The dumbest things people have said to you/about you
China, i would go out of my way next to cross her in
a hallway and say hi Mirdle ! See how she reacts to
that ...0 -
I have to add this to the dumbest thing ever said to me since my DX. My Kaiser ocologist told me I was "cured" after the treatment for a local recurrence last year. I wanted to kick him in the shin!!
If I am cured how come I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is a daily struggle to keep moving forward. Every pain, weird feeling sends me into a tizzy. I am so frustrated with this disease - it sucks! and PS I hate Aromasin. OK I feel better now, thanks, girls!! :-)
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@ Barbe,
Hahahaha..just saw your post. You've got a point..anything pruned grows I wonder what size I'm going to be this time!!? LMAO
Your have to wonder what people are thinking
Thanks for the laugh..I really needed it!!
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Hahahaha..just saw your post. You've got a point..anything pruned grows I wonder what size I'm going to be this time!!? LMAO
Your have to wonder what people are thinking
Thanks for the laugh..I really needed it!!
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Sorry to hear that you had bad side effects on the tamoxifen as well, but definately glad that you can relate. It makes me feel a little less crazy LOL
I once again have been taken off the tamoxifen (as of today). I probably won't go back on you my body doesn't want to tolerate it. It scares me not to take it but I can't feel like this for 5 years.
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Hi tcam: I'm sorry that you had trouble with the Tamox as well. I completely agree...I didn't want to feel like crap for 5 years. Had to consider my quality of life. I haven't taken it for several months now and I don't really worry about not taking anymore. I wish you all the best.
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Luckily I have only run into three, and that was enough.
Two of them both had the great tact to look all horrified and go "OMG my best friend, her boyfriend's aunt's cousin, 4 times removed, uncle's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and she died within 3 months." Why, why, why, why would you ever feel that is an appropriate thing to tell someone who has cancer? Why?
My other favorite: "If I had cancer, I would never tell anyone and just let things peacefully take their course. I think it is just the way nature works". Okay then. So basically you think we should all just die. Nice.
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Hi all. I told my PCP that my citalopram wasn't cutting it for me, that I'm great all day doing my job, but when I get down time I'm anxious, scared, I cry alot. (I'm no baby and I'm very private, so saying this was pretty humiliating)
He said something else must be going on, that he's not buying it that nothing else is wrong. Really,Doc? Have you had your privates blown off, is your body scarred up like a lawnmower ran over you? Have you ever had YOUR doctor give you your odds of being here 5 years from now? Oh, wait, 2 years are gone, so make that 3. And oh by the way have you gained 25 lbs after chemo, rads and herceptin for a year? And hair, that's another story altogether. Did I mention that my LE arm makes me look like the elephant man?
So no, Doctor. Really. There's nothing else.
Thanks for listening. No one gets it. Janice
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This is my very first post but i had to share some of the dumbest responses i have had to the last 7 1/2 weeks!
-from my (soon to be ex) husband
"It's a baby cancer, you'll be fine"
From a very close friend
"You know, youre really lucky to have BREAST cancer" my response "Really? How do you figure?!?!?" His response "Well, there is just so much out there available for breast cancer compared to other cancers" (which I DO agree with this statement, but telling me i was lucky to have it wasn't exactly the right way to word that one!)
From another friend "So if you don't have to have chemo, its just radiation, so pretty basic there and you will be fine" Hmmmmmm-why dont' YOU take five days a week for 6 1/2 weeks and let me know how basic that is!
I am waiting for my Onco score which should be here ANY second to let me know chemo or not, i thought it would be back yesterday, then today (i even called to see if the dr. forgot to call me) so I am hoping its tomorrow. I am very frustrated today so all of the responses on here gave me a much needed chuckle and made me feel that i am not alone in my frustration with others!!!
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I went for a mammogram, after having a mastectomy and before reconstruction, and for some reason I had two insurance cards with me. I told the nurse I wasn't sure why I had two and she said as long as I had two of something else it was ok. I laughed and said no only have one. Then she said, no I mean you should have two of something else, wink, wink. Another nurse leaned over and informed her that I had had a mastectomy. The horrified look on her face was priceless. She stammered an apology and I let her off the hook by telling her it was ok, it was going to make a funny story for my family and friends.0 - the name...and the story....ohohohoho people just don't think sometimes right? What has made a funny story for you has likely become one for her too in a 'oh god you have no idea how stupid I feel' kind of a way
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gotta agree with you BS hugged me after my BMX and said you are now cancer free..I told her to hush....tempting the furies if you ask me
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Hi travelgal,
Its nice to know you understand. Not taking the tamoxifen is a risk but for some people the side effects are not manageable. I'm looking forward to next week...the meds should start to be out of my system and then I can feel like myself again
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Hooray!!!! Bring the bus to New Hampshire! I could FILL it!
(You're right, 3jays,this was a rough night. Full moon, maybe???) Janice
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Yesterday at work a lady who works in our building came into our office and says Kymn I have been meaning to ask you all day whats with the pirate look fashion statement and she giggles, aarrrgggg I just looked her right in the face and said I am battling breast cancer and have no hair and quite frankly my wig gets itchy and then just stared at her. well she didnt even apologize just went on about someone who had cancer blah blah then said well you should wear that beautiful scarff more ummmm yeah not growing my hair back anytime soon now am I......NO friggin cure for stupid
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amen Kym..THERE IS NO CURE FOR STUPID!!!! and don't we all know it!!! 3jays
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Kymn......I am speechless....under the bus!
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I love that bus!
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ANnette, are u back with us - did i miss something
how did ure appts go ?0 -
im just a little "off" tonight. yesterday was a long arse day at the new neuro; with more tests at the end. just gets to me, so, i missed my sons visit tonight. will see him sat., so don't know why im blue..guess the no sleeping is getting to im off to see if i can get some good ole drugged sleep, if it won't come by itself.. night, ladies... 3jays
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love the bus, today was asked why I looked like a gypsy....whatever ...I pictured the bus it helped that and a hand full of fukital
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3jays- we all feel blue some days...part of the norm....24 hours rule my friend..tomorrow will be better..and I LOvE that bus!
Kymn- gypsies are colourful, and playful and creative. A compliment!!
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Luan- I am back and roaring to go....although truthfully 3jays- it is a bit of a meloncholy day for me too BUG FAT passes....i think i made myself so sick with worry over the tests that today is like the aftershocks.....
I will drive the bus! Just point me in the right direction hadley and kymn
Got my fake nips from EBAY today hahahaha fun trying them on to get an idea of what it will all look like- posted on the pic forum...silly rabbit i am
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Welcome back Annette ! u were missed
3jaymom, get on the bus, we,re going dancing !0 -
Welcome back Annette ! u were missed
3jaymom, get on the bus, we,re going dancing !0 -
Hi, Hadley! No, I didn't go to the Komen thing. It just feels weird. Maybe I'll feel differently as time goes on. I'm getting back into the swing of things, but my feet really hurt at the end of the day, and especially after two 12-hour shifts (Tues. and Wed. this week). I had to talk to my boss this week because I've been having trouble with one lady who is frequently the charge person for the day, and she does everything but roll her eyes at the thought that I need to ease back into things after being off for a year battling cancer. I've had to tell her several times that I'm being reoriented and do NOT get a full assignment yet and especially not without someone being designated as a resource person for me. On day FOUR, she gave me an entire floor of the hospital to cover by myself. The boss was appalled and said that would stop. We'll see...
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riley- 4 weeks post heart attack, my bosses daugher (also my boss) looked at me and said ; so are you coming back full time next week?"....not with a gentle tone....not sarcastic either but not the tone I would have used with me....seriously???? I returned to work a week after my BC surgery...I returned to work two weeks after my heart surgery....half time for two weeks and 2/3 time for two weeks is fine..not like they are paying me for the other 1//2 or 1/3.....WTH?>your charge nurse sounds stressed....or just not nice.