
  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2010

    Hsppy Mothers Day All!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010
    Mother's Day Myspace Comments
  • Oma261
    Oma261 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2010

    Hi Jet..Thank you so much for telling us how you feel.  Congradulations toward ending your journey with Arimidex.  I took my first pill this morning with great hesitation - wondering what I have to face down the road with side effects.  Wondering if I have to look forward to osteoporosis, night sweats, hot flashes, what else???.  I hope I have the strength to go five years with this.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Best wishes, Oma.  I pray that you will be spared any of the undesireable SEs.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone,

    I am walking in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, on Oct. 16th, in Wilmington, NC.

    Looking for anyone who lives in the area, for someone to walk with me.  Also, I'm looking for donations.  Anyone who can give, even $5, please help...  send me a pm, and I'll give you my address....  

    Thanks in advance!!!


  • goodvibesonly
    goodvibesonly Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2010

    Jet--I am so sad to hear about your depression.  This disease takes so much out of us.  Thank you for sharing your feelings.  I hope in doing this you can help yourself--in addition to helping others.  Please keep posting and getting support from others.  Finishing tx can be very emotional and bring up a lot of feelings.  A mixture, I am sure.  Hang in there.

    Oma--good luck with the Armidex. I hope you don't have any SE.  

    Harley--good luck on your walk.

    Charmaine-how are you feeling?  You have a special birthday coming up in a few weeks, right?  Get those ears ready for the fancy earrings!

    Barb--Your chemo starts on Thursday.  How are you feeling?  Hope all goes well.  Will be thinking about you.

    Laura--How are you feeling?  Your chemo was on May 6th, I think. Hope all went well.

    I go for my first fill tomorrow.  Have a bunch of questions for ps.  I have been feeling good lately.  I am thankful that I can sleep on my stomach, have most of my arm movement without pain, and very little pain in my chest. Anxious for the first fill.

    Have a great night, ladies.  Hope you all had a good mother's day. You guys are awesome! 

  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2010

    Hi Jean -  Good luck on your first fill tomorrow!  I did start my first doses of AC on Thursday and overall I guess I am handling it well.  The first two days were no big deal, Saturday I started to get more tired and a little unsettled stomach and Sunday was about the same.  Woke up today feeling better, went for a walk and then spent the rest of day in bed with a yucky belly and very very tired.   My stomach is better tonight, so I am hoping that I wake up tomorrow really feeling back to normal.  I have not been sleeping well the last two nights, so hopefully that will be better tonight.  I am so not the spend the day in bed kind of person, so I am ready to feel better :}

    Barb - I hope your chemo goes uneventfully.

    Harley - Good luck on your walk!  I am walking in the Relay for Life walk here in NJ on June 4/5th, I have a team ready to walk with me, so it should be a good time. 

    I hope everyone else is doing well!

  • goodvibesonly
    goodvibesonly Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2010

    Laura--Sounds like the side effects of AC kicked in after a few days.  I am glad that you were able to get up for a little while today.  The stomach ache and fatigue is common with chemo?  I have not gone through but assume it is.  I am hoping that this will end soon for you and you can get out of bed and be yourself. Take your time, though, since your body needs time to adjust.  I am impressed that you are doing the Relay for Life walk in June. That is so good. I am going to wait until my surgeries are all over and then plan a walk.  Going to take some drugs before my fill!


  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited May 2010
    Hey to all my wonderful BC ladies, I went in to the rad onc's office this morning and they redrew my CA 27-29, it should be back on Weds. I will post the results as soon as I know. I did find out my results from December, the last time I had it drawn, was less than 12 and it has to be below 38 for a normal. O.k. now to the Platelets being low... the rad onc said he is not worried, that the levels tend to fluctuate up and down (of course he didn't talk to me himself he had the nurse tell me). I will feel much better when the CA27-29 results are in and if they are in normal range then I will know that it is most likely due to the meds. They want to recheck my blood levels in a month, so I will go back in and get it done. However, when I was able to actually see what my hematocrit and hemoglobin was and compare it to the normal levels they were just a few tenths low. So nothing major to worry about there...I'm not anemic!! Now just gotta get those platelets up.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited May 2010

    Renee ~ Keeping good thoughts for a low CA27.29.

    Jean ~ Hope your first fill tomorrow goes well. Sending calm thoughts your way.  

  • Redbarb804
    Redbarb804 Member Posts: 139
    edited May 2010

    Jean:  Yes I do start my chemo on Thursday.  I am starting to get very nervous and scared.  I'm really anxious that i will have a reaction.  Right now I am worried that i may be getting a cold.  The weather here has been so crazy.  We have gone from 80 degree weather to frost warnings and 30's.  I am so ready for summer.  I am hoping this is jsut allergies.  I have a scrathcy throat and post nasal drip.  Good luck with your fill tomorrow.  I will be thinking of you!!

    Laura: Thanks for the good vibes on my chemo!  I am also hoping to walk in a Relay for Life event on June 5/6.  My work has formed a team in my honor.  Unfortuantely I will be receiving my second treatment on June 3 so I'm hoping I will still be ok to at least hand out with them and walk alittle.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited May 2010

    Redbarb ~ I will be thinking of you Thursday. I was going to wait until Wed. to post that thought for you, but I don't want to forget, so will do it now. I did not have to have chemo, so I cannot understand what you are feeling, but I would like to send a gentle hug your way for any SE's to be minor.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited May 2010

    Aloha My Sisters......

    Finally I got a chance to post, had time but no computer.

    I quickly read 2 pages. I will address separately when I come back.

    Having good time, good weather, family.

    I went swimming on Mothers Day we had picnic lunch.

    Hugs to you all


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2010

    Kia ora Sheila - that's Maori language for hello.

    Thanks for checking in - great to hear you are having a good time.  Thinking of you enjoying sun, sea and surf!


  • kmicucc22
    kmicucc22 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010

    Hi My name is Kelly this is my first time posting.  I was diagnosed in February 2010 from a rountine mammogram.  I had surgery March 16th.  I am currently having radiation in my fourth of seven weeks....not too bad so far.  I do not need chemo based on the results of my  oncogene dx test. I was pretty happy about that. I have started a five year regimen of tamoxifen.   To any of you out there newly diagnosed my best advice is to stay positive!!! You can do this.  I spent my Mother's Day walking in the Race for the Cure in Philadelphia....what an experience if any of you get a chance to do it I would highly recommend it!  Stay strong all!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Welcome, Kelly.  You sound like the staying positive has done wonders for you!  Keep you chin up and look forward!

  • twirlmom1
    twirlmom1 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2010

      Ladies I am new to this site. Feel lucky to have found it !! I had a mastectomy on March 19th. Three nodes taken, and were negative. I am waiteing on my onco type dx test to determine if I need chemo, (scarry).I see oncologist for first time tomorrow. I have an expander in, and will have reconstruction. I don't know about ya'll, but cancer has changed mine and my families lives forever!! I am anxiouse to move forward, and cannott till onco test comes back. I guess I need to learn patience, lol. I'm a wife, a mom, I miss my job, and all my usuall activities. I just pray I don't need chemo !!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited May 2010

    Great to hear from you, Sheila! I'm so happy you are having a WARM, WAVY WAVES, SANDY BEACHY kind of vaca. I am sooo jealous! We miss you!

    Welcome Kelly & Maggie ~ So sorry you have to join us here, but you will find much comfort & knowledge from this amazing group of wonderful ladies. I did not need chemo either, due to my Oncotype DX score as you can see below in my signature. I will hold positive thoughts for each of you for a low score as well. Yes, this bc does change us forever, but I have found a renewed strength that I never thought I would have & I can only try to look ahead & more forward as Meece has said. Some days are not easy, but we do it because we have to-we have family, they need us & we need them.

    Come here as often as you need to, there is always someone here to listen, to share & to give a {{{hug}}} when you need it.

    {{{hugs to all}}}

  • n50karen
    n50karen Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2010
    Hi, kmicucc22. Our cases seem very similar. I was diagnosed with BC in February 2010 also. I had surgery Feb. 15 and then again on March 8.  I am in the 3rd week of my radiation treatments. I am having some soreness in the breast receiving radiation. My RO told me to take ibuprofen around the clock to relieve pain and swelling. I have been told to just use cornstarch on the breast, no creams yet. I don't need chemo either because of my OncotypeDX score. It sounds like you are taking tamoxifen now while you are doing the radiation. Is that right? My Med. Onc. told me to start taking it the day after I was done radiation treatments. Are you having any side effects with the tamoxifen?
  • goodvibesonly
    goodvibesonly Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2010

    Maggie, Kelly, and Karen--welcome. I am sorry that you are going through this disease but thankful that you have found this website.  There are awesome women here that can help you, give support, share their experiences, etc... I had a Bilateral Mastectomy on January 15th after a lumpectomy in November (without clear margins). Decided I wanted to have both breasts removed, rather than deal with the anxiety of getting cancer in my unaffected breast.  I had my tissue expander put in April 7th and just had my first fill today. Did well with very little pain. I had genetic testing (which came back negative) and oncotype DX testing which came back with a score of #14.  No chemo, taking femara since I am post menopause.  I did not have radiation so don't know much about that. But plenty of women here can give you info about that. 

     Kelly--great job doing the walk in Philly. That is awesome!  You can give info re: tamoxifan from other threads if you have SE. Hopefully you will not!   I hope you are doing OK with the rads.

     Maggie-Good luck with your onco app!  Have a list of questions ready to ask. I know I had tons.  I know how it is to wait for the oncotype DX results.  I think the waiting is SO hard with this terrible disease. Hange in there and let us know how is goes.

     Karen--I am glad you found this site. It is so good to have other to talk with! 

     Laura--I hope you are feeling better today!

     My fill went well today. PS put in 60 cc into my TE and it was a breeze. He said my skin looked good so will fill again in 2 weeks (said previously that it would be every 3 weeks). I was so worried that I would be sore.  Great day for me. Went out to dinner afterwards with my DH and had a great night.  YEA!!

     Happy Wednesday to all. 

  • charmainejensenvoisine
    charmainejensenvoisine Member Posts: 210
    edited May 2010

    Hello Jean:  Yes my 'big 50' birthday is on June 3rd.  Unfortunately nothing big is planned for then.   Other than my husband is taking me out for lunch at The Imperial Buffet for lunch...

    As for the earings I will probably purchase myself a new pair of earings for my birthday...

    As to how I am feeling, I am still having days that I feel more tired than others, and then I get these days where I have this incredible boost of energy.  I so will be looking forward to the days where the tiredness is all gone.

    On Wednesday (tomorrow), I have follow-up with my Rad Oncologist.

    Thanks for recognizing my b-day...  Charmaine xx

  • kmicucc22
    kmicucc22 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010

    Wow thankyou all for such great responses!  I wish I would have done this earlier like 3 months ago when I was really freaking out!  My life has been turned upside down by all of this but I have been blessed with so much support from family, friends,  and co-workers!  Now it looks like I may have found a whole new group of friends on this site!

    n50karen yes we sound very similiar...I have had minimal soreness mostly in my armpit and my RO said to take advil when needed.  I have also been using a prescription called biafine which is a lotion I use 3x a day...I have some redness still but my skin looks pretty good.  I started the tamoxifin just before radiation and so far have not suffered any symptoms from it. I am going for my 18th radiation treatment today (18 of 35) so I have passed my halfway point!

    Have a great day all!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Welcome, kmicucc22.  I agree, Biafine was a great help during chemo. I got in midway thru my tx, and so wish I had started with it!

    You didn't know how many branhces your "family tree" had until you found all of us, your sisters!

  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2010

    Welcome to all the new Sisters!   We are sorry you have to be here, but glad you have found us, all our lives will be enriched having you here.   Please feel free to ask any questions you have, share your thoughts and if you just feel like expressing yourself, we are here to just listen too.

    Jean - I am feeling much less tired as of yesterday, day 6 but still having stomach issues, not so much that my stomach is unsettled anymore, but it hurts in the middle of my stomach.  The doctor put me on a new med yesterday to see if it helps and I am going to be doubling my water intake today.  I need to figure out how to have this NOT happen next time.

    Redbarb - I am getting a treatment on June 3rd also, so I will be like you, walking as much as possible and then resting as I can.

  • HeleneS
    HeleneS Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2010

    So happy to have just found this thread.  I had IDC .5cm ER+ with a 23 Oncotype score.  Bilateral mast in Jan of '09. No chemo, but am on Tamoxifen and Lupron.  Had one infusion of Zometa and got very sick.  I'm 43 and am done having babies. My onc who has vaccillated in her opinion over the last year told me yesterday that she feels I'm being overtreated since my tumor was so small and I had the bilateral she's recommending dropping the Lupron and Zometa. The Lupron has given me se's and am on Effexor for the hot flashes. I sometimes fear that I'm doing myself more harm than good.  Would appreciate any opinions.  are any of you ladies on Lupron and for how long?

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2010


    I, personally, am celebrating the 24th anniversary of my 39th bday, but not till august.  (do the math, I am old!)

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited May 2010

    Helene -- My onco has me on tamox only. I thought Lupron and Zometa were alternatives to tamox, but I'm not a doctor. It does sound like you are taking more than one treatment for the same purpose but maybe they are complementary. Your oncotype score is a little higher than mine and I'm 5 years older (closer to meno) and maybe those factors affect your treatment. BTW, I have had hot flashes on tamox but I think I'm starting to get control of them without additional meds (I limit alcohol, coffee and spicy foods, exercise, sleep in cotton with the windows WIDE open).

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited May 2010

    Hi To All My Sisters.

    Just drop by to say HELLO.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

    Welcome all the newbies.



    PS....I'm concern about Nicole. Last log in was still April 9th.

    I will give her a call once she arrives to Oahu.

  • HeleneS
    HeleneS Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for your reply AStorm.  The Tamoxifen, Lupron and Zometa combination for three years was a clinical study which showed that recurrence was reduced by one-third. Tamoxifen doesn't allow the estrogen to latch onto any floating tumor molecules, while ovarian suppression affects the production of estrogen.  My intermediate score concerned me which is why I advocated for more than Tamoxifen.  My onc and a second opinion onc said they wouldn't even have sent for the oncotype test because my tumor was so small (they're not concerned about the 23 score). I requested that the oncotype be done.

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited May 2010

    Helene -- yes, we do all we can to mitigate our concerns. My tumor was also small but I wanted to make sure there was no improvement in the risk of recurrence before I opted out of chemo. Your score is low but I'm sure you take some comfort in knowing that. I read about ovarian suppression and since I have osteoporosis in our family history (as well as bc) my onco's opinion was that allowing some estrogen would protect my bones. I'm 48 so I'm a little closer to meno. We keep checking hormone levels though because the onco wants to get me off tamox when I am officially postmeno. I saw my BS last week and he suggested Effexor for hot flashes but I haven't tried it yet... it seems every time I take another drug it causes a different problem.