Sheila, I remember in March she was gone for awhile as well. I wish I could contact her, I never got further than PMing, we were going to go wine tasting.
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Hey Sheila if you will PM me I can try to walk you through uploading pics to your computer and then you can get an account set up with photobucket and upload your pics from the computer to photobucket. Or there may be someone else that is a little better at explaining things that can help you.
P.S. I talked with my breast surgeon about the fact that I didn't get to see the plastic surgeon he referred me to and the one I've seen two times has made it very clear that he won't do implants and he keeps bringing up the possibility of me eventually having to have a mastectomy. He asked me about getting a second opinion and I agreed and he gave me the name of another plastic surgeon, they even called to make sure that he was a preferred provider for United Health Care, which is the reason I couldn't see the first PS he referred me to, he wasn't a UHC preferred provider. Insurance is so complicated! I guess I'm going to get a second opinion...
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My computer is only 17 months old. Yes the tower has the area so my digital camera and USB cable.Daughter did it once. Im not saying its difficult but if you dont know what you suppose to do then it will become impossible. As long as somebody calmly tells me or shows me I can follow.
I dont even know the difference between download or upload.
Both DD mean well but they rush me and I loose it.
Thank You for offering your help ladies. I will take the offer if you have the patience.
But I need couple days to catch up with my sleep and unpack.
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Gotta understand that Sheila! Get some rest. One of the other ladies probably would be a little better at it than I. My daughter usually does the camer upload to the computer and we have only her lap top. Whe she gets married next year I will be without unless I get a computer for Christmas. She thinks she will get a new one since she has been extra rough on this one... LOL! She has another thing coming. I will get the new computer and she can keep what she has. I am still paying payments on it. I've got to learn all I can by next July or I will be out in the cold pretty much like you are. LOL! When it comes to electronics I am quite illeriterate. ??(sp)?? Or at least limited in my abilties. :=)
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Renee ..My daughters got me this computer for Christmas 2008 because I really wanted one and they want to bring me to 21st Century LOL. DD sat with me close to 2 hours expecting I will learn so many things at once. I didnt even know how to turn it on and off. I took 2 classes at a local church, got even more confused. So I decided to teach myself all the basics and some.
So Im really a self learner with very limited abilities the way you put it.
I found BCO by mistake. Was looking some information about Femara and it was 4th of July weekend, was waiting for some results from my oncologist. To this day I dont know how I got here. But I can say 1 thing it was one of the best things ever happened to me.
I wish i had support when I was first DX.
Sorry I cant sleep I keep writing.
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Sheila don't feel badly... it's before 6 a.m. here on Saturday morning and I'm up!! I have no idea why bu I am! This generally doesn't happen and I'm not thrilled over it. It's going to be one long Saturday, because we are expecting rain!
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Im making some coffee. I never went to bed. Im not even sleepy.The picture next to you on FB is my Daughter (Hawaii)
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My hummingbird is making the rounds to say Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
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Wow Sheila you never went to bed? You have more stamina than I do... LOL! I'll go check out FB!
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Hello Ladies..Are you all very busy? Where are you??????
Valerie... Are you back yet?
Renee..Finally I started my East Coast scheduled sleeping and eating.
But i still don't have too much of appetite. Of course already started to think the worse.
I made my Mammogram appointment today.
Its scheduled for June 16. Last one was June8, 2009. And I will know the result before I leave the breast center.
June 28 Oncologist 4 months follow up. Im keeping myself busy. LOL
Hugs to all my sisters. I hope everybody's doing okay.
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Everyone is getting busy as the weather gets nicer and the days get longer.
Good for you, Seyla, for getting your appointments made.
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Charmaine....Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday... You share your 50th with my son who I wish I could be with today. Hope all your birthday wishes come true....
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Feels so good to be back home. I had a wonderful time with my Gr-babies. I think I left my heart there; my sweet Mackenzie didn't want me to leave, she kept hugging me so tight the morning we left. I told her I'd be back July 1, but of course, that she has no concept of time. Lots of playing, no thoughts of bc, politics, nothing but tea parties, closet campouts, blowing bubbles outside, playing with dolls & trucks. That is the life!!
I misssed everyone! So good to have you back home, Sheila. I'm so happy you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the pictures. You are on FB? I will PM you my name & to you, Renee, also, if you'd like.
{{hugs}} to everyone!
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Glad you had a happy time with the GR-babies, Valjean.
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Charmaine happy birthday! Sheila all will be fine I'm sure... don't go putting the cart before the horse and imagining the worst as only we women can do. I still haven't heard from mine that I had done last Friday. WOW... I just realized it's been a whole week and I didn't even think about it I've been so busy. I guess I'll get the results when I get them. It's all going to be good for all of us.
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Sheila & Renee ~ Keeping positive thoughts &sending each a hug for good news.
Happy Birthday Charmaine & many, many more!
Like your new avatar Sheila & yours, too, Suzette!
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Mimi: Thank you for the 'happy birthday'. I had a great 50th celebration... the next day my husband took me out for lunch to an Indian Restaurant... every day they have a lunch buffet. The food there is excellent. Even bought me a birthday cake...
All around great celebration.
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Val: Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday... Charmaine0
Here is a picture of me from my 50th birthday celebration:
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Charmaine, what a nice picture of you! Looks like you had a nice time. Turning 50 is definitely something to celebrate. Next year will be my DH's 50th and I've got something cooking in the back of my mind for his BIG celebration. LOL!!! I can't wait. He'll have to wait a few years to get me back though.
Everyone send up a little prayer... I will probably get the results of my right breast mammogram tomorrow. They tried to call me today and had to leave me a message, by the time I called my breast surgeon's assistant back it was after hours and I left her a message to call me tomorrow. Like I said I should have the results tomorrow. I look at it this way the surgeon called me last time with the results himself so... if it was not good wouldn't he call again instead of his assistant? Hope so.
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We will definitely say a prayer for you.
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Charmaine..It is a beautiful happy picture. Many many more Birthdays.
Renee...I will say a prayer for you.
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Sheila, did you ever make contact with Nicole in Hawaii?
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No Joni. I called her cell got the voice mail, left a message, but nothing. I dont understand it.
I hope she is okay.
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I have pm'd her with no response either.
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Thanks everyone for all the prayers... got the results of my post treatment mammo...NO CANCER!!! YEAH!!! I am doing a freaking happy dance!!!!!!!!!
Hope all is well with Nicole maybe she will show up sooner or later. Hugs to all of you.
If any of you ladies are on Facebook and want to add me... I'm Renee Bartlett Loyd, from Cullman, Alabama. I would love for you to add me. Sheila and I are friends on there.
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I am from Sydney Australia and was diagnosed beginning of April 2010. After mastectomy, I am apparently IDC 16mm, Stage 1, no nodes, 99% Er/PR positive and HER2-, grade 2. I am 57 years with allergies and hypertension and Menieres disease which are all under control, and 123 kg. They found another 2mm DCIS and a 2mm LCIS when doing a pathology on the breast. My oncologist has recommended that I do hormone therapy alone. My second opinion said the same. They would both do 4 courses of AC if I insisted. Apparently on adjuvant online it showed that there would only be a 1% gain from chemo and a 1-3% risk of cardiomyopathy from the chemo. I have a family history of heart attacks but I am concerned that I may be undertreated, and may have a better cure rate with chemo. Hormonal therapy seems to be a staying, delaying therapy, preventing the growth. I don't think they kill the cells. The cancers seem to come back when you stop, and the longer you are on it the greater the chance of resistance in your body, as with all medications, and if it does kill of cells, the ones that remain will be the 1/100 that was not ER+, and they will grow without restraint. I have just started my sixth week post surgery and have not made a decision. I have asked for an oncotype dx test to see how agressive the cancer is and the likelihood of it coming back. This has only just been moved. So it will be an even longer wait. I am afraid of chemo, and wary about relying on hormone therapy. My oncologist has said to start hormone therapy in the mean time if I am concerned, the second opinion said that hormone therapy interferes with the effectiveness of chemo and can exagerrate the side effects of chemo. Anyone have any ideas. The doctor seems to think it is not an aggressive cancer (grade 2?) and there will be no harm in waiting a few more weeks. If it was a grade 3 or node positive he said I would be on chemo. So I am panicking. It was not a small tumour.
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How long until you get the oncotype test back? I think it's important that you get the results before deciding.
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About 3 weeks I think, it has to be sent to US and takes about 2 weeks to process.
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Hi Ladies!
I'm wondering if I can join in to the group? I had my lumpectomy 5/27 - I have to have a re-excision next Monday. The surgeon got clear margins, but he took out a large chunk and they found an additional 0.7cm tumor next to my 1.5 cm tumor. He thinks there may be another multifocal tumor so he wants to go in a scoop out some more tissue. The MRI showed a 3 cm mass and mammo showed 1.5. He thinks the MRI was picking up a total diameter of cancerous cells, hence the 3 cm..... In any case, he said they would stage me according to my 1.5 cm tumor. So here I am. Does anyone else here have a history of multifocal IDC? I'm really nervous about the re-excision - I have to trust the surgeon to be able to go in and get cancerous cells if there are anymore remaining. Otherwise he said that another mammo or MRI probably wouldn't pick up anything small . . . .Ugh!
I'm 37 and have two little ones - a 28 month old and a 3 month old. I had issues breastfeeding - thought I had a clogged milk duct and here I am! Looking forward to getting to know you all!