Middle Aged Memories



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I would have gone bald during chemo if those were my only choices!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    marlegal,  I know what Chinese jump rope is, but never really got into it. 

    We could usually find a couple twirlers to do Double Dutch jump rope, with all the rhymes to go with it.   I can't remember all of those.  One had some words like, "Daddy called the doctor, mama called the nurse, sister called the lady with the big, black purse."

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    I love that Mr. Bubble commercial! Actually so many of the old commercials were actually pretty good and more imaginative than a lot of the ones today. I'm trying to think of.... oh yes I remember we had some kind of fish I believe they were that were made in China back when that was really strange. The fish were filled with water which you put in the freezer and I remember we thought they were so wonderful. Then there was a big recall as the water inside if it leaked was making people really sick and there was this big scare about them. Anyone else recall that?

    I so miss all the wonderfully built board games and toys we had and so wish I had saved. I get so disgusted everytime I see what looks to be a fun and interesting toy which I will buy even though I think it is too expnsive then it arrives and it is just cheap plastic and you have to try and assemble it and then it never works properly. If I had only known I would have tried to have saved all my old toys. At least I did save some of my wonderful Steif Stuffed animals. 

    I still remember our den television which was actually a large piece of furniture in a big cabinet with legs and everything. I also remember the first color television set we got and how amazing that was. I remember seeing Charlie Brown specials, Christmas specials like Rudolph and such and for some reason remember seeing 7 Brides for 7 Brothers if that is the correct name. I think I watched it because Bobby Sherman was in it! LOL! Whew so long ago! Still think all the shows like Leave it to Beaver, Hazel, Father Knows Best, Dick Van Dike, I Love Lucy and such are so much better and more interesting than the awful kid sitcoms they have today. I hate that the parents are either non-existant or just stupid. Ok, this was long ..... 

  • PlantLover
    PlantLover Member Posts: 132
    Stanzie - I think you're thinking of Here Comes the Brides.  Bobby Sherman played the part of Jeremy and he stuttered.  I was in love, lol!
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Bobby Sherman, now that's a blast from the past! He was SO cute.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Marlegal I loved chinese jumprope!  We would do the same thing with the chair. 

    I remember the hand games we played.  I dont really know what to call them. Me and my sissys would play them for hours.  

    Oh and I remember this song we would sing cause we thought we were being so bad when we said naked ladies.  Now that Ive gotten older the song really isnt a nice one at all. But we thought we were such rebels when we sang the part with the naked ladies, lol.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Remember these, YUCK

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,952

    Cat's Cradle? 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    After seeing the pictures of the swim caps...YUK!!! Rememeber how they smelled?  And how they would eventually rot?  I had to borrow my mother's once and it had yellow flowers with green leaves..I don't think it was worth getting to swim that day.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    My dad taught me how to do Cat's Cradle.  I tried it a few years ago and still managed to do it.

  •   I am sure I could not have done a Cat's Cradle, but love Cat Stevens.  Does that count for anything? When you talked about board games and how well some of them were made, I recall MouseTrap....that was such a well constructed game and I found it up in the attic several years ago, but alas pieces were missing.  I used to like to play Shoots and Ladders and Pick up Sticks and remeber the guy you drew hair on that was made out of lead shavinging or little beads?  I think he had a name, but it escapes me.   I do still have out etch'a'sketch.  I was odd, loved bathing caps, got them to match my bathing suits...but I was only 11 or 12 so what did I know.....had not much of a shape or taste at that age.  I had a wig hat and also a Beatle wig.....both were horrible.  And then when I was a Sr. in HS. I blew a lot on a long wig which was equally hideous, but I HAD to have it.....a friend reminded me of it a few years ago, how I had cut it myself and ruined it, but it was ugly anyway.  I always had thick hair and it just did not fit my head right and looked like a wig.   I remember on the Sr.class trip, I singed it in a shop in Williamsburg on a candle.....caused quite a stir when it started to burn.  And then when it came time to get a real wig due to chemo.....Ugh, I hate them....they itch and are hot. 

    I loved Here come the Brides...Jason, Joshua and Jeremy Bolton.....I liked the middle one because I was into blondes.  Jeremy like Penny, right?....didn't she move on to some show and then disappear? 

    You were writing about costumes......I am going to a Mardi Gras party on the 18th and am going as a court type lady from the Game of Thrones era since I need covering up and love those books.  My other thought was a monk since my hair is going to be perfect for that in another week, but all the monk costumes were huge and I am not up to sewing something.   My mother used to make our costumes (now that woman could sew)  and we had some great ones, but I of course always wanted the "store bought" ones.  Remember wax lips?.....I loved those things and think I have a pic in them.  To this day, I still love pixie sticks and Sweet tarts, and cinnamon balls.  Heck, while we are at it MaryJanes, Bit of Honey, BB Bats, Double Bubble and Bazooka Joe.............loved candy, but Daddy was a dentist so we did not see a lot of it, except on Halloween, some at Xmas and on Sat. which was"Candy Day" . 

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Maybe- LOL at didn't see a lot of candy except on holidays and Saturdays!!! Um I think you did have candy!

    My Mom also could sew beautifully and made fabulous costumes which I remember winning prizes for but recently have started a puppy class with an old friend who moved away when I was 10. I remember one of her costumes I thought was so cleaver. It was for an ice skating club we belonged to and she came as a Ham Sandwitch. The bread was huge pieces of Foam cut into the shape of bread and painted brown, then she had torn green paper towels stuck on her and she was the Ham inside. I just loved that! 

    When my kids were little I made a wonderful dragon costume for my son and then later when asked what he wanted to be one year he said a mushroom! That actually came out really cute as well.... then yes they wanted store bought! No fun then..... I don't sew but I can hot glue like crazy!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Loved Cat Stevens who is now Yusuf Islam.  My grandfather was deaf and used games and such to relate to children...and adults.  He taught me the Cat's cradle.  He always had strings in his pocket.  he was a wonderful man!

    I always made my kids' costumes and many won prizes.  Someone told my ex that I should not be allowed to bring my kids to competitons anymore because they "always won".  So...I had him take them!  Hey, we didn't have to buy bikes for them for several years!  They sported costumes such as a red ant, robots, an elephant, and Hickory Dickory Dock.

    This year I made my DGS Patch this tiger suit...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,952


  •    That's it!....all of them....now what was that girl's name...the one Jeremy was sweet on, not Penny...Holly maybe?  Penny was Sky King's niece.   The guy with the tie was Aaron Stemple, right and I can't remember the blond lady's name....she sort of ran things.  Oh, the bluest Skies you've ever seen are in Seattle...........

    Meece, That is one cute little tiger.

    Stanzie,  Oh we had candy, but there was this one period where it was only on Sat. When we got older my father could not enforce it.  There was a little grocery catty corner from where we lived, Meercer's and we got a whole quarter to spend,which was a lot of candy then.  My friends would all want to spend Friday night with me, not only because we got to watch Twilight Zone and have popcorn on Friday night, but because on Sat. they got a quarter also and went to the store with us.  It would take us an hour to pick....so many wonderful things.   I think a lot were two for a penny like those cinnamon balls and root beer barrels.  And I love those little black licorice wheels that looks like a record with a little red candy in the middle.  We each would have a little brown bag and would take it home and dump it out like a miniature trick or treat haul.  

    I used to post on this thread and forgot how much fun it was. 

    Remember the eight ball.....Eight ball, oh eight ball, is Bobby going to like me?  Am I going to get a new bike?  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I had Wooly Willie, and found one again when my kids were small.  Also Magic Slate.  The plastic sheet on top, the black wax underneath.  They were so cheap, they got wrecked pretty quick.  It seemed like I was always getting them as birthday party favors.  Speaking of birthday party favors, I was always getting those animals that walked because they were on a string with a little ball that you hung over the table.  Got those pop-up animals too.  The button underneath loosened their strings and made their legs collapse.  (I'll try and find some pictures.)

         Mine  ...      My kids model ...     


                                    Looks like the leather ears fell off this one too (just like on mine.)

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    elimar - I know what you are talking about. Here there was this great store called Richards Five and Dime... well it is still here but certainly not a Five and Dime anymore - they carry a lot of old fashioned toys but they really jack up the prices. Wish I could take pictures in the store with my phone but the owners are very strict you have to turn in any bags and some pocketbooks even before being allowed in the store.  It is fun to look though.

    NM- what is that first game? Is that shoots and ladders? My son would adore that! 

    Maybre I used to love the little licorice buttons but I never can find them anymore. My sister and I used to walk the little poodle next door for a stick of licorice and we got hooked on it. Of course my Dad loved it as well and his Mom used to send him these big boxes of Nibs which came in yellow and red packages and he would hide them in his closet. Of course my sister and I found them and boy did we get in trouble. Isn't it funny how a lot of candy doesn't taste as good as it did when we were kids. Ok, so maybe that is a good thing! 

  • Jaytee
    Jaytee Member Posts: 738

    Does anyone remember the Milkshake candy bar?   I have craved one of those for years!  Had a kind of malted milk nougat center covered in chocolate.  The refreshment stand at the pool would sell them frozen.   So good!  Have looked at sites that sell some of the old candy varieties but havent seen that one.

    When I was a kid, my dad had a variety, 5 and 10 type of store.  We sold the penny candy.  Mom would give us a dime and it could take so long trying to decide what to get.  He also had a bulk candy counter and my sisters and I all wanted to help weigh the candy, especially during the holidays.   Best of all was when new shipments of candy would come in------ heaven was having a  really, really fresh Brach's chocolate covered peanut, raisin or caramel nut patty, right off the truck!   He also had bulk nuts in that little display with the light bulbs that kept them warm.  Loved, the warm cashews.

    I went through a Cat Stevens stage too----think I still have those albums somewhere.  Loved the instrumental music-----'-Classical Gas' and 'Love is Blue'----used to give me goosebumps.  And I still love Glen Campbells, 'Wichita Lineman'...............that is a great song!

    Will have to take some time to read all the posts------such a nice place to take a walk down memory lane!

  • PlantLover
    PlantLover Member Posts: 132

    Jeremy in Here Comes the Brides

    What's not to love about him in that role?  I was only 8 or 9 but I just loved him. The role he played was so sweet ... so much the fighter for the underdog.  Wow, just watching that takes me back!  It's amazing what you can find on YouTube.

    Jaytee ... I remember Milkshake candy.  I liked crunchy candy better ... MMmmmmm Zagnuts!!!  Wow, I hadn't thought about the bulk nut displays with the light bulbs in years.  Thanks for the memory!

    This is such a fun thread!     

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,952

    That first game is Mousetrap--a game I remember well, you made this incredibly complicated thing that actually caught the mouse piece if you did it all right! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Jaytee,  I remember those songs from the JUKEBOXES of my childhood.  Luckily, I got all the way thru' high school before the jukeboxes got phased out.  I don't know what my afterschool hangout would have been like without the jukebox...I can't even imagine.

    It was the end of an era when they stopped making 45 rpm records.   I had a few of those carry boxes to tote them around in.  I had the exact one below.


    I still remember going to the K-Mart record department and having a real dilemma between getting "Venus" by the Shocking Blue OR "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin.  Oh, the memories!

  • tectonicshift
    tectonicshift Member Posts: 102

    Jeremy's girl was Candy. And her friend was Biddy. And the saloon keeper was.... Lottie? I forget. Ah... Jason, Joshua and Jeremy Bolt.... I would not miss it on Friday nights. The BEST! I think there's a whole Web site devoted to HCTB. 

    Anyone remember The Monroes? It was about five orphans living together in the West I think. The oldest kids taking care of the youngest. I think it was only on for a year or two. 

  • Yes, that's it her name was Candy.   Remember that song, Candy Girl?....she'll willing and thilling, so chilling, she my candy girl, candy girl.........  That pic you posted Elimar made me go dig these out of the closet.  I also have one of those round plastic ones with the hard handle on the top that you twist and all the records are on a round spool in the middle.   I saved all these 45's plus more for the juke box I still have not gotten.   Also have albums, but I LOVE my 45's. 

    I remember milk shake candy bars....we got them at the pool for a nickle....they would freeze them...around the same time as Zero bars.  They were a nickle.   Also you could get small bags of carmel corn at the pool or peanut butter cheese crackers, also a nickle.  I think if you ordered real food, burgers were 25 cents.  I remember Judy's Turn to Cry blasting out on the PA at the pool.....Leslie Gore. 

  • Jaytee
    Jaytee Member Posts: 738

    Hi Plantlover!   Oh, zagnuts reminds me of my mom----she loved those, also those chocolate covered vanilla creams, shaped like a cone, were they called Chocolate Drops?.  If you searched around the freezer you could usually find her stash.   She also liked black walnut straws-----bleah----none of us ever went searching for those!

    Mousetrap!  By the time we got it together, nobody wanted to play the game. Actually it was more fun just putting it together.   Anybody remember a game called Careers-----Also, Mystery Date!     

    We used to play outside for hours----crack the whip, swinging statues, red light, green light----and spud------did anybody else play spud?  One person gave everyone else a number, we formed a circle around someone with a ball, they threw the ball up in the air and called a number, if it was yours you ran to catch the ball and yelled SPUD!   Everyone else ran and had to stop as soon as someone called spud. The person who caught the ball took a couple giant steps toward whoever was closest, you threw the ball and if you hit them with it they got an S.........on and on until someone got all 4 letters and was the spud.   I think we learned that game in Kentucky---lived there until 4th grade

    We also used to sing these little echoing songs, I can't remember all the words to it but one of them started out:      I saw a bear  (I saw a bear)

                             Out in the woods   (out in the woods)

                              Away out there  (away out there)

                              I saw a bear   (I saw a bear)

                   I saw a bear out in the woods, away out there I saw a bear--

    We must have all been in love with Bobby Sherman!  :)    Also Little Joe in Bonanza, Heath in Big Valley and I remember liking a western called High Chapparal  though I think it was on kind of late and we didnt get to see it very often, but I dont really remember who was in it.

    Finally for tonight-----when you all were kids, and played out in the snow did you call it:

       Going sledding   or    Going sled riding-------husband and I have disputed over this for years!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It had a large ball and a little metal ball that made the trap spring, didn't it?  Remember when there was only one Monopoly?

    Does anyone remember the cinnamon flavored toothpicks?  We got those sometimes when we were at the store choosing our penny candy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,952


    I've always gone sledding--

  • Jaytee
    Jaytee Member Posts: 738

    Thanks for the pictures................and drat, thats what my husband says!   Must have been a Ky thing to say 'we're going sled riding'.   I sure did love that feeling of sailing down the hill , we would stay out so long we were practically kidcicles when we finally came in-------then it was  hot chocolate and cinnamon toast.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    The cinnamon toothpicks I got had "Hot Picks" on the label.  Long after the penny candy was gone, I'd still have the Hot Picks, so they were well worth the five cents.  Just about every corner store had Pretzel Rods in the big glass jar.  I think they started out at one cent, but I also remember them at two cents, or three for five cents. They made good pretend cigars.

    "Going Sledding" and I was in a snowy Northern state so there was "going Tobogganing" too.  Smile

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    Haven't read all 58 pages....just wondered if anyone mentioned the Burma Shave signs that were so much fun to watch for on a driving vacation.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    omg I was so in love with Hoss on Bonanza, big guys were my thing even when I was in elementary.  My sister loved Little Joe and then Bones, the doctor on Star Trek, I loved no one but Hoss.

    For me, it was sledding.  Had one just like this.  And remember when we played in the snow until our legs were beet red.  And losing the boot in the snow drift that went way up over the backyard fence, Mom had to wade out there and get it so us kids wouldn't go under and suffocate hahaha.

    I remember when all the kids in the blueberry field were sharing the same cup and all got the flu.  Perhaps that is whyy we don't share cups now?

    I remember when Lassie barked and the music played I always teared up and hurried to watch the show.  And The Wizard of Oz was an annual event.  I really did not like that movie but you had to be there.

    I remember Flipper!