The dumbest things people have said to you/about you



  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2012

    (((Fearlessfoot))) It's hard losing our furbabies, esp. one who has been with you so long.

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Member Posts: 179
    edited October 2012

    Oh Fearless, I am so sorry. :(

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2012

    Fearless our furbabies are a part of who we are!  You have every right to feel what your feeling as she was a part of your family for many many years!  What a gentle spirit you are! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Fearless I just hugged my cat, I love her so and I too inderstand--she sleeps with me she's my buddy--Oh I'm really so sorry.

    rakula, Im, surprised at u. When someone say says how are u doing---just say anyone I can--Oh u said How not who?? That's a given I've said it many times I know I'm disgusting but being old is a good reason. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Eama that's horrible to have such pain if they can help u--what is this infection, it sounds awful like some kind of shingles. I hope u feel better soon and we're here for u and these women know loads about everything (not me) so any questions ask away.

  • D4Hope
    D4Hope Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2012

    Someone just said to me the other day that I was very lucky to have the month of October dedicated to my disease. I don't even tell people I have had BC anymore. The one's that need to now already know.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2012

    You're right, Day. Our furbabies always love us, never criticize, don't care how much we weigh, how we look, what we wear... Mine were there all through chemo and my Dad's death. If I cry, they crowd up close, meowing and rubbing their heads on me trying to comfort me. They DO mean more to me than 99% of the people I know.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2012

    Eema good to hear from you.  Sorry you are still struggling with so many problems.

    Mine for today was I went to help sell tickets for a raffle that raising money for equipment at our local Breast Assessment Centre - good cause and doing a favour for a woman I respect.  While there I had a woman say to me "oh, are you helping out because your mom has been diaganosed".  I nicely said "no" and left it at that.  But really was that a complement or do "young women" never get BC, or I didn't look like I was dying or WTH

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2012

    Fearless, I can't believe you even typed those words!!! Our cats know us better than we know ourselves! I had to put down a 21 year old cat. That cat had been the living being that I had lived with the longest in my whole life!!! A part of my heart has broken off each time I lose a cat, but I believe they will all be waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. And so will yours for you....gentle hugs, sweetie.

  • rakulynda
    rakulynda Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2012

    Fearless, so sorry bout yer kitty. Mine is just a year old and what a joy he is - can't imagine him gone :(

    Cami - I didn't understand your message to me?

    All you ladies take good care.

  • wyattsmom
    wyattsmom Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2012

    After asking how I was coping with the nausea from chemo my well meaning sister-in-law said "oh, I know. I felt EXACTLY the same way the other day" She was pregnant.

    After telling my mom on several ocassions that I had breast pain. "oh i had that the other day. those things come and go all the time."

    My dear friend said "OH! aren't you grateful you are HER2+!!!" Like I'll never have to worry about mets or a new primary ever.

  • Merav
    Merav Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2012

    I get sick of heariing how I will get better and beat cancer. NO I won't. I'm stage 4, with multiple bone mets. I know they are trying to be possitive, but it's annoying. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954
    edited October 2012

    Fearless, I just called my doggie in and gave her a hug.  I am so sorry for your loss.  And it's not "just a pet" any more than it's "Just a blob of tissue" when a woman miscarries. 

  • kerrberlady
    kerrberlady Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2012

    Fearless, my cats are my babies now that the kids have all grown and moved away!!  My daughter and I were texting last night and she just got a kitten and we were discussing my Gizmo, who will be 13 in May and how I don't know what I will do when he dies(which I hope is not for many years).  My kids all call me the crazy cat lady, as I have three now, one that just wandered up to my backdoor and came in.  She has called my house home for 4 years now!  My cats were very comforting after my surgeries and still are very careful when walking or laying on my chest.  I think they know to be careful with me!  

    I totally understand your sadness at the loss of your kitty!  I'm sorry for your loss.  

  • shayne
    shayne Member Posts: 524
    edited October 2012

    You ladies are all amazing........just had to say that.....

  • fearlessfoot
    fearlessfoot Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2012

    Day, riley, barbe, rakulynda, kerrberlady, and others who responded to me so comfortingly about losing my cat yesterday!

    Thank you so much for acknowledging what I feel.  I am hurting more deeply than I have been able to express elsewhere about losing my "furbaby," which is such a cute word.  I guess I was afraid some people would wonder why am I talking about a cat, when there are humans on these forumboards living and/or struggling with and/or dying from breast cancer.  But I can see that all you guys who love your own furbabies know what I mean. Give them an extra cuddle for me! Kiss  {{{hugs}}}

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    So many of us have our "babies" and we truly love them and when I go out as soon as I come home she greets me with a meow. I never thought I would like a cat, I used to fear them--now I go somewhere were there is a pet and I'm crazy about all of them. I know when I lost my first bsby I cried for 2 weeks everyday and I did not want snother, but after a few months I did and I'm so happy with her. So we understand really.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Hello to all - Yes, I admit it, I have been spending my computer time on other threads. I missed you guys, but just got into the Callling all TNS and What Cheezed me off today. I plan to spend some time catching up on this thread today. Went to 2nd infusion session yesterday - they started the IV, gave me a bunch of meds in it and then advised me that I could not have chemo as my blood counts, "took a dive", as they put it. Darn-it happened after only one infusion. Onc said I may not be able to continue what he hoped was the "magic bullet". He assured me he has another plan....oh great, another plan......Whatever - 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2012

    Oh Sherry!! How truly frustrating!!! Can't they up your levels with a transfusion or other meds? (Like I know!!) Isn't it common to have your blood counts drop during treatment? Surely you can continue somehow on this magic bullet. You are in my prayers, sweetie, please keep us posted.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Will do, barbe. As always, thanks so much. They did give me a shot of Neulasta. A blood transfusion may be next. (I felt like a vampire that last time I needed one - I could not wait to have the darn thing - just felt so tired - lol). 


  • traceyinva
    traceyinva Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2012

    This isn't exactly a dumb thing but it makes me crazy when I'm just walking down a hall in school (I teach) just going about my business (trying to focus on work and set aside my worries about waiting for biopsy results) and people that would normally just smile or wave, suddently stop in their tracks, take hold of my wrist and shoulder, look deeply into my eyes with that morose/mournful face and ask very gently, "so... how are you holding up?". Well, I was doin' OK before your brought it slamming back to the forefront of my brain, THANKS!....... I just want to be treated normally... and I don't need people I hardly know touching me like I'm their best friend or something... it's just freakin' weird. Guess I'm a little overly sensitive but seriously...

  • shayne
    shayne Member Posts: 524
    edited October 2012

    can so relate to this.......I wanted to get a tshirt that said      "I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT"

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2012

    Tracey, I had that happen at my work when I was about to go in for my double mast. A manager came over to me and said "I just have to tell you that we all so admire how you are coping with all this." I said, "I have a very big God behind me holding me up!" SHE started to cry and had to leave my desk!! Ahhhhh....hit 'em with love!

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Trace- I just posted a related post on "Sh**t people say the Stage IV people" - please check-it out if you have a chance. So sorry you have to deal with all the crap - I just had my head shaved for a second time. Thank goodness I am a retired teacher and do only have to go one mile from home, M-Thurs. to care for grandchildren - I just cannot deal with all the questions I would face at school or in my small mountain town. I'm even tired of my Onc and PNPs and nurses asking me how I am.


  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    Yea barbe - love ya - you always start my day with a smile. 

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2012

    barbe- me again. Yep- It is common for blood counts to drop with chemo, but not with only one treatment. Oh well - Onc assures me they have more in their arsenal. I'm still up to trying a few more things. Was just reading about Osteopathy - not to replace my regular treatment, but as a complimentary treatment. Has anyone had any experiences with an DO? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    Sherry, I'm just catching up some--I'm so sorry all u have to go thru all this--and they do have more arsenal for u, but u have to endure it. This sucks/

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2012

    I have a DO as my PCP. Only thing different is she does something called OMT, sort of like chiropracty, but without the cracking. Certainly helped when my hips were out of wack. Not sure how she would have helped my cancer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2012

    like-----> @[373400262734608:274:Niggas be like] for more