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  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69


    I sat upright for all mine and it took two minutes. I would advise low and slow in terms if volume and time. There is no rush. Your skin will do better and I used to get very tight with only ten cc's..

  • della0309
    della0309 Member Posts: 6

    hi I have just had my exchange surgery today! yayyy!  I am 5'8'' 135 pounds small framed. I had 280cc allergen silicone implants. I had a lot of issues with expansion with thin pockets and skin that wouldn't heal. I had to have my incision cut out and redone. anybody else have this problem and has anybody else had a small implant like mine? I have had an extremely hard time finding anyone who has gotten less than 325

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    della0309 - Hi and welcome!  Sorry, mine are 450 CCs, but I seem to recall a couple of ladies were around 350 or maybe less.  But have no fear, whippetmom will know!  (This is her thread - and we're all her disciples.)   Seriously though, this is a pretty active thread so if there's anyone that knows anyone, they'll hear about your post and show up eventually.  And whippetmom checks in hopefully you'll get your answer sooner than later.  Best of luck to you!

  • Sandrac3
    Sandrac3 Member Posts: 11

    Thank you for your wisdom Wippetmom, I feel more prepared for my appointment!!ThumbsUp

  • della0309
    della0309 Member Posts: 6

    thank you AZ85048!!!!! Ive been reading this thread since my mastectomy! I shouldve joined sooner. I look forward to hearing what she has to say, want to clarify i had a great ps though, just skin that wasnt cooperating

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Gummy Bear "Owners" - OK, you'd think I would know this but I don't think I've ever read anyone talking about it. Are they supposed to move up if you push on the bottom? I have very thin skin on my chest so you can see the top of the implant move under my skin. It doesn't wobble around or move into my armpit like I've heard implants can do, but is the implant supposed to stay put in the pocket?

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Good to hear.  I'll see how Tue goes.  The PS will do the fill or at least be there with Nurse as she does it so I'll be asking questions.  It was Nurse said laid flat out.  I'm with you, don't see it matters which way.  Thanks!Smile

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Galsal, I have a very low tolerance for pain. Nurses would a topical, Emla, on prior to fill. Just felt a tiny bit of pressure. You could always ask for that. They had me laying flat because I was terrified, didn't even think to ask about sitting up. It will go great!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    MissMaples:  It will be quite nice if your PS can take you a bit larger than you are currently.  You are in the UK, and plastic surgeons there have a lot of experience with the 410.  I would say something like the MF style, which is a moderate height, full projection, with a volume of 225 or 255 grams, would be nice.  You have a very narrow ribcage, and so 11.0 to 11.5 should be a nice width for your frame.  It is all dependent also, on where your nipples end up on the mound, so the width, height and projection of the implant certainly will be guided by the availability of skin after BMX and NAC location on the mound.  Keep us posted on how it goes for you!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    della:  280 ccs is small for your frame.  I am not sure why you went through so many complications though.  Did you have radiation? Do you have information regarding the style and volume of your TEs?  You can PM me with this information.


  • missmaples
    missmaples Member Posts: 2

    Deborah, that is such sensible advice, and helps me feel much more confident about the next step.  I can't thank you enough.  I will of course let you know how It all goes!

    AZ and Sandra, thank you both for the kind welcome.  I will indeed make my way to the March Surgery thread as well to learn some prep tips and share nervous energy :)

    My very best to you all :)


  • sweetjam
    sweetjam Member Posts: 3

    HI WM. I hope you can whisper me some new boobies.  I will be seeing the PS in a couple of weeks.  I'm having nipple saving, skin saving double mastectomy as soon as I'm done with chemo (keeping fingers and toes crossed for just 4! BE GONE nasty tumor!)  I'm 50, thin (although 10 pounds heaver as I approached 50) 5'7", 135 lbs. I have never had big boobs or full cups.  I'm thinking these new ones will be an upgrade.  Rib cage is 30" round and I have a small B large A cup now depending on the bra.  I do not want to go bigger but want an athletic look.  I also don't want to look like I have 2 grapefruits sitting on my chest.  Will go with silicone because I like the look and feel better.  Any thoughts on what I should ask the PS??  I find that the biggest challenge for me in this mess is that I don't know the questions to ask.  

  • Piano-girl
    Piano-girl Member Posts: 14

    Delia, I am 5'4", 118 lbs and filled to 245 cc right now.  My original boobs were 200 and I am finding at 245cc I am wider and do not have quite the projection (when I try on an old bra) that I had before.  I have been filling slowly and am going in tomorrow for another 35cc, but am not sure how much more I will go.  I really don't want to be any bigger, but would like to have some "cleavage" at the top. I also had a lift at the time of reconstruction.  Is this normal?  My PS is likes to use Mentor Moderate Plus Profile round smooth silicone implants.

  • della0309
    della0309 Member Posts: 6

    pianogirl  im honestly not sure  but im honestly thinking with implants theres gotta be a little cleavage, I was very small before and was fine with how I looked! just looking down at myself right now I see a bit of cleavage with these small implants! I know they will change but whateva! lol  I guess ill still be a card carrying member of the itty bitty titty committee!!!  also my tissue expanders were very wide too. not sure if the implants are ill letcha know when I take the bandages off tomorrow!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Hi pianogirl and della,

    I just posted the other day on that very same issue - my expanders seem wide and need more projection. If you don't have cleavage yet, maybe you will with the next fill. I have a little more now after my 2nd fill, depending on what I'm wearing. I don't think I could get into my old bra. I haven't worn anything but a sports bra since my surgery, so need to try on some new bras. My PS said that he could give me cleavage and projection with lipo rather than further expansion.

    Anyone here have any lipo or fat grafting done or know much about it?

  • Piano-girl
    Piano-girl Member Posts: 14

    I am just afraid that with further fills, I will just be expanding towards my elbows (not really the look I am going for)!  I already feel like my arms are hitting the sides of these girls! 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Piano-girl - The TEs usually fill wide before they fill out, so they tend to push outward under your arms and what you once knew as your arm pit becomes (as I like to call it) the bat cave.  Shocked  My arms hit those things all the time and they were hard an unforgiving - but thankfully that wide feeling goes away after exchange when the girls soften up and settle into place.  Winking

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Something to keep in mind for those having nipple-sparing surgery.  If you didn't have cleavage before BC because of breast size or ribcage configuration it can be tricky for the PS to create cleavage with reconstruction.  In some women the natural breasts are more wide-set because of a rounder ribcage or prominent sternum.  As Whippetmom mentioned in a post above the PS must place the implants so that the nipples end up in the right spot.  It doesn't take much for them to be "off" visually, either too high or low or angled too much in or out.  To create cleavage where there wasn't any before the PS must either adjust the pockets or go for larger implants, both of which can affect nipple position in nipple-sparing MX.  Here's a website that is actually for augmentation patients, but it provides a great visual for how differences in ribcage shape affect final outcome.  Also, it helps to explain why the same implant will not look exactly the same on two different women.!br-aug-cleavage/c19kg

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Thanks AZ - that's very reassuring. 

    Love that website, Tina - that explains a lot!!!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    TinaT - That website is great...thanks! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    sweetjam:  If your PS uses smooth silicone rounds, I feel that a moderate plus profile [Style 15 in Allergan] would be a good style for you - has that "athletic" profile.  Sientra implants have a smooth round moderate implant with volumes ranging from 410 to 440 ccs which would work also.  Something with a width of around 13.0 cm to 13.5 cm. Therefore, a TE with a width of 12.5 to 13.5 would be appropriate to take you there.  The TE selection does depend on the current width of your native breasts and the future placement of the NAC on the mound, as well as chest wall characteristics.  Discuss this with your PS and see what he has to say.  Also, find out which brand and style of implants he likes/intends to use.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69

    hi Pianogirl, sweetjam and Della,

    My PS used a fairly narrow TE 10.7 cm I believe, 275 medium height Mentor. I was filled to 430cc and exchanged to 650cc HP smooth round Mentors. I could not be more thrilled with my results. My pictures are on the photo forum under Mimi68, two threads, one with my TE's and one for my exchange done 2/17. You won't believe how he accommodated such a big implant in that pocket but he did and it looks great, my skin isn't thinned. My point is that my TE's were very narrow yet they accommodate an almost 14cm wide Implant and by pushing outward with fills vs wide, I think that helped make a big enough pocket. Amazing what they can do. My PS was never worried despite my anxiety that he had placed a TE that was too small. I am now a 34D. I started out as a 34B and have an athletic build. I agree TinaT, he did an amazing job creating cleavage for me despite my wide sternum and my right being nipple sparing. However, had I to do it over, I would have removed both nipples. For cosmetic and recurrence risk.  Hope this helps!!


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315

    Sandra:  I have Allergan 410s & they've been in place for 2-1/2 years.  They're "loose" enough to move around & push up - and I imagine I could use a push-up bra if I wanted but I've stayed with sports bras & mini-camis, if I wear anything.  It's OK if they move around some.  I don't think I've 'seen' the implants, but since I lost 65 lbs with chemo last year, I can feel them more easily.  Sorry that probably doesn't help you much.  Hope someone else will chime in.

  • della0309
    della0309 Member Posts: 6

    i just took if my dressings and looked at my new boobs, 280 cc implants are NOT too small! They are wonderful i feel completely like myself again! Small breasted and proud!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    della0309 - YAY!  So happy that you're happy!  I'm thrilled for you... Winking

  • 2014bc
    2014bc Member Posts: 1

    I'm 5' 4" 120 lbs. and a 301/2 " ribcage. I'm going to have unilateral MX and TE at the same time. My Ps has recommended allergan fm 410 or style10 or style 68 lp. I'm so confused. Are these good  for my build? This is all so overwhelming! Help.

  • della0309
    della0309 Member Posts: 6

    thank you! Its a wonderful feeling! 

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    @della - Awesome!!!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Della, ThumbsUp

    2014bc, read the header at the top of this thread that was written by Whippetmom. Don't skip anything. Then send her a private message with the info she requires in order to give you her opinion. She's the one who knows. We are just her minions.