The dumbest things people have said to you/about you
Ohhhh I get it now hahahahaha ----that's really good---and u don't hate everything like I DO--we're just in a mood today.
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When I told a friend of mine that I had Breast Cancer he didn't know what to said.
So the first thing out of his mouth was WELL EVERYBODY HAS TO DIE SOMETIME. I just said " Your so right " How do you respond to that one?
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Some friend. Did you help him remove his foot from his mouth before he choked to death? It would've been sad for him to go that way, but well everybody has to die sometime.
He may have been accurate in summing up the way life works and the way it eventually ends, but what he said sure wasn't right to say to a friend.0 -
Shirley he really didn't know what to say except something so stupid. And marj u'r line is funny.
Some people really are tongue tied-I'm sorry is fine, but they think they should elaborate--Less said the better
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Shirley- wow, what an inconsiderate p%^ck. Honestly shocking. I'm sorry, I realize he is your friend, but talk about forgetting to censor your comments.
I hope you have others in your life who are more careful and comforting. God bless u!
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Okay, great avatar! So appropriate...but who the heck is Mr. Bill????
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Mr. Bill was a claymation short that was on Saturday Night Live in the late '70's. happened AGAIN for the umpteenth time.
At the Grocery store Service Deli:
Clerk: "What is on your arm?
Me: "A compression sleeve." (in my mind thinking oh boy, here we go...)
Clerk: "What is it for?" (at this point I'm thinking I should just say "that's private" but I didn't want to be rude, I go to this store all the time)
Me: "Complication from surgery"
Clerk: "What kind of surgery?" (again...don't wanna be rude)
Me: "From Cancer (boy oh boy, did I know what was coming next....let's say it all together!)
Clerk: "My Aunt just died from Cancer!"
Me: "Thank you."
Clerk: "Whaaaaat?"
Me: "Nevermind."
Clerk: "I'm glad everything worked out for you."
Me: "It didn't."
And with that, I walked away.
Thank everything good in the world that I am able to come home and tell y'all or I probably would've self combusted.0 -
Superfoob talk about nosy---that was an interrogation U handled it well---better than I would, I say things like a skiing mishap, or I wanted to try parashooting and I'm 67 so they usually shut up. I'm the rude one.
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I really really wanted to be me. Unfortunately, the new me doesn't do rude and pissy anymore...too stress inducing.
I've gotta come up with a short response that doesn't require follow up questions the next time I get asked about the sleeve.
I mean, I knew her comments were coming and I just couldn't come up with something plausible that quick!0 -
Superfoob, I just tell people I have a "swelling condition" and the sleeve controls it. For some reason that seems to satisfy the rude people who ask.
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Thank you, Leah. I think I will use that.
Good Day to you!0 -
Super foob : good for you I hope you made that Clerk feel like an ass. You have moxie ! For us old people, that means the same as "balls" -
Shirley: I'm not sure you could call that person your "friend" anymore. I would have said "well that's true we all have to die sometime and maybe you'll even die first !" -- how about that
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I like it, Shelly! Point out the old "could get hit by a bus tomorrow" thing. Speaking of, it's been too long:
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Riley - or, the shorter version to him would be "you go first." HAA
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Riley funny stuff--need more of it.
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What's a claymation. I didn't have a TV for 12 years of my life!! From 28 to 40. So a lot of that crap is new to me. I've spent the last 14 years trying to catch up to the rest of the world, but realize I haven't missed much! hehehehehe
Superfoob, I don't think the clerk got it. Probably still wondering why you said thank you. Probably told his family around dinner about the weird lady in his line up.
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Oh I so missed the bus! bring it on!
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Barbe: I'm sure you're correct. The clerk didn't have a clue. That's why I didn't bother so much. Total numbskull.
Mr. Bill:
And a you tube:
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Ahhh, get it CLAYmation!! Mr. Bill isn't a "who", he's an "it".
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How do I respond to - gee you look like you've been hit by a bus?
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Ask if they got the license plate.
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I HATE when someone says I look good! I MAKE the effort. I had cancer in my breast not my FACE! So maybe it's better to have someone acknowledge how you feel.
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katopet barbe has a point---but she's being nice I would of course say I was.
Barbe when people say I look et that is incredibly aggravating to me, because I really don;t - makeup helps but it doesn't do it all anymore--So I know what I look likenif they said how do u feel that's OK and I'd say OK and it's finished---but to say I look good I'd like to give them 2 black eyes to match mine (always dark circles) and tell them how good they look.
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How many of you use fake eyelashes? I can imagine no hair on my head, but no eyelashes??? Weird.0
Mrskimber, I wear glasses so a combination of the glasses, eyeliner, and a wig with bangs made it unnoticable. I actually had a friend tell me afterwards that she hadn't realized I lost my eyelashes.
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Leah- I guess I'll know what to do when the time comes and can play around with stuff. Thanks
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I wear glasses, so ordered a cheaper pair from Zenni online, that will cover my eyebrows......hope that will work as mine are almost all gone.
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I think I've decided to rock the cool scarves, like skulls and crosses, fake lashes and bright red lipstick. I like to make a statement. lol
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Yes by u'r avatar we can tell LOL--go for the glasses with the big mustache and big nose and always say u'r going to a costume party. Unfortunately It foretold of the mustach that was coming later.
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I have a sister in law who keeps telling me she is jealous of my new boob size. She keeps saying I'm so lucky to get a boob job and that im way bigger than her. Quite frankly even though it is nicee they can give u desired sizes, i would go back to non cancer A cups without a doubt. I feel like if she tells me one more time that im lucky i have cancer im gonna punch her in the face