to ignore it!

    I have decided to start taking tamox but I can't stop researching on its side effects, and this is the latest I have found!

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Renee - I do get some hot flashes, maybe once or twice a day and they are manageable. As far as other SE's, nothing (so far and my fingers are crossed). At night, sometimes, I'm tired but everyone gets nights like that and I don't feel it's the Femara. So at this point I'm feeling fine with it and, hopefully, it will stay that way. Have a good one. Smile Chris
  • Hannahbearsmom
    Hannahbearsmom Member Posts: 266
    edited February 2010

    Erika09:  I started on tamoxifen back in Oct. I had my followup appt with my med onc in Jan and she did order a liver panel--results were normal. I'll have to do a bit more investigation about this and see what she says about it next time I see her.


  • MBCR
    MBCR Member Posts: 51
    edited February 2010

    DenverDiva:  Congrats on your news! 

    mimi:  Congrats on finishing rads. This should be your "2nd" Birthday! When I finished my kids got me cake & balloons!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited February 2010

    I thought Zometa was for unclean nodes or bone mets.  I thought that is why Stage 1s usually don't get it.  Sorry that it makes you feel bad after the infusion.  Nuelasta gave me bone pain for 3-4 days, so I can relate to the pain.  That is no fun, especially with young ones around.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2010

    I just stopped by to see how everyone was doing,

    Good NightWink

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2010

    Hi Sheila and Meece,

    Haven't touch base with you ladies in a while... we have been prepping the house for sale.. WOW, it is a lot easier to buy a house than get a house ready for sale!!!! We have been painting, and painting, and cleaning, and purging for 2 weeks... I think we are being a bit too much of perfectionists! We need to get the sign on the front lawn as two of the homes we were interested in sold before we got ours on the market.

    The good news to all the ladies going through treatment, YES, live goes on and you get to worry about the small stuff again...Tongue out

    Have a good night ladies.

    Ooh, and on the Zometa front for stage 1ers... my dr says it is another "preventative" measure towards no recurrence... although our risk is already really low, I believe this is why other drs do not push for it... I will say, every infusion I have to take a day or two off work and it lingers through a weekend,,, so I will be talking to my dr about the exact reasons why he has me on this maintenance drug.

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2010


    Here is an article on the Zometa treatments, this suggests premenopausal woman can benefit from this maintenance drug...


  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2010

    Just popping in to say I love you all, and sweet dreams!!!!!!  Hope everyone has a great week!



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited February 2010

    Nicole, I am glad it's you and not me.  We sold our house four years ago and moved into this one four years ago this May.  It looks like we will be here for awhile.  I moved four times in 3 1/2 years.  I still haven't recovered!

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2010

    Hi Susan, hope you have a good week, too!

     Meece- You are right, this house thing is a lot of work, at least the adrenaline is still pumping and we are still excited about our move... kind of exciting to look forward to a "new" change. I am looking forward to being "settled", painting with a 2 1/2 yr old has its challenges, especially when she wants to help!!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2010

    So nice to see you ladies.

    Yes Im still up but who cares.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited February 2010

    Nicole, all I can say is "naptime", not for you, but to get painting done.  Or there is Grandma's house.

  • mary1996
    mary1996 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2010

    Hi Janet,

    I have a very similiar story like your. My first was 13years ago very small and had lumpectomy, rad and tx for 5 years. Last week had MX same breast for a new cancer also stage 1, will meet with surgeon today if I can get out of my house ( I am from VA and just got 28 inch of snow, snow bound ) to dicuss to take more node but I may be in the same boat (none left). what treatment are you getting now?


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited February 2010

    Hi, all!  Just checking in.  Nicole...have fun painting with your moving sitch!  You can never be too "anal" in this market!

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2010

    Nicole, good luck with the painting, what fun...not. 

    Hi Cake, and Meece, and Shelia, and Val, and all of you beautiful stage 1 ladies.  I hope you are all having a fine and happy Tuesday.

    I have a quick question for all of you:  have any of you ladies that had chemo and that then started on Tamoxifen, gotten your period back and if so how long post final chemo did it come back?  I hope that makes since.

    Take care, and stay warm,


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited February 2010

    Hi, Susan!

    awaiting more snow in good ole NJ!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited February 2010

    More snow coming to New England tomorrow, GRRRRR. 

    Not me Susan, I was already post men. when I was dx'd.  It's Arimidex for me.

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited February 2010

    Ditto for me.....started with Arimidex.
